Showing posts with label Carey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carey. Show all posts

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Mariah Carey Countersued by Promoters Over Canceled Concerts

Mariah Carey tried to pass the buck on South American promoters, laying the blame on them for her canceled ‘Sweet Sweet Fantasy’ gigs … according to a countersuit they’ve just filed. The promoter, Fenix, says it arranged for Mariah to play 2 shows…


Monday, January 1, 2018

Mariah Carey on New Year"s Eve: Did She Redeem Herself?

We really should have known, people.

We should have known a year ago at this time that 2017 would be a debacle, considering the way it kicked off:

With a Mariah Carey performance from Times Square that was, to put it simply and bluntly, the worst thing we had ever seen or heard.

We"re very sorry to remind you of what transpired, but refresh your memory of the debacle below:

The sound was off. Mariah clearly didn"t know the words. It was a mess.

Carey proceeded to blame anyone but herself for what happened, but after seemingly hiding from her transgression and not taking responsibility for her total failure… the legendary singer went out and faced the music last night.


She took to the Times Square stage once again on Dick Clark"s New Year"s Rockin" Eve.

This time around, Twitter did not react with laughter and vitriol.

The artist performed two songs and remembered the lyrics to both.

The iconic diva wowed with an impressive medley of "Vision of Love" and "Hero" and even made a quip at her own expense, telling the audience that the night was a "disaster" because she didn"t have her hot tea.

"I"m just going to take a sip of tea, if they"ll let me," Carey said, turning away from the crowd and adding:

"They told me there would be tea. Oh, it"s a disaster. OK, well, we"ll just have to rough it. I"m going to be just like everybody else.

"There"ll be no hot tea."

Indeed, it was FREEZING in New York City.

Was Mariah"s performance red hot?

Not really. She definitely lost a bit from her prime.

But the bar was set so low to conclude 2016 that as long as Carey didn"t trip 12 times on stage, she was likely to clear it.

When the cameras stopped, sources tell Billboard that Carey was all smiles and gushed “I love you” back to her adoring fans.

Check out the quasi triumphant return below:

Mariah carey on new years eve did she redeem herself

Mariah Carey Redeems Herself With New Year"s Eve Performance

Mariah Carey took the stage once again during Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve … and this year the performance was seemingly flawless. Mimi braved the frigid temps in Times Square Sunday — where she was joined by about a million people — and…


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Mariah Carey Nails Rehearsal, Soundcheck for New Year"s Eve 2017 Performance

Mariah Carey didn’t cut any corners ahead of her NYE redemption performance in Times Square … ‘cause she just completed a full soundcheck and rehearsal. Mariah wrapped her rehearsal and soundcheck Sunday afternoon in NYC, where she’s hours away…


Saturday, December 30, 2017

Mariah Carey Gets The Chair For Dick Clark"s New Year"s Rockin" Eve

Mariah Carey’s second attempt at ringing in the New Year is fraught with peril and ice. Some honchos connected to Dick Clark Productions tell us Mariah will be scrambling just before the clock strikes 12 during the Dick Clark Rockin’ New Year’s Eve…


Monday, December 25, 2017

R&B Singer Tank Laughs Hard that Mariah Carey Will Perform Again on New Year"s Eve

R&B star Tank could barely contain himself  when he found out Mariah Carey is looking for a little New Year’s Eve redemption. We got Tank at LAX on XMAS Eve, and he chuckled uncontrollably when our photog told him Mariah was invited back…


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Mariah Carey Fan Calls Cops for Alleged Bodyguard Beatdown

All one of Mariah Carey’s fans wants for Christmas is justice for a beatdown he says he got from a bodyguard in Las Vegas. The alleged assault went down Saturday night after Mariah’s show at Caesars Palace. The fan, Yaniv Elharar, says he started…


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Mariah Carey Accused of Sexual Harassment, Only Liking "Black Guys"

We’ve known for awhile now that Mariah Carey wasn’t very good at singing live.

But we had no idea she was also so terrible at treating people with respect.

This is what a security company alleges, at least, as its owner has threatened to sue the legendary artist for sexual harassment and general misconduct.

According to TMZ, an attorney for Michael Anello is preparing a legal draft in which Anello claims his company did work for Mariah for about two years, starting in June of 2015.

The initial aspect of the official complaint focuses on a supposedly outstanding balance of $ 221,329.51 that Anello alleges he is owed.

He also says Carey promised him two more years of work that would add $ 511,000 to the stiffed tab.

But the issues Anello takes with Mariah go beyond mere money.

He claims the singer often referred to him and his colleagues as members of hate groups, such as the KKK, while also making it clear she “wanted to be surrounded with black guys, not white people.”

The draft lawsuit goes on to allege Carey of sexual harassment, claiming she committed “sexual acts with the intent that they be viewed by Anello.”

Meaning what, exactly?

Anello says, for example, that during a trip to Cabo San Lucas, the star asked him to come to her hotel room to move some luggage.

Simple enough, right?

However, when he got there, she was wearing see-through lingerie that was open and pretty much exposing everything.

He says he tried leaving… but she insisted he move the aforementioned luggage.

Weird and random, but Mariah Carey has long been known to be kind of weird and random.

Those associated with Carey say the singer is willing to settle a few invoices with her ex-employee, but Anello isn’t satisfied with the offers thus far.

The actual filing of the lawsuit is on hold, though, due to these settlement negotiations.

In other unexpected Mariah Carey news, meanwhile, Page Six has learned that the artist recently underwent gastric sleeve surgery in Beverly Hills.

An insider says that “criticism online from body shamers” caused Carey to become self-critical and led to a procedure that involves removing part of one’s stomach.

“Mariah underwent the procedure about a month ago, and she is already seeing some good results, and she feels a lot better,” this source tells The New York Post.

Safe to say we didn’t see either of these Mariah Carey stories coming when we woke up this morning.

What about you?


Mariah Carey, Security Guard Claims Sexual Harassment, Says She Also Called Him Nazi, Skinhead

Mariah Carey’s former security company has threatened to sue her … and the guy who owns the company says she constantly humiliated him by referring to him as a Nazi, a skinhead, a KKK member and a white supremacist.   Michael Anello’s…


Monday, October 2, 2017

Mariah Carey Awkwardly Responds to Las Vegas Terrorist Attack

Mariah Carey is no stranger to awkward situations.

Typically, however, the singer herself is the cause of these incidents, such as the time she forgot the words to her own song during a performance on New Year"s Eve last year.

On Monday morning, however, Carey could not be blamed for the unfortunate circumstance in which she found herself.

The singer was speaking to Good Morning Britain hosts Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid about her upcoming tour when news of the awful Las Vegas shooting broke.

As previously reported, this terrorist act took place at a Jason Aldean concert and took the lives of at least 50 people.

It was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

Morgan and Reid heard about it during the live interview and immediately turned to Carey for a response, despite the artist obviously not having been privy at all to the same information.

She sat silent and stunned at first after Morgan asked for her comment.

But after hearing about what transpired, Carey said it was "awful" and added:

"I pray for the victims and hope all these can stop as soon as possible. You know, I have spent a lot of time in Vegas and this type of thing happening anywhere is a huge tragedy. I continue to pray for the victims.

"I hope we have an end to this as soon as possible."

It didn"t help that Carey was lying on a sofa, in front of a Christmas tree, wearing a fancy gown.

This wasn"t her fault, of course, she was appearing on the program to promote a holiday tour. But Twitter took note of the terrible optics.

"So tasteless breaking the Vegas news to Mariah Carey live on TV, shame on you," wrote one critic, while another added:

"How could Mariah Carey or any of her team not know about Las Vegas b4 goin live on @GMB ?? Not fair on her or anyone to be told live on tv!"

Shortly after the Q&A aired, Carey wrote the following on Twitter:

"Horrified to hear about the shooting in #LasVegas. My thoughts are with the victims and their families. Praying for everyone"s safety."

Watch the very awkward interview segment below:

Las vegas shooting news interrupts mariah carey interview hosts

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Mariah Carey Dropping New Hook for French Montana"s "Unforgettable"

French Montana’s hit, “Unforgettable,” is about to be just that — or even more so — now that Mariah Carey is adding her vocals to a remix. TMZ got this clip of the new version, which drops Thursday morning, and Mimi’s taking over the hook.…


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Drew Carey Dating Sex Therapist

Drew Carey’s new girlfriend is a sex therapist who moonlighted as a model on “The Price Is Right” … the live touring show, though — not Drew’s TV show. Sources tell us Carey met Dr. Amie Nicole Harwick just over a month ago at a house party.…


Friday, June 2, 2017

Mariah Carey to Bryan Tanaka: Marry Me NOW!

Dating is one thing, but is Mariah Carey really ready to get married to boytoy dancer Bryan Tanaka?

Reportedly, she’s not only ready to tie the knot but actively pressuring him to propose.

“Bryan’s eating out of her palm again now and Mariah’s desperate to seal the deal before they get sabotaged again,” an insider claims.

The report that Mariah is pressuring Bryan comes from RadarOnline and their source.

We’d really rather hear it directly from Mariah … though obviously she’d never just come out and say that.

It’s not a casual Katy Perry diss, after all.

Not everyone’s onboard with their relationship, either.

“So many people from both their circles have tried to keep them apart, but she’s convinced they have what it takes to last the course,” the source says.

Well, all sides being against the union sounds like a tragic romance. Not always the best set-up when there are children in the mix.

Even the anonymous insider cautioned that Mariah’s feelings aren’t set in stone:

“Obviously, her feelings change like the wind each day, but to be fair Bryan has a hold over her that no other guy’s had for a long time.”

Yes, even the unidentified tipster has doubts.

Again, it’s usually healthy to view things coming from “a source” with a grain of salt.

But this isn’t the least believable story in the world.

Bryan was her backup dancer back in 2006, so they’ve known each other for eleven years.

That is a long-ass time to know someone, even just as friends.

And, um, they’re clearly more than that.

Before we get ahead of ourselves, we do need to think a little about context.

Mariah’s breakup with billionaire James Packer was, well, reportedly because of all kinds of things, from allegations of cheating with Bryan Tanaka to extravagant spending habits.

The spending thing sounds pretty realistic to us — financial disagreements are a very common, if not terribly salacious, reason for breakups.

But if she was spending too much for James’ liking, how is she going to go from being a sugar baby to a sugar momma?

Well, as much of a sugar baby as Mariah could have been since she’s worth half a billion — and as much of a sugar baby as Bryan can be if he’s worth around a million.

It’s all relative, apparently.

Still, it doesn’t seem like it’s the best next step for her to take in a relationship.

Maybe she isn’t thinking with her head right now.

Hopefully, she’ll make the best decision for herself and her children.

You don’t want to get married based on thirst alone. Not when you’re nearly fifty.

And super not when you have kids.


Friday, May 26, 2017

Mariah Carey Plays Marriage Counselor, Talks Nick Cannon Reunion (VIDEO)

Mariah Carey dropped some knowledge on us about marriage — when to get into it, and when to get out — and also dropped a big hint about what’s really going on with Nick Cannon these days. Mimi came off like a real-life therapist Thursday in Bev…


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Celine Dion, J Lo, Mariah Carey and Backstreet Boys Not Backing Down in Wake of ISIS Threats

Celine Dion, Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey and the Backstreet Boys are standing firm … they will all take the stage in Las Vegas despite an ISIS threat to hit the Strip. We contacted various people connected to all 4 acts, and…


Monday, May 15, 2017

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Do Mother"s Day Like They Never Divorced (PHOTOS)

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon can’t quit each other … especially not on a family holiday like Mother’s Day. Mimi and Nick hit Nobu Sunday night for dinner with their twins, Moroccan and Monroe. Makes sense the kids would be with Mariah on…


Friday, May 5, 2017

Mariah Carey Gets Maybach as Birthday Gift But It"s No Big Deal (360 VIDEO)

Mariah Carey got a Maybach for her birthday and, well, it didn’t exactly float her boat. Mimi was celebrating her belated bday Thursday night at Tao in Hollywood. She turned 47 back in March. The ride was a belated gift from her manager, Stella…


Monday, May 1, 2017

Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon Drop Fortune on Twins" 6th Bday at Disneyland (PHOTO GALLERY)

Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon and their twins, Morocco and Monroe, looked like one happy family celebrating their 6th birthdays at the Happiest Place On Earth on Sunday, but it didn’t come cheap. We’re told Nick and Mariah pulled out all the…


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon: Are They Getting Back Together?!

Mariah Carey … well, the woman has had an interesting love life these past several months, we’ll say that much.

For most of last year, she was engaged to fancy billionaire James Packer, but that ended for reasons that we’re still not super clear on.

Some reports claimed that James came to realize that he was too private to Mariah a celebrity on Mariah’s level. Others mentioned some sketchy incident that happened between James and Mariah’s assistant.

There were rumors that Mariah cheated on James with her backup dancer, Bryan Tanaka, and while her people have firmly denied this, she did begin dating him very quickly after breaking things off with James.

Oh, and let’s not forget that even if things had worked out between Mariah and James, there’s still a chance that they wouldn’t have been able to get married.

Remember that whole thing about Nick Cannon and his refusal to sign the divorce papers?

But despite all that drama, Mariah is single now after breaking up with Bryan Tanaka earlier this month.

And even though Nick welcomed a baby with a woman in February, he’s single, too.

You know where this is going, right?

Mariah and Nick have always been amazing at co-parenting their twins, but lately they’ve seemed especially close.

They’ve been so friendly that it allegedly brought about the end of Mariah’s relationship with Bryan — reports claim that he was jealous of Nick, and that he’d began demanding that she spend less time with him.

Their closeness has always sparked rumors of reconciliation, but a particular photo that Mariah shared on Friday has got people talking.

Which is fair: the photo shows the two of them cuddled up in bed with their children, with Nick so comfortable he fell asleep.

It’s nice to see them getting along so well for the sake of their children, but, you know, most people wouldn’t want to cozy up with their exes this hard.

Unless, of course, they’re no longer interested in being exes.

While the comments on Mariah’s photo were filled with well wishes for the family and hopes that Mariah and Nick are on the verge of a reunion, a source tells Gossip Cop that there actually is a chance they could work things out.

The source explains that they’re “reconnecting” now that they’re both single, and another said that when it comes to the possibility of the two of them getting back together, “you never know,” but there is “hope.”

Whatever happens, best wishes, you crazy kids!


Nick Cannon Says He Sees Mariah Carey Everyday For One Obvious Reason (VIDEO)

Nick Cannon has been hanging out with Mariah Carey in public a lot lately, and he says that won’t change … for one obvious reason. We got Nick Saturday night going into Au Fudge, where he was meeting up with Mimi and the kids. We asked if…
