Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Frances Bean Cobain: Divorce Gets Ugly As Ex Fights For Her Dad"s Guitar

When Frances Bean Cobain and Isaiah Silva got married, many who were familiar with the troubled upbringing of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love’s daughter hoped that she would find the stability she lacked in her younger years.

Sadly, that didn’t turn out to be the case.

Cobain and Silva separated in March, and while it was initially rumored that the split was amicable, it now appears that the divorce proceedings are as messy as Frances’ relationship with her troubled mother.

Sources say the division of property has been a nightmare every step of the way, and now, one priceless artifact has the ex-couple  more at odds than ever before.

According to TMZ, Silva says the guitar that Kurt played during Nrivana’s classic MTV Unplugged performance is rightfully his.

It’s also the last guitar Kurt played before his death, which means it may be the most valuable in his collection, to say nothing of the instrument’s tremendous sentimental value to Frances.

Silva maintains that Frances gave him the guitar as a wedding present and that she has no right to take it back simply because the marriage didn’t work out.

The guitar is a Martin D-18E, and there only about 300 in existence.

Kurt had the bridge and nut replaced on his so that he could play it left-handed.

It was once insured for $ 1 million, and is rumored to be worth several times that.

Not surprisingly, Courtney is siding with her daughter on this one:

In the clip above, Courtney says she gave the guitar to her daughter, which raises the question of whether or not it was hers to re-gift in the first place.

Whatever the case, it seems unlikely that this matter will be resolved anytime in the near future.