Showing posts with label Andrew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew. Show all posts

Friday, February 9, 2018

Andrew Garfield: I May Bang a Dude Someday!

When it comes to sexuality, Andrew Garfield is just so gosh darn woke.

No, the Academy Award winner isn’t gay.

In fact, he’s never been with a man or really been attracted to men or had any desire to insert his penis into anything that isn’t a vagina.

But Garfield wants the world to know that he’s open to other openings!

In July of last year, the actor stirred up a bit of a controversy when he said he was “a gay man… without the physical act.”

What made him a gay man, if he didn’t engaged in any gay sex?

He watches a lot of RuPaul’s Drag Race, Garfield explained to Out Magazine, while adding that he might have an “awakening” someday and explore another “part of the garden.

In other words: heck, he may bang a dude at some point.

Who can ever say for certain?!?

In the latest issue of Out, Garfield reiterates this somewhat strange stance.

First, he acknowledges to the publication that his previous quote was misunderstood.

“I think part of what I was trying to say was about inclusion, and about that openness to my impulses.”

But then he basically goes ahead and says the same thing again.

“Up until this point, I’ve only been sexually attracted to women,” Garfield tells the magazine, trying to explain in further detail:

“My stance toward life, though, is that I always try to surrender to the mystery of not being in charge. I think most people – we’re intrinsically trying to control our experience here, and manage it, and put walls around what we are and who we are.

Garfield proceeds to use the kind of icky “garden” metaphor as he continues to ramble:

“I want to know as much of the garden as possible before I pass – I have an openness to any impulses that may arise within me at any time.

“But, if I were to identify, I would identify as heterosexual, and being someone who identifies that way, and who’s taking on this seminal role, my scariest thought was, ‘Am I allowed to do this?"”

The role to which Garfield is referring is Prior Walter in Tony Kushner’s Angels in America, a production that featured the star as a young New York resident living with AIDS.

He appeared in this role last summer in London and will soon reprise the role on Broadway.

The play centers on homosexuality and AIDS and related issues and Garfield is very proud to be associated with it.

“To be a part of transmitting all that feels like the most meaningful thing I could do with my life right now,” he says.

“I’m in a privileged position, and I want to keep listening, and learning as much as I possibly can. I want to be a part of the world spinning forward as much as anyone else.”

This is an admirable point of view.

This is really all Garfield should have said on the subject.

It’s great to support the LGBT community and it’s great that he wants to feel like he understands all sides of sexuality.

But he doesn’t. That’s just a fact.

There’s nothing wrong with being attracted to women and still believing in inclusiveness, in equal rights. There’s everything right about it in fact.

Garfield doesn’t need to go so far out of his way to pretend he relates to the gay community by pretending he’s part of the gay community.

Or could see himself being part of it someday.

That’s just an odd thing to say and it takes away from his overall point, leading to headlines such as the one above.

Don’t try so hard, Andy. We all know you’re one of the good ones already.


Monday, January 8, 2018

Amber Portwood: Andrew Glennon FINALLY Moved In With Me!

When it was first revealed that Amber Portwood and Andrew Glennon were dating, many Teen Mom: OG fans hoped that the relationship would prove to be a short-lived rebound fling.

Clearly, that hasn’t proven to be the case.

Though their relationship began under inauspicious circumstances (Glennon is a producer on Marriage Boot Camp. He met Portwood when she appeared on the show with her ex-fiance, Matt Baier.) it seems to have flourished in recent months.

Currently, Portwood is pregnant with Glennon’s baby.

It’s the first child for Amber and the second for Andrew.

Fans were initially perplexed about how the relationship would proceed from here, as Amber resides in Indiana, and Glennon has built a successful career in Los Angeles.

But it seems Andrew has chosen true love (and, of course, a career in front of the camera) by re-locating to Indiana in order to be closer to Amber and his future son.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Amber revealed the news in response to some trash talk from an Instagram follower:

“Did he really go for a visit and never went back home just like Matt?” the fan commented on a photo of Amber and Andrew hanging out at her home.

“No? He had a whole life and career in LA,” Amber replied.

“He couldn’t just up and leave his family. It was a big decision on his part to move to Indiana and it’s been a great decision.”

Yes, Ms. Portwood made the big reveal in rather non-chalant fashion, which seems to be her M.O. lately.

Just last week, Amber revealed her baby’s name during a casual Twitter conversation with her brother.

Speaking of Shawn Portwood (or “Bubby,” as he’s known to TM:OG fans), Amber and Andrew recently made a trip to Florida so that her beloved brother could meet her baby daddy for the first time.

It’s a move that has many wondering if Glennon is gearing up to pop the question.

As viewers know, Amber is extremely (some would say creepily) close with her brother, and she’s stated in the past that she would never marry a man without getting Shawn’s approval first.

Obviously, it would be a very fast proposal, as Amber and Andrew have only known each other a few months, but then again, they’re already living together with a kid on the way.

At this point, marriage wouldn’t even be their biggest commitment to one another.

So don’t be surprised to hear an engagement announcement in the very near future.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online for more on Amber’s tumultuous love life.


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Andrew Lewis to Jenelle Evans: I Want a Relationship With Jace!

Earlier this week, MTV aired a special focusing on Jenelle Evans" many exes.

The hour was light on surprises, as for most of the guys, very little has changed since we saw them last.

But there was at least one major twist, and interestingly, it was delivered by Jenelle"s OG ex–her very first baby daddy, Andrew Lewis.

It"s been eight years since Lewis saw Jenelle, or his son Jace, but now he wants to make things right.

Will Jenelle be receptive to his efforts, or is this a classic case of too little, too late?

1. The Eason Family

Jenelle evans david eason kids easter

After years of reckless behavior, Jenelle has finally found a measure of stability and contentment thanks to her marriage to David Eason. There’s still plenty of drama in her life, of course, but Jenelle seems happier than fans have ever seen her.

2. The Fight for Jace

Jace evans birtday photo

Jenelle long ago surrendered custody of her oldest son, Jace, to her mother, Barbara Evans. She’s been fighting to regain custody for much of the boy’s life.

3. An Absentee Father

Jenelle evans with andrew lewis

Jace’s father, Andrew Lewis, has never been involved in his son’s upbringing. He makes child support payments to Barbara, but hasn’t seen Jace since he was an infant.

4. The Return of Andrew?

Andrew lewis image

Is it possible that Andrew might actually be making his way back into Jace’s life after nearly a decade of neglect? Believe it or not, Lewis says he now wants to form a relationship with his son.

5. An Optimistic Outlook

Andrew lewis on teen mom 2

“I live in New York City, I am an event coordinator,” he told MTV on Monday’s special. “I haven’t seen Jenelle in over eight years. I am single and I love being single.”

6. No Depression!

Andrew lewis with jenelle and jace

“There’s no worries, there’s no drama and there’s no depression at all!” Lewis continued. Sounds to us like he may be overcompensating a bit.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Amber Portwood Shares Pic in Bed With Andrew Glennon!

Not only is Amber Portwood pregnant with her second child, but she and her new baby-daddy are still living their whirlwind romance.

Part of that romance includes a couples’ trip to Malibu.

And Amber Portwood decided to share a photo of herself and Andrew Glennon … in bed together.

Look, there are a few sketchy things about Andrew Glennon. We’re the first to admit that.

He’s apparently badmouthed some exes in the past, so it doesn’t sound like he handles breakups well.

And some wonder if he abused his position as a producer to seduce Amber Portwood (though, of course, he’s at least not a Teen Mom producer).

But look at it this way — we at least don’t think that Andrew Glennon is after Amber Portwood for that sweet, sweet Teen Mom money.

That has to count for something. In fact, by reality TV relationship standards, he’s basically a prince.

Whatever you may think of Andrew Glennon, he and Amber Portwood are expecting a baby boy and that’s exciting news.

So, yesterday, Amber Portwood shared this photo on Instagram.

We haven’t seen so many photos of Amber and Andrew side-by-side, so it’s nice to see that. Also sweet that they’re traveling together.

Amber included this caption:

“On our way to Malibu yesterday with my baby hard at work next to me.”

To be clear, “my baby” means Andrew Glennon, in this context. She’s going to need to remember to be more clear once the actual, literal baby is born.

But that’s not the photo that got people talking.

No, that would be the one of the two of them in bed together:

No, this isn’t risque or likely to bother anyone but the newly married Matt Baier … and perhaps Farrah Abraham (because Farrah seems to hate that Amber Portwood even exists in the first place).

But it’s not subtle, either.

No one’s surprised that they’re having sex. They’re adults (not all adult relationships have sex, of course, but most do) and, more to the point, Amber Portwood did not conceive via immaculate conception.

But a lot of folks are awfully shy about sharing photos, even pics that are mostly just of their feet. And it’s out of more than just concern over foot fetishists enjoying the pics a little too much.

Also, taking a photo from bed in front of a reflective surface can be a risk.

As you can see, though, Amber’s photo of the beautiful beach view in Malibu doesn’t seem to expose anything but comfort and comfortable intimacy.

Some Teen Mom OG fans still aren’t sure what to make of Andrew Glennon, and we don’t quite blame them.

But it’s clear that Amber Portwood thinks a lot of him and plans for him to be part of her life for a very long time.

After the pregnancy news broke, Amber thanks fans on Twitter:

“Thank you everyone for all the kind words.”

Which is nice and all, but then she laid out her vision for the future.

“I’m very excited for my future with Andrew and our little family we are starting together! Love.”

For the record, it sounds like Leah is excited to become a big sister. Amber isn’t forgetting about her.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Andrew Glennon: Amber Portwood"s Baby Daddy Has a Seriously Sketchy Past

As we learned last week, Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child.

Fortunately, she"s not expecting a child by Matt Baier, the notorious deadbeat whom she very nearly married earlier this year.

Sadly, her new boyfriend, Andrew Glennon, has problems of his own.

And by that we mean the guy is basically a walking red flag.

We"ve told you about Glennon"s sketchy past before, but the situation basically gets uglier with every new revelation.

See what we mean in the gallery below:

1. Reality Producer Turned Reality Star

Amber portwood and andrew glennon

Andrew is a producer on Marriage Boot Camp. He met Amber while she and Matt Baier were appearing on the show to work on their ailing relationship.

2. An Abuser of Power?

Andrew glennon

Portwood and Glennon began their relationship immediately after Baier stormed off the MBC set. The timing has led many to question if Andrew abused his position of power and seduced Amber while she was still with Matt.

3. Matt Baier on Andrew Glennon: He’s Sketchy!

Matt baier reacts

One of the people who doubts Andrew’s sincerity and authenticity is Matt Baier. Obviously, Baier is a bit biased … but he’s also an expert on shady characters.

4. A Famous Family

Andrew glennon photo

Unlike Baier, Glennon is gainfully employed. But he was also born with a consideradle leg up. He’s both the son AND grandson of famed Hollywood cinematographers.

5. In Other Words, He’s Loaded

Andrew glennon pic

Which is probably part of the appeal for Amber. Unfortunately, those who know Andrew best have cautioned that Portwood is getting in way over her head…

6. A History of Crossing the Line

Andrew glennon selfie

Glennon has a history of engaging in threatening behavior with the women in his life. And the police have gotten involved on more than one occasion.

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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Andrew Kreisberg, Major TV Producer, Suspended for Sexual Misconduct

Andrew Kreisberg is the latest big name to be accused of inappropriate sexual behavior.

Warner Bros. TV has suspended the executive producer due to an investigation into numerous allegations of sexual harassment and offensive physical contact.

This is what the production company said in a statement related to the suspension and troubling accusations:

“We have recently been made aware of allegations of misconduct against Andrew Kreisberg.

“We have suspended Mr. Kreisberg and are conducting an internal investigation.

“We take all allegations of misconduct extremely seriously, and are committed to creating a safe working environment for our employees and everyone involved in our productions.”

Kreisberg is a producer on Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

Variety broke this piece of news and said it has spoken to 15 women and four men who all claims Kreisberg harassed them in various ways.

To be specific, the publication cites a “pattern of alleged sexual harassment and inappropriate physical contact over a period of years.”


It goes on to say that Kreisberg “strongly denies” these allegations.

None of the men or women behind the story wanted to reveal their names out of fear of retaliation.

“We were recently made aware of some deeply troubling allegations regarding one of our showrunners,” said Greg Berlanti and Sarah Schechter, who head Berlanti Productions which oversee Kreisberg’s shows.

They add in their statement:

“We have been encouraging and fully cooperating with the investigation into this by Warner Bros.

“There is nothing more important to us than the safety and well-being of our cast, crew, writers, producers and any staff.

“We do not tolerate harassment and are committed to doing everything we can to make an environment that’s safe to work in and safe to speak up about if it isn’t.”

Kreisberg is accused of often touching individuals without their permission.

The alleged victims say he would ask for massages from female staff members… and kiss women without asking. 

Nearly each of the sources also mention sexualized/inappropriate comments about women’s appearances, their clothes, and their perceived desirability.

The producer denies making any sort of advances or unwanted touches, but does acknowledge the following to Variety:

“I have made comments on women’s appearances and clothes in my capacity as an executive producer, but they were not sexualized.

“Like many people, I have given someone a non-sexual hug or kiss on the cheek.”

Kreisberg stands

In response to the charges that he “scares people” and makes the “workplace feel unsafe,” Kriesberg replies:

“I have proudly mentored both male and female colleagues for many years. But never in what I believe to be an unwanted way and certainly never in a sexual way.”

We’ll have more on this story as it develops.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Andrew Glennon: Amber Portwood"s Boyfriend SLAMS Matt Baier!

If you follow her on social media, then you’re probably aware that Amber Portwood is dating Andrew Glennon.

She frequently gushes about her new dude, and at first, fans seemed genuinely happy for her.

Now, however, there are fears that Amber may be repeating the mistakes of her past.

News of Glennon’s sketchy past, which includes two restraining orders requested by recent ex-girlfriends, has fans worried that Amber has found herself another possessive, controlling, untrustworthy boyfriend.

It’s a list of traits that brings to mind Amber’s ill-fated relationship with Matt Baier.

Understandably, Glennon is less than thrilled to find himself compared to widely-hated deadbeat dad who cheated on Amber and lied about his drug use.

In a recent interview, Glennon opened up about his relationship and feelings on being likened to Amber’s awful ex:

“I am in no way another Matt Baier,” Glennon told Radar Online.

“I don’t want any monetary gain or material possessions that she has. I just want to make her smile and experience things together that we both wanted to experience with our exes but couldn’t.”

Glennon acknowledged that his behavior in past relationships was less than exemplary, but he bristles at the notion that fans have reason to be concerned he’ll mistreat Amber:

“This makes her look like she has terrible taste in men,” he said.

“I am not a flawless man. The past is the past, we learn from it, hold onto the best moments, and burn the rest. Amber has a past I’m still learning about, but it doesn’t phase me.”

He told Radar that Amber is still struggling with the recent revelations about his past, but added that he’s confident their relationship will endure.

“I’m giving her space to process,” he said.

“She’s read the statements made by my exes, but still hasn’t spoken to me about it. No one is perfect, but we can always do better. I am willing to share every experience I’ve had, good and bad, because I am not the only one with a past.”

In the past, Amber has proven to be a very forgiving woman.

(Many would argue she’s much too forgiving.)

But her obsessive fans aren’t as easy to win over, and Andrew is in the doghouse early on.

We’re not saying he’s guaranteed to join the lengthy list of horrendous Teen Mom boyfriends, but he’s certainly not off to a great start.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive all of Amber’s terrible life choices.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Andrew Glennon: Amber Portwood"s Boyfriend Addresses Stalking, Harassment Allegations

Earlier this week, we reported that Amber Portwood’s boyfriend, Andrew Glennon, has been accused of stalking and harassing an ex, with the situation eventually becoming so dire that the woman was granted a three-year restraining order.

But it turns out that wasn’t the whole story.

We now know that two of Andrew’s recent exes have requested and been granted legal protection from the reality TV producer.

The second restraining order request was filed in 2015 after a relationship of just three months.

The ex in that case said she feared for her safety and asked that her family be granted protection from Glennon, as well.

“He has threatened me verbally and I believe yesterday he sent an anonymous letter to my boss and coworkers to deliberately trying to smear me,” she wrote in court documents.

“He has contacted my family and my friends in order to try and find out about me. I am scared for my safety and I am scared of him.”

Frightening stuff.

Fans are understandably concerned, as Amber just rid herself of one low-life with a history of troubling legal problems when she dumped Matt Baier back in June.

Now, it seems she’s found herself in another dangerous relationship.

Perhaps in response to the outpouring of concern, Glennon is now addressing the charges against him.

“I have three sisters and would never consider stalking nor harassing any women,” he said in a statement issued to Radar Online.

“In hindsight, I should have contested the first [restraining order filed against me].”

As for the second restraining order, Glennon rather astonishingly admits to sending the anonymous letter, but maintains he did so out of a sense of duty to our nation’s children. No, seriously:

“I felt it necessary, her being a teacher, to let her employers know what type of person they have working for them,” he told Radar.

“She was one of the most poisonous relationships I’ve ever had.”

Despite the “poisonous” nature of the relationship, Glennon says he still speaks to the second ex on a regular basis.

Sounds to us like Amber should run from this guy and never look back.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive Portwood’s long history of awful relationships.


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Andrew Glennon: Who is Amber Portwood"s New Boyfriend?!

Last week, we saw something so wonderful and lovely and uplifting …

We saw Amber Portwood canoodling with a guy who was most definitely not Matt Baier: meaning that there’s a good chance she’s finally done with that creeper.

Of course, Matt is still running his mouth about Amber to anyone who will listen, which isn’t a great sign.

But right now, let’s not dwell on the fact that Matt could slither his way back into her life at any time.

Instead, let’s dwell on the new guy with the cowboy hat who seems to have Amber pretty darn smitten!

So far, all we know about the guy is that his name is Andrew, and he’s 33 years old.

He lives in L.A. and works in television production, and Amber met him when she was out there filming Marriage Boot Camp in June.

We also know that he’s said to be filming for the upcoming season of Teen Mom OG, so that should be interesting.

But thanks to a new report from E! News, we have a bunch of additional information about Andrew — for example, we now know that his full name is Andrew Glennon.

While we knew that he met Amber while she was in L.A. filming Marriage Boot Camp, this new report claims that he was actually working on the show.

A source explains that “It makes sense Amber and Andrew grew close during filming.”

“Her relationship with Matt was in bad shape and when you’re shooting a show like this where there is a lot of heightened emotion, participants bond with the crew.”

But even though they “grew close” while she was filming the show with Matt, “nothing happened” during that time.

The source insists that “she didn’t cheat.”

What happened was, while they were filming, “Andrew noticed Amber before she noticed him,” he waited until filming had ended before he reached out to her.

When he did, “She and Matt were broken up and she invited him to come visit.”

Just a few weeks after that, he did come visit, and “he’s been with her ever since. It’s been a longer stay than either of them expected.”

And see, that part is a little weird, because that’s exactly what Matt did — he came to visit and he never, ever left.

Filming ended at beginning of July, so if he came to visit after that, that means he’s been staying with her for nearly a month.

Like, Amber, girl, it’s OK to take things slow sometimes. It is possible to form a serious relationship without moving your boyfriend in immediately.

He’s able to spend so much time with her because, although he does have a steady career in production, he usually works “gig to gig.”

He’s also “a little bit nerdy,” but Amber “likes that about him. She sounds very happy.”

She also “loves” that he’s “really tall, well over 6 feet.”

Well, if he’s really tall, why wouldn’t she move him in after the first date, right?

We’re happy for you, Amber, but just take it easy. That’s all.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Andrew Garfield: I"m Gay! Kinda! Sorta!

Andrew Garfield may no longer be Spider-Man.

But the actor still finds himself in a rather sticky situation.

The British actor – who currently stars in a production of Tony Kushner’s Angels in America as Prior Walter, a young New York man living with AIDS – spoke to Out Magazine for its latast issue and actually came out of the closet.

Kind of. Sort of.

In an unusual manner of speaking.

“Every Sunday, I would have eight friends over and we would just watch Ru,” Garfield says, referring to the reality series RuPaul’s Drag Race and adding:

“I mean every single series of RuPaul’s Drag Race. I mean, every series. This is my life outside of this play.”

And then Garfield unttered the statement that has left the Internet confused and a bit angry:

I am a gay man right now just without the physical act – that’s all.

The star goes on to admit that there may be a time in the future when he’s willing to “explore” relations with the same gender, concluding:

“As far as I know, I am not a gay man.

“Maybe I’ll have an awakening later in my life, which I’m sure will be wonderful and I’ll get to explore that part of the garden, but right now I’m secluded to my area, which is wonderful, as well.”

It must be wonderful, critics have responded. You get to claim you’re gay… without dealing with any of the oppression so often faced by men who actually do identity with this sexual preference.

And who act on it, too, of course.

Simply watching a transgender model on television does not make one day, and many folks are irate at Garfield for an attitude that reflects cultural appropriation and historical ignorance.

Actor Scott Evans clapped back against Garfield on Twitter, for example, writing:

“This article grosses me out.Ur a talented guy,but seem to be completely oblivious to what is coming out of ur mouth.”

Another Internet user Tweeted that “Former #SpiderMan #AndrewGarfield has a very limited view of what being gay ACTUALLY is. #LGBTQ.”

Even if you think Garfield had harmless (or even noble) intentions, it’s difficult to argue with these critiques of his statement.

On the dating side, Garfield is best known for having had a long-term relationship with Emma Stone.

He’s appeared in multiple Broadway plays and he dresses very well, but these stereotypically gay actions don’t a actually qualify one to claim he is a homosexual.

In January, Garfield did make headlines after locking lips with Ryan Reynolds at the 2017 Golden Globe Awards.

“I just wanted Ryan to know that I loved him no matter whether he won or lost,” Garfield told Stephen Colbert after the smooch went viral.

He has also spoken out in favor of gay marriage and wondered why Spider-Man can’t be gay.

Garfield is clearly a committed advocate of sexual equality, he just likely wishes he could have this phrasing back. He doesn’t come across very well in the Out interview, as noted on Twitter:

What do YOU think?

Is this much ado about nothing?

Or should Andrew Garfield apologize?


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Andrew McCutchen Says Boston Fans are Cool, Not Racist

Pittsburgh Pirates superstar Andrew McCutchen says his experience in Boston was simply different than Adam Jones — telling TMZ Sports he was NOT showered with racial taunts.  In fact, Andrew — one of the 62 black players in the MLB — says…


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Browns Star Andrew Hawkins Believes In Vince Young NFL Comeback (VIDEO)

Think Vince Young is too old for an NFL comeback? THINK AGAIN … ‘cause Browns star Andrew Hawkins says “anything is possible,” and he’s the proof. 33-year-old Young — who signed with an agent and announced his plans to return to football…


Monday, January 9, 2017

Ryan Reynolds & Andrew Garfield -- Steal Gosling"s Moment ... By Making Out

Ryan Reynolds lost the award but scored a sweet consolation prize from Andrew Garfield at the Golden Globes. Ryan Gosling was walking to the stage to accept the award for “La La Land” when Deadpool and Spider-Man went at it.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Andrew Dorff Dies; Beloved Songwriter Was 39

Andrew Dorff, a popular and respected songwriter who specialized in the world of country music, was found dead on Monday night.

He was 39 years old.

The tragic and unexpected passing has been confirmed by the Nashville Songwriters Association International, although no further information is available at this time.

As a writer for Universal Music Publishing Group Nashville, Dorff penned an incredible number of top hits; from “My Eyes” and “Neon Light” by Blake Shelton… to “Save It For a Rainy Day by Kenny Chesney… to “Somebody’s Heartbreak” by Hunter Hayes.

He was also responsible for successful songs by such major artists as Ronnie Dunn, Hunter Hayes, Sara Evans, Martina McBride and William Michael Morgan.

Wrote Nashville Songwriters Association International in a statement that confirmed this sad news:

It is with immeasurable grief that we learn of the passing of our friend Andrew Dorff. Our songwriting community is small and close and this loss will hurt us all deeply.

Andrew was a good man and a good friend. He was an elite songwriter at the peak of his life and career. Our sincerest prayers go out to his family.

May we all hug each other a little tighter this week and remember that life is fragile. Rest in peace Andrew.

Andrew was the brother of actor Stephen Dorff.

According to the Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner Database, the office is unable to release any other further details regarding Dorff’s death because the investigation remains ongoing.

“The BMI family is incredibly shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of songwriter Andrew Dorff,” said Jody Williams, Vice President of Writer Publisher Relations at BMI Nashville.

“The Nashville music business community will miss his kind and generous spirit, his unparalleled talent, and his gift of friendship. BMI was so fortunate to be a part of his career from the very beginning. Whether swinging by our office for a quick meeting or receiving an award at our annual dinner, Andrew’s presence was always a welcome one in the room.

“He will be sorely missed by our entire staff.”

Here is a look at social media reaction from those whose lives were touched by Dorff in Hollywood, Nashville and beyond:

dorff tweets

Added Chase Rice:

“No words. Andrew Dorff I don’t even know what to say man. Heart broken. You’ll be missed. A great songwriter taken way too young.”

And Martina McBride:

“So very sad to hear about @endorffin Thanks for caring enough to write with me and for “Ride” #shinewhileyouhavethechancetoshine #sweetsoul.”

Dorff celebrated a birthday on December 16.

He got his start as an artist with 1997’s Hint Of A Mess before transitioning into songwriting.

We send our condolences to the friends, family members and loved ones of Andrew Dorff.


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Andrew Breitbart: Pundit"s Tweet Before Death Leads to Sex-Trafficking Conspiracy Theory

Back in March of 2012, arch-conservative media personality Andrew Breitbart passed away at the age of 43.

The unexpected nature of his death, coupled with his reputation for leveling wild accusations at high-ranking Democrats made for fertile ground for the sort of conspiracy theories that Breitbart so often espoused and propagated during his life.

The most common, of course, was that Breitbart was killed in an assassination ordered by a coterie of the politicians he’d spent his life antagonizing.

When an autopsy revealed Breitbart passed away as a result of heart failure and no evidence of foul play emerged, the theorists mostly quieted down.

However, Breitbart’s name is again in the news this week, as a result of Steve Bannon‘s appointment as President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist, so perhaps it was inevitable that allegations of a cover-up surrounding his death would once again begin to circulate on social media.

For several years, Bannon served as the executive chair for Breitbart’s eponymous far-right news website. 

His controversial appointment by Trump (Bannon has ties to both the white nationalist and “alt-right” movements.) came on the heels of the Wikilieaks release of thousands of emails sent by Hillary Clinton top advisor John Podesta.

In the minds of conspiracy theorists, Breitbart and Podesta’s names are forever linked, and the fact that they’ve both been in the news in recent weeks has revived interest in a tweet that Breitbart posted shortly before his death:

“How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me,” Breitbart wrote in February of 2011.

Sunday night saw an increase in Google searches and social media mentions pertaining to Breitbart, particularly on the micro-blogging site Gab, which was recently described as “the alt-right’s own Twitter” by Wired magazine.

“One of America’s best an most respected independent journalists at the time; he is making a very bold claim about John Podesta — back then — based on his own research,” former Huffington Post contributor David Seaman wrote on Gab.

“This is years before WikiLeaks came out.”

Seaman and others allege that Podesta helped cover up a child sex ring organized by billionaire and convicted child molester Jeffrey Epstein, who also had close ties to Donald Trump.

There is no evidence of a link between Podesta and Epstein, but Trump has praised the admitted pedophile as a close friend, stating on at least one occasion that he and Epstein bonded over their shared love of “beautiful women.”

A child rape case against Trump was dropped for unknown reasons earlier this month.

Many Breitbart assassination theorists believe the journalist was close to exposing Epstein’s connections to several major political figures, a scandal that they’ve dubbed “Pizzagate,” in reference to Podesta’s alleged use of code words in leaked emails.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Andrew Caldwell Admits He Never Dated Kordell Stewart

Earlier this month, a man named Andrew Caldwell claimed to have dated Kordell Stewart while the former NFL star was still married to Porsha Wlliams.

Stewart accused Caldwell of lying and threatened to sue. Now, after weeks of standing by his story, Caldwell has admitted that he made the whole thing up.

Speaking with TMZ, Caldwell finally came clean and added that he’s no concerned about the suit filed by Stewart.

“It’s true, I never dated Kordell. But I’m not worried about the lawsuit. If Kordell wants money, he has money. I don’t owe him a dime.”

Caldwell goes on to say that he doesn’t believe Stewart has a case against him, but (and here’s where it really gets strange) he may file a counter-suit against Kordell.

“[What I said] did damage Kordell. He has a son. For his son to think, ‘Is my dad gay?’ That is damaging,” Caldwell said. “I may go after Kordell. Yes, I hurt his name, but he also hurt mine.”

It seems that Caldwell – who first made headlines as the star of a viral video in which he claimed that he was cured of being gay –  should probably consult with a lawyer before he gives any more interviews.

For one thing, admitting that he damaged Stewart’s reputation is unlikely to help his case.

Additionally, if (when) Caldwell loses in court, it will probably have little to do with Stewart’s sexual orientation, and lots to do with Caldwell’s claim that he slept with and received gifts from a married man.

Stay tuned to see how this turns out, and watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online for more drama from the man once known as Slash. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield: It"s Tragically Over!

It is tragically all over for Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield.

The beloved couple, who managed to maintain a significant amount of privacy while still coming across as totally adorable, have split after four years of dating.

“They still have a lot of love for one another and they are on good terms with each another and remain close,” an insider tell Us Weekly of the Amazing Spider-Man costars.

“It just wasn’t working.”

According to E! News, the relationship actually ended months ago and the stars remain on “good terms.”

There was actually talk back in April that Stone and Garfield broke up (due to alleged cheating by the latter), but those rumors were never confirmed.

Multiple reliable outlets are reporting on this split, however.

And most of them point to busy schedules on both ends as the basis for things not working out.

“I understand the interest in it completely, because I’ve had it, too,” Stone told WSJ Magazine this summer when asked about her romance with Garfield.

“But it’s so special to me that it never feels good to talk about, so I just continually don’t talk about it.”

See. This is why we loved these two so much!

Earlier today, it was announced that Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez will file for divorce after two years of dating.

Both these famous twosomes now join MANY others that have called it quits in 2015. To wit…