Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Josh Duggar to Offer Televised Apology For Sex Scandals?!

Back when it was first announced that TLC would be picking up a full season of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, the network assured viewers that disgraced eldest son Josh Duggar would not be appearing on the show.

However, now that execs have ordered a second season of Counting On, but failed to offer a similar guarantee, some fans are growing concerned that they may be subjected to a televised Josh apology tour.

Making matters worse is a new report from In Touch that definitively claims Josh will be appearing in an upcoming episode of his family’s comeback reality series.

“Josh will appear on the next season of his sisters’ series,” a source tells the tabloid.

“The plan is for him to address everything he’s done. What he has to say will be ratings gold, and TLC – and the Duggars – know it.”

Well, we suppose it could be ratings gold.

But it seems just as likely that the move would result in widespread public outrage and perhaps even a boycott of the network.

Already, several corporations have pulled their advertising dollars from TLC after learning their commercials appeared during broadcasts of Counting On

To the surprise of no one except the Duggars, the public has, for the most part, proven unwilling and unable to forget that this is the same family that harbored a child molester and helped him avoid punishment for his crimes.

While an episode in which Josh tells his side of the story would likely draw big numbers for the network, the ensuing fallout would be catastrophic.

It seems unlikely that the execs at TLC would be willing to take such a risk.

Then again, many felt that way about allowing the family to return to television at all.

And here we are talking about a second season…