Thursday, June 16, 2016

Disney CEO Speaks on Deadly Alligator Attack

By now, you’ve no doubt heard about the deadly alligator attack that claimed the life of two-year-old Lane Graves. 

The young boy boy was dragged into the Seven Seas Lagoon around 9:16 p.m on Tuesday night. 

A huge search mission was underway in order to retrieve the child’s body, with the corpse being tragically found last night.

The body was intact, making it appear as if the toddler died from drowning. But not all pieces of information are available at this time.

The search mission involved cutting open five alligators in order to check if there were any human remains inside them. 

Walt Disney Company Chairman and CEO Bog Iger released a statement following the horrific attack.

“As a parent and a grandparent, my heart goes out to the Graves family during this time of devastating loss.”

“My thoughts and prayers are with them, and I know everyone at Disney joins me in offering our deepest sympathies,” Iger said in a statement. 

The news obviously came as a huge shock to everyone.

It was the first in the resort’s 45-year history. 

The president of Walt Disney World Resort, told ABC News in a statement: “There are no words to convey the profound sorrow we feel for the family and their unimaginable loss.

“We are devastated and heartbroken by this tragic accident and are doing what we can to help the family during this difficult time. On behalf of everyone at Disney, we offer our deepest sympathies.”

When the attack occurred, Lane’s father and mother frantically tried to get their son back, but the alligator was too fast. 

Word came out that the whole thing happened in the space of 30 seconds. 

It’s such a horrible thing to happen and there will no doubt be new security measures in place to ensure that things like this don’t happen again. 

The family from Nebraska thought they were going on a fun family vacation, but their vacation was cut short by this tragic event. 

Florida has had a horrible week in the news.

We send our thoughts and prayers to the child’s family members and loved ones.