Showing posts with label Brown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brown. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Matt Brown, Alaskan Bush People Star, Checks Into Rehab

Matt Brown has taken the first step in his hopeful path to recovery.

The Alaskan Bush People star has admitted he needs help.

Speaking to People Magazine, the Discovery Channel personality says he is checking into rehab for the second time in order to receive assistance for a dependency on alcohol.

“I struggle with substance abuse, and after a year of ups and downs, I decided to return to treatment,” the oldest Brown son tells the publication in this week’s issue.

He adds:

“I’m really grateful for everyone’s support and hope to have my life back on track soon.”

The reality star first entered a treatment facility of this nature in the spring of 2016.

What made him realize that he had to try again and that he had to turn his life around?

“I could see myself spiraling,” Brown explains, acknowledging that he had been spending more and more time drinking over the previous year.

“I was more withdrawn. I was slower. Things didn’t excite me the way they used to.”

On a recent episode of Alaskan Bush People, Matt got injured while helping to build the family’s new residence.

Overall, meanwhile, the Browns have been through a whole lot over the past two years; most notably, of course, the loved ones have been dealing with matriarch Ami’s very serious lung cancer diagnosis.

It was believeed for awhile that Ami would not survive the Stage 4 illness, but she remains a major part of the series and of the family.

Due to her need for medical care, however, the Browns have left Alaska and settled in rural Washington.

Now, they’ll be without Matt for an unspecified period of time.

(It’s unclear at the moment just where Matt will receive treatment and for how long he will be there.)

“It’s hard not having one of my babies here with us,” says Ami, who is now cancer-free, yet has been informed she should undergo tests every three months for the rest of her life.

“He was so strong for me, and I want to be strong for him,” she adds to People.

bush folks

“We miss him terribly, but we’d rather lose him from home for a little while than lose him forever,” dad Billy says.

“We just want him to do what he needs to do to get better.”


We send Matt our very best wishes.

Alaskan Bush People airs Sunday at 9/8c on Discovery.


Monday, September 24, 2018

Alaskan Bush People: Gabe Brown Fears the Worst After Matt Is Injured

Last week on Alaskan Bush People, Gabe Brown risked life and limb working construction on the Brown family"s new homestead.

On the latest episode, however, it"s not Gabe who"s putting himself at risk. His older brother Matt Brown gets injured.

It"s a major setback for the Browns, as they explain in this video. How much will this delay construction?

Gabe brown speaks on alaskan bush people

On Sunday night"s new Alaskan Bush People episode, Matt Brown jumps down from too high and ends up injuring his knee.

His siblings are concerned about his well being, but as Gabe explains to the camera, they are also concerned about delaying their construction project.

"These are major setbacks," Gabe laments to the camera.

He shares his fear that: "It"s gonna keep us from building the barn."

"It"s pretty much worst case scenario," Gabe worries. Matt may be able to walk, but not like he could before he twisted his knee.

Rain Brown is only 15 (though she often acts as the family"s de facto spokesperson on social media, she will not turn 16 until November 23, 2018).

Despite that, she is so often the voice of reason — and even maturity. Even when she is speaking to Bam Bam, who is 34 entire years old.

"I"m just going to be blunt with you," Rain says. "I think you could help more."

Bam, we learn, has been showing up late and bristles in the face of being given instructions. Again, this is a grown man who was born in 1984.

"It"s really important for everyone to get involved with this," Rain emphasizes. "Teamwork is important."

Rain brown works hard

Though he had been messing around in the face of Matt"s instructions, Rain"s words do get through to Bam Bam.

"I"m just me all the time," Bam admits.

You know what? He sure is.

He then asks Rain to "just tell me," when he"s not being as helpful as he should. "So maybe I can fix it."

That sounds like it should be his responsibility rather than Rain"s, but okay.

Rain needs more from Bam Bam than showing up on time and working as a team.

She admits that what he really brings to the group is a concern with safety. Matt and Gabe, in contrast, are daredevils who take risks like they have something to prove.

"I think we actually need your help a lot more than we let on," Rain tells Bam.

She appreciates him agreeing to work on his behavior, and says: "I think that this is a good first step." 

"We still need to get that working on a team level going," Rain says.

Alaskan bush people family photo

It sounds like Matt — and, honestly, Gabe — need to reign in their impulses, while Bam Bam needs to be more helpful.

To be fair, they"re all there to film the show. As we know, the Brown family have accumulated their share of wealth over what are now 8 seasons of reality televisions.

They"re not squatting on land in the wilderness — they"re on Billy Brown"s 435 property in rural Washington.

Bam isn"t there because he"s a construction expert. He"s there because he"s a reality star and appearing on camera means that he gets paid.

Still, that injury looks like the real deal. Maybe Matt should wisen up and realize that he"s not as young as he once was. They all need to be careful.

Alaskan bush people gabe brown fears the worst after matt is inj

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Antonio Brown Says He Doesn"t Want To Be Traded

Antonio Brown says he does NOT want to be traded from the Pittsburgh Steelers … just days after saying the opposite on Twitter. Brown spoke with reporters on Thursday about his now infamous tweet … saying he “obviously” doesn’t actually want to…


Friday, September 14, 2018

Alaskan Bush People Sneak Peek: Gabe Brown Risks Life and Limb!

Alaskan Bush People has been destroying Keeping Up With The Kardashians" ratings, and it looks like this new episode will be no different.

In this sneak peek, Gabe Brown takes huge risks as the Browns build a new structure on their property, scaring his siblings half to death.

Noah also comes to visit in the new episode, revealing a serious health problem that required surgery.

Alaskan bush people family photo

In the video that we"ve included, viewers can see Gabe standing on a piece of construction equipment and wielding a chainsaw.

"The next step is now Gabe just needs to cut off the top of the poles," Bird Brown explains.

"He’s just going to stand in the bucket of the skid-steer," Bird describes.

She reveals who will be operating this dangerous equipment, adding: "and Rain’s going to raise him up."

It"s always reassuring to see a 15-year-old operating heavy machinery.

Alaskan bush people construction gif 01

"I’m not normally serious," Bird acknowledges. "But right now it is super serious,”

“It is actually pretty dangerous," Bird admits.

"It’s actually the most dangerous things we’ve done on the job."

Bam Bam Brown adds: "That does not look incredibly safe."

His opinion is pretty clear. As you can see in the clip, he"s standing a considerable distance away from the action.

Alaskan bush people construction gif 02

In addition to Gabe risking life and limb (and his baby sister"s mental health for the next half-century) to shorten some stilts, this weekend"s episode promises another development.

In August, Noah Brown married Rhain Alisha in a small, moving wedding ceremony.

On this weekend"s episode, Noah "returns to the pack," as they say, visiting the new family homestead in rural Washington to see his parents.

His presence is reassuring to his father, Billy Brown, who is happy to see him.

His arrival is also a tremendous comfort to Ami, who states that she feels more secure with all of her children around her.

Gabe brown defies death

Noah also makes a startling confession about his health.

During his time away from his family, his body began to become inexplicably bloated.

As it turns out, as is usually the case with a sudden change in body size, there is a medical explanation.

In Noah"s case, it was his gall bladder.

He had to have his abnormally large gall bladder removed, and his torso still bears the stretch mark from the sudden gain in weight that his endocrine system foisted upon him. 

Alaskan bush people construction gif 03

We"re sure that some parts of this coming episode of Alaskan Bush People is just theatrics for the camera. That goes with the territory on any reality show.

We have no doubts that Noah"s family knew about his gall bladder being removed before he told them on camera and showed off his scar.

And we also know for a fact that Billy Brown"s new 435 property could gain a new structure without the children risking it all to build it.

But they"re doing this personally, on camera, so that they can keep raking in that reality TV money.

And since Alaskan Bush People is creaming Keeping Up With The Kardashians, this hard work and drama is a sound investment in their family"s future.

Alaskan bush people sneak peek gabe brown risks life and limb

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Noah Brown: Rhain IS Taking My Last Name, No Matter WHAT My Family Says!

On Wednesday, August 15, Alaskan Bush People star Noah Brown married Rhain in a heartwarming wedding ceremony.

Some “fans” of the show and the family have never liked Rhain, and rumors began to surface that Rhain wasn’t allowed to take Noah’s last name.

Noah has come forward to clear things up, once and for all.

Noah Brown spoke to RadarOnline to lay this rumor to rest.

“Rhain is my wife,” Noah affirmed.

Not that there was any doubt — but, especially for newlyweds, that statement can feel powerful.

“And,” Noah continued. “She is my wife for life.”

Noah then makes it clear: “and of course she will be taking my last name.”

Noah cannot help but gush about his new life.

“It feels wonderful to be married,” Noah shares.

He mentions that his wedding date was a long time coming.

“Rhain and I were engaged for over a year,” he reminds fans, before repeating: “And we are finally married.”

He really loves saying it. That is so cute.

He says that the feeling of being married has really improved his life.

“It is like this huge weight has been lifted,” Noah says.

They’re no longer engaged and deciding when and where to get married or trying to work out any of those details.

Noah concludes: “We can finally focus on being husband and wife.”

Good for them!

Obviously, not ever woman who marries a man then goes and changes her last name to match his.

Some hyphenate. Some simply leave their names as they are. It depends on many factors, but ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Changing a name can be a troublesome and time-consuming and expensive process. It was probably a lot simpler a century ago when few women were gainfully employed or owned property.

Sometimes, it can take a new bride some time to change her name — remember, you have to change things like deeds and bank accounts in the process.

Just because someone hasn’t raced to do so instead of going on her honeymoon doesn’t mean that she’s never changing her name. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

Noah has been something of a black sheep in his family, which is probably why he gets more grief from fans and viewers than Bam Bam does.

Both sons fell in love and moved on with their lives, but Noah was always a little weird (yes, even weirder than his siblings).

The kid who’s a little goth isn’t going to thrive out in the wilderness, folks. He’s a grown man and he’s allowed to live his wife.

Some fans turned their ire on Rhain, even accusing her of “copying” Noah’s sister Rain’s name, because Rhain’s birth name is Ruth.

Folks, people can change their names any time that they like. 

We’re not sure why people think that Rhain would want to copy her now-husband’s sister’s name. Noah dragged Rain on Instagram just a couple of months ago.

Also, Rain Brown’s full name is Merry Christmas Kathryn Raindrop Brown. How would you even begin to “copy” that?

We’re so glad that Noah and Rhain found each other and we hope that they continue to enjoy their wedded bliss.

Fans (and so-called “fans”) will continue to say whatever they like about Noah and Rhain, but the further removed from reality television that Noah is, the less that these haters can touch them.


Foxy Brown Allegedly Skips Out on Concert But Pockets the Money

Foxy Brown took thousands of dollars to perform at an event, showed up hours late, grabbed a check out of the organizer’s hand and skipped out … so claims a furious promoter who is now on the verge of suing.  Foxy agreed to perform 2…


Friday, September 7, 2018

Rihanna: Siding with Chris Brown in Child Support Battle?!

Chris Brown is getting dragged to court by his ex because he’s a deadbeat dad, to absolutely no one’s surprise.

While Nia Guzman demands that he pay his fair share to support his daughter, Royalty, a shocking report claims that Chris has a surprising person in his corner.

Rihanna is allegedly heartbroken that Chris is getting dragged back into court.

Nia Guzman says that Chris owes her a lot of child support money for their little girl, Royalty. Chris strenuously objects.

An alleged inside source close to Rihanna tells HollywoodLife that Rihanna feels sorry for Chris Brown, if you can imagine.

“Rihanna’s heart goes out to Chris as he deals with his baby mama drama,” the source claims.

Apparently, she not only feels compassion for his plight — but confidence that he’s being a good dad.

To hear this insider tell it: “She has no doubts that Chris loves and supports his daughter.”

Loving and supporting someone is, for the record, not the same thing as meeting your court-ordered child support payments.

According to this report, Rihanna’s takeaway from their relationship is basically that Chris Brown is a family man who always does right by his loved ones.

“And Rihanna also knows from their time together that being a father was something he’s always wanted,” the insider declares.

Wanting something really bad always means that you’re responsible with it, right? Like teens and new cars, or little kids and puppies, or Chris Brown and women.

“And although she’s not involved in his life anymore,” the source claims. “From her perspective he’s been super devoted to his daughter Royalty.”

If she’s not in his life anymore … what possible perspective could she have? Unless she reads a lot of wholesome Chris Brown fanfiction.

To be clear, this alleged source isn’t going so far as to claim that Rihanna knows the facts of the case or, you know, any salient details.

“Rihanna has no idea what his child support agreement is though,” the insider admits.

But apparently that’s not important to her, the source says, “and she has no real interest in those details.”

“She does however, feel confident that Chris will do the right thing when it comes to supporting his daughter,” the insider asserts.

So … this report is claiming that Riri is Chris’ ideal character witness?

If Rihanna is really viewing Chris through rose-tinted glasses, Chris’ feelings are said to be even stronger.

“Not a day goes by without Chris thinking about Rihanna,” an insider tells HollywoodLife. “He still thinks she’s the most beautiful girl in the world and he truly believes that she’s the love of his life.”

First of all, he doesn’t think that Rihanna’s the most beautiful girl in the world. He knows. It’s a fact.

Chris tries to live his life without regrets,” the source reports. “But he can’t help wishing things had played out differently between him and Rihanna.”

We’ll say this much — there are some men who beat a woman’s face until it’s almost beyond recognition and don’t regret it. But regets don’t mean that Chris is a good dude.

Rihanna is many things. Savvy, beautiful, talented, gorgeous, funny, stunningly attractive, witty … the list goes on.

What she is not is a damn fool. A little more compassionate than is good for her? Sure. But she’s no fool.

We have an extremely difficult time believing that Rihanna imagines that Chris is some kindhearted family man. She knows better than most that he is not.

But we could absolutely believe that Riri has a friend who is s–tty enough to project their own nostalgia for Chris onto her and also blab about it to a tabloid.

We’re not saying that this is what happened, but … it’s certainly more plausible than Rihanna losing her mind.


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Kody Brown and the Sister Wives Have Moved to Arizona!

While Sister Wives daughter Mariah Brown gushes about her move to Chicago, Kody Brown and the sister wives themselves have uprooted their family for a move of their own.

Kody and the sister wives left Vegas to move to Flagstaff, Arizona. They announced the move months ago, but have made some progress since then.

Here is what we know about their big move:

In July, the Browns put out a statement explaining why they were making this drastic change.

“As much as we’ve loved making our home and memories here in Las Vegas,” the statement began.

The statement continued: “we are excited to embark on a new adventure in Flagstaff, Arizona.”

“We are looking forward to cooler temperatures, the mountain air, scenic views,” the statement read.

The statement concluded, adding: “and the slower lifestyle of Flagstaff.”

At present, Kody and his wives and their young children have yet to actually move into new, permanent residences.

Don’t get us wrong — they’re lviing in Flagstaff. They made the move.

But apparently they’re currently living in four rentals, which are scattered throughout Flagstaff, and have also rented a commercial building.

In a recent interview with The Associated Press, Kody joked about the tangled logistical ngihtmare of moving so many people before their new homes are actually built.

“We moved to heaven,” he joked. “But we’re living in hell right now.”

Once their new residences are ready, however, it looks like they’ll be living in paradise.

Kody and the sister wives have spent $ 820,000 on purchasing their new properties, which will allow them to live in close proximity to each other.

The purchase of the four lots makes for a combined 15 acres of land.

It is also close to downtown Flagstaff.

But they’ll have to wait for their new homes to be built. In the mean times, they deal with inconvenience and a little chaos while their lives hang in limbo.

meri brown road pic in flagstaff

Even before they made their move to Flagstaff, Meri Brown spoke of her excitement alongside a photo of the open sky.

“Anyone who knows me well knows how much I love the mountains, the peace, calm, & serenity that can be found there,” Meri began.

Her post continued: “Since moving away from Utah I’ve missed being able to head up to my favorite mountain anytime I want.”

“But I’m looking forward to our move to the mountains of Arizona,” Meri expressed hopefully.

Meri concluded that she is excited about “the road that’s stretched out ahead of me and the promise it holds.”

Robyn Brown deer pic in flagstaff

Robyn Brown snapped a photo of a deer, writing: “I came upon this lovely creature in my backyard. It was an accident that I got so close. I had to snap a picture.”

“She just stopped and stared at me for the longest time,” Robyn shared. “I think she saw into my soul.”

“Ari has been scared of the deer we have been seeing,” Robyn continued. “But I explained they were nice and safe.”

“Now,” Robyn shared. “She loves watching them through the window. ‘They are nice happy deer!’ she says.”

Hopefully we’ll get to see a lot of their new experiences when Sister Wives returns on January 4!


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Chris Brown is a Deadbeat Dad; Literally No One Is Shocked

Back in 2015, the world learned that Chris Brown had a secret daughter named Royalty.

Now, this is wasn’t as surprising as when we all learned that Drake had a secret child because unlike Drizzy, Breezy is a known POS and we always expect the absolute worst of him.

There are ways Chris could have surprised us, like say, stepping up and being the kind of father his little girl deserves.

Instead, he decided to play to type by being the absolute worst.

You would think Chris would be getting sick of that routine by now, since it’s how he handles every situation, but the guy has his schtick and he sticks to it.

So yes, the bad news is, Chris Brown is a deadbeat dad, just like everyone expected him to be.

The good news is, if his earnings are any indication, Chris Brown’s career is very much on the decline.

According to court documents obtained by Radar Online, Brown’s baby mama, Nia Guzman, has been getting the shaft from her multi-platinum sperm donor.

She’s now asking for $ 21,000 a month, plus another $ 250,000 that Brown allegedly owes her for missed payments.

That may sound like an exorbitant amount, but it’s important to bear in mind that Guzman is raising this child entirely on her own.

Brown only has supervised visitation rights, and he seems to have no desire to fight for even partial custody.

Nia claims Brown has earned an average of $ 4,269,067 over the last two years, which can be broken down to just over $ 350,000 per month.

Obviously, that’s an outrageous amount of cash, but it’s peanuts compared to what Breezy was earning at the height of his career.

It wasn’t all that long ago that Brown was one of the top-earning recording artists in the world.

These days, he probably doesn’t even crack the top 100.

To put things in perspective, Justin Bieber earned roughly $ 85 million last year.

Breezy’s counterpart Drake pulled in an estimated $ 94 million in 2017.

And it’s not just singers and rappers who are putting Breezy to shame.

Kylie Jenner is about to be a billionaire, and the girl’s not even old enough to buy a cocktail yet.

Under normal circumstances, we would never shame someone for their finances like this.

But it’s Chris Brown.

He sucks, and he’s failing to properly provide for his daughter even though he could easily afford to do so, so it’s open season on this doofus.


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Billy Brown Explains Why Alaskan Bush People Can Never Return to Alaska

Last week, Ami Brown was honored on a birthday that many had feared she would never live to see.

Alaskan Bush People is back (and trampling Keeping Up With The Kardashians in the ratings), and the Brown family is reflecting on how grateful they are.

Billy Brown shares that the decision to move the family to Washington was difficult — but there was never really another option.

In an interview with Monsters and Critics, Billy Brown says that the decision to move to Washington came after they realized that there was no real alternative.

“We didn’t really have much choice in how we decided,” Billy admits.

Alaska, he says, was a non-starter. “The doctors were quite emphatic that we couldn’t go back there.”

“it was just too hard to get her to…to set up something she would need if something happened.” Billy explains.

Billy adds: “and we also have to go in every three months now to get CAT scans and CT scans.”

The Brown family has made a lot of money with their show, but not enough to build a private hospital in the wilderness. Moving to Washington was a practical choice.

“I guess it was just time, you know, the Good Lord, it was just time…” Billy says. “You wouldn’t believe what he gave us.”

“We thought everything was gone,” he says, referring to Ami’s lung cancer. “But you have a little bit of faith…he gave us more than we could ever imagine.”

As you may recall, around this time last year, her odds of survival were placed at around 3%. She’s still alive and well.

“We could not have ordered it in a dream and it have been better than what he had given us,” Billy says. “It’s just a brand new world.”

Billy and Ami weren’t the only Brown family members who had input on the matter.

“The doc was saying how hard it was on Mom and everything,” Bear explains in that same interivew.

“We all figured that it was just time” to move, he reveals, adding “and the best thing to do” was to head to Washington.

Bear explains: “because if we were waiting until Mom was healed up to move back…”

“It seems like one thing that may never happen and she would be constantly waiting,” Bear concludes. That is very honest of him.

Billy says that, even though moving to the “Lower 48” was a big decision, he is fond of the 435 acre property he purchased.

“It really surprised us,” Billy says of their new homestead. “Because it’s wonderful what we’ve got.”

“The people down here,” Billy adds. “It’s a lot like Alaska to be honest with you.”

Rumor has it that some of Billy’s new neighbors are resentful of people they see as entertainment industry “big-shots” turning their town into a reality show set.

“People’s attitudes and all,” Billy says. “Critters that we’ve never heard of.”

During the season premiere, Billy commented on their new home.

“We’ve fought hard,” Billy said at the time. “We deserve to be here.”

“I think this is definitely the biggest adventure we’ve had,” he added.

Thankfully, Washington gave them the right balance of a rural wooded environment while also being a location from which they could take Ami to the hospital when needed.

We have to admit, however, that many fans are still curious about whatever happened to the family’s plans to move to Colorado.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ami Brown: Honored by Children on a Birthday They Feared She"d Never See

Considering how serious Ami Brown"s cancer battle was at times, there were many who feared that the Alaskan Bush People matriarch would not see this year"s birthday.

But August 28 has come and gone, and Ami is now 55 yeras old.

Rain and Bear joined forces on Instagram to give their mother a series of birthday tributes, as you can see in the video below.

Rain brown and bear brown

On Rain"s Instagram, she and her brother, Bear, give Ami a shout-out on this very special birthday.

"Just want to say happy birthday to mom," Bear says while arm-in-arm with Rain.

"Seriously," Bear says. "It’s awesome to still have our mother around, quite frankly."

Rain chimes in, saying: "Amazing."

Rain then says "Happy birthday, mom!" and Bear echoes the sentiment.

Rain brown hugs ami brown

That"s all very sweet, but Rain also wrote up a message of her own.

"Dear mommy," Rain writes. "Happy birthday to the greatest woman I know!!!"

We know that Rain is going to turn 16 in a few months, but ti"s sweet that she still calls her mother "mommy."

"You inspire me beyond compare," Rain continues. "If I turn out to be anything like you my life would have purpose."

"You listen to me even when I’m having an anxiety attack over the dumbest things," Rain says. "You comfort me just by being in the room."

We should note that Rain has spoken about her mental health before, and also that anxiety attacks are like allergies — it seeming "dumb" doesn"t make it so.

Rain brown works hard

"You mean absolutely the world to me," Rain"s sweet birthday tribute message to her mom continues. "And I would be lost without you."

Rain writes: "it’s been an amazing honor to not only know a legend such as you but to call her mommy."

"I can’t wait until we’re both super old ladies together," Rain imagines. "Sipping tea with the grandkids."

"Happy birthday mommy," Rain concludes. "I love you more than the world."

Rain isn"t the only one who wanted to put her affection for her mom in writing.

Bear brown

In addition to the video that we"ve included, Bear also wrote his own message.

"Today was my Moms birthday!!" he writes with his characteristic lack of chill. "I have no words to describe how I feel to still have my Mom!"

A lot of people use exclamation marks on social media to show that they are being friendly in tone. Bear just seems enthusiastic.

"She’s always been there for me! My whole life!" Bear writes. "And I’ve been trying my hardest to be there for her!"

"Thank you everybody!!" Bear says in a shout-out to fans. "All the fans and family’s!! All the production crews we’ve worked with!! Everybody at discovery!"

Bear brown goes wild

"Life is too short not to enjoy every moment!!" Bear writes.

That is a very on-brand sentiment for him.

But Bear makes sure to remind people that Ami"s birthday is, of course, all about Ami.

"Happy birthday to the strongest and best mother ever!!!"

Bear concludes: "I will never give up and I will never surrender!!"

Ami brown honored by children on a birthday they feared shed nev

Monday, August 27, 2018

NFL"s Antonio Brown Farts A LOT During Body Fat Test

Ever try doing your job while an NFL superstar farts in your face?  That’s what happened to the guy testing Antonio Brown’s body fat percentage on Monday — who weathered ass rip after ass rip while trying to administer the test.  Dude…


NFL"s Antonio Brown Farts A LOT During Body Fat Test

Ever try doing your job while an NFL superstar farts in your face?  That’s what happened to the guy testing Antonio Brown’s body fat percentage on Monday — who weathered ass rip after ass rip while trying to administer the test.  Dude…


Donald Trump Praises Jim Brown, We"re Helping Black People!

You scratch Donald Trump’s back, he’ll scratch yours … just ask Jim Brown — who was just praised publicly by the President days after the NFL player went to bat for Donald during a radio interview.  Brown told “JT The Brick” he’s still…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Jim Brown Praises Trump, "I"m Pulling for the President"

Jim Brown says he’s throwing his support behind President Donald Trump — even though he knows he’ll be vilified in the black community.  The NFL Hall of Famer appeared on “The JT The Brick Show” on Fox Sports Radio and since he’s met with so…


Jim Brown Praises Trump, "I"m Pulling for the President"

Jim Brown says he’s throwing his support behind President Donald Trump — even though he knows he’ll be vilified in the black community.  The NFL Hall of Famer appeared on “The JT The Brick Show” on Fox Sports Radio and since he’s met with so…


Friday, August 17, 2018

Billy Brown Reveals that Ami Brown Spent 20 Minutes in a Death-Like State

Thankfully, Alaskan Bush People star Ami Brown’s cancer is in remission again.

Now, she and her husband are speaking about her cancer and her health.

And, for the first time, they are revealing that she had a serious brush with death after she first went into remission.

RadarOnline spoke with Billy and Ami Brown about Ami’s cancer battle and one truly scary moment when she appeared to have lost her life.

“In November, when everything was over,” Billy says. “She was supposed to be healed.”

As we reported, Ami’s cancer went into remission early last November in what some fans described as a “Christmas miracle.

However, Billy shares that her battle was not over, even though her cancer had been beaten back.

“And,” Billy describes. “She fell over dead for like 20 minutes.”

That sounds so frightening, even though we know that she’s still alive and kicking nearly a year later.

“It was horror,” Billy shares.

He says that even after that terrifying incident, they worried for her health. Both cancer and chemo can be hell on the body.

“We sat there and watched her go down every day,” Billy describes. “And I didn’t know if I would lose her or not.”

For a time, it seemed certain that she would fail to beat the odds.

Billy summarizes the entire ordeal: “It was a real hard test of fate, I will tell you that.”

We can only imagine so. This was trying for the whole family.

The good news, however, is that despite Ami’s hospitalization back in May, she has beaten back her cancer yet again.

But that is not the same thing as saying that she is cancer-free.

“She still has stage 0 primary,” Billy shares. “And there are still traces.”

She has to return every few months for screenings so that they can monitor her health.

“But they took the majority out,” Billy says. “And the growth is really slow.”

Some cancers grow more quickly or more slowly than others. Each has its risks.

Ami also spoke about her experience with cancer.

“When I found out, we didn’t really know what it consisted of,” Ami says.

Ami frames her illness in a religious context, saying: “God gave me the cancer. I look at it as a blessing.”

Not everyone can do that. Some people find their faith rattled by a terminal illness.

“It has taught me to stay positive and lean on the Lord,” Ami shares. “And always let your loved ones know how much they mean to you.”

“Never give up and never surrender,” Ami advises.

We don’t think that she is deliberately quoting Galaxy Quest. It’s just good advice.

‘Be strong,” Ami counsels. “And live every single moment, every day to the fullest.”

That is great advice. We’re glad that she learned to approach life with these values.

But of course we hope that her cancer does not make another comeback. She’s already beaten the odds, and we would all prefer for it to remain that way.


Monday, August 6, 2018

Orlando Brown is Wanted in Las Vegas

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Orlando Brown is Wanted in Las Vegas

Orlando Brown needs Siri, Google, Alexa … or something to remind him to turn his ass in to Las Vegas cops, since he’s already forgotten to get said ass to court.  A clerk with the Las Vegas Justice Court tells TMZ … Orlando was…


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Chris Brown Fainting Kid is Doing Fine, Says He was Just Starstruck

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