Saturday, June 25, 2016

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard Warn Fans About End of Days

Jill Dugger and Derick Dillard are missionaries in Central America. 

You’d think they’d be way too busy helping people, or recording another season of Jill & Jessa: Counting On…

… but they have taken the time instead to work on their website to school people on how to prepare for the end of days

Yes, we did just say “end of days.”

It all sounds very apocalyptic, right?

They share a lot on their website, but one post has got us all talking. 

“Are you ready For the day of the lord?” it asks.

It’s a pretty direct question. It’s one that could divide people in their responses. 

“In the times of uncertainty we live in including increased violence and terrorism abroad and on American soil as well as an unpredictable economy among other issues, it makes sense to ask the question, ‘Are you ready for the end of all things?’” the intro to their blog post reads. 

Is this their way of trying to remain talked about in the hopes of the ratings for Jill & Jessa: Counting On to pick up?

The show started pretty strong for TLC, but ratings quickly diminished. 

It’s not like anything exciting really happened. 

It was obviously used as a vehicle to prop the rest of her family back into the limelight in the hopes that they can someday get another show under their belt. 

Desperate times call for desperate measures and all that jazz. 

The Duggars seem to have the ability to get the world to talk about them without doing much. 

What do you think about Jill and Derick’s cryptic messages on their website?

Are they trying way too much? Should we be scared that the world is about to end?!?

Hit the comments below!