Showing posts with label Attention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attention. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Sarah Jessica Parker -- Attention Divorcing Women ... Don"t Listen to Me! (VIDEO)

Sarah Jessica Parker plays a wife in the throes of an ugly divorce on HBO … so she should know a thing or two about prenups, right?    Matthew Broderick’s longtime wife fielded questions from our photog about protecting yourself…


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Ryan Edwards: I Didn"t Actually Kill Cats, I Just Wanted Attention!

After bragging about it all over social media, Ryan Edwards now claims that he does not kill cats.

Maci Bookout’s ex-boyfriend is currently being investigated by the Humane Educational Society, who have solid evidence to back up their belief that he is maliciously killing animals at his Tennessee home.

The organization obtained a search warrant, which allowed police and animal control to search and take photos of the property.  There, they found animal remains and cat food.

“If you have a cat problem, you don’t put food all over the place,” director of the Humane Educational Society, Bob Citrullo told local site,

“He’s saying he made it up and was just doing it to build hype … He didn’t think he’d get this much aggravation out of it,” Citrullo said.

The issue authorities are facing now is how to move forward, Citrullo explained, adding that the law is a little vague when it comes to protecting cats.

“It’s very specific on companion animals and livestock, but feral cats are falling in between [the laws],” Citrullo said.

Still, Edwards is not off the hook.

“I hope we can do something for all the issues he’s caused,” Citrullo added.

“We are putting a lot of effort into this.”

Earlier this month, Edwards bragged about his killing spree and his ability to keep those vandalizing cats from ruining his life.

Edwards loved the horrified comments from his followers, and made no apologies for his actions.

“When they start living under you [sic] house and having 100 babies that scratch your car and boat and piss on everything and get into your garbage let me know,” he wrote.

“Lol and you can go to jail for vandalizing people’s property and trespassing so I guess I’ll call the cops next time lol. Like you ppl are stupid.”

No, sir.  You are. You also might be a bit of a sociopath.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Kristen Stewart Rocks See-Through Dress, Continues to Seek Attention

Last time we checked in on Kristen Stewart, she was being accused of cheating on a French singer and then stealing her look to boot.

Has she topped that in the months since? No, in terms of tabloid headline-ready life choices that’s pretty tough to improve upon – but she did rock a see-through dress on the red carpet last night.

You may be saying to yourself, “Hey, THG, I’ve seen Kristen Stewart naked on multiple occasions! Why should I care that she’s wearing a sheer outfit on the red carpet?!”

To which we say – you’ve got a real attitude problem, hypothetical reader.

And also: Sure, Kristen gets naked a lot, but have we really reached the point where we’re just going to overlook a dress that you can freakin’ see through?

Yeah, all the interesting bits are covered but it’s a dress … that you can see through.

Twilight was a long time ago, but Kristen is still famous enough that we’re willing to take time out and give her her due even when she hints at public nudity.

These are divisive times we’re living in, but there are certain things we can all still agree on, and frankly, we don’t want to live in a country where famous actresses can’t make headlines by walking the red carpet semi-nude.

We’re pretty sure the Founding Fathers didn’t imagine a future in which Kristen Stewart would go out in public wearing next to nothing and we would all just turn a blind eye.

So you go ahead and tell yourself there are more important things going on in the world, comrade!

While you’re off hunting moose and squirrel with Putin, we’ll be enjoying our nearly naked actresses with pride, dammit!

Forgive us if our patriotism is getting interfering your breakfast of borsht and  … whatever else they eat in other countries.

We’ll be over here watching K-Stew gnaw on her lower lip and almost show her boobs like gosh darn Americans!

*sheds tear to sound of bald eagle screaming*

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Furious Her Family Is Paying More Attention To Blac Chyna!

Everyone, make sure you’re extra sweet to Kylie Jenner, because she’s feeling like everyone cares more about her older brother and his baby news than her and her super-dramatic personal life.

JK.  Get over it, youth.

While the rest of the family is sucking it up and wishing Rob Kardashian’s fiance, Blac Chyna all the best, Kylie is “absolutely heartbroken” that all attention is being paid to her ex-boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend.

Sources recently told Radar Online that  “Kylie is totally trying to play the victim role right now and has been in isolation since she found out that Blac was pregnant.”

The thing is, no one in her family GAF that she’s pouting (we think.  Her facial expressions as of late have been tough to read.).  

They’ve all accepted the fact that Rob has found love and he’s building a family with Blac.

“She cannot believe that this has happened and is absolutely astounded at how fast it all went down!”

Apparently, Kylie was really jonesin’ for that happily ever after every teenage bride dreams of.  Unfortunately, reliable sources told TMZ that she and Tyga, 25, broke up a few days before the MET Gala.

“All Kylie ever wanted from Tyga was a ring and a baby and now that Blac Chyna has this from her own brother she is just completely shut down,” the source said.

“She told her mother this and Kris is basically just like, ‘Shut up Kylie.’” 

Kris Jenner has really grown on me, ever since she mocked Kim Kardashian for her 72-day marriage.

Anyhoo, back to Bratty Jenner.

“Kylie just feels like no one is listening to her and that everyone is just kissing Rob’s a** because they want him to stay on the right path, which he has been.”

Kylie is 18.  She has absolutely no idea what she wants.  You’d think she would be used to being ignored, considering she has five older siblings (and that’s not counting her dad’s four other children).

Monday, April 25, 2016

Game of Thrones Fans Call Attention to BIG Problem With Melisandre Reveal

If you watched the Game of Thrones Season 6 premiere last night, there’s a good chance you’re still pondering that shocking final scene and what it means for the future of one of the show’s most enigmatic characters.

After a breakneck episode that often felt more like a hasty recap of the events of Season 5, we found ourselves alone with the Red Priestess Melisandre as she readied herself for bed.

She removed her clothes, which surprised exactly no one, as Carice Van Houten is naked for about a third of her screentime.

Then she removed her choker and [SPOILER ALERT, OBVI!], we received quite a shock indeed.

It seems the sexy redhead who’s been yammering about the Lord of Light for four seasons now is just an illusion created by the amulet Melisandre wears around her neck.

Her true self is a decrepit old woman whom Van Houten estimates to be between 100 and 400 years old.

Quite a range in that estimate, but once you pass 100 does it really matter?

Anyway, it’s one of those twists that’s meant to make you reconsider everything you thought you knew about this character.

Unfortunately, for the show’s producers GoT fans are a particularly obsessive lot, so they did go back and re-examine Melisandre’s history – and some of them didn’t like what they saw.

Yes, as you can see, Melisandre doesn’t always wear the choker, which kind of ruins the whole “she’s actually a withered old crone who’s been deceiving everyone for years” thing.

Though as many fans have pointed out, the Season 4 scene above appears to be the one and only time she doesn’t rock her magic amulet, and it’s possible that it was by design.

The only other person in the scene is Stannis’ wife Selyse, and many fans have theorized that Melly intended to show Selly her true form, either to show her the extent of her power, or to prove that she’s not a threat to the Baratheon’s marriage.

The theory holds that the audience didn’t see the scene from Selyse’s point of view and instead continued to see Melisandre as she presents herself to the world.

Selyse’s uncomfortable reaction to Melisandre’s nudity seems to support that hypothesis.

Of course. her awkwardness may have just been a result of the fact that Selyse was kind of a prude.

The dialogue from the scene is may be more laded with meaning than we initially realized, as the Red Priestess dismisses her body as “just flesh” and explains to Selyse that she uses her body as a persuasive tool.

Again, hardly iron-clad proof, but certainly enough to give the show the benefit of the doubt.

It’s unlike creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss to overlook important details, but at the same time, the show has never toyed with perspective like that or given us the notion that the characters are seeing something different than what we’re seeing.

(Which is a bit odd, as the books frequently offer different viewpoints on the same events.)

So it’s possible that D & D simply messed up, but it actually seems more likely that they knew what they were doing all along.

Either way, we’ll never look at those many Melisandre nude scenes the same way again. (But make no mistake we will look at them again.)

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Blac Chyna Just Wants Attention, Source Dares to Allege


We have some disheartening news:

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian are not engaged.

This may come as a shock to many readers because Chyna wore a diamond ring on her finger earlier this week and also captioned a photo of her and her boyfriend with a diamond ring emoji.

But, despite this proof, an insider tells People Magazine that Rob never popped the life-altering question.

Simply put, they are “not engaged,” this source says, explaining of why Chyna has been seen around with the aforementioned shiny piece of jewelry on her hand:

Chyna is all about attention, and that’s probably why she keeps flashing the ring.”

Wait… WHAT?!? Blac Chyna is all about attention?!?

We’re gonna need a few moments to digest this unexpected analysis and evaluation…

However, just because Blac Chyna won’t be walking down the aisle any time soon with Rob, that doesn’t mean things aren’t serious between the stars.

On Thursday, the mother of Tyga’s son jumped on Instagram to post a NSFW snapshot of herself wearing nothing but a thong while modeling a pair of Kardashians’s “Stay Trill” Arthur George socks.

Rob himself has said far less in public about the romance, but those in the know are speaking on his behalf.

“She makes him super happy, and this is the first time that he’s felt so optimistic about life in years,” another source tells People.

“She helps keep Rob in check with his health and makes sure he is abiding by his diet and exercising.

“He feels there’s strong potential for this relationship to go a long way, but for now they are very content and complement each other really well.”

Friday, December 11, 2015

Gossip Girl Throwback Photo: Attention, Upper East Siders...

Michelle Trachtenberg has sent a simple, four-letter message to her 208,000 followers on Instagram. 

And it goes something like this…


The veteran actress threw it way back on social media yesterday, sharing a photograph of herself, Penn Badgley and Chace Crawford on the Gossip Girl set.

“#tbt One of my favorite pics behind the scenes of #gossipgirl with these two handsome gents. #trouble #georginasparks,” she captioned the picture. “#xoxo.”

As she mentions here, Trachtenberg recurred as Georgina Sparks for many seasons of the former CW smash.

It was never really clear whether Sparks was a friend or a foe to heroes such as Dan (Badgley) and Nate (Crawford), but she’s perpetually our pal for posting this image.

What can we say?

We’re Upper East Siders at heart.

Crawford, Trachtenberg, Jessica Szohr and Kelly Rutherford hung out at Elton John’s AIDS Foundation Oscars Party last year, snapping another memorable photo to document their mini reunion at the time.

“So happy to see these beautiful people (inside and out) last night. Chase, Michelle and Jessica #GG #PostOscars,” Rutherford wrote on Instagram as a caption.

Earlier this week, meanwhile, Blake Lively also went all awesome throwback on us.

She shared a picture of herself as a child with Jason Priestley and it may be the best thing we’ve ever seen in our entire lives.

SIGH. Can The CW just air a Gossip Girl reunion already or what?!?

Oh well. At least we can always watch Gossip Girl online via TV Fanatic. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Kourtney Kardashian Pays No Attention To Scott Disick"s Latest Antics As She Enjoys The Mountains With Baby Reign!

Kourtney Kardashian is handling her split from Scott Disick like a total champ!

Instead of playing into Scott’s recent cheap shot on Instagram, the reality star decided to spend some quality time in the mountains with her 10-month-old baby, Reign Disick.

Related: Kourtney Reflects On ‘Being Alone’ Months After Breaking Up With Scott!

So adorable AND refreshing!

We have a feeling Kardashian left her two other children, Penelope and Mason Disick back in El Lay with their aunties because she needs some alone time as the new season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians starts.

Considering there’s a lot of emotional break-up moments in the latest installment of KUWTK, we can’t say we blame her!

The mom of two captioned the reflective and gorgeous shot:

“Yellowstone National Park. #lonemountainranch #justcallmedavycrockett.”

Ha! Great Davy Crockett impersonation, Kourt!

We just adore this Kourtney 2.0 — girl is a blast ever since she split from LD. From hanging out with friends to appreciating nature, the reality star looks like she has finally found happiness.

Enjoy the rest of your vacay!!

[Image via Instagram.]

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Nicole Arbour Turns Unfunny Attention to Abortion

There"s a rule most comedians try to follow: nothing is off-limits as long as one is being funny.

Apparently no one explained this rule to Nicole Arbour.

The controversial vlogger, who rose to Internet infamy due to a fat-shaming video she recorded last month, is now back with her take on abortion.

Arbour makes it clear right away that she"s both pro-choice and also pro-say-whatever-I-can-to-sound-edgy-and-interesting.

"Abortions are wrong, said no smart person ever," she begins the video, later saying that sex is sometimes just for "fun," not for procreation, and explaining that some people out there SHOULD have been aborted.

Like Hitler. And also like any parents whose five-year old is on ADD medicine.

"I have a theory that some kids were supposed to be aborted," Arbour says. “And the ones who weren"t turned into murderers and crazy people."

Apparently being destroyed as a guest on The View did little to damper Arbour"s taste for the spotlight.

Nicole arbour turns unfunny attention to abortion