Showing posts with label Accused. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accused. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Miranda Lambert Accused of Harassing Evan Felker"s Wife!

It’s been three months since the world learned that Miranda Lambert is dating Evan Felker, and reports about the goings-on in this relationship have only gotten more bizarre with time.  

Most of the weirdness centers around the fact that Felker is still married to a woman named Staci Nelson.

Nelson has become something of a hero to jilted spouses everywhere, thanks to the grace and humor with which she’s handled her inarguably sh-tty situation.

Obviously, it’s unfair to blame Lambert for Felker’s infidelity, but as the most high-profile figure in this love triangle, she’s attracted a good deal of criticism from the very start.

And the latest reports about Lambert’s behavior toward Nelson are unlikely to do her reputation any favors.

Currently, Lambert and Felker are on tour together with his Turnpike Troubadours serving as her opening act.

Insiders close to the situation claim that Felker has been in non-stop contact with Nelson, and has promised her that once the tour is over, he’ll promptly end his relationship with Lambert and devote himself to winning her back.

For obvious reasons, Lambert is reportedly less than thrilled by these rumors.

And it seems she’s decided to take matters into her own hands by attempting to contact Nelson, who is understandably not terribly eager to chat with her husband’s girlfriend.

But apparently, she is happy to out Lambert for her distressingly stalker-ish behavior.

According to Nelson, Lambert called her phone 22 times in two days last week.

Radar Online reports that Nelson recently posted an Instagram story which featured a screenshot of her recent missed calls.

Ten were from Felker … the other seven were from Lambert.

“Wife’s number doesn’t change. Seems problematic. 10 times in one night #insecure #rightfully so,” Nelson captioned the pic, adding:

“The other…is the person who is tired of him calling home.”

Needless to say, it’s not a great look for Lambert, or for Felker who also received some bad news this week:

Nelson has publicly vowed that she’ll never take her estranged husband back and intends to begin divorce proceedings as soon as possible.


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Sean Spicer Accused by Former Classmate of Calling Him the N-Word

Sean Spicer’s book signing got heated very quickly when a former classmate of his showed up to confront him … and shouted out a serious n-word accusation in front of Sean’s fans. The former White House Press Secretary was signing copies of his new…


Friday, July 27, 2018

Les Moonves, CBS CEO, Accused of Sexual Misconduct

One of the most powerful men in the entire entertainment industry is facing accusations of sexual misconduct.

According to an article in The New Yorker by Ronan Farrow, the 68-year-old allegedly kissed and touched women without their consent, on multiple occasions.

The damaging expose touches on incidents that go back 20 years in some cases, while also delving into broader cultural issues at CBS.

Moonves has worked as the chairman of this network since February of 2016.

Said the company in a statement shortly after news of Moonves’ alleged misdeeds went public:

All allegations of personal misconduct are to be taken seriously.

The Independent Directors of CBS have committed to investigating claims that violate the Company’s clear policies in that regard.

Upon the conclusion of that investigation, which involves recently reported allegations that go back several decades, the Board will promptly review the findings and take appropriate action.

It added in this statement:

The timing of this report comes in the midst of the Company’s very public legal dispute. While that litigation process continues, the CBS management team has the full support of the independent board members.

Along with that team, we will continue to focus on creating value for our shareowners.

Moonves has been married to CBS talk show host Julie Chen since 2004.

After filling a number of executive positions at CBS beginning in 1995, he served as co-president and co-CEO of CBS Corporation predecessor Viacom, Inc., from 2004 until the company split at the end of 2005. 

Just over two years ago, he replaced Sumner M. Redstone as the head of the network.

Farrow, meanwhile, is the same reporter who recently won a Pulitzer Prize for his scathing story on Harvey Weinstein.

He wrote in extreme detail about how the veteran movie producer would allegedly abuse and assault an endless array of women over the many decades he worked in Hollywood.

As chairman and CEO of CBS Corporation, Moonves oversees all operations, including the CBS Television Network, Showtime, The CW, CBS Television Studios and CBS Interactive.

As part of his legacy, the network has been the most-watched network for 10 straight seasons and 15 out of the past 16 years.

He is yet to comment on these allegations.

But Moonves is merely the latest major name in this industry to be accused of sexual misconduct, as women across the nation respond to the #MeToo movement by gaining the confidence needed to speak out against their abusers.

Good for them, we say.

And if any of the allegations against Moonves are true, then very very very very bad for him.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Odell Beckham Accused of Trying to Pay $1,000 for Sex, Denies Allegations

The man suing Odell Beckham for an alleged brutal beatdown at the NFL star’s home is escalating the war — now claiming he has proof Odell tried to illegally pay a woman for sex. But, Odell’s team claims it’s all BS.  It’s all in new court docs…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

"Wendy Williams Show," CBS Sued by Woman Sherri Shepherd Accused of Racism

Sherri Shepherd’s rant about being racially profiled got a Staples store employee fired, according to the employee who’s now suing media outlets that covered the story … but not Sherri. Instead, Janice Reyes is suing “The Wendy Williams Show”…


"Wendy Williams Show," CBS Sued by Woman Sherri Shepherd Accused of Racism

Sherri Shepherd’s rant about being racially profiled got a Staples store employee fired, according to the employee who’s now suing media outlets that covered the story … but not Sherri. Instead, Janice Reyes is suing “The Wendy Williams Show”…


Saturday, July 14, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Accused of Child Abuse! For Real!

Kylie Jenner is probably a decent mom, right?

We really haven’t seen much of her parenting in action, or any of it, really.

Aside from a few selfies with Stormi and that admittedly precious video she shared about her pregnancy, she’s been pretty private about everything.

But there are some things you just can’t help but notice, certain choices that Kylie’s been making as a mother.

And one of those recent choices has gotten a lot of people riled up.

Kylie was kind enough to share a new video and photo of Stormi earlier this week, and once you get over how precious that little baby is, you notice something.

She’s got her ears pierced!


She looks adorable, just like always, but people always have very strong feelings about piercing a baby’s ears.

Those people were not shy in expressing their dismay.

“Kylie Jenner’s baby has her ears pierced and I have lost every bit of respect I had for that girl that should be illegal,” one person tweeted.

Another told her that she should “be ashamed” of herself, and that “this is utterly disgraceful.”

“I think it’s f-cking awful that she’s pierced her baby’s ears as a fashion statement,” someone in Instagram complained, and another agreed, saying “I really don’t understand how people can put holes in their babies.”

Because, as a Twitter user argued, “They’re kids for f-cks sake, why put them through unnecessary pain?”

Kylie playing with Stormi

“Sorry but no just no,” yet another person declared. “Piercing a 5 month old childs ears is NOT cute it is called CHILD ABUSE. Shows that you are NOT fit to be a parent and should be investigated.”

So … that’s a lot, right?

We can probably all agree that getting a baby’s ears pierced isn’t actually child abuse, let’s start there.

Sure, you may not agree with the idea, and you may even be outspoken about it like some of these people, but it’s not on the same level as actual abuse, at all.

And, as plenty of people pointed out, getting your kid’s ears pierced at such a young age is normal for many, many people.

“Y’all really mad at Kylie for getting her baby’s ears pierced?” one of those people asked. “That’s the first thing poc do after cutting the cord.”

“I just read ppl complaining abt kylie jenner getting her 6month year old baby’s ears pierced and i feel like they’re all white,” another said. “Like pls i got mine done out of the womb.”

From the point of view of a former baby in Stormi’s position, “I got mine pierced at 9 months and I PROMISE, I have never felt like my parents took my autonomy away from me. It’s truly not that serious.”

And then, in one particularly strong argument, someone tweeted “People are upset Kylie Jenner pierced her 5 month old daughter’s ears. Wait until they find out what some people do to their sons penis 2-3 weeks after birth!”

So maybe we can give Kylie a break on this one, just this once?

At the very least, maybe we could avoid acting like she’s the worst mother in the whole entire world.


"The Wire" Star Wood Harris Accused of Beating GF, But D.A. Declines Charges

Wood Harris – who starred as Avon Barksdale on the hit HBO series “The Wire” — won’t face any criminal charges after allegedly pummeling his girlfriend, who is now threatening further legal action. The alleged incident went down back in…


Friday, July 13, 2018

Charlamagne Tha God Accused of Raping 15-Year-Old Girl

Even if you don’t live in the New York area, you’re probably familiar Charlamagne Tha God and his wildly popular syndicated radio show, The Breakfast Club.

For millions of fans, Charlamagne (real name Lenard Larry McKelvey) is one of most trustworthy media figures in America today — but most of those devotees are likely unaware of the allegation that’s been haunting the 40-year-old for the entirety of his career.

Long before his rise to national fame, McKelvey was accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl named Jessica Reid.

Charlamagne first spoke of the charges in a 2013 interview with Breakfast Club co-host DJ Akademiks.

“Whoever touched her, it wasn’t me,” he said at the time.

He hasn’t spoken publicly on the charges since, but this week, Reid told her side of the story for the first time in an interview with Hollywood Life.

“When Charlamagne did the interview with DJ Akademiks he said he was throwing a party for his cousin’s graduation (from college), but he told me it was his birthday party and that’s the only reason I went because I wasn’t going to go at first,” recalls Jessica.

Charlamagne Tha God

She says she was raped by Charlamagne at a 2001 house party.

“He used to call me his little sister and he convinced me because it was his birthday and said, ‘You have to come.’ So the story about his cousin is bogus. That was a lie.

“Once we arrived, we went inside and there was nothing but guys everywhere,” Jessica says. 

“Only two other females were there … I had an intuition that I should have left, but being only 15, I didn’t listen to my intuition.

But Reid says she was reassured by Charlamagne, who told her that she was under his protection. 

“Nothing is going to happen to you tonight. I got your back. I’m going to take care of you tonight. You’re going to be fine,” Jessica recalls Charlamagne saying.

Charlamagne Image

Reid says that both she and her 18-year-old friend Malika accepted soft drinks from Charlamagne.

When Malika began vomiting, Jessica retrieved napkins to help her clean up and immediately realized she had been drugged.

“I was dizzy and I didn’t feel like myself. I stood up to go to the bathroom to give myself a moment to feel better and when I got up I collapsed,” Reid says.

It was then, she claims, that Charlamaagne instructed the other male guests to carry her to a bedroom:

“Take her ass upstairs,” she recalls him saying.

“They did not penetrate me, but they violated me. When they were done they left me there. I was laying on the floor crying,” Reid says.

Charlamagne Photo

“I don’t know how long I was laying there for, but then Charlamagne came in the room. He opened the door, came in, then closed the door. He got on that bed and started taking my clothes off.

“Meanwhile, I’m still at a state where I can’t move and I can’t do anything.”

Reid claims that Charlamagne once again reassured her that he would protect her — before proceeding to sexually assault her.

“He took my clothes off and then he had sex with me, but that’s not all he did,” Reid says.

“He actually had oral sex with me, as well. And then he left the room and I’m just lying there in the room.”

Jessica and Malika were eventually able to make their way out of the party and were offered a ride home by a stranger while they were sitting on a nearby curb in shock.

Charlamagne Pic

The stranger contacted Jessica’s mother, who had already called 911 after others who were concerned about the party informed her her daughter might be in danger.

Seventeen years later, Reid says she’s still haunted by the incident. 

Despite years of therapy, she remains deeply disturbed by the sight of her alleged attacker.

“Seeing him on TV all the time, I can’t get away from this guy,” she says.

Charlamagne has yet to respond to Reid’s latest comments.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

LeSean McCoy Accused of Beating Girlfriend, Child, Dog

Buffalo Bills running back LeSean McCoy has been accused of brutally beating his girlfriend and his son in a shocking Instagram post.

The post appeared today on the personal page of a woman named Mia, who has been identified as the best friend of McCoy’s girlfriend, Delicia Cordon.

Lesean McCoy-Delicia Cordon

The photo below was allegedly taken after Cordon sustained a savage beating from McCoy.

The disturbing image was accompanied by a number of appalling allegations from Mia:

“[McCoy] is THE DEVIL!!! YOU ARE AN ANIMAL!!!!!! We didn’t say anything about how you beat your dog ‘Henny’ into kidney failure,” her post began.

“Let’s not talk about all the times my best friend had to stop you from VICIOUSLY beating your son for small things like peeing in the bed. We kept quiet about your drug usage … all the ILLEGAL steroids and needles you were using, but we will not keep quiet about this!!!!!!

“I can’t believe you did this to my best friend!!!!! YOUR KARMA IS GOING TO BE SO REAL!!!!!! The world needs to know what type of animal you really are!!!!!!!”

Delicia Cordon Image

“This was just her yesterday on the left and now this morning this is her on the right!!!! #WomanBeater #AnimalAbuser #ChildAbuser”

Mia tagged the NFL, the Buffalo Bills, and TMZ in the post.

The Bills organization says it is aware of the allegations against McCoy and is currently “looking into” the matter.

For many, the situation recalls the 2014 incident involving Ray Rice and his now-wife, Janay Palmer.

Rice knocked Palmer unconscious in an elevator and initially received a slap-on-the-wrist suspension from NFL.

When video of the incident emerged, the Baltimore Ravens terminated Rice’s contract and the league permanently 

As a result, allegations such as the ones leveled against McCoy are investigated much more thoroughly and handled much more carefully than in years past.

Several media outlets have reached out to McCoy, but the 29-year-old has yet to comment on the allegations.

In addition to beating Cordon, McCoy stands accused of abusing his son and his dog.

Mia also alleges that the Bills standout has used performance-enhancing drugs throughout his career.

We’ll have updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Monday, July 2, 2018

"Lopez" Star Ray Diaz Accused of Assault by 2nd Woman

Actor Ray Diaz is facing new allegations of domestic violence because a second woman has come forward … TMZ has learned.  Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Diaz — who starred alongside George Lopez for one…


Friday, June 29, 2018

NFL Lineman Accused of Dom. Violence, Ripped Off Car Door Handle

NFL lineman Roy Miller – a 6’2″, 315 lb. defensive tackle — got so pissed off at his wife, he chased her into her SUV and then ripped off the door handle … according to court docs.  The former Jacksonville Jaguars player has been…


Monday, June 25, 2018

Childish Gambino Gets Pass From Artist He"s Accused of Copying

The artist Childish Gambino, aka Donald Glover, is accused of stealing “This Is America” from is giving the rapper a pass, saying he’s “extremely humbled” to have possibly inspired Gambino’s track. Jase Harley released a song called “American…


Friday, June 22, 2018

"The Proposal" Contestant Accused of Facilitating Sexual Assault

ABC has made the decision to cancel an episode of its new show, “The Proposal,” after one of its contestants was accused of facilitating a sexual assault. Show contestant Michael J. Friday — who was set to appear on the show’s second episode –…


Friday, June 15, 2018

Justin Bieber Accused of Hurling N-Word During Fight In Shocking Lawsuit

You may have read that headline and thought to yourself, Hey wasn’t Justin Bieber already accused of using the N-word?

Short answer: yes.

Long answer: Yes, and there was video evidence, but Bieber has a long history of being awful, yet somehow he always gets a pass.

The latest accusation against Bieber comes from a man named Tobias Cannon who claims that he got into an altercation with Bieber at the 2016 NBA finals in Cleveland.

According to a lawsuit filed this week, Bieber physically assaulted Cannon, but the Canadian businessman declined to retaliate.

Cannon says that Bieber shouted the n-word at him as a form of humiliation.

“Justin Bieber has a history of inappropriate behavior,” Cannon’s lawyers write.

They go on to say that Bieber is “fortunate” Cannon did “not engage in mutual combat,” 

That’s some top-notch shade, Cannon’s lawyers.

Justin’s longtime manager Scooter Braun has already come to his client’s defense with a lengthy online statement.

“Justin Bieber has done a lot of stupid things in his past but what he has also done is apologize and own those mistakes,” Braun writes.

“This most recent claim against him is completely false and a fabrication from a man who tried to push for money for the last several years.”

Braun continues:

“He never said these things before because they never happened. This is a smear tactic to get money and it’s gross.

“So I repeat… these statements again Justin are completely false and we won’t be scared or blackmailed. This man should be ashamed of himself. Real racism exists.. but it doesn’t apply here. Just horrible.”

We’re not saying Braun is definitely lying or Bieber definitely acted like a colossal douche basket at the finals (although, probably and probably would be our guesses), but it’s pretty wild that he’s claiming Justin would never use that word.

Did we mention he’s been caught gleefully saying it on video on multiple occasions?

Cannon’s lawyers have already fired back, saying:

“This lawsuit was not filed for publicity. If that was the case, it would have been filed at the time the assault was first reported.”

It may not have been filed for publicity — but it’s likely to result in a lot of bad press for the Biebs.


Beyonce and LeBron James: Accused of Torrid Love Affair!

Note to Jay-Z:

You can have Becky with the Good Hair.

Beyonce is gonna go ahead and get driven to the hole by LeBron with the Great Court Vision, thank you very much!

Is LeBron mimicking the placement of his hands when he stood in front of a naked Beyonce back in the day? Hmmm….

Indeed, according to a rapper named Da Real Lambo, who formerly dated LeBron James’ mother, Gloria, the world’s best basketball player carried on an affair with the world’s most beloved pop star.

And he’s prepared to spill ALL the shocking tea in an upcoming memoir!

In a mostly capitalized Instagram post this week, Lambo said straight up that James had been nailing both jump shots and Beyonce at some point in the semi-recent past. 

“MY BOOK WILL BE GIVING THE WORLD THE TRUTH ABOUT WHY @beyonce WASN’T INVITED TO @kingjames WEDDING, AND ALSO WHY #savannajames Wasn’t invited to @beyonce wedding,” wrote Lambo, referencing LeBron’s wife and addimg:


Neither James nor Beyonce have responded to these unconfirmed allegations.

Probably because they came from soneone named Da Real Lambo.

As you might expect, Lambo has received a lot of pushback since making this accusation.

James, after all, has been married to Savannah Brinson since 2013. She’s his high school sweetheart. They have three kids together.

There’s been nary a sniff of any scandal involving LeBron’s love life since he entered the NBA in 2003.

But Lambo isn’t backing down from his claims, following up his original post with one that reads:



We don’t know what Lambo is talking about here.

Beyonce, of course, has been through a cheating scandal with Jay-Z.

The artist has come right out and talked about his extramarital affair, telling David Letterman in April:

“I have a beautiful wife who’s understanding and [knows] I’m not the worst of what I’ve done…

“We did the hard work of going to therapy and you know, we love each other, right?”

This really does appear to be the case; or else why would Beyonce have stayed with Jay-Z after he strayed.

As for talk that James dunked on Beyonce on the sexual sense, we have pretty strong doubts.

Da Real Lambo appears to have an axe to grind with the James family due to apparently being cheated on by LeBron’s mother, making him an unreliable source in our opinion.

But this is still an intriguing topic to discuss and ponder, isn’t it?

With all this chatter about where James will go in free agency, whoever would have thought that the real question is whether or not he went downtown with Beyonce?

Not us. We never would have thought this.


Chris Hardwick Accused of Sexual Assault By Actress Chloe Dykstra

You might know Chris Hardwick from the Walking Dead after-show, Talking Dead, or as host of the now-canceled Comedy Central series @Midnight, or simply as an ever-present figure in the corner of the media landscape most closely associated with “nerd culture.”

But Hardwick is trending on Twitter today not because of his work, but because of shocking allegations of abuse from a former girlfriend.

The popular host and creator of Nerdist Industries dated actress Chloe Dykstra for three years, and today, she published a Medium article detailing abuse she suffered at the hands of a man that many believe to be Hardwick.

Dykstra never mentions Hardwick by name, but details about the nature of their relationship and his career make it clear who she’s accusing.

The 29-year-old says that several years ago she began a relationship with a man who was nearly 20 years her senior, and who 

“I was expected to be [sexually] ready for him when he came home from work. Every night, I laid there for him, occasionally in tears,” she writes. 

“He thought the whole idea was funny. To be fair, I did go along with it out of fear of losing him.”

Dykstra goes on to claim that the abuse began just weeks into her relationship with Hardwick and left indelible scars on her psyche. 

“I’m still recovering from being sexually used (not in a super fun way) for three years,” she says.

Dykstra claims that Hardwick manipulated and intimidated her in such way as to ensure she would continue to comply with his sexual demands. 

“’I just want to remind you, the reason my last relationship didn’t work out was because of the lack of sex,’” she recalls him saying.

Dykstra says that even with the progress yielded by the #MeToo movement in recent months, she still expects to be interrogated and harassed on social media.

Chris Hardwick

And sadly, if GamerGate and other recent examples of toxic nerd culture run amok are any indication, she’s not wrong in that assumption:

“It will probably hurt me now too, despite the #MeToo movement. We’ve come a long way, but we still have a ways to go,” Dykstra writes.

Earlier today, Dykstra tweeted a message of gratitude for those who offered support online, writing:

“I quietly posted an article today, unlisted on Medium. It clearly made the rounds. I’m overwhelmed and I want to thank all of you for your support and kind words- they mean so much to me.”

Hardwick married Lydia Hearst in 2016. 

He has yet to respond to Dykstra’s allegations.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Jim Bob Duggar Accused of Manipulating Daughters" Love Lives

Even the most ardent defender of Jim Bob Duggar (if such a thing exists) would likely concede that the best word to describe his involvement in his daughters’ love lives is “creepy.”

JB exercises far too much control over his son’s lives, sure (well, except in Josh’s case, but that’s a conversation for another time), when it comes to his daughters, however, “you can’t date a Duggar daughter without dating her dad.”

That’s the frighteningly accurate fashion in which columnist Mary Grace Garis describes the situation in a piece published by In Touch Weekly today.

Whether you’re a fan of the family’s reality show or you tune in each week with a pair of Clockwork Orange eye clamps affixed firmly to your lids out of morbid curiosity, you’re no doubt familiar with the Duggar’s courtship rules.

The parts of the process that get the most attention have to do with the lengths to which Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar will go in order to ensure their children don’t engage in anything that remotely resembling premarital sex.

Unmarried Duggar couples are not allowed kiss, hold hands for more than a few seconds, “front hug,” (lest their clothed genitals should come in close proximity), or even be alone together.

Frightening stuff, to be sure, but the way Jim Bob puts these young people through the emotional wringer is arguably just as damaging.

The Duggars have boasted in the past about how potential suitors have to get through dad before they’re permitted to spend any time with his daughters.

“The girls have always said they would send any guy who was interested in them to Dad,” Michelle has said in the past.

“That’s a good thing – that is such good protection for them.”

And this isn’t just a case of JB sitting the guy down and asking about his intentions.

No, Jim Bob makes men who are interested in one his daughters fill out 50-page questionnaire before he’ll consider the possibility of a courtship. 

The first guy to endure this treatment was Derick Dillard, but he turned out to be an all-time douche, so he didn’t receive much sympathy from Counting On viewers.

Disturbingly, Jim Bob’s behavior has only gotten worse over the years, as evidenced by his contentious relationship with Jeremy Vuolo, husband of Jinger Duggar.

Fans were baffled, as Jeremy seemed to be the least problematic of all the men who had married Jim Bob’s daughters up to that point.

But it all began to make sense when Jinger Duggar rebelled against her father by leaving her home state or Arkansas and — gasp!  — wearing pants!

Jim Bob must have picked up on the fact that Jeremy believed in such far-left ideas as allowing women free will/

And in the end, the situation was a reminder that suppressing the rights of women is the main driver behind so many of Jim Bob’s actions.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Jamie Foxx: Accused of Slapping a Woman with His Penis

These days, Jamie Foxx is all about Katie Holmes. But, according to an accusation, in 2002, he slapped a woman in the face with his penis.

There’s a little more to the allegations, and the woman has come forward and reported the incident to police.

Foxx is dismissing the story as “absurd” and has vowed to fight back.

We know that there’s a temptation to make jokes or to come up with funny nicknames for the incident, like cock-boxing or penis-popping or whatever.

But one way or the other, this allegation is serious, so let’s take a look at the details.

TMZ reports that Jamie Foxx’s accuser says that this incident happened 16 years ago, in 2002.

She says that she and a friend were attending a party at his house.

Foxx allegedly tried to get her to perform oral sex on him. She refused.

She says that he struck her in the face with his penis.

After she refused to perform on him, she says that one of Foxx’s friends instructed her to leave the house.

The incident, she says, was severe enough that she went to the hospital the next day to undergo treatment for a severe panic attack.

She says that the #MeToo movement is what inspired her to come forward with the incident from 16 years ago.

So much about this incident is unclear, including whether or not the alleged penile strike was intentional (since penises can be unwieldy beasts).

But conventional wisdom says that if your penis is accidentally hitting someone who doesn’t want to touch it, you’ve probably done something wrong.

But Foxx isn’t arguing that this alleged sexual misconduct was a misunderstanding.

In a statement to TMZ, Foxx’s attorney, Allison Hart of Lavely & Singer, says:

“Jamie emphatically denies that this incident ever occurred,” she says.

That’s very different from saying that it was an accident or misunderstanding.

Hart continues: “And he will be filing a report with the Las Vegas Police Department against the woman for filing a false police report against him.”

And that is a very aggressive response.

Hart had more to say.

“The first time [Jamie] became aware of this woman’s absurd claims about an incident that supposedly occurred 16 years ago,” Hart says. “Was when TMZ contacted his representatives [Tuesday] about this story.”

That’s a hell of a way to find out that you’re accused of wrongdoing.

And Hart says that there’s a reason that we’re all first hearing about htis now.

“The alleged incident was not reported to law enforcement in 2002, or at any other time in the last 16 years until last Friday because the incident never happened,” she says.

She is certainly defending her client very thoroughly.

So, is Hart right?

Is this a much-feared incident of a false allegation of sexual misconduct, inspired by so many very real #MeToo stories?

Or does she have some sort of evidence or outcry witness (or perhaps medical documentation of the panic attack) to back up her report?

Some wonder if Foxx simply has no memory of trying to convince a woman to perform oral sex on him, but that this woman was traumatized by the experience.

It is not uncommon for one person to have a very bad night while the person whom they hold responsible for it never noticed.

it is unclear what the accuser expects to come of her report, but it sounds like — whatever may have happened — this woman has felt haunted for a long time.


TMZ Live: Jamie Foxx Accused Of Genital Slap

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