Showing posts with label Debra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debra. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Debra Danielsen Claps Back at Farrah Abraham: I Do NOT Have Asperger"s!

Earlier this week, we reported that Farrah Abraham decided to diagnose her mother, Debra Danielsen, with Asperger’s Syndrome, a mild personality disorder found on the autism spectrum.

Astonishingly, Farrah’s armchair psychoanalysis was aided and abetted by Dr. Drew, America’s favorite unscrupulous quack disguised as a serious medical professional.

(Sorry, Dr. Phil!)

“Generally, healthcare professionals, in particular, neurologists and psychiatrists are best suited to establish if an individual has Asperger’s syndrome and schizoaffective disorder,” Debra said in a statement issued to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

“I have been totally mentally, physically and emotionally healthy,” Debra continued.

“Both Dr. Ish Major and Dr. Venus Nicollini confirmed that on WEtv’s Marriage Boot Camp: Family Edition.”

We’re beginning to wonder if anyone in Farrah’s family has ever had a non-televised doctor’s appointment, but that’s a conversation for another time.

It’s easy to blame Farrah for this ridiculous situation, but we’re gonna go ahead and heap the majority of the responsibility at Dr. Drew’s feet.

Diagnosing a patient that you haven’t personally treated is considered the height of professional irresponsibility in the medical community.

Doing so publicly in order to buddy up to your non-patient’s dysfunctional daughter is borderline depraved.

Farrah can sit in judgment and tell the world that her mother suffers from testicular torsion and a chronic case of five-head if she wants to.

No one will take it seriously, because she’s not a doctor.

(Also, she’s Farrah Abraham, so no one takes anything that she says seriously.)

Drew, however, is supposed to be a bit more responsible, and should no better than to applaud Farrah’s baseless insights on his podcast.

Fortunately, Deb’s not taking this one lying down.

In addition to going off on Farrah, she also let loose on her daughter’s coattail-riding on-off boyfriend Simon Saran in a recent interview:

“Farrah deserves to have the best man available on this planet who cherishes her and my [granddaughter, Farrah’s daughter] Sophia,” Debra told In Touch, before referring to Simon as a “gold-digger.”

Simon, of course, responded in the douchey over-the-top fashion we’ve come to expect, tweeting:

“I’m a gold digger? Interesting, @ddanielsen when’s the last time you ever pulled out cash or a credit card around me? You dumb miserable hooker!”

Last we checked, Farrah and Debra were not on speaking terms, and with exchanges like this, it’s not hard to see why.

Fortunately, there’s a sliver of good news for Debra in all of this:

The rumors about Farrah and Simon getting engaged are not true, and Farrah says they’re not even dating anymore.

Sometimes, you just have to be grateful for small miracles.


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Debra Danielsen Has Asperger"s Syndrome!

If you watch Teen Mom online, than you’re probably aware that Farrah Abraham is not known for expressing herself in the most articulate fashion.

In fact, the Teen Mom everyone loves to hate is clearly a graduate of the Sarah Palin School of Rhetoric:

She uses words without understanding their meanings, mutters expressions that make sense only to her, and changes topics rapidly in an effort to move on before anyone can point that what she just said makes no sense.

Amazingly, however, Farrah is capable of occasional flashes of intellect.

By which we mean she sometimes uses words in an order that wouldn’t cause the average English teacher’s head to explode.

Farrah recently appeared on Dr. Drew’s podcast, and the medical-professional-turned-MTV-quack was effusive in his praise of Ms. Abraham’s eloquence and astuteness.

He even went so far as to concur with Farrah’s insights about her mother’s mental state.

Granted, Dr. Drew is about as much of a respected medical professional these days as doctors Dre, Pepper, and Who, but it’s still surprising to hear him publicly agree with a reality star’s diagnosis of a different reality star.

(We won’t even bother delving into the question of whether or not it’s ethical for Drew to do so.)

Drew began his prying into the psychological state of Debra Danielsen (who wasn’t there to defend herself, BTW) by buttering Farrah up with a few well-chosen compliments.

“Farrah you say some of the most profound stuff sometimes and I’m sorry that a lot of it doesn’t get on TV,” a fawning Drew told Farrah before basically announcing to the world he’s given up on being taken seriously by the medical community.

“I was just looking at your mom and have gotten to know her over the years too and I’m just worried there’s something psychiatrically going on there that’s not being properly managed. Am I on to something?” Drew asked.

(Yes, a doctor just asked Farrah Abraham if he’s “onto something” with his assessment of a third party.)

“I guess she dates a doctor so there that goes,” Farrah initially demurred.

I’m thinking there’s something really there that you’ve been pounding against your whole life and your mom isn’t aware it’s there and it’s of a psychiatric nature,” Drew persisted, before asking again:

“Am I on to something here?”

“That is what it is. That’s what I know now and I’m done with conversations and I’m done with fighting the uphill battle,” Farrah said, adding:

“I’ve researched so much about my mother that I think she has Asperger’s and has some other things.”

Asperger’s is a milder disorder on the autism spectrum. It can be difficult to diagnose, but that didn’t stop Drew from doing exactly that on a freakin’ podcast.

Believe it or not, Drew continued to goad Farrah from there, pushing her to play another game of armchair psychiatrist:

“What do you think besides Apserger’s? Because I agree with you,” he told Farrah.

Farrah says she “forgot the other stuff,” leading Drew to prompt her:

“I’m not her doctor but I’ve been concerned there’s something on the schizoaffective spectrum.”

Farrah and Drew go on to conclude that Debra is in need of serious psychiatric help, but neither goes so far as to point out that if that’s true, she probably shouldn’t be on a reality show.

Look, we’re not saying Deb deserves to win mother of the year, but as far as we know, she’s never, say, talked about her 8-year-old daughter’s future sex tape.

We don’t want to imply that Farrah is mentally ill, but we will say that her pathologizing someone else’s bizarre behavior is a serious pot-kettle situation.


Friday, May 19, 2017

Debra Danielsen: Did Her Fiance Try to Date Farrah Abraham First?!

Earlier this week, we reported that Farrah Abraham and Debra Danielsen haven’t spoken in over six months,

If you watch Teen Mom online, you know that Farrah and Debra have never gotten along, but they’ve always stuck it out.

So the news of their estrangement left many fans wondering what could have happened to cause them to go their separate ways.

Now, it looks like we may know exactly what prompted the mother-daughter rift, and like every detail that’s deemed too disturbing for the Teen Mom cameras, it’s more than a little nauseating.

As you may already know, Danielsen recently got engaged to a medical professional referred to on the show as “Dr. David.”

The relationship between Farrah and Doc Dave has always been strained, and most fans assumed that Farrah was just taking out her barely concealed contempt for her mother on the new man in Deb’s life.

But while it’s true that Farrah didn’t live David from the start, it now looks as though she may have had good reason for her snap judgment.

As first reported by In Touch, Farrah’s boyfriend, Simon Saran, has made a shocking allegation on Twitter.

Saran claims that David romantically pursued Farrah before he had any contact with Debra.

When Farrah shot him down, he allegedly turned his attention to her mother, and the rest is history.

It’s a fan theory that’s been circulating for several months, but Saran confirmed during a recent Twitter conversation with a Teen Mom fan page.

“Is it true David tweeted [Farrah] first, but settled for Deb when she didn’t respond?” the admin asked Simon.

“I’m afraid so!” Simon immediately replied.

Now, Simon loves him some online trash talk, but his relationship with the truth isn’t always the greatest.

So everything that he says should be taken with several grains of salt.

It’s interesting, however, that no one involved in this incredibly awkward situation has refuted Simon’s claim.

Farrah loves drama and borderline hates her parents, but she’s neither confirmed not denied Saran’s accusation.

She just quietly cut off contact with her mother – right around the time Debra and David got engaged.

For many, the situation brings to mind allegations that Matt Baier hit on Farrah and several other Teen Mom stars before eventually getting engaged to Amber Portwood.

We might be witnessing the beginning of a truly gross new trend.


Friday, May 5, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Barbara Evans & Debra Danielsen Are BOTH Losers!

Of the many feuds waged by Jenelle Evans over the years, perhaps none has been uglier than her ongoing war with her mother, Barbara Evans.

Barbara has custody of Jenelle’s oldest son, Jace, and while it was a situation that Jenelle seemed to resignedly accept for several years, these days, she’s railing against her mother for allegedly using Jace to help her hold on to reality TV fame.

Jenelle is so pissed at her mother that she’s even going after another infamous Teen Mom mom for good measure:

In response to a Starcasm article about Barbara filming the Teen Mom after-show with Farrah Abraham’s mother, Debra Danielsen, Jenelle tweeted this:

“Two moms that only care about fame and starting drama.”

Yes, Jenelle is repeating her argument that her mother is only raising a grandchild by herself because she wants to remain on MTV.

She’s also added a new bombshell to the mix of accusations, claiming that her mom has refused to accept financial support for Jace.

When a fan speculated that Jenelle doesn’t pay child support, the Carolina Hurricane responded:

“I did and my mom cancelled it and told the system she didn’t need it.”

Jenelle has come a long way in the past year or so, and some fans clearly want to give her the benefit of the doubt in the Barbara decision … but as with everything involving Jenelle, it’s not easy:

“I’m trying so hard to be Team Jenelle, I know you’re doing so good now.. but your mom earned her spot on the show. You signed up for this,” wrote a user named Shawna Edwards.

Jenelle countered by … basically repeating the same argument?

“I signed up for this not her…” Jenelle confusingly tweeted.

Perhaps realizing the nonsensical nature of her own argument, Evans went on to claim that she’s grateful for everything Babs has done in the past, but believes that at this point, her mother is raising Jace for the wrong reasons:

“Yeah and I appreciate all that’s she’s done but it’s time now,” Jenelle tweeted.

Naturally, Jenelle concluded the conversation by slipping in a plug for her memoir, which hits stores in June.

When a fan suggested that were it not for Babs, Jace might have grown up in foster care, Jenelle replied:

“No he def wouldn’t and my book will explain the truth.”

Take a moment to enjoy the irony of the fact that Jenelle is accusing other people of using her kids for fame.

Then watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Evans’ many bonkers moments.


Friday, April 14, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Mom Debra Danielsen DESTROYS Teen Mom Stars!

As much as we like to imagine that Farrah Abraham isn’t an actual human being but perhaps an alien experiment meant to test how dumb an organism can be while still surviving, it’s simply not true.

She’s a person, just like the rest of us, as tough a pill as that may be to swallow.

And, like many of us, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree — yep, Farrah’s just a product of her insane, delusional family.

If you had any doubt at all about that, then all you have to do is sit back, relax, and check out this new interview with Debra Danielsen, the woman responsible for birthing Farrah.

It’s an eye-opener, that’s for sure.

Debra randomly appeared on a Facebook Live video with some website, and she answered tons of questions about Teen Mom OG.

For instance, while talking about some “mind-blowing” things that go down in the new season of the show, she referred to Farrah as “the most gorgeous one” of all the moms, and the “most talented,” too.

Girl. Stop.

She did say that we’ll see a lot of growth in terms of her troubled relationship with Farrah, and though they may fight, they still always love each other at the end of the day.

She describes what filming is like for a bit — sometimes they’re asked to re-film things that the cameras missed, but everything that goes down is always rooted in reality.

She also touches on her rap career, bless her heart, and mentions there’s a new video coming out soon!

But then we finally get to the good stuff.

Debra’s friendly interviewers decide to play a game in which they hold up a photo of someone, then Debra shares a special message for that person.

First, they show a photo of Jenelle Evans, to which Debra says “I would advise Jenelle to reset her priorities in life. Just sayin’.”

For beloved Barbara, Jenelle’s mother, Debra reveals that Teen Mom crew members told her that she’d been saying mean things about Farrah, so she simply said “don’t do that anymore.”

(Real quick: can we get a Debra Danielsen vs. Barbara Evans cage match sometime? A Teen Mom special, perhaps?)

Next up is Catelynn Lowell, who Debra called “two-faced.”

When she’s shown a photo of Simon Saran, she simply says “Oh dear god,” then took his photo and put it on the table, saying “This is like RIP.”

Good ol’ Deb gets really nasty for Maci Bookout, to which she advises “Maci, well, I would recommend that if we’re gonna get pregnant anymore, we cut back on the beer consumption.”

Last up is Amber Portwood. And while you’d think Debra would have the harshest words for her, since she’s the one who took a swing at her daughter last year, she’s surprisingly pretty kind.

“I’m actually very proud of Amber,” Debra says. “I think she works really hard. I think she’s been through a lot in her life that would cause anybody tremendous pain. But I think she’s an overcomer.”

We’ll give her this: she may have her own issues, and she may be out of line with some of her comments, but she’s more gracious and reasonable than Farrah ever thought about being.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Fired From Teen Mom?! Debra Danielsen Addresses Rumors

Yesterday, a trailer for the new season of Teen Mom: OG was released online, and it left the show’s biggest fans shouting one crucial question in unison:

Where the hell is Farrah Abraham?!

If you watch Teen Mom online, you know that Farrah is to the show’s original iteration what Jenelle Evans is Teen Mom 2.

She’s the loose cannon, the wild card, the possibly legitimately mentally ill person whose irrational rages have provided us with countless hour of guilty pleasure over the years.

It’s hard to imagine the show without her, and yet, in the hours after the new trailer went live, rumors that Farrah had been fired spread like wildfire on social media.

It’s easy to forget that when Teen Mom: OG was first announced, producers planned to do the show without Abraham.

In fact, when it was announced she would be joining the cast, her co-stars reportedly threatened to quit.

Add to that Farrah’s recent feud with Amber Portwood, and it’s not hard to see why so many assumed the Farrah-less trailer was a sign that MTV had finally grown weary of its resident porn star troublemaker.

But according to Farrah’s mom, Debra Danielsen, the rumors are without merit.

“We are filming for next season,” Danielsen recently told Radar Online.

“Farrah and I have also done work on Teen Mom 2 live after shows too.”

Asked if she has any ill will toward Amber following the now-notorious reunion show brawl, Deb said that hatchet was buried long ago.

“I have nothing against any of them,” Danielsen said. 

“I just think Amber has amazing talents. She’s a smart, smart woman.”

Danielsen added:

“She’s going to do some great things in her life. I have nothing negative to say about Catelynn or Maci either.”

We can’t help but think she may have forgotten how wild the Farrah v. Amber confrontation really was.

(Check out the video below for a reminder.)

Farrah has yet to respond to the rumors that she’s been canned from the show, but we’re guessing we can predict what it’ll sound like when she breaks her silence:

She’ll tell the haters to hate their hater mouths, then she’ll claim that she’s too busy with her multiple business ventures to be involved in something as lame as a trailer.

(Which makes no sense, as the clip was assembled from footage from the upcoming season, which Deb says they’re currently filming, but that won’t stop Farrah from saying it!)

Farrah may be getting a bit predictable at this point, but for reasons we don’t fully understand, we’re still not sick of her.

We may need help.


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Mom Debra Danielsen Addresses Pill Popping Rumors!

Farrah Abraham, as we learned yesterday, is allegedly struggling with a little ol’ case of substance abuse.

But, you know, take that with a grain of salt.

Or, if you’re Farrah in these new rumors, take it with a few pills and some liquor.

According to the scandalous rumor, which began thanks to a blind item, is that Farrah’s drinking is “out of control.”

“Combine that with some pills she was prescribed and her already notorious temper and she is a walking train wreck,” the item read.

“She has also gained about 20 pounds and recently screamed at a fan who wrongfully pointed it out to her.”

“Not Amber,” the report helpfully concluded.

But the thing is that blind items aren’t exactly verified reports, you know? So when you hear them, you have to put on your detective hat and see if the item fits.

And unfortunately, it makes sense that Farrah’s currently “out of control” thanks to booze and a prescription that doesn’t really mesh well with her.

Notorious temper,” check. “Screamed at a fan,” check. “Gained about 20 pounds,” eh, we can see it.

But the most suspicious thing about this whole mess — so far, anyway — is that when Farrah’s boyfriend, Simon Saran, was asked about it, he simply stated that he was “not sure” if he could comment.

It wasn’t a denial, it wasn’t a simple “no comment.” It was an “I don’t know, guys, let me check with the boss and maybe I’ll get back to you” kind of response.

And that’s shady.

But though Simon failed to crush the rumors, Debra Danielsen, Farrah’s wacky mother, is taking a turn at making a statement about the alleged drug abuse.

“That is not true,” she told Radar Online.

Hey, it’s a much better start than Simon had.

“That is absolutely not correct,” Debra continued. “My daughter works her ass off. She works very very hard.”

“She’s a dedicated, professional woman. We don’t believe in that and that’s not happening.”

Wait, the family doesn’t “believe” in drinking problems? They don’t believe in abusing prescriptions, or is it that they don’t believe in taking prescriptions at all?

Debra’s message is a little muddled, but it looks like Farrah’s family is taking a firm stance on her latest scandal.

Now all that’s left to do is eagerly await a response from the Backdoor Teen Mom herself.

Well, that, or some paparazzi video of Farrah stumbling all over the place and making a fool of herself.

Either would be great.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Pre-GRAMMY Gala Honors BET"s CEO Debra L. Lee (PHOTO GALLERY)

Hollywood’s biggest stars showed up in force Saturday night for a pre-GRAMMY gala … all to celebrate the woman in charge of BET. The 2017 GRAMMY Salute To Industry Icons honored BET’s CEO Debra L. Lee with the annual honor ahead of…


Pre-GRAMMY Gala Honors BET"s CEO Debra L. Lee (PHOTO GALLERY)

Hollywood’s biggest stars showed up in force Saturday night for a pre-GRAMMY gala … all to celebrate the woman in charge of BET. The 2017 GRAMMY Salute To Industry Icons honored BET’s CEO Debra L. Lee with the annual honor ahead of…


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Debra Danielsen: Farrah Abraham"s Mother Makes Her Rap Debut!!!

Oh boy … hold on tight, friends, because you are in for the treat of a lifetime.

It"s time to forget all your troubles, push away all your fears and concerns for the future of the world, and dedicate a few minutes of your time to the most delightful video you will ever see.

Well, "delightful," "hilariously awful and mortifying and just so, so ridiculously bad," same difference.

See, Debra Danielsen, best known for unleashing Farrah Abraham into the world, is trying to start up a new career.

She"s got a new special coming up on MTV this spring called "Being Debra," and she"s also got … wait for it … a new single coming out.

Yes, you heard that right: Debra just released a song. But not any song. A rap song.

A rap song that"s called "Debz OG."

If this sounds too good (or too dumb) to be true, think again. This is real. This is happening.

In fact, it already happened.

We are so very happy to present to you with some special studio footage of Debra recording her sure-to-be hit song. Which, one more time, just for fun, is actually titled "Debz OG."

Check out Debra"s phenomenal debut in the video below:

Debra danielsen farrah abrahams mother makes her rap debut

Friday, November 18, 2016

Susan Sarandon vs. Debra Messing: The Feud That Just Won"t Quit

It’s been ten long, scary, disheartening days since Election Day, and we’d like to say that the news that Donald Trump would be our next president has gotten easier …

Nope. Still sucks.

One of the worst things about the Trump presidency — and to be clear, all the things about it are the worst things — is how hard it’s divided the country.

And we’re not just talking about how it’s separated racist, misogynistic bigots from people with actual sense.

As sad as it is, even people who stood against Trump are now turning against each other in these troubling times.

In this case, we’re talking about people like Susan Sarandon and Debra Messing.

To give a little background. Debra has always been a loud and proud supporter of Hillary Clinton, while Susan was all about Bernie Sanders.

When Hillary won the primary, well, that did just not sit well with Susan, and though Bernie urged his followers to stand with Hillary, Susan was just like “nah.”

In an interview in March, Susan even suggested that Trump would be a better president than Hillary.

“Well, you know, some people feel Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately,” she said in real life. “If he gets in, then things will really explode.”

Susan was right on that one: things sure are exploding. It doesn’t seem to be the charming revolution she had in mind though.

After Susan gave that quote, Debra tweeted that “the idea that Susan Sarandon wud say that NOT supporting HRC in a HRC/Trump race is a legitimate choice for Democrats, is insane.”

Susan maintained that, for Bernie supporters, a Clinton vs. Trump election would be “a dilemma,” and then on November 1st, she publicly endorsed Jill Stein.

This woman actually said “Now that Trump is self-destructing, I feel even those in swing states have the opportunity to vote their conscience.”

Where’s a good “bitch, please” gif when you need one?

So obviously things didn’t work out at all like Susan expected, and now she’s trying to hold on to the last little bit of hope that everything won’t go to hell in the next four years.

She responded to a tweet urging people to never forget how awful Trump is with “True but reach out in dialogue to those who voted for him.”

“We can’t afford a blanket judgement of them. We need allies in that camp. Possible.”

And that was a statement Debra did not feel good about.

“JESUS CHRIST,” she wrote in response. “NOW she wants to give racist, islamophobic, homophobic, sexist, mysogynists a chance! ‘Pure’ 4 Bernie. F-CK everyone else.”

Susan hit back with “No, never excuse hatred, but how do you move forward in a climate of hate when you only expect the worst of an entire group of people?”

Then Debra wrote of Susan “She encouraged ppl to vote for Trump over HRC on a news interview. Said she was more ‘dangerous.’ She needs to be held accountable.”

When someone suggested Debra was threatening Susan (LOL can you imagine?), Debra clarified “Dangerous!? Hell no!”

“I wud like her to say that she regrets not simply saying that she’s voting 3rd party vs. saying a revol with DJT cud be *thumbs up emoji*.”

Instead of admitting that though, Susan chose to ask Debra to tweet something about the Dakota Access pipeline protests, and Debra agreed, so all’s well that ends well?

We guess we’ll just have to see.


Monday, August 22, 2016

Teen Mom OG: Debra Calls Simon Delusional, Needs To Look In The Mirror

Being lectured by Debra Danielson has to be the most infuriating – yet amusing – experience.  

During a preview for tonight"s season premiere of Teen Mom OG, Danielson takes her daughter, Farrah Abraham"s boyfriend, Simon Saran aside to give him a stern talking-to about respect.  

The clip opens up with Debo getting up from her chair at a party to give Saran a hug hello.  He announced that it was the first time all night that she said "hi" to him.

The animosity between Abraham"s mom and her boyfriend was real, as Debo invited Saran for a little chat away from the crowds.  As Saran followed Debo, sympathetic bystanders offered to fill his glass of wine to the brim.

"Alright, let me have it.  What"s on your mind?" Saran said, ready for whatever fresh hell Debo was about to unload.

"One of my greatest needs is respect," Debo started, as Saran patiently listened.

"So if you fuck with my respect, it doesn"t make me happy," she continued.  

"I"ve never once been convicted of anything, for domestic violence, of hurting anybody.  Like, you think I"m a liar, and that I"m full of bullshit."

"I"ve never called you a liar. If you"re gonna say that…," Saran interjected, calmly telling Debo that she"s crazier than a crazy straw.  When Debo tried to interrupt him, Saran (again, in a calm tone) told her to hush up.

"No, when you don"t let me finish talking, that"s when I start ignoring you, and I don"t listen to what you say.

Now, where was he?  Oh yes, being called all sorts of things.

"When somebody ever tries to judge me, or say I"m domestically violent, or…" Saran started again.

"I didn"t say you were domestically violent," Debo protested.   "I said that you have passive aggressive traits."

"Ok," Saran said, wanting so badly for someone to come rescue him.

"And you do," Debo continued.  "We all know this.  But I"m telling you because I want you to be the very best human being you can be."

Saran brought up comparisons to Debo"s ex-husband, Michael, and Saran said he took that as compliment since he sees Michael as a hard worker and helpful to his daughter and granddaughter.

This didn"t sit well with Debo, who asked him why he doesn"t see similar qualities in her.

What prompted Debo to call Saran delusional? Oh, do we have a treat in store for you.  Watch the clip below.

Teen mom og debra calls simon delusional needs to look in the mi

Friday, July 29, 2016

Debra Messing SLAMS Blake Shelton Over Trump Quote, Quickly Apologizes

It’s often been said that celebrities should stay simply keep their political opinions to themselves.

Blake Shelton and Debra Messing recently learned the hard way that while it’s important for public figures to speak their minds on important issues, getting into specifics with regard to candidates can sometimes lead to some furious backpedaling.

It all started with an interview Shelton gave to Billboard magazine, in which he appeared to endorse Donald Trump’s presidential campaign:

“In country music, we’re so politically correct and so afraid to possibly upset someone,” Shelton said.

“I’m not going to have a political conversation with you about Trump, or about Hillary Clinton, but I will tell you this: Whether you love him or hate him, he says what he thinks, and he has proven that you don’t have to be so afraid.”

He added:

“A lot of people are pulling for him, no matter how much Hollywood fights it,” he continued. “I see people who don’t like him go and beat up people that do like him. You tell me: Who’s crazy here?”

Despite Shelton’s later claim that he wishes there were a “third option” in the election, that certainly sounds like an endorsement to us, and actress Debra Messing took it the same way:

“Omg. How? @gwenstefani please talk to your man to not vote for the person who will STRIP you of your rights,” Messig tweeted, in response to Shelton’s comments.

We wish we could say the two of them engaged in a lively political debate, because that would be a lot more entertaining than what actually happened.

Shelton clarified that he’s keeping it purely apolitical (no easy feat in 2016) and specifically does NOT endorse Trump for president:

“Thank you sis,” he tweeted to Messing. “I don’t endorse anybody. For this very reason!!”

“OK — I regret commenting,” Messing responded. “My passions got the better of me. Sorry. @gwenstefani @blakeshelton.”

And that was it.

We’re sure the first Trump-Clinton debate will be just as civil.

Just kidding, that’s gonna be a televised blood bath, so you’ll wanna send the kids to bed early that night.

What we’re really looking forward to at this point is putting this election behind us so that we can get back to reporting on rumors that Blake and Gwen are expecting twins.

(They’re not, but rumors are fun, right?)

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Teen Mom Films Season 6, Debra Melts Down On Hawaii Trip

Poor Debbo.

It seems that her ex-husband, Michael has found love in a hopeless place, and she had to watch their romance unfold in paradise.

According to The Real Mr. Housewife, season six of Teen Mom OG is already in production; a camera crew followed Farrah Abraham and her family to Hawaii last month.

The whole gang was there – Sophia, Debra, Michael…and Michael’s new girlfriend.


“Debra completely lost it when Mike brought his new girlfriend,” a production source told the site.

“It created a ton of drama that the cameras picked up.

“To describe it in one word- I’d say- crazy.” 

You have to feel bad for anyone who has to spend time (on an island, no less) with an ex and his or her new partner, even if it is unstable, whackadoo Debbo we’re talking about.

“Michael and Debra haven’t been together in years, so it’s truly bizarre how she behaved,” the source pointed out.

“Furthermore, Michael has been around Debra when she’s had boyfriends, so it didn’t completely make sense.”

Family vacations, amiright?

“Besides the Debra drama it was reported that Simon [Saran], Farrah’s on-again-off-again boyfriend was also there,” the source said.

“That brought even more crazy relationship drama.” 

These are people you should never put on an island.

Abraham took Saran as her date to the 2016 MTV Movie Awards, prompting red carpet reporters to inquire about their relationship status.

“We’re growing up. We have so much to do in our relationship, but we’re here as friends today,” Abraham explained.


Teen Mom Films Season 6, Debra Melts Down On Hawaii Trip

Poor Debbo.

It seems that her ex-husband, Michael has found love in a hopeless place, and she had to watch their romance unfold in paradise.

According to The Real Mr. Housewife, season six of Teen Mom OG is already in production; a camera crew followed Farrah Abraham and her family to Hawaii last month.

The whole gang was there – Sophia, Debra, Michael…and Michael’s new girlfriend.


“Debra completely lost it when Mike brought his new girlfriend,” a production source told the site.

“It created a ton of drama that the cameras picked up.

“To describe it in one word- I’d say- crazy.” 

You have to feel bad for anyone who has to spend time (on an island, no less) with an ex and his or her new partner, even if it is unstable, whackadoo Debbo we’re talking about.

“Michael and Debra haven’t been together in years, so it’s truly bizarre how she behaved,” the source pointed out.

“Furthermore, Michael has been around Debra when she’s had boyfriends, so it didn’t completely make sense.”

Family vacations, amiright?

“Besides the Debra drama it was reported that Simon [Saran], Farrah’s on-again-off-again boyfriend was also there,” the source said.

“That brought even more crazy relationship drama.” 

These are people you should never put on an island.

Abraham took Saran as her date to the 2016 MTV Movie Awards, prompting red carpet reporters to inquire about their relationship status.

“We’re growing up. We have so much to do in our relationship, but we’re here as friends today,” Abraham explained.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Teen Mom: Debra Lectures Simon Saran About Domestic Violence, Simon Keeps His Cool

How this guy was able to keep a straight face is beyond me.

In a recent Teen Mom clip, Debra Danielson requested a one-on-one with Farrah Abraham"s on-again boyfriend, Simon Saran.

You see, Abraham had decided to move to Los Angeles, which bodes well for Saran, since he gets to see both her and her daughter, Sophia more often.

"How do you feel about Farrah moving to Los Angeles here pretty quick?" Debo asked Saran in Abraham"s backyard.

"I feel good. I think it’s going to be good for her," Saran said, not at all prepared for what Debo was about to say.  "She’s going to have a lot more opportunities, and plus, she’ll be closer to me, so that way I can watch over her and help her out with whatever she needs."

Here it comes…

"It’s been like three months I think since we’ve talked," Debo said, "and my biggest concern here is that you’re almost a mirror image of [Farrah’s dad] Michael. Almost uncanny, the personality type. So, there’s things like passive-aggressive behavior.

"There’s things like anger that comes from that. That scares me, OK? That really scares me because that’s all forms of domestic violence.” 

Saran, bless his heart, knew he was dealing with a complete and total nut job, so he calmly responded to Debo"s accusations.

"I’m not a violent person like that, or how you’re kinda making me out to be right now, which is kinda weird because I’ve never ever done anything like that," Saran said.

"I’ve heard stories about you doing certain things," he added, referring to Debo"s 2010 arrest for allegedly abusing her daughter.

On February 16th, Saran posted the arrest (complete with Debo"s mug shot) on Twitter.

"Good talk About Domestic behavior! Hopefully you take your own advice!" Saran wrote. "Good luck! #godbless #maytheforcebewithyou."

Teen mom debra lectures simon sara about domestic violence simon

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Farrah Abraham Tortures Debra, Causes a Major Scene

You can"t blame Nicki Minaj for initially calling out Farrah Abraham.

On January 10th, Minaj was watching an episode of Teen Mom OG and tweeted that Abraham is/was/probably always will be a c**t to her mother, Debra, complete with a crying face emoji.

We know that Abraham suffered physical abuse at the hands of her parents, who are now divorced.  Judging from the way Abraham treats Debbo, those scars run deep, because it is downright painful to watch those two interact.

The clip below features Farrah berating her mother, who is upset that she isn"t allowed to watch six-year-old Sophia full-time.

“Why are [you] going?" Debbo asked through tears.  "Why do I have to go through this?” 

“You know what, because you keep crying, you keep creating a scene. You want to talk then f–king learn how to talk,” Abraham told her, as if speaking to a dog.

"“Mom, it’s not about you, it’s more about my daughter.  I am above this bulls–t so I am leaving."

“I have had enough. I love you, I hear you, but you’re not going to be watching Sophia full-time. What are you f–king pissed about?"

Poor Debbo. So broken.

“I’m not pissed at all,” she said through tears. “I’m hurt, Farrah.”

Abraham had no time for such talk.

"Yeah, it’s like I’m watching a grown-up throwing a tantrum right now. … I don’t need someone throwing a tantrum, acting like my dad f–ked up when my dad has been there for me when I’ve been f–king gone and I’ve been worried about my daughter,” Abraham yelled, pouring salt in the wound as she brings up her dad, Michael.

“And I may not get along with him all the time, but at least he’s f–king there."

Get these two a therapist and a private room.  Leave the cameras at home.

Farrah abraham tortures debra causes a major scene

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Farrah Abraham Berates Debra, Gets Slapped By Sophia

This show is so friggin" sad.

In a new clip from Teen Mom OG (premiering January 4th on MTV), Farrah Abraham treated her mother, Debra so horribly that I had to call my mom afterwards to tell her I loved her.

Abraham was preparing to go to the UK for a month to film Celebrity Big Brother, so Debra would be watching her six-year-old daughter, Sophia.

"Just so you know, there are rules in my house," Abraham told Debra.

"Sometimes you like to put the laundry in there with two things and waste soap."

Cripes, Farrah.

When Debbo got sarcastic and assured Abraham she would bring her own laundry soap, the fangs came out.

"If that"s a bitchy comment, you should probably hold it back," Abraham said bitingly.

"Don"t come at me like that."

Debbo tried to calm her down, but it didn"t work.

"I want my mom to listen to me and understand and not be a bitch to me when I say how I like things done," Abraham griped.

Then Sophia started repeatedly slapping Abraham and claimed, "you are having a bad attitude."

Abraham didn"t even blink.

"Get your shoes on and stop hitting people," she told Sophia.

Meanwhile, Debbo was healing her fresh wounds.

"Nobody loves you more on this earth than me," she assured Abraham.

"You know what? I don"t even care about love," Abraham shot back.

She then told her mother that she could hire a blind person who "could do a better job" than her.

"You don"t need to be mean to me," a tearful Debbo cried.

"It"s not about you right now," Abraham scolded her.


Farrah abraham berates her mom gets slapped by daughter