Showing posts with label Buying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Buying. Show all posts

Friday, August 11, 2017

DMX Celebrates Judge Showing Mercy by Buying Paps Hot Dogs!!!

DMX handed out awards to photogs after dodging a bullet in court Friday … Best Dog in a Supporting Roll. X wasn’t thrown in jail for violating bail conditions in his tax evasion case … he flunked multiple drug tests for coke and weed and…


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

"Bachelorette" Rachel Lindsay"s Family Isn"t Buying Bryan"s "Love"

Rachel Lindsay might be falling head over heels for contestant Bryan Abasolo on “The Bachelorette” … but her family sure ain’t.  Rachel brought her remaining 3 suitors to meet her fam on Monday’s episode, but when it came to Bryan ……


Saturday, June 17, 2017

"Mob Wives" Star Renee Graziano Not Really Buying Drama in "Bachelor in Paradise"

“Mob Wives” star Renee Graziano just can’t believe it … drama in paradise?! Renee was leaving Craig’s Thursday night in WeHo when we asked her about the “Bachelor in Paradise” controversy over alleged sexual misconduct between Corinne…


Friday, June 16, 2017

Danielle Bregoli Says She"s Buying a Porsche She Can"t Drive

Danielle Bregoli’s too young to drive it, or even pronounce it — but that’s not stopping her from buying her first Porsche … or so she says. The “Cash Me Outside” girl was outside Catch in Weho Thursday night talking about how she’d spend the…


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Shannon Beador Says Vicki Gunvalson"s Making Her Fat, Fans Aren"t Buying It

The Real Housewives of Orange County is coming back, and even just the preview is not only showing drama but also stirring it up within the show’s fandom.

You see, Shannon Beador made some accusations towards Vicki Gunvalson, and fans are up-in-arms about it.

What caused fans to tweet their ire at Shannon was her frustrated complaints during the Real Housewives of Orange County season 12 preview

“This is stress,” she exclaims, referring to her midsection while complaining of her weight gain.

“And that is Vicki Gunvalson!”

Yes, apparently Vicki is making her fat, somehow.

Not by feeding her while she sleeps or swapping out all of her food for tastier treats, but by causing her stress.

The accusation that Vicki Gunvalson is somehow the culprit behind Shannon Beador’s weight gain is, of course, absurd.

Unless, like, Vicki Gunvalson is a witch who’s cursed Shannon to gain weight.

But, as we all know, the only Real Housewife who is also magical is Eileen Davidson, and she only uses her ice sorcery for good.

With the exception of certain sabotaging moves and, in some cases, parents impacting their children, other people can’t make you fat.

Weight gain comes from diet, exercise, genetics, wellness, lifestyle, and a few other factors (like pregnancy or certain glandular disorders).

This is not Salem in the 1600s and you do not get to announce that Goody Proctor is forcing changes upon your body just because you don’t like them.

And fans of the show know that, and were incensed enough to make their feelings known on Twitter.

“Blaming someone else for your weight gain really?!” one exclaimed in a tweet directed at Shannon.

Another straight up called her out on being immature.

“I don’t understand why you blame your weight gain over Vicki.. it’s childish.”

In her defense, it’s hard to imagine her being on the show if she were emotionally mature and well-adjusted.

At least one fan tweeted an alternative theory and really went for the jugular.

“Your weight gain isn’t because of Vicki – it’s called….MENOPAUSE!”


Did Shannon have her sympathizers? Of course.

And it is really and truly difficult to find yourself suddenly gaining weight.

It’s easy to look for someone to blame.

(Just as it’s easy to place the blame anywhere but the vodka bottle)

But weight gain is as complicated as the human body itself, and finding some external target isn’t going to help you address whatever the problem is.

If she’s really, genuinely that concerned about stress, she should just leave the show.


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

David Spade Tries to Brush Off Naya Rivera Rumor, No One"s Buying It (VIDEO + PHOTO)

David Spade’s addressing those hot pics of him and Naya Rivera with his take on the old saying … don’t believe your lying eyes. David was leaving Craig’s Tuesday night, and the question everyone was asking him — “Where’s Naya?” Makes sense…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Joseline Hernandez Says She"s Drug-Free but Stevie J"s Not Buying It

Joseline Hernandez says she has hard evidence she’s clean and sober, but her soon-to-be baby daddy, Stevie J, is not buying it. Joseline filed docs and attached 3 drug test results that show she tested negative for various drugs –…


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Donald Trump -- Celebs Already Buying "Border Wall" (PHOTOS)

If Donald Trump ever gets his border wall built, there could be a commemorative one right next to it with the names of the President-elect’s biggest supporters etched into it. Bikers 4 Trump tells TMZ they’ve been plugging away for a couple…


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Buying Massive Mansion...For TYGA?!

It’s been just over a year since Kylie Jenner bought her first house.

She shelled out a reported $ 2.7 million for the place, and your average teenager really doesn’t need two mansions in a posh LA suburb – so why has Kylie been spotted scouting out new lavish cribs?

Sources say the Instagram queen and her boyfriend, Tyga, were spotted checking out a home in Westlake, California that makes her Calabasas palace look like a college dorm room.

There are varying theories as to why the couple was house hunting, but all of them have to do with the odd nature of Kyga’s living situation.

Back in January, Tyga moved miles away from Kylie amidst rumors that the two of them had called it quits.

They’ve obviously patched things up, but she still lives in a gated community with her family – most of whom are not that crazy about Tyga.

Maybe it has something to do with all those times he was caught cheating on Kylie.

Whatever the case, Kylizzle is clearly interested in scooping up some new property, and there are two theories as to why.

Some say she’s buying the place for Tyga, which would be dumb.

Others say she’s buying the place so the two of them can move in together, which moight actually be dumber.

“Kylie feels like she should have the ultimate say into which home he moves into since she is the one buying the house,” an insider tells Radar Online.

“Not only that, but Kylie also wants a bigger house herself and no longer wants to live in such close proximity to her family anymore,”

“She said if they break up than she gets the house and that works for her. Kylie pays for almost everything they do now and she is sick of it, but he keeps buying her bling too, so she is okay with that.”

A little bling in exchange for a multi-million dollar mansion. 

There’s a lot that can be said for Kylie – but she’s not the brightest bulb.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Chelsea Houska & Cole DeBoer: Buying a House Together!

While Chelsea Houska may still be reeling over the nude pic her ex Adam Lind posted to Instagram, she"s not letting that stop her from moving forward in her new relationship.

In a clip for an upcoming episode of Teen Mom 2, Chelsea and her fiance Cole DeBoer announce that they are buying a house together.

"We put down an offer on a house!" Chelsea reveals to her friend Britnee.

They then look at photos of the house from Cole"s phone and admire the trees.

"I literally thought when I bought this house, I was like, okay, I was never gonna move again," she said, speaking about her current home. "For a long time."

But it seems she"s ready to take the next step and go into a mortgage with her new man, who with any luck will continue to keep his clothes on when it comes to social media.

"Hopefully they"ll accept our offer!" she says.

However, the two don"t plan to tell Chelsea"s daughter Aubree, 6, until it"s a done deal.

"We"re not going to tell her until it moves into the next steps," explains Chelsea.

Probably a good plan.

As one of the more stable parents in the Teen Mom clan, Chelsea realizes that buying a home with someone is a significant move.

"We"re buying a house together, I think that"s a big step," says Chelsea.

Chelsea and Cole got engaged in November of last year. But unfortunately for fans, she revealed that her wedding will not be televised.

“Chelsea wants her wedding to be very private and low-key,” a source said of the upcoming nuptials.

Chelsea houska and cole deboer buying a house together

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jim Bob Duggar: Buying Josh and Anna New House to Keep Marriage Intact?!

Josh Duggar is the epitome of a home wrecker. Jim Bob Duggar hopes to be the reverse, literally. He’s buying a home to help save Josh’s marriage!

According to reports, the former 19 Kids and Counting star purchased a fancy house that he’s going to gift his son, Josh, once he completes rehab.

The Duggar family patriarch threw down $ 345,000 – which is like $ 1.5 million in L.A. – on a beautiful brick home just around the corner from his compound.

It’s meant to be a present for Josh, who is currently in Christian labor camp slash sex addiction rehab, and his long-suffering put-upon wife Anna.

Obviously, Jim Bob is no fool – well, that’s debatable, but for purposes of this conversation – and knows Anna Duggar leaving Josh is a very real possibility.

Anna has reportedly put the couple’s home on the market and moved down to Florida, possibly for good, while Josh toils away in an Illinois sex camp.

Sex addiction labor camp, that is. Sex camp is probably what he thought he signed up for back when he threw Danica Dillon around like a rag doll.

ANYWAY, after former child molester Josh admitted to cheating on Anna using shady website Ashley Madison, the mother of four was left reeling.

Insiders say Anna has been in shambles since Josh was exposed, “sleeping in a closet” at her house before pulling up the stakes and heading south.

Is she gone for good? If so, would she consider coming home … to this home? A hopeful Jim Bob wants “to get her to abandon any idea of divorcing Josh.”

“Jim Bob has hinted to his daughter-in-law Anna that she could get the house,” a source said, adding, “offering Anna the home is just a ploy.”

“Nothing is set in stone concerning the new house yet but it’s clear the home is being dangled in front of Anna so she doesn’t pull the plug.”

Girl. Don’t fall for it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sandra Bullock: Buying $10 MILLION Bar For Boyfriend Bryan Randall?!

Ever since the world first learned that Sandra Bullock is dating Bryan Randall, troubling stories about the 49-year-old photographer have seemed to emerge on a weekly basis.

First, it was reported that just last year, Randall vandalized his neighbor’s home in a fit of blind rage.

Shortly thereafter, we learned that Randall has a history arrests, including at least one DUI conviction.

Given Bullock’s tendency to exhibit truly horrendous taste in men (Remember Jesse James?) many fans are concerned that the beloved actress is once again falling victim for an opportunistic douche bag.

A new report from People magazine is unlikely to put those fears to rest…

Sandra Bullock and Bryan Randall

It seems Bullock is in talks to purchase a bar in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for $ 10 million  – with the intention of having Randall serve as general manager.

Bullock already owns a house in Jackson Hole, which is home to her 91-year-old father, John. 

Insiders say Sandra is moving to Jackson Hole semi-permanently to be closer to her father, and she’s currently in the process of buying the bar – appropriately named The Million Dollar Cowboy – and having Randall run the day-to-day operations.

“Sandy’s really excited about sharing this dream of opening a business with Bryan,” says one source. “Now it’s becoming a reality, and the bonus of being able to take care of her dad is priceless to her.”

Yes, we hate to say it, Sandy fans, but it definitely sounds like there’s reason to be concerned.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Demi Lovato Claims Her "Mugs" Interview Mishap Was Just A Joke — Are You Buying It??


Demi Lovato had an interview Saturday that she’ll never live down, and now she’s claiming that she was in on the joke the entire time. Very inneresting!!

[ Related: At Least Demi Made This Week’s Best-Dressed List! ]

As we reported yesterday, Demi slipped up and responded with “mugs,” after a reporter asked her about her favorite dish — whoops!! The funny mistake went viral, and all corners of the Internet came down hard on the singer.

But now, Lovato is claiming that she knew all along what she was doing — and it was just her own sense of humor! Early Sunday morning, she tweeted:

Hmm…. Riiiiiiiight, Demi. It’s everybody else who messed up on this one…

What do U guys think?? Was Demi trying to be funny, or did she really misinterpret a question about dishes?!

[Image via YouTube.]