Showing posts with label Almost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Almost. Show all posts

Friday, November 3, 2017

Justin Bieber: I Knew I Loved Selena Gomez When She Almost Died!

Jelena, in one form or another, is back. For better or for worse.

As you can imagine, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber’s romantic bike rides didn’t just start up overnight.

Reportedly, Justin has been trying to worm his way back into Selena’s life ever since news broke of her kidney transplant. That news awoke something within him. …

Though this Bieber development might make you think that this was the other way around, The Weeknd broke up with Selena Gomez.

He reportedly ended things by phone after their relationship began to fizzle out, he believed, over the summer.

We don’t think that it’s an unfair interpretation of that to say that The Weeknd wasn’t so excited about their relationship when Selena Gomez got her kidney transplant and was on bedrest for a couple of months to recover.

It’s not like they were married, but … does it rub anyone else the wrong way that The Weeknd was apparently fine with their relationship up until Selena’s illness became inconvenient?

(To be fair, it’s been reported that another factor was their conflicting work schedules, but … still)

One way or the other, though, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have reunited, after Justin managed to arrange a meet-up after calling Selena’s mom.

Even though Selena Gomez’s family can’t stand Bieber or the horse he rode in on, Selena’s mom apparently wanted to leave the choice up to Selena.

And … now we’re where we are today.

But there’s more to this story than we thought.

It was just under a month ago when we told you that Justin and Selena might get back together, if as friends.

But TMZ reports that Justin has been trying to reconnect with Selena for quite a while.

Justin didn’t just have to convince her mom that he and Selena should talk again.

He had to convince Selena, too.

That took some doing.

Not only does Selena’s family consider him “vile” and blame him for a serious bout of depression that she suffered, but Selena and Justin were estranged for a long time.

Remember when Justin Bieber was dating Sofia Richie?

Well, Justin’s fans gave him a hard time about posting so much about the relationship. (There were other issues, including Sofia’s age at the time)

Justin fired back angrily, because he was, at the time, kind of an out-of-control douchebag.

Selena Gomez spoke up to defend Justin’s fans, because celebs shouldn’t really lash out at their fans — for business reasons, and because it’s a dickish thing to do.

After that, well … they just didn’t speak. It was better that way.

What prompted Justin’s change of heart?

TMZ reports that it was Selena Gomez’s kidney transplant.

If you’re thinking “yeah, obviously,” there’s more to it than we’d all first realized.

This wasn’t just a scenario of Justin reconnecting with his ex to see how she’s doing, though that was also part of it.

When Justin learned of Selena’s transplant, sources close to him describe that he had something of an epiphany about Selena and how much she means to him.

It absolutely should not have taken Selena nearly dying (kidney failure due to Lupus and then major surgery is, let’s be clear, a near-death experience or two) for Justin to realize Selena’s value.

She’s beautiful, she’s kind, and she’s one of the greatest musical talents in the history of humankind.

Selena already gave Justin some of the best years of her youth, but now he’s coming back for more.

Maybe Justin will make her happy, though. Even if he is now sporting super ugly body tattoos.

By the way, some rumors have been floating around that there’s some sort of Jelena music collaboration in the works. TMZ says that they haven’t heard anything verifiable about that.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

TMZ Live: Justin Bieber & Selena: Almost Official!

ON TODAY’S SHOW O.J. Simpson’s Killer Halloween Costume Snoop Dogg Mocks Trump Assassination Tyrese: Total Meltdown Over Custody Battle  Cardi B: The $ 500,000 Engagement Ring


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Key West"s Hemingway House Almost Certainly an Irma Casualty

The legendary Ernest Hemingway home appears doomed … an almost certain casualty of Hurricane Irma … this according to local law enforcement. The Key West home — made of wood and built in the 1850’s — sits about 16 feet above sea…


Monday, September 4, 2017

Kevin Durant Almost Stand Up Paddleboarding in Maui

What helps Kevin Durant dominate on the court, makes him suck at stand up paddleboarding. KD totally looked like a fish (a really big one) out of water as he attempted to get up on a board in Maui. Looks like he quickly discovered 7 feet — or just…


Kevin Durant Almost Stand Up Paddleboarding in Maui

What helps Kevin Durant dominate on the court, makes him suck at stand up paddleboarding. KD totally looked like a fish (a really big one) out of water as he attempted to get up on a board in Maui. Looks like he quickly discovered 7 feet — or just…


Friday, August 25, 2017

Young William Miller in "Almost Famous" "Memba Him?!

Michael Angarano is best known for his role as the 11 year old version of William — opposite his on-screen sister Anita played by Zooey Deschanel — in the rockin’ comedy ‘Almost Famous.’ Guess what he looks like now!


Thursday, August 24, 2017

NBA"s Danilo Gallinari: My Punching Thumb Is "Very Good," Almost Healed

L.A. Clippers forward Danilo Gallinari tells TMZ Sports the thumb he busted while punching a guy in Italy is healing nicely … he’s almost ready play again!  The 28-year-old suffered the injury last month — right after he signed his 3-year…


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Ray J, Princess Love"s Dog Almost Dies After Being Locked in Closet By Construction Crew

Ray J and Princess Love’s dog almost died after being left in a closet for days without food or water … and they think the pooch was accidentally left there by a construction worker.  Sources close to the couple tell us … Ray and PL took a…


Friday, August 11, 2017

Audrey Roloff: It"s Almost Baby Time!!!!!!!

Audrey Roloff is not leaving on a jet plane.

That would most definitely be against doctor’s orders right now.

But the Little People, Big World star still says her bags are packed and she’s ready to go…

… to the hospital, that is!

In a new Instagram post, the excited mother-to-be offers fans an update on her pregnancy and her overall mindset, as she counts down the days until she and Jeremy Roloff become first-time parents.

“We are getting down to the wire… I’m 37 weeks!!!” Audrey wrote as a caption to the photo above.

“We finally started packing our hospital bags today just in case baby girl decides to come early… but we are hoping to have a little more time to get life in order before her big debut.”

Audrey isn’t due until August 31.

But she may very well go into labor at any point now, and it’s a smart idea to be prepared.

“I feel like pregnancy just flew by and I can’t believe we are already at the end!” she added on her social media page yesterday.

The reality star has been keeping followers apprised of her baby bump status for months.

She’s been very open about her pregnancy and about her relationship with Jeremy in general, recently giving fans a look at her nursery and even taking them inside a fight she had with her husband.

Audrey often offers words of wisdom and hope for her fans.

She shares many notes about love and God and religion and faith.

But this is new territory for the star.

She readily admits that she could benefit from some of your experiences.

“I’d love to hear some of your advice for labor and delivery, songs or scriptures that got you through those tough contractions, what to pack in your hospital bag, and/or what you wish you knew before becoming a first time momma,” she concluded in this post, adding of something in the background:

“ps that rad essential oils rack was my birthday gift made by my talented husband.”

Well done, Jeremy!

It sounds like Audrey has the most important item of all for her labor and delivery: a supportive husband.

She and Jeremy and the rest of her loved ones will be featured on new episodes of Little People, Big World this fall, as Season 14 is expected to focus largely on Audrey and these latter stages of her pregnancy.

We’ll also be treated to glimpse of Molly Roloff’s wedding, along with updates on Zach and Tori Roloff’s son.

It’s been a busy few months for this family, that’s for sure!

With a new baby on the way, we doubt things will slow down, either!

We continue to wish Audrey and Jeremy the very best of luck as they inch closer and closer to meeting their daughter. How exciting!


Monday, July 24, 2017

Matt Roloff Shares New Video of Grandson: He"s Almost Talking!

This not exactly just in:

Jackson Roloff is adorable!

And Matt Roloff is a rather cute grandfather, as well, if we do say so ourselves.

The patriarch of the Little People, Big World family shared a new video on his Facebook page over the weekend and it features his grandchild "almost" talking, according to Matt.

Which is really pretty incredible.

Because Jackson is just over two months old.

Roloff is just joking around in the footage, of course, but the following video is one of the first documented examples we have of Jackson making a few baby noises.

Over the course of his life to date, parents Zach and Tori have been great about sharing Jackson Roloff photos

.. but they haven"t provided all that many videos.


Earlier this month, on the occasion of his two-month birthday, Tori posted the following update to her Instagram page:

Our Baby J is two months old today! How?! Baby J is sleeping a consistent 7 hours! Loves smiling at mom and dad! Falls asleep during pool time. Gets excited when we change his diaper. LOVES bath time. Hates being hungry.

Jackson is 98th percentile for height and weighs over 12 pounds! Keep growin baby J!

We love it.

We can"t wait to see more of Jackson on Little People, Big World this fall… and we also can"t wait to meet his cousin, as Audrey and Jeremy Roloff will be welcoming their first child.

Take a look below at Matt being all silly with his grandson:

Matt roloff shares precious video of grandson hes almost talking

Sunday, July 23, 2017

R. Kelly"s Method of Luring Young Women Almost Worked on Me, Claims Young Woman

R. Kelly failed to successfully lure a young woman into his life, despite giving her cash and promising to jump-start her career … and the woman says she has her mom to thank. The woman tells us she met the singer backstage at one of his…


Friday, July 21, 2017

Life of Kylie: Almost Everything You Need to Know!

Kylie Jenner has very large lips and very large breasts and she"s about to have a very large opportunity:

On August 6, the Instagram model will premiere her very own reality show, Life of Kylie.

According to Kylie herself, it will reveal a side of herself that viewers of Keeping Up with the Kardashians have never seen before.

We"ll soon find out whether or not that"s the case, but Jenner recently invited a bunch of fans to ask her questions about the upcoming series… and we"ve rundown her semi-revealing answers below!

1. You’ve Got Questions?

Youve got questions

Ask away. I may have answers!

2. Will We Be Seeing Kylie’s Puppies on the Show?

Will we be seeing kylies puppies on the show

Yes! Hooray! (They’re downright adorable.)

3. What Can We Expect from the Premiere?

What can we expect from the premiere

Something pretty awesome, apparently!

4. How Long Will Episodes Be?

How long will episodes be

Nice. We strongly approve.

5. Will Kylie’s BFF, Jordyn Woods, Appear on the Series?

Will kylies bff jordyn woods appear on the series

You know it!

6. How Many Episodes Will Comprise Season 1?

How many episodes will comprise season 1

Eight, huh? That’s a strong number.

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Linkin Park Singer Chester Bennington Hanging Almost Identical to Chris Cornell Suicide

Chester Bennington may have mimicked the suicide of his close friend, Chris Cornell, because they died in virtually identical ways. Law enforcement sources tell us, the Linkin Park singer was found hanging from a door separating his bedroom from his…


21 Stars Who Almost Definitely Killed Someone

Some celebrities use their powers to better humanity and make the world a better place, while others? Well… they get away with murder.

At least some of them do (like #1 on this list).

Not every person on this list intentionally took another life, of course, and it goes without saying that not always does someone go to jail.

But scroll around below for a look at a bunch of famous people who have (allegedly, or probably, or definitely) taken the lives of others.

We"re guessing you"ll be surprised by a few.

1. O.J. Simpson

Oj mug shot

O.J. Simpson was arrested for the murder of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman, leading to the trial of the century in 1994-95.

2. Rebecca Gayheart

Rebecca gayheart

Rebecca Gayheart struck and killed a boy in a crosswalk when she didn’t want to stop and wait behind the line of cars who’d stopped to let the boy cross the street.

3. Laura Bush

Laura bush

Former FLOTUS Laura Bush ran a stop sign at 17 years old and killed a classmate.

4. Brandy

Brandy norwood pic

Brandy Norwood hit a car in front of her by failing to brake in time, killing the driver in front of her. Brandy took full responsibility for the accident, but was never charged.

5. Phil Spector

Phil spector mug shot

Phil Spector shot and killed 40 year old actress Lana Clarkson. He’s behind bars for life.

6. Lane Garrison

Lane garrison

In December 2006, Prison Break star Lane Garrison was responsible for a car crash which left a teenager dead. He was sentenced to 40 months in jail.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Blac Chyna Ex Says She Was Such a Bully, I Almost Committed Suicide

Blac Chyna is a massive hypocrite who is every bit as much of a bully as Rob Kardashian … so claims the guy whom she once allegedly dated. Pilot Jones says Chyna all but ruined his life after their breakup when she posted his phone number and he…


Saturday, July 8, 2017

Donal Logue"s Daughter Returns Home Safely After Missing for Almost Two Weeks

“Gotham” star Donal Logue can breathe a sigh of relief — his missing teenager has returned home safely. Logue’s 16-year-old daughter Jade went missing nearly 2 weeks ago, the actor revealed on Twitter on June 27. According to Logue’s rep…


Donal Logue"s Daughter Returns Home Safely After Missing for Almost Two Weeks

“Gotham” star Donal Logue can breathe a sigh of relief — his missing teenager has returned home safely. Logue’s 16-year-old daughter Jade went missing nearly 2 weeks ago, the actor revealed on Twitter on June 27. According to Logue’s rep…


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer to Maci Bookout: You Almost Killed Ryan Edwards!

If you watch Teen Mom: OG online, you know this most recent season concluded with a bang.

Many fans were shocked to learn that Maci Bookout’s baby daddy, Ryan Edwards, suffered from a painkiller addiction so severe that it nearly claimed his life.

Edwards drove to his own wedding while high in the show’s scandalous season finale, and it seems one of the many people who was unaware of his addiction was his bride-to-be, Mackenzie Standifer.

Standifer took flak from fans of the show for allowing Edwards to drive while intoxicated, but on Monday night’s reunion show, she offered a compelling explanation:

She was ill-equipped to handle the situation because she had only found out about Edwards’ addiction one day prior.

And she blames her ignorance on Bookout, whom she claims knew about Ryan’s addiction, but failed to tell her about it.

Shockingly, Maci didn’t deny the accusation:

“I didn’t want to say anything that would make her feel like she couldn’t trust Ryan or their relationship wasn’t real,” she said, by way of explanation.

“I didn’t want to hurt her.”

Standifer replied with a scathing letter she’d written to Maci, which she read aloud on the show:

“Maci, you told me to my face, merely days after I had informed you about Ryan seeking help, that you had known about his problem since November,” Mackenzie read.

“That was 186 days; 400,464 hours; and 267,840 minutes that he could’ve died, and still, you said nothing. You let everyone know that you feared for his life, while concurrently exploiting Ryan and his addiction on the show.”

Standifer claimed the situation was so severe that Edwards cound have lost his life, a death, she says, for which Bookout would have been responsible:

“I had only known about it for two days before Ryan was walking into treatment. Instead of solving the problem or doing what you could to make an effort to solve it, you decided to humiliate Ryan,” she said.

She went on to accuse Maci of exploiting Ryan’s condition to make for more compelling television:

“Helping Ryan doesn’t mean talking about all of his problems on national television, it means being supportive. Not kicking someone down and respecting the privacy we all so graciously deserve,” she added.

Maci, of course, was having none of the accusations:

“You’re so full of sh-t your eyes are brown!” Bookout fired back.

She explained that she was deeply concerned for Edwards, but decided to take the issue up with him, not his then-girlfriend:

“I told him I loved him, but I couldn’t sit by and watch him kill himself,” Mackenzie explained.

“I told him when he was ready to get help to please let me know.”

It’s a case of she said-she said, and it’s up to Teen Mom fans to decide whether or not Maci did the right thing.

But we think even her biggest defenders would concede that she didn’t come off looking great on Monday’s reunion.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Future and His Daughter"s Crystal Masks at the BET Awards Cost Almost $9,000

Future and his daughter weren’t about to take their masks off at the BET Awards ‘cause they cost a damn fortune to make. You might have noticed Future and his little girl, Londyn, rocking Bane-like masks Sunday on the red carpet, and even during the…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Feuding Bachelorette Stars Get Cut, Almost Fight in Epic Douche Moment

In addition to The Bachelorette spoilers game-changer that took the Internet by storm, there was also an episode of the show last night.

Two really awesome contestants on The Bachelorette got the axe on Monday, and proceeded to have a toddler-like meltdown on camera.

It was … quite something to behold.

For two consecutive weeks, those who watch The Bachelorette online have suffered through Lucas and Blake"s alarmingly boring beef.

Lucas, of course, has been riding his catchphrase “Whaboom!” like a honeymooning Joy-Anna Duggar on Austin Forsyth these days.

Blake E., not to be outdone in the d-bag department, opted to woo Rachel Lindsay with aspirations of drumming and boasts of sexual prowess.

Couple of winners, in other words.

Incredibly, this feud dates back to BEFORE the show, when both tools competed on a reality show titled Ex-Isle … because obviously.

Moreover, because you can"t make that hilariousness or this next part up, Blake was roommates with Lucas’ ex-girlfriend at one point.

With that backdrop, on last night"s episode, the feud reached the next level as Whaboom told Rachel that Blake was slandering him.

He did this, he claimed, because he “has a crush” on him. Yes, this quote happened … and Rachel obviously had to get Blake"s take.

To his credit, he didn"t totally freak out … yet. And more significantly, to Rachel"s credit, both were eliminated during the rose ceremony.

Thus came the first time in BACHELOR HISTORY (copyright Chris Harrison) that two feuding suitors left together and … feuded some more.

We are talking about a possible Douche Hall of Fame inductee moment … maybe not unanimous or first ballot, but it"ll get in one day. 

With Blake actually walking over during Lucas" exit interview taping to salute him with an expletive-laden parting shot, how can it not?!

And then things got even worse!

Accusing Lucas of dragging him and torpedoing any chances he had with Rachel, Blake proclaimed, “I’m going home. You win, Lucas.”  

Not just yet, though.

“It’s not about winning,” Lucas replied to that would-be mic drop. “It’s about the world, brother. And you have no idea what the world needs.”


Blake"s response to that high-horse zinger? A possibly even more ridiculous quote: “You’re the ‘whaboom’ clown. I’m the nice gentleman.”

From there, Lucas told Blake to “go back to his protein shakes,” and Blake taunted told Lucas to “Get back to your garbage, clown life."

“My clown life?” Lucas incredulously said. “I’m a clown? Because I can be funny?! You don’t even know what funny looks like!"

“Funny is not ‘whaboom,’” Blake responded. “’Whaboom’ is like, wocka wocka, pie in the face, wocka, wocka, honk, honk, fart joke.”

As Blake mockingly mimed Lucas every time he tried to respond, things reached first-grade levels as this segment mercifully concluded.

Watch a clip of it below.

The bachelorette contestants get the axe freak the f k out