Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Amber Heard: Friend Who Called 911 on Johnny Depp Makes Shocking New Claims

Just days before Amber Heard requested a restraining order against Johnny Depp, police were called to the home the couple shared after receiving a 911 call from a friend of Heard’s.

Until today, the identity of the caller was a mystery.

Now, we know that it was Amber’s longtime friend iO Tillett Wright, who has found herself embroiled in the drama of Depp and Heard’s tumultuous marriage in the past.

Wright’s name was not revealed through the questionable tactics of some shady tabloid, but rather in a blog post written by the artist and photographer herself.

Last week, Wright defended Heard against claims that she was blackmailing Depp by accusing him of abuse.

Today, she revealed for the first time that she was on the phone with Heard at the time of the attack, and she was the one called the police on Depp the night of May 21.

“I was on the phone with both of them and heard it drop, heard him say, ‘What if I pulled your hair back?’ and her scream for my help, I wondered like so many times before if I should break the code of silence that surrounds celebrities and invite the police into the situation,” Wright says on her website.

Wright describes Depp as a close friend, but adds that she knew she needed to alert authorities as the drunken outburst that took place that night was far from an isolated incident.

She writes of one morning in December of 2015 when Heard woke up with her pillow covered in blood:

“I know this because I went to their house,” Wright claims. “I saw the pillow with my own eyes. I saw the busted lip and the clumps of hair on the floor.”

In a series of outraged tweets, Wright added, “I HEARD HER SCREAM. I will testify. Here and in court. Under oath. WHAT ELSE DOES A WOMAN NEED?”

In addition to the scathing claims from Wright, Depp’s camp now has to contend with reports from several media outlets that texts between Heard and Depp’s assistant describing an incident in which the actress was repeatedly kicked by Depp have now been authenticated by an expert.

Sounds like Johnny might not have a bright future in family-friendly Disney fare.