Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Lena Dunham: I Wish I Had an Abortion!

Lena Dunham may be best known to many people as the woman who often shows her boobs on television.

But the actress is now in major hot water for a different body part: her foot.

Because she just went ahead and stuck it way deep into her mouth.

While hosting the podcast Women of the Hour, the Girls star told the audience about a visit to a Texas Planned Parenthood years ago, at which time a girl asked her to share her experience with abortion.

Dunham, an outspoken liberal who is pro-choice, explains how she "sort of jumped" at the request because she had never had an abortion.

She could go out there and fight for equality and for a woman"s right to choose and support anyone who has been through this traumatic experience…

… but it suddenly hit her:

She couldn"t empathize. Because she had no idea what it was actually, truly like to have an abortion.

Dunham went on to commend those close to her for their “bravery” and “self-knowledge” for having gone through this procedure, saying she realized that needed to put  her own stigma surrounding the issue “in the garbage.”

And then Dunham said:

"Now I can say that I still haven’t had an abortion, but I wish I had."

YIKES, Lena!

You wish you had terminated a fetus?!?

We think we understand what you were getting at here… we"re pretty sure you were just trying to say that you wish you could have an even better perspective on this issue in order to even more strongly advocate for it… but, again: YIKES.

Poor word choice.

Listen to Dunham make it below:

Lena dunham i wish i had an abortion

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Reggie Bush to Mistress: Here"s $1 Million! Get an Abortion!

Reggie Bush has made a living by trying to evade defensive football players who are attempting to tackle him.

But the former Heisman Trophy winner was unable to run away from a glaring problem in his personal life:

He had an affair. He got a woman pregnant. And he tried to cover up the mistake via a huge payout.

According to one celebrity gossip report, that is.

As previously reported, Bush knocked up a Miami waitress named Monique Exposito at some point this year. She is allegedly six months along with his baby.

The problem with this scenario?

Bush is married to Lilit Avagyan and has two kids with her. OOPS!

Insiders now tell Bossip that Bush tried to nip this pregnancy in the bud when he first learned of it, offering a large sum of money to Monique in order for her to get an abortion.

“It is well known in Miami circles that Reggie has been hooking up with Monique for the last two years,” a source claims to Bossip, adding:

“When Monique told him that she was pregnant, Reggie offered her $ 1 million to have an abortion, but she declined.”

Bush left Buffalo Bills training camp in August to go home for a bit, presumably to try and save his marriage.

He has not commented on this impending baby news; nor has Avagyan filed for divorce.

Instead, Monique is the one who has made a series of legal moves.

“She lawyered up,” this same source tells Bossip, explaining how Monique shared pictures on Instagram while taking meetings with her attorney in Los Angeles.

“She definitely was trying to send him a very strong message that she was not playing around.”

Monique was prepared to go public with details of her affair, but Bossip writes that a “settlement” was reached; i.e. Bush did pay her off to at least remain quiet.

“She deleted all posts on her Instagram page where she’d mentioned her lawyer,” the site reports.

Where do things stand now between Bush and his wife?

The man best known in gossip circles for having dated Kim Kardashian shared the following image on social media just a few weeks ago.

He later added as a message “God can turn around any situation.”

If God were really on Bush’s side, we can’t help but wonder how he ended up a member of the Buffalo Bills.

Jokes aside, however, we guess we’re glad he’s worked things out with Avagyan. There are two kids at stake between them.

There’s supposedly a third on the way for Bush. Those children deserve as stable an enviroment as possible.


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Naya Rivera Reveals Eating Disorder Battle, Abortion

Naya Rivera has opened up about a pair of very personal subjects.

The actress will release a memoir titled “Sorry Not Sorry” on September 13 and People Magazine has featured an exclusive preview of what fans can expect from the book.

The two most notable tidbits so far?

1. Rivera suffered from an eating disorder as a child.

2. She went through with an abortion in 2010.

“I’ve done a lot of living,” Rivera tells People. “I’m a 79-year-old trapped in a 29-year-old’s body.”

She then goes on to explain why.

Yes, the memoir is filled with many light and humorous stories. It gives us insight into an actress who started in Hollywood long before kindergarten.

But it also delves into Rivera’s battle with anorexia.

“By the time I was a sophomore, I started feeling that what had begun as a game had maybe gone too far. I just avoided food at all costs,” she writes in Sorry Not Sorry, explaining her reaction to her parents splitting up and reuniting at the same time her acting career was stalling.

“If my mom had packed a lunch for me, I’d either trash it or find some excuse to give it away.”

Rivera says she didn’t fully understand the severity of her eating disorder until she decided to write about it in her biography.

“I was so young and it just seemed to be the norm. Everyone was going through similar stuff,” she tells People.

“I had no way of knowing if I was going through it worse. I was juggling my feelings and it makes me sad that there are girls still going through that 15 years after I went through it.”

Then there’s the abortion.

Rivera discovered she pregnant with actor Ryan Dorsey’s child in late 2010, mere weeks after breaking up with him to focus on her career.

The timing really could not have been much worse.

Rivera is now married to Dorsey and the two are the parents of an 11-month old son.

At the time, however, she did not tell Dorsey that was pregnant or that she had made plans to terminate the pregnancy.

“It was very scary to open up about everything,” says Rivera. “It’s not something a lot of people talk about, but I think they should. I know some people might read it and say, ‘What the Hell?’

“But I hope someone out there gets something out of it.”

Pretty brave admissions here by Rivera, wouldn’t you say?

We salute her for opening up in such a frank manner and we wish her the best of luck moving forward.

As previously mentioned, “Sorry Not Sorry” comes out on September 13.

Will you be picking up a copy?

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Chelsea Handler Gets SLAMMED for Double Abortion Admission

This, sadly, not just in:

People can be very cruel on the Internet.

Chelsea Handler likely was already aware of this fact, but she has received many painful reminders over the last few days.

Earlier this week, the comedian wrote a personal essay for Playboy in which she made a startling admission:

She had not one, but TWO abortions at the age of 16.

“Getting unintentionally pregnant more than once is irresponsible, but it’s still necessary to make a thoughtful decision,” wrote Handler, praising the Supreme Court’s recent decision to shoot down a Texas law that restricted access to abortions for many women. 

She added: “We all make mistakes all the time. I happened to f-ck up twice at the age of 16.”

In the least likely development on the Web this week, critics have responded to Handler’s confession very harshly.

Many people out there seem to think the talk show host was bragging about those unfortunate incidents when she was a teenager.

In response, Handler has come out with the following Tweet:

“When I agreed to write an article on a woman’s right to choose, I certainly wasn’t bragging. I chose to tell the truth. #shouldbemoreofit.”

ch tweet

Handler clearly wishes she could take back some of the decisions she made at age 16, but that doesn’t mean she regrets the choice she made to terminate her pregnancies.

“I’m 41 now,” she wrote. “I don’t ever look back and think, ‘God, I wish I’d had that baby.’”

Abortion is clearly a sensitive issue and a tough one to discuss in public.

So we understand why this turned into a hot button topic on social media.

But the following Tweets directed at Handler appear to have crossed, like, every line out there:

Chelsea Handler tweets

You are free to feel about Handler’s decisions however you please, of course.

But she didn’t break any laws. She chose what she thought was best for her at the time.

“It’s okay if you think it’s not right for women to have abortions – but it’s not your problem, because we decide,” she concluded in Playboy.

“We have 7.3 billion people on this planet. Anybody who carefully decides not to become a parent – let alone a bad parent, which is what I would have become – should be applauded for making a smart and sustainable decision.

“I’d love for somebody to try to tell me what to do with my body. I dare them.”

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Daily Show Abortion Joke: Too Far or Too Funny?

Did The Daily Show go too far on Monday with a joke it made about abortion?

The controversial ball got rolling yesterday morning after the Supreme Court struck down a restrictive Texas abortion access law.

It “required doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals and forced clinics to meet hospital-like standards for outpatient surgery.”

The highest court in the land ruled against this legislation by a 5-3 vote.

Those in the pro-choice movement hailed the landmark ruling, with President Barack Obama celebrating the decision via the following Tweet:

“Every woman has a constitutional right to make her own reproductive choices.

“I’m pleased to see the Supreme Court reaffirm that fact today. Women’s opportunities are expanded and our nation is stronger when all of our citizens have accessible, affordable health care.”

In 1973, of course, Roe v. Wade legalized the practice of abortion across the country.

But some states have tried to make it very challenging for women to actually get abortions, keeping then legal, just making them… difficult to complete.

After this legal decision was announced yesterday, The Daily Show tweeted:

“Celebrate the #SCOTUS ruling! Go knock someone up in Texas!”

Yikes. It’s not hard to see how this message may have rubbed some the wrong way.

Numerous social media users quickly slammed the satirical news show for its Tweet, with many users dubbed “disgusting,” insisting it went “too far.”

“This tweet is so vile,” Fox News host Meghan McCain wrote, while WWJ Newsradio 950 anchor Jackie Paige added:

“Get a conscience.”

Washington Post opinion writer Alyssa Rosenberg questions whether Trevor Noah himself was to blame for this controversial, writing:

“I sometimes think that the Daily Show just should have ended with Jon Stewart’s departure.”

Do you agree? And do you think this Tweet went too far?

NOTE: The Daily Show later posted a clarification on Twitter, writing:

“Friends, we’re certainly not promoting abortions. Just excited about #SCOTUS reaffirming right to choose.”

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Charlie Sheen: Brett Rossi is a Prostitute! I Never Forced Her to Get an Abortion!

In the weeks since we first learned that Charlie Sheen is HIV positive, several women have come forward claiming that the actor put them at risk by failing to tell them about his condition.

Several former sex partner’s of Sheen’s have filed suit, alleging that the 50-year-old endangered their lives.

Sheen’s ex-fiancee, Brett Rossi, says she had unprotected sex with Sheen on at least five occasions before discovering HIV medication in his medicine cabinet.

But that’s not why Rossi suing Sheen. No, her claim is that Sheen forced her to have an abortion, and she’s seeking unspecified punitive damage for the emotional abuse that she says she suffered while he was pressuring her to terminate the pregnancy.

Now, Sheen is hitting back in his usual style. 

In court papers obtained by Us Weekly, Sheen not only denies forcing Rossi to get an abortion, he accuses her of extortion and working as a prostitute while they were engaged.

“This is a case by an extortionist, Scottine Ross aka Brett Rossi…who gets paid for sex as a prostitute and a porn star,” says a document filed by Sheen’s lawyers.

“Rossi is banking on the fact that Sheen will pay her millions of dollars to avoid the negative publicity surrounding this action… Rossi wants revenge” and to “punish Sheen for breaking off their engagement and cutting her off financially.”

The attorneys go on to claim that Rossi was aware of Sheen’s illness from the start of their relationship, and they say they can prove that her claims of physical abuse are entirely fabricated.

Sources say Sheen had initially planned to settle out of court, but is now hoping the case goes to trial so that he can prove his point.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Charlie Sheen: Sued by Ex-Fiancee Over Alleged Forced Abortion

Charlie Sheen has been sued by a former flame.

But not for the reason you may think.

A few weeks ago, following Sheen’s HIV reveal, we reported that the actor may very well be subject to lawsuits by past sexual partners whose lives he may have endangered due to his very serious illness.

According to TMZ, however, Brett Rossi is taking legal action against Sheen because she says he got her PREGNANT in March of 2014.

She then says Sheen flipped outer over the news, claiming Rossi would “give birth to a retarded child” and pressuring her to abort the fetus.

Rossi admits that she gave in and did so.

She also alleges that she had unprotected sexual intercourse with Sheen on at least five occasions prior to discovering HIV medication in his medicine cabinet.

But the couple then discussed the virus and agreed to have unprotected sex in order to be “normal.” A few months later, Rossi says she got pregnant.

Rossi is suing for unspecified punitive damages, while also detailing incidents of anger and violence on Sheen’s part throughout their relationship.

She claims he once tossed a cement pillar in her direction, for example, breaking a glass door as a result.

Marty Singer, Sheen’s lawyer, says his client plans to fight the charges against him and is confident the truth will be on his side.

Following weeks of rumors, Sheen told Matt Lauer in an interview on November 16 that he was diagnosed with the virus that leads to AIDS four years ago.

He has gone silent since, though it’s very unlikely this is the last time we hear about an ex-sexual partner filing a lawsuit against the star.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Scandal Abortion Shocker Slammed as "Moral Depravity" Run Amok

Forgive the obvious introduction, but Scandal finds itself embroiled in a pretty big scandal at the moment.

On Scandal Season 5 Episode 9 last night, the Shonda Rhimes-produced drama made it as clear as possible without showing the intimate details:

Olivia Pope got an abortion.

At one point during the hour, Kerry Washington’s main character lay down on a medical table with her legs spread open. A doctor then turned on a machine and began the procedure.

Lending credence to the belief that Pope was undergoing an abortion, the scene took place after a related storyline in which Senator Mellie Grant successfully filibustered to prevent a spending bill that could have led to the defunding of Planned Parenthood.

Prett risky move for the series, huh?

Pretty ridiculous and unethical move for the series, according to the Media Research Center.

“Hollywood’s liberal values permeate movies and television. Last night’s episode of ABC’s Scandal was pretty much an hour-long advertisement for Planned Parenthood,” wrote the conservative group, adding:

“In the most disturbing scene, the main character has an abortion to ‘Silent Night’ (a hymn celebrating the birth of Jesus) playing in the background.

“This is Hollywood’s moral depravity on full display.”

Conversely, Planned Parenthood released a statement of its own in regard to the unexpected development:

Tonight, the millions of people who tune into ‘Scandal’ every Thursday night learned that our rights to reproductive health care are under attack.

Never one to shy away from critical issues, Shonda Rhimes used her platform to tell the world that if Planned Parenthood lost funding for contraception counseling, STI testing, cancer screenings, and safe, legal abortion – millions of people would suffer.

And this episode wasn’t the first time one of Rhimes’ characters had an abortion, yet tonight we saw one of our favorite characters make the deeply personal decision that one in three women have made in their lifetime. We applaud Shonda Rhimes tonight – and every Thursday night – for proving that when women are telling our stories, the world will pause and watch.

We just hope those in Congress – and throughout the nation – who are steadfast on rolling the clock back on reproductive health care access are taking note.

You can watch Scandal online to see the abortion scene take place and then you can Comment below with your take:

Where do you stand on this dificult subject?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

MORE "Dear Fat People"? Nope, Nicole Arbour"s New Highly Offensive Video Is All About Abortion!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Nicole Arbour, we get it. You really wanna be famous.

The YouTube “star” most famous for her Dear Fat People video and subsequent disastrous interviewand then controversy — on The View is back again… with another controversial video!

Related: Too Bad, So Sad, Nicole Got Fired From A Movie

This week, Arbour made a video titled Why Abortion Is WRONG, and proceeded to deliver a rambling, incoherent argument about why abortion wasn’t wrong, while also touching on rape, ADD medication, Joan of Arc, and like nine other things that have nothing to do with each other.

Forget it, it’s too hard to explain. Just watch the video (below) where Nicole is trying waaaaay too hard to hang onto those 15 minutes of fame:

For a self-described comedian, that video was, well… yeah.

How is it that there are so many awesome Canadians, and we’re stuck with Nicole Arbour right now?! Take her back! Take her back!!

[Image via Nicole Arbour/YouTube.]

Nicole Arbour Turns Unfunny Attention to Abortion

There"s a rule most comedians try to follow: nothing is off-limits as long as one is being funny.

Apparently no one explained this rule to Nicole Arbour.

The controversial vlogger, who rose to Internet infamy due to a fat-shaming video she recorded last month, is now back with her take on abortion.

Arbour makes it clear right away that she"s both pro-choice and also pro-say-whatever-I-can-to-sound-edgy-and-interesting.

"Abortions are wrong, said no smart person ever," she begins the video, later saying that sex is sometimes just for "fun," not for procreation, and explaining that some people out there SHOULD have been aborted.

Like Hitler. And also like any parents whose five-year old is on ADD medicine.

"I have a theory that some kids were supposed to be aborted," Arbour says. “And the ones who weren"t turned into murderers and crazy people."

Apparently being destroyed as a guest on The View did little to damper Arbour"s taste for the spotlight.

Nicole arbour turns unfunny attention to abortion