Friday, July 15, 2016

Lamar Odom: Axed from Keeping Up with the Kardashians!

Lamar Odom just lost his only source of income.

Or, to put it more accurately and bluntly, Lamar Odom just had his only source of income taken away from him.

Following yet another incident of Odom falling hard of the wagon of sobriety, sources tell Radar Online that the troubled star has been fired from Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

He will not appear on Season 13.

“Kris is not offering Lamar any type of contract for next season or any season thereafter,” a Kardashian family insider tells Radar.

This report comes on the heels of Odom getting kicked off a Delta flight because he could not stop drunkenly puking while on board.

He eventually did touch down in New York City, via a different plane ride, only to then head straight to a strip club.

Members of this famous family that think Lamar “has really disgraced all of them and their show,” according to the same Radar source.

Odom has been estranged from Khloe Kardashian for several weeks now, but he just made a recent appearance on the series.

You can watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online via the video above to see him offer his soon-to-be-ex-wife advice regarding her brother.

It’s worth noting that Odom was only being paid on a “per-diem basis” since his overdose in October, meaning he was not under a full-season contract even before this firing.


“Everyone was hoping that he would pull through this and become a different person, but he has not,” Radar writes, implying that Odom could have earned himself a real contract if he had simply remained on the straight and narrow.

Alas, the guy clearly has a substance abuse problem.

We mean no judgment by that statement.

We sincerely hope Odom finds the help he so obviously needs.

But the Kardashians have only been aiding his abuse, the Radar insider concludes:

“Instead of using the money that he made from filming last season to better himself, he used to keep up his party lifestyle.

“The whole family is just done with him.”