Showing posts with label Derick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Derick. Show all posts

Friday, August 3, 2018

Jeremy Vuolo: Throwing Shade at Derick Dillard on Twitter?!

Just last month, Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo welcomed their first child.

In the weeks since, the happy couple has been doting on their daughter and gushing about little Felicity every chance they get.

But that doesn’t mean they’re not making time for the truly important things, like roasting Derick Dillard’s dumb ass on social media.

A little backstory is required in order to fully understand why Jeremy’s seemingly innocent tweet from Monday night is being widely interpreted as anti-Dillard shade.

As you probably know, Derick was fired from Counting On after unapologetically sharing his bigoted views with the world on Twitter.

And it’s not just his former bosses who have taken issue with D-Dill’s big mouth.

There have been rumors that several members of the extended Duggar clan want nothing to do with Derick.

And reports of a feud between Vuolo and Dillard have been especially common in recent weeks.

“Jinger and I are so grateful to TLC for giving us the opportunity to share our lives with all of you!” Jeremy wrote on Twitter before Monday’s Counting On season premiere.

“Tune in this Monday night — July 30th, 9/8C — for the new season of #CountingOn.”

Sounds innocent enough, but it’s not hard to see why many Duggar-watchers took the remark as an extremely subtle jab at Derick.

“Some Dillard shade,” wrote one fan.

Another echoed the sentiment with a reluctant shoutout to Jeremy:

“He’s good at throwing shade in a fundie acceptable way,” the viewer commented.

“I don’t like him, but damn if it ain’t entertaining.”

Dillard has made his distaste for his former home network abundantly clear in the months since he was unceremoniously kicked to the curb.

He was fired for attacking fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings, and he’s since accused network execs of espousing values that run counter to everything the Duggars stand for.

In that context, it’s a bit easier to see how Jeremy’s public praise for the same folks who gave Derick the ax could as smack talk.

Of course, the big question now is — will Derick respond? 

We sure hope so.

We could really go for a heated Duggar feud.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Derick Dillard: God Wants Me to Go to Law School!

Fans have roasted Derick Dillard for everything from begging for money from fans to his vitriolic attacks on trans teen Jazz Jennings, the latter of which got him fired.

Now, Derick is trying to make himself respectable — even in the secular world.

Folks, Derick is headed to law school. Do you want this dude as your attorney?

Are you one of the cyber sleuths who noticed that Derick has been following a series of new Twitter accounts lately?

If not, you’re probably better off. He’s been following Twitter accounts related to the LSAT and the Bar Exam. Which, normally, a person only does if they want to become a lawyer.

A Facebook page (we would not characterize it as a fan site) called Duggar Family News made the announcement.

“Derick will be attending The School of Law at the University of Arkansas this fall,” the post reveals.

Their page has been a pretty reliable source of info on the Duggars. Coupled with Derick’s Twitter activities, it’s pretty convincing.

“Derick is giving up missioning,” the page continues. “Whatever he did at Cross Church, and God, to attend a secular law school.”

Obviously, the bit about giving up his faith is hyperbolic.

“The cost of law school is $ 16,000 a year,” the page continues. “Which I assume either Jim Bob is paying for …”

“Or,” the post hypothesizes. “He’s got some conservative evangelical group paying his way in hopes that if Derick actually becomes a lawyer he will be forced to work for their causes.”

The post suggests that those causes might include “overturning all equal rights laws that greatly benefit deserving human beings.

That does sound kind of harsh but, given Derick Dillard’s track record, it sounds like something that he would be interested in doing.

The page openly asks: “Can Derick make it through the rigors of law school?”

“The idiot,” the post continues. “Couldn’t learn Spanish after one-on-one tutoring and living in a Spanish speaking country!”

Attaining true, convincing fluency takes a lot of work. But a lot of people were disappointed by Derick’s lack of progress.

“He can’t follow simple rules when it comes to posting copyright images or running a fundraiser page,” the post observes.

To be entirely fair, a lot of celebrities seem confused about that. Perhaps attending law school will make him more mindful.

“Derick,” the post continues. “Lives in a bubble of false news and facts which will be put to the test when secular law professors get their hands on him.”

Sadly, real life law school professors are rarely as exciting as they are on How To Get Away With Murder.

“My bet,” the post writes. “Is that he lasts almost a year and then suddenly gets another calling from God.”

“Next year,” the page predicts. “He’ll be working as a clerk at Walmart.”

Duggar Family News might be a great page for leaked info, but we don’t know that we share their vision for the future.

Law school may be secular, but there are a number of religious angles for a practising attorney.

One, of course, is that some larger churches and religious organizations need lawyers. They can help with everything from major lawsuits to making simple arrangements.

Another, as the Facebook page suggests, is that Derick might — perhaps of his own volition — work hard to combat any progress made for equal rights for certain groups.

Remember, Derick Dillard says to not make cakes for gay couples. He also claims that accepting transgender children for who they are is “child abuse.”

There is another possibility. Depending upon how you feel about Derick, this could be worse.

For some, attending law school and even becoming a lawyer is just a means to an end — that end being a serious political career.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Derick Dillard: Jazz Jennings" Gender Confirmation Surgery is CHILD ABUSE!

Does anybody else get so emotionally and spiritually exhausted by hearing all the absolute garbage that Derick Dillard spews whenever he opens his dumb mouth?

Because hey, same.

It’s just … he’s so awful. He’s an exceptionally terrible person.

And on top of that, it always seems like he really tries so hard to be that way, you know?

Like he puts a ton of effort into being the worst.

If you don’t know what we’re talking about, just take a moment to consider the way he’s treated Jazz Jennings.

His weird obsession with the transgender teenager began nearly a year ago when he commented on a Twitter post about her reality show, I Am Jazz, that TLC had shared.

He said that “‘transgender’ is a myth,” and that “gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”

And he was just warming up.

A few months after that, when his comments were brought up again, he tweeted “I pity Jazz, 4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda, including the parents who allow these kinds of decisions 2 be made by a child.”

“It’s sad that ppl would use a juvenile this way. Again, nothing against him, just unfortunate what’s on tv these days.”

So not only did he use the wrong pronouns there, but he also called into question Jazz’s parenting skills.

Seriously, the guy who married into the Duggar family thinks he has any room to criticize someone else’s parenting?

After that, Derick felt the need to bring Jazz up in a conversation he was having about the Parkland shooting — it didn’t make sense then, and it sure doesn’t make any sense now.

The point he was trying to make was something about “liberal agendas” and that darn devil media, and at one point he tried to explain that “I criticized the media’s use of kids again … like @TLC uses Jazz.”

Was Jazz relevant to what he was talking about?

Obviously not.

But, for whatever reason, Derick just can’t help himself but run his mouth about her.

And since she has some pretty huge news this week … you know where this is headed.

In case you missed it, Jazz was able to get her gender confirmation surgery earlier this week, and she’s been pretty excited about it.

She hopped on Instagram yesterday to let her followers know that she’d doing well, and to thank them for all the love and support they’ve been giving her.

It’s a lovely, heartwarming story, but of course Derick didn’t see it that way.

Over on Twitter, he shared a news story about Jazz’s surgery and commented “This kind of thinking should not be encouraged by media. A system that allows this kind of child abuse is clearly broken.”

How wild is it that this guy is honestly trying to talk about “child abuse” when his own wife was molested by her brother and her parents did nothing about it?

Also, what does it say about him that after all this time, he still hasn’t learned that even if he wants to cling to his beliefs, he should maybe just keep his mouth shut about this one teenage girl?

It’s easy to get worked up over this kind of ignorance, and the poor souls that follow Derick on Twitter definitely did.

“Why is this ur business?!” one of those people asked him. “Not every1 agrees with how u raise ur kids or how the Duggars raise theirs, who in their right mind raise girls 4 breeding purposes only, does not encourage college or jobs, solely raises them 2 b dependent on men.”

The character limit on Twitter can sometimes get in the way, but a good argument is a good argument.

Another solid argument with way fewer characters: “Your thinking is clearly broken.”

“Come on Derick,” another person urged. “Does it really matter to you? It’s not your family or your business.”

Amazingly, even some people who share Derick’s belief are sick of him talking about this.

One of those people wrote “I agree with you, but why in the world do you need to tweet this? Our job, as a Christian, is not to point out people’s sins. Our job is to show the love of Jesus. Let Him work on peoples hearts.”

So far, he’s only made one response to all the backlash he’s been getting — and oh boy, you’re going to love this.

Several people pointed out the hypocrisy of Derick getting upset about the “child abuse” here but remaining silent on the Trump administration’s actual abuse of immigrant children.

His response?


How does he live? How does this man survive while being so painfully ignorant?

It’s a mystery for the ages, for sure.


Friday, June 22, 2018

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard Saw The Incredibles 2 ... Without Their Kids!

As you may already know Jill Duggar’s parenting decisions are often called into question.

Sometimes the criticism is warranted like when Jill inexplicably forces her young children to walk two miles for Chik-Fil-A.

Other times, however, it’s just haters being haters, such as when the internet decided Jill’s kids looked “sickly” and decided to roast her about it.

We’ll leave it up to you to decide which category the latest controversy falls into.

Even though Derick Dillard is unemployed and Jill seems to work as a midwife no more than a few times a year, these two somehow have disposable income.

And this week, they used that extra cash to take in the long-awaited sequel to the beloved animated Ayn Rand fantasy, The Incredibles.

The reviews and box office have both been spectacular, and it seems that The Incredibles 2 is fun for the whole family.

Which is why it’s a little weird that Jill and Derick decided to take in the flick without their two sons.

“Just dropped off the boys for their first overnight together away from us,” Jill captioned the above pic.

“Let the anniversary date begin! #incredibles2 #besthubbyever”

Yes, it’s Jill and Derick’s anniversary this week, and since they’re not allowed to drink or spend too much on fancy meals or engage in non-procreative sex, we suppose their celebratory options are pretty limited.

But as many fans pointed out, it’s weird to see an animated kids movie and leave your kids at home.

 “They WOULD see the Incredibles 2 on a date night WITHOUT the kids,” one fan pointed commented, according to In Touch Weekly.

Others were quick to defend the Dillards, pointing out that this is pretty minor as Duggar parenting controversies go.

 “Wow!” wrote one follower. “They are at the show watching the Incredibles 2 and people on here think that’s wrong?? Get a life people!”

Others pointed out that it would be standard Duggar practice for the parents to see the movie first before deciding if it’s appropriate for the kids.

That may seem ridiculous for a PG-rated film, but there is some cartoonish violence in The Incredibles 2 that could mess with extremely sheltered kids like the Dillards’.

Plus, as Twitter revels in reminding us, Mrs. Incredible is thick, y’all.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, June 18, 2018

Derick Dillard Slammed on Father"s Day: You"re the Worst Kind of Dad!

It’s only Monday, but Jill Duggar is already having quite a week on social media.

First, Jill wore a swimsuit in a photo that was posted on her Instagram page.

In order to appreciate why that’s a big deal, you have to understand that Duggar swimwear usually looks like something a silent film star named Myrtle would rock circa 1923.

And here’s Jill wearing a normal 21st-century one-piece like it’s not big deal. Bold, we say!

So that was a rare win for Jill, whose social media posts are usually just an embarrassment for everyone involved.

Unfortunately, the goodwill Jill earned by passive-aggressively standing up to her domineering dad was squandered when she celebrated Father’s Day by heaping praise on her controversial husband, Derick Dillard

As you may know, Derick holds views that are so controversial that they’ve brought him into conflict with even the most conservative (read: bigoted) Duggar fans.

Derick is one of those Trump supporters who stands by the president even when his policies fly in the face of the Christian values Dillard claims to hold so dear.

So fans took issue when Jill posted the awkward screenshot above, along with a link to a lengthy paean to Derick’s compassionate and godliness:

“Thank you for not always taking the easy path, but following God’s leading in our lives,” Jill wrote on the Dillards’ personal website.

“Thank you for being our protector, both physically and spiritually, as you seek God’s will during your daily devotion time,” she added.

“I see you investing in our children, just like your dad did with you and [Derick’s brother] Dan and it melts my heart!

“He taught you what it means to be a Godly man, and I see you reading the Bible and teaching our children how to pray,” Jill concluded.

Fans were quick to take issue with those sentiments, with many pointing out that Derick has expressed support for the policy of separating children from their families at the US border.

“Just curious why this has to be made public. Can’t you express your gratitude personally?” wrote one follower, adding:

“Think of ALL the children being held in a detention center, separated from their parents. Is that loving? Is it Godly? NOPE!”

Another stated simply, “Any man can be a father but not every man is a dad.”

To her credit, Jill has distanced herself from some of Derick’s most deplorable views, but many fans (and former fans) believe that’s not nearly enough.

“To disagree doesn’t = hate, or judgement … Love doesn’t always = approval,” she once wrote on Instagram, seemingly in reference to Derick.

“Just because I disagree with my child on something doesn’t mean I hate him, and just because I love and forgive him doesn’t mean I approve of everything he does. You can be friends with, love and care for people you don’t agree with 100%.”

In a society that’s as patriarchal as the Duggars’, it took guts for Jill to even imply that she doesn’t always agree with her husband.

But it’s not hard to see why so many feel that she needs to be doing much, much more.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Ben Seewald to Derick Dillard: You"re Not a Real Christian, Bruh!

Talk of feuds between various factions of the extended Duggar family is not uncommon.

The rumors often have to do with discord between Jill and Jessa Duggar, who allegedly went from besties to rivals at some point in the past few years.

Now, fans are under the impression that a new tweet from Jessa’s husband, Ben Seewald, has shone a light on the cause of that dispute.

It now looks as though the conflict started with a spat between Ben and Jill’s husband, Derick Dillard, that’s only gotten worse in recent months.

As you may recall, Derick was fired by TLC last year after he launched a transphobic tirade against fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

Jill quit the show in a gesture of solidarity, and the couple has not shot a scene for Counting On in the months since.

Unfortunately, rather than learning a lesson from the incident, Derick has doubled down in his bigotry.

Last week, Derick attacked Nate Berkus, a designer who stars in a TLC show alongside his husband and daughter.

Dillard derided Berkus and his family as “a travesty” in another bizarre Twitter rant.

Just two days later, Ben — who is rarely active on Twitter — posted a retweet that many are interpreting as a shot at Ben:

“If you say you ‘love your neighbor’ while really just loving the people that look like you, live like you & think like you, it is not your neighbor that you are loving…it is yourself,” the tweet reads.

It ends with the hashtag “#reallylovethyneighbor”

This is not the first time that Seewald has proven himself to be more liberal than his in-laws, but never before has he so publicly attacked a family member’s bigoted beliefs.

It’s also not the first indication that members of the Duggars’ inner circle are fed up with Derick.

Earlier this month, Ben unfollowed Derick on Instagram, as did members of the Bates family, another massive fundamentalist clan that’s often regarded as some of the Duggars’ closest friends.

The situation has many wondering if Jill and Derick have cut off contact with her family entirely.

That seems unlikely, but it’s clear that there’s some tension between the Dillards and the Seewalds.

Will they work it out, or Derick eventually be exiled, a la Josh Duggar.

Unfortunately, the situation won’t play out on television, but you can still watch Counting On online to relive the days before Derck got kicked to the curb.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Derick Dillard to Bakers: Don"t Make Cakes for Gay Couples!

Derick Dillard is celebrating what he believes to be a victory for religious freedom.

And what others believe to be another example of persecution against the LGBT community.

On Monday the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Colorado baker who had refused to create a wedding cake for a gay couple.

By a 7-2 margin, the Justices sided with Jack Phillips, who argued that his religious objection to same-sex marriage provided him with the First Amendment right to turn down the request of these patrons.

However, rather than determine whether religious artisans and businesses have a right to discriminate based on their beliefs, Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote a majority opinion that focused SOLELY on the case at hand.

He specifically stated that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission had not treated the baker fairly because various commissioners had made disparaging remarks about his religious beliefs.

In other words:

Phillips was actually discriminated against by a board that proved to be hostile toward religion.

This may not be the case if another baker refuses another gay couple and the debate once again finds its way to the Supreme Court.

But this was a nuanced point very much lost on Dillard.

“Today’s 7-2 Supreme Court decision is a huge victory for religious freedom,” he Tweeted last night, adding:

“Government cannot and should not discriminate against religious faith; it is a constitutional right.”

Again: this is not what the Supreme Court just decided.

But whatever.

The more relevant celebrity gossip fact here is how this message is yet another instance of Dillard slamming the gay and trans community.

In May, Dillard said trandgender individuals are mentally ill.

Last August, Dillard said the entire concept of transgender is a myth, Tweeting in regard to the reality show I Am Jazz, which chronicles the life of a transgender teenager:

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God.”

Dillard eventually got fired by TLC for these kinds of controversial comments.

He also got destroyed by a distant cousin named John Andrew Studdard.

“Derick needs to keep his mouth shut,” this astute person recently said, adding:

“We don’t have to agree with someone’s life, but don’t speak out publically when you know you’re already disliked by half of America. As a public figure, he should stop being so harsh.”

As a human being, he should stop being so hars.

But this is still a pretty solid statement.

For what it’s worth, Justice Kennedy explained that this Colorado baker case was not mean to set national policy or a national agenda when it comes to the topic of religious freedom or gay rights.

“The outcome of cases like this in other circumstances must await further elaboration in the courts,” he wrote, elaborating as follows:

“All in the context of recognizing that these disputes must be resolved with tolerance, without undue disrespect to sincere religious beliefs, and without subjecting gay persons to indignities when they seek goods and services in an open market.”

Hear that, Derick?!?

Sigh. Why do we feel as if you definitely did not?


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Jill Duggar: Will She Leave Derick Dillard Because of His Political Views?

Like all of the women in her family, Jill Duggar was taught from a young age that there’s no higher calling than being a wife and mother.

However, Jill was also taught that her number one duty is to God, and now it seems that the 27-year-old may feel that her two greatest loyalties are in direct conflict with one another.

If you follow the Duggar clan closely, then by now, you’ve likely heard that Jill’s husband, Derick Dillard, was fired from the family’s reality show, Counting On, after launching a transphobic tirade on social media.

Shortly thereafter, Jill quit the show as a gesture of solidarity, but that doesn’t mean she shares all of Derick’s controversial views.

In fact, in recent weeks, Jill has begun distancing herself from Derick’s views in a number of subtle ways.

It all started when a handful of fans called Jill out for hypocrisy on Instagram.

In response to a post about Jill’s prayers for her children, several users commented that she should pray for her husband to be less bigoted and more tolerant.

Seemingly referring to Derick’s controversial comments, Jill replied:

“I have never said those actions were ok.”

Shortly thereafter, Jill took another stand against her husband’s views, this time in more subtle fashion.

Just one day after Derick expressed his enthusiasm for a border wall between the US and Mexico, Jill made it clear that she’s no fan of President Trump’s pet project.

Jill posted several photos of her Latina goddaughter and referred to herself as a “proud madrina” (Spanish for “godmother”) in a post that many interpreted as a sign that she doesn’t share her husband’s views on immigration.

Again, it wasn’t an out-and-out rebuttal of Derick’s views, but it was still a surprising display of independence from a woman who was raised to believe wives should be subservient to their husbands at all times.

And remarkably, Jill’s mini-rebellion didn’t end there.

Jill Duggar Meme

Last week, Jill posted the above meme on her Instagram page.

She captioned the image:

“This has so many applications to our lives! Let your voice be heard.”

On its own, the post seems to have little application to Jill’s marriage, but once again, fans noticed that the timing of the post may speak volumes.

The meme appeared on Jill’s page not long after Derick made comments about TV personality Nate Berkus that many considered homophobic.

Yes, even diehard Duggar fans were disgusted by Derick’s remarks about Berkus and his family.

So was this Jill’s way of saying that she’s standing up to the forces of evil?

If so, it’s a bit ironic that she’s choosing to make her voice heard in such low-key fashion, but fans haven’t given up hope.

Many believe Jill is planning to publicly speak out against Derick’s views.

Some even believe she’ll eventually leave her divisive husband.

That seems unlikely, given the Duggar family’s dim view of divorce, but it’s not hard to see why fans are beginning to believe that Jill is less submissive than her sisters when it comes to her marriage.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, May 25, 2018

Jill Duggar: Dragged By Fans For Pretending Derick Dillard Has a Job!

Back in November of 2017, Derick Dillard was fired from his in-laws’ reality show, Counting On.

His wife, Jill Duggar, quit the show shortly thereafter as a gesture of solidarity.

For a time, the Dillards were without a source of income, which would be a problem for anyone, but was especially daunting in this case, as the couple is raising two young sons.

Recently, Jill launched a midwife service, but business has reportedly been slow, both due to concerns about her licensure and ongoing issues with her family’s reputation.

Meanwhile, Derick seems to be devoting most of his ample free time to spewing his political opinions on Twitter.

Naturally, fans and critics alike have been quick to encourage him to get a job, but it seems that’s the one issue that Derick has no interest in arguing about with strangers.

In fact, it seems he’ll do whatever it takes to avoid the subject of his lack of employment, so you can imagine our surprise when Jill addressed the issue for him:

This week, Jill posted the above photo, taken at her local polling place — and she raised quite a few eyebrows with the caption.

“We just voted! Teaching ‘em young the privilege of letting your voice be heard…and took both boys with me since Derick was at work. lol,” she captioned the pic.

On top of the usual comments about the Josh Duggar sex scandals and concerns over whether little Samuel is the right size for his car seat, lots of fans wanted to know exactly what sort of “work” Derick was engaged in.

Last we checked, the 29-year-old was unemployed and seemed to have no interest in changing that condition.

And as Jill’s followers were quick to point out, it’s not like D-Dill is the type to keep his accomplishments to himself.

“Does he work at Twitter?” joked one fan.

“‘Work’ and an actual job may be different things at the Dillard house,” quipped another.

“Haha. ‘Derick is at work.’ That cracks me up,” remarked a third.

Another dispensed with the humor and simply stated exactly what we’re all thinking:

“He doesn’t really work or hold a job,” the follower wrote.

“If he did, he would proudly be announcing his job all over the internet.”

That’s both tough but fair — in other words, the exact opposite of a bigoted coward like Derick.

Zing! We’ll be here all week, folks!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Derick Dillard: Trans People Are Mentally Ill!

Back in November of 2017, Derick Dillard was fired by TLC after he launched an unprovoked attack against fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

Jennings is a transgender teen who also stars in a TLC reality series.

For reasons that remain unclear, Derick went on the offensive against Jazz, criticizing her for starring in “a reality show that promotes an unreality.”

Fans were quick to push back against Derick’s comment, but rather than apologize, he doubled down, launching a second attack against Jennings.

These days, Derick is sticking to his guns and continuing to express his transphobic views on social media.

He’s also still going after his former bosses at TLC, which seems to suggest that this as much about Derick settling a personal grudge as it is about his views on the trans community.

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup points out Derick deleted the ignorant tweet below earlier this week:

Derick Dillard Tweet

“I really hope this is a series showing the devastation that mental illness causes, rather than assuming that these challenges are simply evidences of an improving society. #optimism,” he wrote.

His comments refer to a TLC show entitled Lost In Transition.

A description of the series on the network’s website reads:

“Told from the wives’ point of view, the series examines the confusion, anger, disappointment, and uncertainty that each couple goes through.”

Apparently, Derick hopes the show will present the transition process as a devastating symptom of mental illness.

He may be in for a long wait if he’s hoping for a mainstream TV show that shares his bigoted worldview.

This new tirade is just the latest in a long line of attacks against television series that Derick decries for celebrating a sinful way of life.

Last month, Derick attacked Nate Berkus, star of TLC’s Nate and Jeremiah By Design, describing Berkus and his husband and daughter as “a travesty of family.” 

“[Their lifestyle] affect(s) this poor child, as well as what perversions are celebrated,” Derick wrote.

“If it were adultery, I doubt a network would be so quick to focus on the reality of it as if it were OK.”

For obvious reasons, Dillard has been rapidly losing support in recent weeks, and even his wife, Jill Duggar, has distanced herself from his remarks.

Yes, it seems that even in the Duggar family, certain views are simply too repugnant to be entertained.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, May 18, 2018

Derick Dillard: Degrading Jill Duggar in Birthday Tribute?!

These days, it seems that no matter what Derick Dillard does, he stirs up controversy.

We don’t mean to say that Derick is treated unfairly by fans.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

Der does his damnedest to stir the pot every chance he gets, and the majority of his social media followers let him off the hook simply because of the family he married into.

Of course, there’s a vocal minority who seem to take pleasure in calling Derick out every time he does something foolish like use his kid to make a political point.

And that’s how we wind up with daily D-Dill mini-scandals.

Today’s is pretty minor, but still serves as an excellent example of Derick’s ability to piss his followers off in increasingly subtle ways:

Thursday marked Jill Duggar’s 27th birthday.

Derick marked the occasion by posting the photo above alongside the following caption:

“Happy birthday to my wifey @jillmdillard! God has blessed me beyond measure to give me you as a wife and as a mother to our boys,” he wrote.

“I fall more in love with you every day! Love you baby!”

Seems innocent enough, right?

In fact, it’s hard to imagine how Derick’s birthday tribute could have possibly provoked outrage.

But if you’ve been following his recent string of controversies closely, you’ll know that some fans really don’t like it when Derick calls Jill “wifey.”

And as In Touch Weekly points out, some of these folks have been quick to express their displeasure on Derick’s Instagram page.

“Wifey is a derogatory term to some. May want to look that up,” wrote one such follower.

“Never say the word ‘wifey’ like that ever again,” commented another.

Needless to say, Derick has not addressed these concerns or removed the post because that’s just not how he rolls.

And in this case, he’s probably right to stand his ground.

Even if he knew damn well what he was doing when he busted out the “w” word.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Derick Dillard: I"m Not Unemployed! I"m a Full-Time Trump Supporter!

Back in November of 2017, Derick Dillard was fired by TLC after directing a transphobic tirade at fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

It’s the sort of thing people get fired for, so Derick took his lumps like a man, confessed to wrongdoing, and moved on.

Just kidding, he threw a tantrum and convinced Jill Duggar to quit the show along with him.

So now the Dillard household is without a source of income.

But fear not, because Derick is one of those people who are convinced that politicians who hate poor people are totally gonna make an exception for them.

You know the type – they haven’t worked in 6 months, but instead of seeking employment, they spend their days washing the egg yolks off their hand-painted Trump sign because being white is more important than having a pot to piss in.

Anyway, while most of the family kept mum during the 2016 election, Dillard’s love of Trump has been the stuff of many an outspoken social media post.

Derick posted the above photo to his Instagram page earlier this week, and his caption has some fans up in arms.

“Israel helping Trump build ‘The Wall LOL,” Derick wrote.

“I’m shocked that someone who preaches love is so racist. This comment reflects poorly on you and your family. I hope the rest of the Duggar family doesn’t support and agree with this comment,” wrote one follower.

“I would love to know why a ‘missionary’ who ‘loves Jesus’ would be promoting pure hatred,” commented another.

“Pretty sure Jesus wouldn’t be building walls, he was out washing the feet of those less fortunate and loving one another. How sad you promote Christianity but won’t follow it.”

Yes, the Duggars’ fan base is overwhelmingly conservative, but Derick may have failed to recognize that many of them are smart enough to understand that Trump is no conservative.

Blowing $ 1 billion on a functionally useless monument to racism, for example, doesn’t constitute sound financial planning.

Anyway, Derick’s not apologizing or deleting the offending post from his page.

That’s just not how D-Dill rolls.

In fact, he’ll probably double-down and use his son for more political “jokes.”

Expect a Bill Maher-caliber gag about how just because one of his two sons is named Israel, that doesn’t mean Derick supports a two-state solution.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family. 


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Derick Dillard: SLAMMED By Duggar Relative For Homophobic Remarks!

If you’re a fan of the Duggar family, then you’re no doubt familiar with the controversy surrounding Derick Dillard.

If you somehow missed the uproar or simply forgot how awful Derick is, here’s a brief refresher:

Back in August of 2017, Derick launched a transphobic tirade against fellow TLC reality star Jazz Jennings.

When fans and pointed out to Derick that he was needlessly bullying a teenage girl, he doubled down with more bigoted remarks.

And when his bosses demanded an apology, Dllard refused.

As a result, Derick was fired from Counting On, which was a devastating blow to his family’s finances in itself.

The situation was made exponentially worse by the fact that Jill Duggar quit the show as a gesture of solidarity.

Derick’s views are pretty much consistent with the far-right ideology espoused by his in-laws, but now it looks as though his own inner circle is turning against him.

In the past week, even Jill Duggar has made comments that have been widely interpreted as critical of Derick’s remarks.

Now, another member of the extended Duggar clan has come forward to more explicitly state his contempt for Dillard’s anti-gay views.

John Andrew Studdard is a cousin of Jill’s who was in attendance at her wedding to Derick in 2014.

Studdard is an LGBTQ activist who expressed his distaste for Derick’s remarks in an interview published today by Radar Online.

“We aren’t close,” Studdard told the outlet. “But I’m sick of hearing his homophobic cries for publicity.”

Studdard added:

“Derick needs to keep his mouth shut.” 

Asked how he feels Derick should address matters of inequality going forward, Studdard replied that he should speak with compassion, or not at all:

“We don’t have to agree with someone’s life, but don’t speak out publicly when you know you’re already disliked by half of America,” he told Radar.

“As a public figure, he should stop being so harsh.”

While we agree with Studdard that Derick should shut his trap, the reason why he should do so isn’t that he’s a public figure, but rather that his views and arguments are so consistently idiotic.

Derick has yet to respond to Studdard’s remarks and it’s unlikely that he ever will.

He generally only enters debates with people who are much younger and much more vulnerable.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.
