Showing posts with label Charlottesville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlottesville. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci Condemns Charlottesville Violence, as for Trump ...

Anthony Scaramucci thinks there’s no place in our society for neo-Nazi’s and white supremacists, but he doesn’t take that extra step and urge Trump to cut them from his base. We got The Mooch Monday in NYC at the Hunt & Fish Club, which he…


Monday, August 14, 2017

Peter Cvjetanovic: Charlottesville Nazi Swears He"s Not Racist

If you’ve been anywhere near social media in the past three days, then you’ve no doubt heard about the horrifying events that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend.

Bearing lit tiki torches (as though they’re not easy enough to make fun of without the Pier One props), dozens of white nationalists (read: Nazis) took to the streets in order to spread fear and racial hatred.

The protest soon turned violent, resulting in a shocking act of terrorism that claimed the life of counter-protester Heather Heyer and injured 19 others.

We know that James Alex Fields Jr. was the man who drove his vehicle into the crowd, killing Heyer, but not surprisingly, there’s been a concerted effort to put names to all of the hateful faces who helped create the tragic situation in Charlottesville.

The aptly-named Twitter account @yesyoureracist is spearheading a campaign to identify each of the citronella-scented bigots who assembled in Charlottesville to protest the proposed removal of a monument dedicated to Robert E. Lee.

Perhaps the most famous photo from the incident is the above shot that shows one young man holding his torch aloft and screaming his message of hate.

(The demonstrators reportedly chanted “white lives matter” and “Jews will not replace us.”)

The man has now been identified as 20-year-old University of Nevada, Reno student Peter Cvjetanovic.

Reached for comment, Cvjetanovic insisted that he’s not a racist, and offered up some BS about the importance of European culture as an explanation for his presence at the rally.

“I did not expect the photo to be shared as much as it was. I understand the photo has a very negative connotation,” Cvjetanovic said in an interview with Reno’s KTVN-TV

“But I hope that the people sharing the photo are willing to listen that I’m not the angry racist they see in that photo.”

He went on to justify his awfulness with the type of explanation that’s sure to put him up there with Martin Shkreli as one of the internet’s most hated villains:

“I came to this march for the message that white European culture has a right to be here just like every other culture,” Cvjetanovic said.

“It is not perfect. There are flaws to it, of course. However, I do believe that the replacement of the statue will be the slow replacement of white heritage within the U.S. and the people who fought and defended and built their homeland,” he added.

“Robert E. Lee is a great example of that. He wasn’t a perfect man, but I want to honor and respect what he stood for during his time.” 

Shockingly, Cvjetanovic had no comment with regard to his feelings on other generals who are most famous for wars they lost or the importance of preserving the cultures of continents that aren’t populated mostly by white people.

Thousands have called for Cvjetanovic to be expelled from the University of Nevada, but the school has yet to publicly respond.

Meanwhile, the troll who likely blames his persistent virginity on people with darker skin is standing by his beliefs: 

“I will defend tooth and nail my views as a white nationalist,” Cvjetanovic said. “I love my culture and will fight for it, but never in a violent way.”

We’re living in frightening times.

Stay safe out there, folks.


Charlottesville Terrorist James Alex Fields, Mom Repeatedly Called 911 Over Violent Behavior

James Alex Fields was so threatening and violent his own mother repeatedly called 911 on him. TMZ has obtained 911 records from a police agency in Kentucky from 2010 and 2011, when Fields was 13 and 14 years old. In one incident, a friend of…


Donald Trump Belatedly Condemns White Supremacist Groups By Name 2 Days After Charlottesville

Donald Trump finally caved to the public pressure by condemning white supremacist groups at the center of the violence in Charlottesville. Trump announced Monday from The White House a civil rights investigation has been launched by the…


Charlottesville Killer Showed No Signs of Aggression in May Cop Encounter

The Charlottesville killer was polite, cooperative and even contrite just 3 months before his monstrous attack on civilians.  TMZ’s obtained dash cam video of James Alex Fields being pulled over by cops in Maumee, Ohio back in May … in…


Charlottesville Victims Return To Scene Of Crime For Memorial

Marcus Martin, one of 19 injured victims in Saturday’s deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, returned to the scene of the protest bandaged and in a wheelchair. Marcus was hurled in the air after a car driven by James Alex Fields plowed…


Charlottesville Killer Dead Ringer for John Lennon"s Killer Mark David Chapman

It’s eerie … the man who mowed down 20 people in Charlottesville Saturday looks very much like another killer … Mark David Chapman. There crimes are different for sure, but both committed monstrous acts … you know what James Alex Fields did –…


Charlottesville Car Attack Captured on Drone Video

New footage of the carnage in Charlottesville was captured by drone video. You see the crowd scramble as the burgundy vehicle is propelled into the intersection after James Alex Fields rams it from behind. One person was killed and 19 were injured…


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Silly String Initiates Seattle Protesters Getting Pepper Sprayed By Cops Day After Charlottesville

The pepper spray is already flying in Seattle as protesters have started to clash with police the day after chaos in Charlottesville … and it seems to have been initiated by silly string. The scene in #Seattle. @MSNBC @NBCNews @NBCNightlyNews…


Jesse Williams Sits for National Anthem at BIG3 Game After Charlottesville Attack

Jesse Williams refused to stand for the National Anthem while attending a BIG3 game this weekend … and it appears to be in direct response to the Charlottesville attack. Jesse was at the Staples Center in L.A. Sunday, sitting in for a round of…


"Unite the Right" Leader Chased Away from His Own Press Conference After Charlottesville Protests

A leader of the alt-right group that protested in Charlottesville this weekend tried holding a press conference the day after the chaos … but had to flee before finishing. Protesters chased Jason Kessler away from his own press conference in…


"Unite the Right" Leader Chased Away from His Own Press Conference After Charlottesville Protests

A leader of the alt-right group that protested in Charlottesville this weekend tried holding a press conference the day after the chaos … but had to flee before finishing. Protesters chased Jason Kessler away from his own press conference in…


Charlottesville Police Helicopter Crash, Firey Aftermath Caught on Video

The fiery aftermath of the police helicopter crash in Charlottesville, VA was captured on video obtained by TMZ. The chopper exploded in a ball of flames in a residential neighborhood Saturday afternoon. The person who shot the video lives across…


Charlottesville Car Attack Graphically Captured in New Video

The carnage from the terrorist attack in Charlottesville, VA Saturday was captured graphically on a new video obtained by TMZ.  You see the speeding car slam into a group of people on the street.  The impact is fierce … and clearly…


Charlottesville Car Attack Graphically Captured in New Video

The carnage from the terrorist attack in Charlottesville, VA Saturday was captured graphically on a new video obtained by TMZ.  You see the speeding car slam into a group of people on the street.  The impact is fierce … and clearly…


Driver Who Plowed Into Charlottesville Counterprotesters Identified, Booked on Suspicion of Murder

The alleged driver of the car that plowed into a group of white nationalist rally counterprotesters in Charlottesville has been booked on suspicion of second-degree murder. The suspect’s been identified as James Alex Fields Jr., a 20-year-old Ohio…


Saturday, August 12, 2017

Charlottesville Rocked by Protests, Deadly Terror Act


The following video is disturbing in nature.

It depicts an unknown assailant ramming two slow-moving cars through a group of protestors who had gathered in Charlottesville, Virginia to object to the recent words and actions of White Supremacists in the area.

After the car slams on the gas and plows other vehicles into this contingent of civilians, it hits reverse and speeds up in the opposite direction, hitting other individuals along the way.

At the moment, one person is reported dead and 19 injured as a result of this terrorist act.

Chaos has broken out in Charlottesville after modern day Nazis marched through the University of Virginia campus on Friday night, chanting epithets and yelling that "White Lives Matter."

They did so in response to the removal of a statue of late Civil War General Robert E. Lee.

The following morning, counter protestors took to the streets of this city, which is now under an official state of emergency, per Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe.

In response to the civil unrest, President Donald Trump said a bunch of meaningless cliches and refused to point any fingers at the White Nationalists for their points of view or their violent actions.

"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides," Trump said in a short statement from his private golf club in New Jersey.

He added:

"It has been going on for a long time in our country – not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. It has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America."

The Commander-in-Chief did not mention White Supremacists or the the alt-right movement in his remarks, and later called for a "study" of the "situation."

Take a look below at the tragic incident that took these protests to a new and fatal level:

Charlottesville rocked by protests deadly terror act

Car Plows Into Crowd in Charlottesville Amid Alt-Right Protests

A car plowed into a group of people in Charlottesville causing bodies to go flying … and then appeared to back away and drive off. Be warned — the video is graphic. It looks like a van is slowly driving down a street with a silver car following,…


Car Plows Into Crowd in Charlottesville Amid Alt-Right Protests

A car plowed into a group of people in Charlottesville causing bodies to go flying … and then appeared to back away and drive off. Be warned — the video is graphic. It looks like a van is slowly driving down a street with a silver car following,…


Alt-Right Rally in Charlottesville Virginia Sparks Riots, State of Emergency Declared

A “Unite the Right” rally in downtown Charlottesville has been met with protesters, and so much violence has erupted … the governor declared a state of emergency. Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe made the declaration Saturday morning amid…
