Monday, June 27, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Won Power Of Veto?

Things in the Big Brother house can change pretty quickly. 

Jozea is a prime example of that. He seemed to think that he was sitting pretty in the game, but then he was nominated with Paulie. 

Big Brother POV

He still maintained that he was super safe and that Paul would use the POV to take him off the block. 

That whole plan got ruined when Paul was nominated after the Road Kill twist shook up the game, so Jozea knew that he was in trouble if he didn’t win the POV for himself. 

We can reveal that Paul won the POV

He obviously used it on himself. 

This sent shock waves through the house as the other newbies worried about who the replacement nominee would be. 

They had a feeling that one of the veterans would be making the decision over who would go up. 

Their worst fears were confirmed when Bridgette was put up on the block.

That means the final nominations are Paulie, Jozea and Bridgette. 

It was a bold move, but if it means that we get rid of Jozea, then I’m all for it. 

Jozea has got to be the worst player in Big Brother history. You don’t enter the game and tell everyone your a god and expect to be safe. 

He seems like the type of character that the producers have egged on so that we had a huge villain early on. 

It was a smart move on their part, but it means the eviction on Thursday will no doubt be a landslide vote to evict him. 

As it stands, Paul hasn’t managed to convince the rest of the house to take Paulie out of the equation. 

There’s still time, but with the veterans controlling the votes, there probably won’t be any flip flopping, unless they want it to happen.

Who do you want to leave the Big Brother house?