Friday, June 24, 2016

Kris Humphries: Will He Get Revenge on Kanye West?

Kris Humphries is totally not impressed with Kanye West. 

Remember that time Kanye went on Kocktails With Khloe (now kanceled) and dissed Kris Humphries? 

He made several jibes about the way Kim Kardashian’s life would have turned out if she stuck with Humphries. 

It was not pretty. 

“I started sending her pictures of, like, certain basketball players that used to be cool that now they wear their pants all the way up to here,” West revealed.

“Like, ‘This is your future.’”

Talk about putting someone on blast. If the rumors of Kanye West’s debt were true then she would have probably been more financially stable with Humphries. 

Kanye prides himself in causing controversy to ensure that he remains in the public eye. 

Might that be the only thing that he and Kim have in common?

Quite possibly.

It may have taken some time, but it now appears that Kris Humphries is planning the ultimate revenge against his former wife’s current husband. 

“Kris has way more dirt on Kim than anyone realizes, she told him all the family secrets when they were together,” an insider told Radar.

“They had a deal to stay quiet about each other, but now he’s saying she broke her word by speaking via Kanye so he’s entitled to do the same.”

Kim will no doubt be quaking in her louboutins, wondering about what Kris could possibly dredge up. 

It seems like Kris is ready to come forward with some of the details about his 72-day union with the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star. 

According to the source, Humphries is still annoyed with the way he was treated by Kim and is now weighing up his options “with the goal in mind of doing a full TV sit down and even a book that would hang Kim Kardashian and her family out to dry.”

It’s about time, right?!

What do you think about the latest developments? Should Kris have his say about the matter?

Hit the comments with your thoughts!