Thursday, July 14, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Is It Time For Frank To Go?

There’s always that one person that over plays the game of Big Brother. 

The person doing that this season is Frank. He’s got deals with all of the houseguests and has even resorted to taking out one of his own this week. 

bb frank

What did he do when someone other than him won the HOH? He manipulated them. 

It seems like his reign of terror could be coming to a conclusion. Bridgette is a fool if she believed his reasons for nominating Bronte. It was only a few hours earlier that he lied to her face and said he did not do the deed. 

Big Brother is a game built on trust and Frank has already proven that he’s the least trustworthy person in the house. Right now, the most honest person is Natalie. 

James knew he would be putting heat on her by announcing that Frank was the Road Kill winner. Natalie did not tell her alliance members. That doesn’t make her a bad person. 

It means she trusts James enough to know that him telling her it could blow up his game, so it was a wise decision to keep quiet about it. There’s also a huge chance that if anyone came down from the block, she’d be going up. 

Natalie no doubt harmed her alliance a little. Bronte and Bridgette aren’t silly. They knew something wasn’t right with Natalie when she wouldn’t open up about her conversation with James. 

Bronte went a little too far when she pursued the answers from James. James is a nice person, but I’m sure he could easily sway his alliance to take Bronte out of the equation if need be. 

If Bronte told anyone that James told Frank, Bronte would be the one made to look bad. She’s already on the block, so she shouldn’t be making these waves in the house. 

Paul just seems to be floating on by, but he knows that Frank is up to something. Frank has proven that he’s the one running the house based on the fact he keeps telling Paul that he’s safe. 

In an ideal world, Paul would win the next HOH and shake the game up. He knows that Frank’s loyalty only extends as far as the power goes. 

Tiffany finally realized that she was the target and fought to win the veto, but she just can’t seem to win a damn competition. 

The competition looked super easy and Bridgette emerged as the victor, but she hurt herself in the process, so she’s now parading around the house in crutches. 

Obviously Frank was straight in the room with her when she returned and informed her that they need to keep nominations the same. Bridgette followed through with his plan because she knew that she would have to put Natalie up. 

How will the live eviction go down this week?

Who do you want to leave?

Hit the comments!