Monday, June 27, 2016

Lena Dunham: Kanye West"s "Famous" Video is DISGUSTING!

As you’ve probably heard by now, the video for Kanye West’s “Famous” has resulted in yet another mini-scandal for the controversial rapper.

The clip features a scene in which West and wife Kim Kardashian lie in bed with a number of wax statues of nude celebrities.

Though some of the famous figures in the video have reacted to “Famous”, others have steered clear of the controversy, as outraged reactions seem to be exactly what West wants.

(The rapper even begged the exposed celebs to sue him in a since-deleted tweet.) 

Not surprisingly, one of the naked figures in the video is meant to resemble Kanye’s on-again, off-again rival Taylor Swift.

While Swift herself has remained mum on the topic, others have rushed to her defense.

First, there were reports that Taylor’s boyfriend Tom Hiddleston slammed West in a conversation, declaring that the rapper has “no class.”

Now, Taylor’s longtime friend Lena Dunham has posted a scathing Facebook post in which she describes Kanye’s latest video as “disturbing” and likens the clip to a “snuff film”:

“The ‘Famous’ video is one of the more disturbing ‘artistic’ efforts in recent memory,” Dunham writes. 

“Let’s break it down: at the same time Brock Turner is getting off with a light tap for raping an unconscious woman and photographing her breasts for a group chat …

“While Bill Cosby’s crimes are still being uncovered and understood as traumas for the women he assaulted but also massive bruises to our national consciousness …

“Now I have to see the prone, unconscious, waxy bodies of famous women, twisted like they’ve been drugged and chucked aside at a rager? It gives me such a sickening sense of dis-ease.

“[S]eeing a woman I love like Taylor Swift (f-ck that one hurt to look at, I couldn’t look), a woman I admire like Rihanna or Anna [Wintour], reduced to a pair of waxy breasts made by some special effects guy in the Valley, it makes me feel sad and unsafe and worried for the teenage girls who watch this and may not understand that grainy roving camera as the stuff of snuff films.”

As one of the few people who could rival Kanye for the title of most widely-disliked celebrity, Lena’s commentary is not surprisingly drawing mixed reactions.

But regardless of one’s thoughts on Dunham or her reaction to Kanye’s video, the Girls star has succeeded in creating a conversation that’s not entirely controlled by Kanye.