Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Jana Duggar: Single and Loving It!

Yesterday, we learned that Jinger Duggar is engaged to Jeremy Vuolo.

The couple courted for just a few weeks before making the decision to get hitched, but no one was exactly shocked.

After all, Duggar relationships move very, very quickly, and with the exception of Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson (who broke up not long after making their relationship official) Duggars who court are usually soon to walk down the aisle.

Of course, there are those who have yet to find the perfect partner.

Jinger is the sixth eldest of the Duggar kids, and while most of her big brothers and sisters are already married, twins Jana and John-David have yet to meet that special someone.

But that doesn’t mean they’re in any rush to jump into their own relationships.

Jana in particular has been subject to public scrutiny, with many dubbing the hard-working, perpetually single 26-year-old “the Cinderella Duggar,” due to her seemingly endless household chores.

But while fans were busy pitying her, it seems Jana was happy enjoying the single life:

“I don’t really know what the next five years look like,” she recently told Entertainment Tonight.

“I guess in some ways [I’ve] got hopes and dreams like, ‘Well, maybe I’ll meet the one, and get married and have kids.’”

She added:

“I’m not just out to get married to the first one that comes along. I mean, sometimes it can be tempting. … [Especially] in those moments where your siblings, who are married and have little ones, are going out on dates and doing their things.”

As for rumors that Jana was courting Zach Bates of Bringing up Bates fame:

“She wasn’t attracted to him and just didn’t see it working out,” the source said, adding that Jana is “extremely picky” with her suitors. “She wants the real deal and won’t settle for less.

“She’s more goal-orientated that some of her siblings. For her, it’s not just about being married.”

Fortunately for them, her goals include doing their laundry.