Thursday, July 14, 2016

Josh Duggar Dresses Like Cow to Score Free Chick-fil-A, Family Actually Willing to Appear With Him

If there’s any special occasion for which the Duggars will actually be seen in public with their personal family pariah, this would be it!

The confessed child molester dressed like a cow to score some free food for his family at Chick-fil-a for Cow Appreciation Day Tuesday.

As you can see, he’s looking positively bovine.

Family friend Sierra Jo Dominguez posted the above photo of the huge family on Instagram, posing next to the chain’s famous mascot.

Josh is all smiles – as is his beautiful, long-suffering wife Anna – in a white t-shirt colored with black marker to make cute cow-like spots. 

Such a nice, wholesome family outing, right?

We may be reading too much into the disgraced one’s appearance there, but it comes on the heels of reports of Josh making a TV apology.

Is this part of the subtle but deliberate image rehabilitation campaign that will result in Duggar’s return to TLC in the immediate future?

Who knows, but he didn’t go last year …

In any case, a good time was had by all.

Dominguez, as devoted fans who watch Jill and Jessa: Counting On online may know, also serves as the Duggar family party planner.

Yup, she’s the one behind their big “gender reveal” parties, hoedowns, and all the things the Arkansans pull off so seamlessly on TLC.

For the uninitiated, Chick-fil-A’s Cow Appreciation Day awards free chicken to anyone who dresses like a cow and visits their establishment.

It’s like Chipotle’s free burrito for people wrapping themselves in foil on Halloween, only with more anti-LGBT sentiment among management.

Just kidding. That was out of bounds. Maybe.

Anyway, the Duggars love them some Chick-fil-A, which was forced to feed literally dozens of them thanks to Josh in livestock attire.

Duggar fans also know about their collective sweet tooth – probably the one vice that doesn’t fall on the list of things banned in the family.

The family scored 168 free Krispy Kreme donuts last year when they dressed up like pirates for “International Talk Like a Pirate Day.”

They also made headlines recently with a trip to a frozen yogurt store … that was immediately deluged with online criticism by association.

Apparently an endorsement of an establishment from Jim Bob and Michelle cuts both ways, as reaction can be polarizing, to put it mildly.

These things happen in Duggar Nation.