Thursday, June 9, 2016

Jeremy Jordan: Save My Gay Cousin!

Jeremy Jordan stars on Supergirl.

But the actor isn’t turning to any sort of fictional small screen hero for help with an issue very close to his heart at the moment.

He’s turning to YOU.

To all of us, really.

Jordan, who enjoyed a starring turn on Broadway before making his move to television, addressed his Facebook followers in a surprising post last week that explained the sad circumstances surrounding his “sweet gay cousin Sarah.”

In the message, Jordan said she’s “trapped against her will at a terrible facility in Texas,” sharing with his fans a link to a GoFundMe page called “Save Sarah.”

According to the GoFundMe account (created by Jordan’s brother) Sarah is a 17-year-old high school student.

She is supposedly being held at an East Texas Christian boarding facility for troubled teens to “pray away the gay.”

Tragically, places such as this really do exists around the country.

The website goes on detail how Sarah is not permitted any type of communication with the outside world… she cannot welcome visitors or leave the property for any reason.

Jordan’s family has hired a lawyer named Christine Andresen to help get Sarah released from this awful place.

“Any money collected will go first toward paying Christine’s legal fees and our portion of the amicus attorney fess, which thus far have totaled approximately $ 20,000,” the page reads, adding that this litigation is taking place in a Texas State court in a county outside of Austin.

The attorney has “represented LGBT clients in a variety of family law issues that arise from LGBT and queer relationships in Texas,” according to her firm’s website. 

save sarah

“I can’t believe beautiful, smart, incredible kids like my cousin Sarah are still being told that being gay is wrong,” Jordan wrote on Facebook.

“She may not be able to see it now, but please show her how much she matters and take a stand to help us free this wonderful young woman and welcome her back to a world of love and acceptance.”

Sarah has reportedly tried to run away from the facility in the past, only to be apprehended by employees.

Texas law permits parents to force their kids to say in this type of residential boarding house until they turn 18 years old.

Click HERE to assist Jordan with this cause.