Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Cynthia Bailey Confirms Peter Thomas Divorce :(

Cynthia Bailey has made it simple and straightforward:

She no longer wants to be Mrs. Peter Thomas.

This much was made obvious in late May when Bailey confirmed to The Daily Dish that she and her husband were separated.

He was residing in Charlotte and she was living in Atlanta and it’s difficult to maintain a happy marriage from afar.

Therefore, the news that Bailey and Thomas are now filing for divorce is not exactly shocking.

But it still is news.

Speaking to E! News this week, Bailey said the time apart has been helpful for both sides of the estranged couple, adding of the legal proceedings ahead:

“I don’t want it to be an ugly divorce because I still love Peter. I just don’t want to be married to Peter anymore. It’s as simple as that.

“I still root for him. I want him to win. I still love and support him. We are just not going to be married anymore.”

Bailey and Thomas have been married for nearly six years.

They actually exchanged vows in front of Bravo cameras.

But those who watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online are familiar with their issues of late.

For example, there was talk earlier this year that Porsha Williams slept with Thomas; which, even if untrue, caused tension between Cynthia and Peter.

Bailey, however, is quick NOT to blame the reality series that made her famous.

“Regardless of if we were on the show or not, our issues would have happened anyways because it’s just personalities and it’s just chemistry and it’s also compatibility,” she told E!.

“I am really optimistic that in the end, after we take some time, we are going to be friends at the end of this because that was the start.”

She concludes as follows:

“I am really at peace with my relationship with Peter because I really feel like I gave it all I could give.

“I can’t speak for every women on the Earth, but I know what I am able to do and I feel like I have done as much as I can do and still be happy and still respect my husband and still love my husband.

“I can be a better friend to him at this point in the relationship than I can as his wife.”