Saturday, July 9, 2016

Inmates Break Out of Cell, Save Guard"s Life

We"re willing to guess you"ve never seen a video quite like this before.

Even those who watch Orange is the New Black on a regular basis.

Taken from surveillance cameras of the District Courts Building in Weatherford, Texas, it features a number of shackled inmates who break out of their basement holding cell.

But not for the reason you might think.

The clip depicts eight men walking over to a guard who has seemingly keeled over and is unconscious; it appears as if he"s suffered a heart attack.

Out of concern and panic, the prisoners bang on doors and shout to get the attention of anyone they can.

Deputies in the court located above the cell heard the commotion and nose on June 23 and quickly ran downstairs because they thought a fight had broken out, according to ABC ​affiliate WFAA.

They were understandably shocked to see the scene in front of them instead.

”We were worried they were going to come with guns drawn on us,” one of the inmates, Nick Kelton, told the network.

One of the inmates was found reaching for the guard’s radio, which was right next to his gun, but the deputies put everything together and realized the noble intentions taking place in that moment.

The prisoners were subsequently ushered back into the cell and one of the deputies administered CPR to his colleague.

Paramedics soon arrived and the guard – who is employed by a private contractor at the nearby Parker County jail – regained a pulse.

Pretty cool, huh?

Kelton, an admitted methamphetamine addict, said it “never crossed my mind not to help, whether he’s got a gun or a badge.”

He concluded: “If he falls down, I’m gonna help him."

Inmates break out of cell save guards life