Showing posts with label Dillard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dillard. Show all posts

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Derick Dillard Just... Asked Jazz Jennings and Emma Gonzalez to Coffee?!?

Derick Dillard must have just been hacked.

That’s the only explanation we can come up with for what the former TLC reality star wrote this week on Twitter.

As anyone who follows Dillard on social media knows well by now, the guy is not a fan of transgender individuals – or, apparently, high school students who manage NOT to get shot to death by crazed gunmen.

No, really:

Earlier this month, Dillard labeled survivors of February’s horrific Parkland, Florida shooting as “ridiculous.”

He wrote that networks are using these teenagers to push for a “liberal agenda” because the kids have been outspoken about their desire for nationwide gun reform.

Along with this criticism, Dillard has taken every available opportunity to slam Jazz Jennings, a transgender reality star who anchors her own series on TLC.

Just this week, Dillard referred to Jennings as a male, pissing off many Internet users, which was merely the latest time Derick went off on the Jazz for no real reason at all.

Except for his intolerance of the LGBT community, that is.

Jazz Jennings is a role model for other transgender teenagers. For Derick Dillard? Not so much.

It all started last August when Dillard bashed the entire concept of a transgender person as a myth.

“What an oxymoron… a ‘reality’ show which follows a non-reality. ‘Transgender’ is a myth. Gender is not fluid; it’s ordained by God,” he Tweeted at the time.

Then there was this comment left by Dillard in November:

“I pity Jazz, 4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda, including the parents who allow these kinds of decisions 2 be made by a child.”

TLC eventually fired Dillard for these insensitive and inappropriate remarks, much to the delight of people who don’t have hate in their heart and do have open minds.

So that’s how we arrived at this point.

That’s all the preamble to a Tweet from Dillard that we never expected to read.

Emma Gonzalez cried tears of anger and pain over her fellow students getting killed. Derick Dillard wasn’t very moved, however.

On February 24, Jennings re-Tweeted a video of Gonzalez speaking out at an anti-gun rally.

It was the speech that made Gonzalez into a true American hero, in the minds of many, at least.

“This is so powerful. I’m so proud of my community,” wrote Jennings in response to the footage, which evidently prompted Dillard to… agree?

At least kind of? To some extent?

Tagging both Jazz and Emma in a March 6 Tweet (below), the controversial star wrote:

“Thinking about and praying for all those across the country, and especially in your community, who this horrific tragedy has affected.

“Let me know if you’re ever in Northwest Arkansas and I’d love to grab coffee and visit. #MSDStrong #neveragain.”

dd tweet

Wait… what?!?!?!?

In the slightest defense of Dillard, he never did slam Gonzalez or her fellow students directly.

Instead, he’s been saying that the mainstream media has been exploiting them to push for an anti-second amendment agenda.

You can agree with this belief or disagree with it, but we suppose it can still be possible that Derick can state it while still having sympathy for Emma and her classmates.

Then again, Dillard has since deleted the message above, perhaps because he had regrets about posting it… or perhaps because he really was hacked!

We may never know.

But it’s probably safe to go back to hating Dillard and his hate-filled view of a world he doesn’t ever try to fully understand.

That’s what we’re gonna do.


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Derick Dillard Attacks Jazz Jennings AGAIN, Gets Torn Apart on Twitter

If you’re a fan of the Duggar family, then you’re probably already aware that Derick Dillard has been fired from Counting On as a result of his decision to berate and harass fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings.

Back in November, Dillard directed an unprovoked social media tirade at Jennings, a transgender teen who also stars in a reality show on the network.

In the months since, neither Derick nor his wife, Jill Duggar, has filmed any scenes for her family’s popular series, and it doesn’t look as though they’ll be returning to the spotlight anytime soon.

These days, it seems that Derick is trying his best to make amends, but as usual, he’s just digging himself a deeper hole.

The latest Derick dust-up has had to do with the former reality star’s views on the national gun control debate.

Last week, Dillard attacked the survivors of the Parkland school shooting for behaving in a “ridiculous” fashion.

Needless to say, his comments were not well-received.

Yesterday, he tweeted a link to an article in which he was criticized for being critical of traumatized teens.

“No, I criticized the media’s use of kids again…like @TLC uses Jazz,” Derick tweeted in his own defense.

“My heart goes out to the victims, but all ideas should be heard, and subjected to criticism.”

He probably would’ve been better off not bringing up Jazz up again, but ultimately it was a pretty tame comment by Derick standards.

Unfortunately, when fans responded to the tweet, Derick chose to engage with them in offensive fashion:

When one Twitter user accused Derick of bullying Jazz, Dillard responded:

“Hi, please realize that I never said anything against him.

“If you read that in a tabloid, I encourage you to be extremely skeptical of anything put out by any opinion or gossip publication.”

Yes, while claiming that he can’t understand why people think he’s being unkind to Jazz, Derick once again misgendered the girl.

Not surprisingly, fans weren’t having it:

“If you are uncomfortable or against using the pronoun ‘her’ you could just use the name ‘Jazz’,” wrote one follower.

“You don’t have to go out of your way with the ‘he’ and ‘him.’ It would be the kind thing to do. Just sayin.”

“You are a hypocrite and a child abuser and a bully,” tweeted another.

A third slammed Derick as an “ignorant piece of sh-t.”

Dillard has yet to respond to the latest round of criticism against him.

As for the Parkland issue, however, Dillard is sticking to his guns – literally.

He recently tweeted a link to a post about a conspiracy theories and alleged anti-gun media biases with this description:

“True; I think it’s pretty obvious.  My wife has over 200,000 followers and still hasn’t been verified.”

Well Der, if it’s any consolation, now that you’ve gotten her kicked off her show, Jill probably won’t have that many followers for long!

Watch Counting On online to relive better times for the Dillards.


Sunday, March 4, 2018

Derick Dillard Continues Attacking Parkland Shooting Survivors, Also Slams Jazz Jennings

Derick Dillard must be going for some kind of world record lately.

If there’s a world record for “most poorly timed, poorly worded, horrifically offensive tweets,” that is.

And hey, if there’s not, maybe Guinness can make a special new category, just for him.

Because seriously, the things he’s been thinking up in his little head and then typing up on Twitter are that bad.

He’s been doing this for a long, long time now: he’ll hop on Twitter, say something super ignorant and/or offensive, act like he said it from a place of love, then tweet some bible verses to get some easy likes.

It’s never really worked out all that well for him — TLC did fire him from Counting On for his tweets about Jazz Jennings (more on that in a bit).

He also made himself extremely unlikable, to the point that even some actual Duggar fans can’t stand him.

But, wouldn’t you know it, he still hasn’t learned.

A few days ago, Derick got quite a bit of criticism for a tweet he made about the Parkland shooting survivors.

As you surely know, 17 people were killed in a school shooting last month in Parkland, Florida, and many of the survivors have been speaking out about the need for stricter gun control laws.

Derick retweeted a story about the subject, writing “This has gotten a little ridiculous; at least 2 networks are now using kids to push their liberal agendas.”

“It’s obviously not all about the kids when voices like @KylieKashuv aren’t as elevated. Liberal Media… at least be consistent so you can hide your biased tactics better.”

It wasn’t great.

He apparently can’t consider the idea that the survivors aren’t kids being used to “push liberal agendas,” they’re people who have their own ideas and who have been through something that he couldn’t imagine.

There have been many, many survivors sharing the same ideas and voicing the same opinions about gun control, because that’s what they believe — why wouldn’t a media outlet cover such a huge story?

After that tweet, Derick got quite a bit of attention, and tried to defend himself, but, well …

It didn’t go as well as he may think it did.

For example, he actually wrote “My heart goes out to the victims, but how does being a victim of a tragedy suddenly make you an expert on how to solve the problem of stopping mass shootings?!”

Because you have to be an expert to believe in something and to voice those beliefs you formed based on a significant experience you had, right?

Someone made an excellent point by responding to his nonsense with “Doesn’t your family use children to push your conservative agenda as well?”

She even added that alarming old photo of a bunch of Duggar kids posing together with t-shirts that read “I Survived Roe Vs. Wade.”

“No,” Derick argued, “because we couldn’t wear those while filming. I’m talking about what the media allows and doesn’t allow.”

Sure, but he’s also talking about using kids to push agendas, which the Duggars have obviously done.

At one point, he even shared a story about his tweet with a headline about how he slammed the survivors — which he definitely did, even if he doesn’t think so.

He tried to correct the headline by explaining “No, I criticized the media’s use of kids again…like @TLC uses Jazz. My heart goes out to the victims, but all ideas should be heard, and subjected to criticism.”

For one, that’s twice that Derick used the phrase “My heart goes out to the victims, but …”, and that’s two times too many.

For two … is he seriously bringing Jazz up AGAIN?!

He first started attacking Jazz, a 17-year-old transgender girl with her own show on TLC, last year, saying that he pitied her “4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda.”

Oh, and he called her a “him” because “‘transgender’ is a myth,” apparently.

Since then, he’s brought her up again and again, out of nowhere, really, and it really does seem like he has some kind of bizarre fixation on her.

In his own defense, when someone advised him to get over the Jazz thing already, he wrote “I was only addressing it because it was brought up again in the article, and I wanted to clarify so people aren’t misled.”

“I agree, I wish people would get over that already.”

Later, he wrote “I seek to live in a way that pleases Jesus Christ. I realize that some people will be turned off by that, but it is actually the norm throughout history.”

“I only want to reflect Christ, and I don’t apologize for that.”

You don’t apologize for anything, huh, Derick?

Even though you really, really should.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Derick Dillard Attacks Parkland Shooting Survivors: They"re Ridiculous!

Derick Dillard is at it again.

Just when you thought the Duggar family’s resident blowhard had learned his lesson about bullying the most vulnerable segments of our population, he goes and hits a new low.

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, a school shooting in Parkland, Florida claimed 17 lives last month.

In the wake of the tragedy, several students have made it their mission to take on the NRA and the politicians they feel are responsible for America’s ludicrously permissive policies on assault weapons.

Shockingly, these courageous teens have been met with a brutal backlash, with several reporting that they’ve received death threats from angry weapons fetishists.

On Wednesday, Jill Duggar’s husband joined the effort to try and discredit the grieving teens:

“This has gotten a little ridiculous; at least 2 networks are now using kids to push their liberal agendas,” Derick tweeted.

“It’s obviously not all about the kids when voices like @KyleKashuv aren’t as elevated. Liberal Media… at least be consistent so you can hide your biased tactics better.”

Not surprisingly, the reaction against Derick’s ignorant remarks was swift and harsh:

“These kids have gone through more than most of us and if you have watched any of the coverage you would know how smart and articulate they are,” wrote one critic

“They are better than a lot of people in the world. Back off Derick.” another commented.

“Derick, I feel sorry for you that your worldview is so warped you can’t see the reality right in front of you. These kids are bravely standing up for each other and for other children,” a third argued, adding:

“You’re being condescending to them when you say they’re being ‘used."”

Regardless of your stance on the gun control issue, we’re all decent people can agree that attacking teens who have experienced a tragedy and are already receiving death threats from others is not an appropriate use of a grown man’s time.

And Derick of all people should know that sometimes the best thing to say is nothing.

Dillard was recently fired by TLC after a bizarre social media tirade directed ata a fellow star of the network,

For reasons clear only to him, Derick attacked Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen who serves as the subject of the reality series I Am Jazz.

While fans pleaded with him to relent, Derick continued to accuse Jennings of “promoting an unreality” and opposing the will of God.

Since his firing, neither Derick nor Jill have appeared on her family’s reality series.

It’s not known how the Dillards are supporting themselves these days, but in the past, the family has been known to rely on donations from fans to keep food on the table.

Needless to say, it’s not the most stable source of income, and it might be a good idea for Derick to stop biting the hand that feeds him by alienating his social media followers.

Watch Counting On online to relive the Dillards’ time on the show.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Derick Dillard Under Fire For Atheist Sympathies: Has He Abandoned His Beliefs?

It’s been quite an interesting few months in the life of Derick Dillard.

It all started, of course, when Derick got fired by TLC after harassing transgender teen and fellow network star Jazz Jennings in a bizarre Twitter tirade.

Derick issued an explanation for his remarks that he probably thinks qualifies as an apology, but fans weren’t buying it, and most seemed happy to see him go.

Earlier this week, Derick doubled down on his homophobia by promoting a speaking engagement by a pastor who became famous for his support of the abhorrent practice of conversion therapy.

It briefly seemed that Derick had taken an “in for a penny, in for a pound” approach to his own bigotry and decided that since he’d already been fired from TLC, the time was right to rebrand himself as a far-right firebrand.

Today, however, something interesting occurred on Derick’s Twitter page.

“I want to personally invite any LGBTQ person & anyone else who would like to come with my family and me to church next Sunday. See you there!” Derick tweeted.

These days, it seems that Derick is supporting his family almost entirely through monetary donations from fans, so many were suspicious that the tweet was simply a publicity stunt or part of an effort to rebuild his image.

But some expressed an interest in taking him up on the invitation.

One woman identified herself as an atheist and asked if it was okay for her to attend services with Derick and his family.

The former reality star astonished many Duggar fans when he responded, “Absolutely!”

Some expressed outright shock that Derick would invite someone whose beliefs are so different from his own into his house of worship.

The mini-controversy comes on the heels of reports that Derick’s wife, Jill Duggar, had turned her back on her beliefs due to an Instagram post in which she revealed that she’s reading a book with sections addressed to those who are questioning their faith in God.

In the end, however, it turned out there was really nothing to either scandal.

Jill was simply offering support to those whose belief had wavered, while Derick is apparently hoping to convert some non-believers, which is actually one of the expressed duties of Independent Baptists.

Oh, well. We’re sure a legitimate Derick scandal will pop up soon enough.

In the meantime, watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, February 16, 2018

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard: Drinking Alcohol on Instagram?!

Like millions of Americans, you might have shared a bottle of wine with your significant other on Valentine’s Day.

But because you’re not a Duggar (we assume) your massive social media following probably didn’t freak the eff out over it.

That’s a photo of Derick Dillard that Jill Duggar posted on Instagram.

“My hubby is the best,” she wrote.

“He totally turned our house into a steakhouse, serving me a wonderful Valentine’s Day dinner last night! #besthubby @derickdillard I love you babe!”

Nothing scandalous about that, right?

Well, normally there wouldn’t be, but the Duggars have strict rules about … well, everything, and one of the many, many things that’s strictly forbidden to them is alcohol.

Fans love catching Jim Bob and Michelle’s offspring breaking the insanely strict code of conduct they were raised under, so it’s not surprising that they zeroed right in on that bottle in Derick’s hand.

Is it really booze or some sort of sparkling cider, like you’d drink at a middle school dance?

It’s tough to say, but the Duggars aren’t talking, which has led many fans to conclude that Jill and Derick have been caught sampling satan’s bubbly.

Whatever the case, Jill and Derick really can’t catch a break these days.

Ever since Derick got fired by TLC for harassing a fellow network star on Twitter, Duggar obsessives have been watching their every move.

You might think it would be a good time for the Dillards to simply keep a low profile, but unfortunately, they don’t really have that option.

Throughout thair adult lives, Jill and Derick have supported themselves with monetary donations from Duggar fans.

Now that they no longer have those sweet reality TV dollars pouring in, those donations are their only means of supporting themselves.

As such, Jill and Derick have no choice but to continue engaging with fans. 

Even if it means being accused of totally normal activities that her parents have decided are worth a one-way ticket to hell.

Watch Counting On online for more hypocritical behavior from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Jill Duggar, Derick Dillard Accused of Child Neglect

It’s been a rough few months for Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard.

First, Derick was fired from Counting On after directing a transphobic social media tirade at fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings.

Now, he and Jill are the subjects of constant scrutiny of overeager fans.

Normally, that’s not a bad thing, especially since Jill and Derick rely on donations from fans to help them pay the bills.

But unfortunately for the Dillards, much of the attention they’ve been receiving has been negative.

In the past, Jill has been mom-shamed for everything from how she dresses her kids to how she addresses concerns over their health.

This time around, however, the criticism is directed at Derick, who may have posted evidence of his unsafe parenting practices on Instagram.

The photo below appeared on Derick’s page yesterday, much to the chagrin of some of his followers:

That’s Jill and Derick’s 7-month-old son Samuel.

“Sam loves his new toy! Number 3 on top gifts for 6-month olds for 2018. Trending up from number 4 gift since 1950,” Derick captioned the pic.

A funny joke, we suppose (though it would be funnier if plastic water one-time-use water bottles were a thing in 1950), but many fans didn’t see the humor.

“Be careful with those plastic bottles,” wrote one IG user. 

“My daughter gave her 7 month old one and somehow the lid came off. If we hadn’t seen it she could have choked.”

Some followers were a bit more blunt in ther assessment of the situation:

“Babies have choked and died doing that, you f–king moron,” wrote one fan.

“Ther are toxics in plastic, Derick. Are you an idiot?” commented another.

We’re guessing the harsh judgment of Derick has at least something to do with the fact that he’s a known cyber-bully who seems to enjoy harassing others on social media.

Of course, the main reason is that it’s seriously stupid to let a baby play with a discarded plastic water bottle.

This has been your daily installment of “Don’t Be Like Derick Dillard.”

Watch Counting On online for more lessons.


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: Slammed For Lavish Spending, Rude Behavior

Another day, another Duggar controversy.

This one involves the family’s least popular couple (with the possible exception of Josh and Anna), Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard.

Derick has been fired by TLC for making transphobic comments, but the move hasn’t affected the Dillards’ public profile … or their spending habits.

Despite the fact that Jill and Derick have been asking for money from fans and appear to be living on handouts these days, the couple continues to live as they did when they were the stars of a successful television series.

The Counting On cash was divided many different ways, so the Dillards weren’t fabulously wealthy, even at the height of the show’s success.

But now, as they attempt to feed two children while relying on nothing but charitable donations, it seems Jill and Derick have made no changes in their personal finances.

For example, over the weekend, Jill was a member of a friend’s wedding party.

Like the other bridesmaids, she wore gold shoes, and many fans were quick to point out that the proponent of “modest attire” likely spent a pretty penny on the fancy footwear.

The above photo was posted on Derick’s Instagram page, and like everything the former reality star does these days, it attracted a good deal of criticism:

“I’m sorry but if my husband ever bullied any child i dont think i could stand by him,” wrote one fan.

“My husband is an Officer and a Military Man he works his ASS off for his family !!! Stop being beggars and people won’t give a damn what type of shoes u wear,” commented another.

Obviously, criticizing Jill for expensive-looking shoes (that may have not actually been expensive) is a bit nit-picky, but we suppose when your money comes from fans, fans are allowed to talk trash.

And gilded heels aren’t the only questionable decision the Dillards have made in recent weeks.

Sources say Jill and Derick were spotted at the Silver Dollar City amusement park earlier this month, where they acted the part of spoiled, entitled celebrities.

Onlookers claim Derick cut lines, was rude to staff, and even rammed a stroller with his children in it into a crowd of people were standing in his way.

Not very godly behavior from a man who’s currently working to become a minister.

But don’t worry–something tells us life after reality TV will mighty humbling to Derick.

Watch Counting On online for more from the controversial Dillard clan.


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Counting On Promotes New Season Without Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard, Fans Flip Out!

Great news for fans of Counting On: it’s less than a month now until the new season premieres!

We’ve got some bad news for fans of Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard though …

Back in November, we learned that Derick had been fired from the show after repeatedly making offensive remarks about Jazz Jennings, the star of another show on TLC.

Jazz is also a child, by the way.

His comments had to do with the fact that Jazz is transgender, which he considers to be “a myth.”

“Gender is not fluid,” he tweeted at one point. “It’s ordained by God.”

When he got some backlash for that comment, he dug his hole a little deeper, tweeting “I want to be clear. I have nothing against him. I only have issue with the words and definitions being propagated here.”

Except he referred to Jazz as a “him,” not a “her,” which is disrespectful and hurtful and there’s no way he didn’t know that.

He made those comments in August, and in the following months, he continued to make ignorant statements about Jazz and the transgender community as a whole.

Then, in November, he tweeted “I pity Jazz, 4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda, including the parents who allow these kinds of decisions 2 be made by a child.”

“It’s sad that ppl would use a juvenile this way. Again, nothing against him, just unfortunate what’s on tv these days.”

He was right about one thing: it is unfortunate what’s on TV these days.

Thankfully, TLC helped solve a bit of this problem by firing Derick soon after those statements.

Since then, he’s claimed that he wasn’t actually fired, that he just decided that it would be best if he and his family began “heading in a different direction.”

*Insert “Sure, Jan” gif here*

We have our doubts about that, but it’s clear that whatever happened, Derick and Jill really won’t be appearing on Counting On anymore.

The Duggar family’s Facebook page just shared a promotional image from the upcoming season of the show, and we see Jessa, Joy-Anna, and Jinger cozying up to their husbands.

Counting On Promo

Where are Jill and Derick?

Trying to think up a way to make a GoFundMe page without getting heaps of backlash for begging fans for money, we guess — whatever it is, it certainly doesn’t look like they’re filming a reality show anymore.

It’s nice to see that the Dillards are gone, and that while TLC hesitates to let the Duggar family go completely, they still won’t tolerate the kind of nonsense that Derick spews.

But as it turns out, many, many fans of this family disagree with that — and they took to the Facebook post to address this.

“Utterly ridiculous that TLC removed Jill & Derick everyone is entitled to free speech we may not agree but still no reason to remove them from the show!!” one person wrote.

That’s not how freedom of speech works, but OK, sure.

“I wasn’t aware that bullying was defined by disagreeing,” someone else commented. “Such a double standard with anything that is conservative. Such a sad thing. Freedom of speech only applies if your not conservative.”

… Seriously, do they not teach this stuff in school anymore?

Considering that another person wrote “I think everyone should have freedom of speech and Derick could say what he wants to say and that is freedom of speech…”, we’d wager that they don’t.

Yet another Dillard fan complained that “You can believe multiple spouses are fine and get a show on TLC. You can believe it is fine for a boy to live as a girl and have a show on TLC.”

“You CANNOT voice your deeply held beliefs based on Biblical principles and remain on a show on TLC.”

Another wrote “It is a shame how it is ok to bully anyone Duggar but they can’t have an opinion or a voice. I think the Dillards are awesome and will keep up with them on their social media accounts.”

None of these people see an issue with what Derick said? They all think it’s cool that he went after a 16-year-old girl, and they don’t understand why TLC may have had an issue with that?

It’s a scary, scary world out there.


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Derick Dillard: Most Americans Are Bigots, Just Like Me!

Back in November, Derick Dillard was fired from his in-laws’ reality show in connection with a series of shockingly transphobic tweets he posted about fellow TLC reality star Jazz Jennings.

Derick’s bosses at the network were clearly hesitant to give him the ax, and they offered him several chances to apologize.

Dillard refused, and instead chose to continue bullying Jennings on social media, referring to the teen as “brainwashed” and reiterating his view that she stars in a reality show that “represents an unreality.”

In the months since Derick was canned from Counting On, he’s made several efforts to weasel his way back on the air, all the while refusing to simply apologize for his unprovoked attack on a teenage girl.

First, Derick claimed he wasn’t fired at all.

Then he claimed the decision to leave the show was his and that his wife, Jill Duggar, would be leaving the show along with him.

Now, he seems to have finally reached the acceptance stage, but he’s still twisting the narrative to suit his needs.

These days, Derick is rebranding himself as a First Amendment freedom fighter, the brave spokesman for a silent majority that exists solely in his mind.

As In Touch Weekly points out Derick has been defending his comments in social media conversations with fans that shed light on how highly he thinks of himself.

“I’m glad Derick was fired from Counting On. Enough is enough with all of his nonsense,” a fan commented on one of the Duggars’ Instagram posts this week.

The remark prompted this curious reply from Dillard:

“My view is no different than most Americans, but I just mentioned it…” 

So … he has been fired?

Like, you can’t play the “I was canned because of my views!” card in one breath and still insist that you left the show by choice in the next.

That’s not how being a bigoted martyr works.

Also, what is this “most Americans” nonsense?

Did Derick travel the country polling people about their views on Jazz Jennings.

We doubt it. Otherwise, he likely would have found that most people have no ill will toward Jazz, but do harbor very strong views about Derick Dillard showing up at their door unannounced.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Sunday, January 21, 2018

Jill Duggar Shares Heartbreaking Story About Derick Dillard

For a long, long time now, Derick Dillard has been pretty darn unlikable, right?

Really, just so extremely awful.

He keeps insisting on asking Duggar fans for money, despite the extremely negative reaction he gets every single time he does it.

Several people are convinced that he’s been cheating on Jill, and that things are so bad that they’re even headed for divorce.

And let’s not even get started on all the horrific comments he’s made about Jazz Jennings, a transgender girl who also has a show on the TLC network.

Well, we say “also,” but we can’t forget that Derick’s antics got him fired from Counting On, so it looks like Jazz is the only one of the two with a show these days.

There’s just been so many bad stories about Derick lately, you know?

But now it’s time for a genuinely upsetting one.

If you’ve kept up with this family over the years, then there’s a chance you already know that Derick’s father passed away several years ago.

He doesn’t talk about it all that often, but of course the subject does come up from time to time.

Wednesday was the tenth anniversary of his father’s death, so it seemed like a pretty appropriate time to pay tribute to him.

Over on Instagram, Jill shared several old pictures of Derick’s father, and for the caption, she wrote “10 years ago tonight, my hubby lost his amazing dad.”

Derick Dillard with Dad

“Derick had just started his second semester at Oklahoma State University when his mom and brother showed up at his dorm room the morning of the 18th to tell him his dad had passed away suddenly during the night.”

“We miss you terribly ‘dad’ and look forward to seeing you one day in heaven!” she continued.

“You never know when a day may be your last or someone else’s last day on earth. Don’t wait to give your heart and life to Jesus & make sure to share his hope with others!”

Most of Jill’s followers left kind comments, and many pointed out the strong resemblance between Derick as a child and adorable little Israel.

But, as always, some people took issue with her post.

“So you can’t even do a memorial for your father in law without shoving religion down everyone’s throat!” one person wrote.

“Your parents sure brainwashed you well. Are you doing the same to your kids? Or letting them decide on faith/believing for themselves?”

Another of Jill’s followers commented with “Too bad Derick has been a sh-tty person these last cpl months maken headlines about jazz. maybe he should keep his mouth shut about others. doesnt the bible say something about not judgeing others?”

Which is a good, though poorly worded, point … but, you know, not the time.

When Derick himself shared Jill’s touching tribute, someone actually responded with “Wonder what his dad would think about his grandchildren…knowingly…being exposed to the possibility of being sexually abused…or that his own son prefers to prey upon the gullible rather than make an honest living.”

Again, solid question, but come on, people.

Derick is pretty much the worst, but this still must have been a heartbreaking loss for him.

He has our condolences during what must be a rough time of year for him.


Friday, January 12, 2018

Derick Dillard Sounds Off: All Women Should Be Allowed to Wear Pants!

The Duggar family is nothing if not resistant to change, but it appears that even the controversial Counting On clan is beginning to make minor concessions to the forces of social justice and women’s rights.

Of course, it’s important to note that when we say “minor concessions,” we’re talking very minor concessions.

Like, “women are allowed to wear pants” minor.

Yes, as you may have heard, the Duggar women wear pants now.

It all started with Jinger Duggar, who wore pants in an Instagram photo last year, thus sigling to her oppressed sisters that it was time to break free of their floor-length denim shackles and free the knees.

And to their credit, some of her siblings have followed suit.

These days, both Jessa and Jill Duggar wear pants on a regular basis.

In fact, Jill wore pants for a speaking engagement at a school this week!

A woman wearing pants in front of a children!

There was a time when the such a sight would have Michelle Duggar looking for the nearest fainting couch and Jim Bob attempting to beat the image out of his head with the family Bible.

These days, however, the Duggars are a lot more relaxed–chill, you might even say–about allowing women the basic human right to wear comfortable clothing.

Those who are familiar with the family’s belief system say that the reason Jinger, Jessa, and Jill are allowed to wear pants is because they’re married, and their husbands allow them to dress that way.

That’s been the accepted narrative for so long now that fans were a bit surprised to hear Jill’s husband, Derick Dillard, refute it today.

Of course, Derick only expressed these views after being called out as a patriarchal egomaniac on Twitter.

“Here’s your ‘oxymoron,’ Derick. It’s sad but true that well-behaved women rarely make history, but isn’t that what you want and teach the women who follow your cult?” wrote the user.

“No, I don’t believe or teach that…The Bible says nothing about wearing skirts or having a certain [hairstyle] to be saved,” Derick shot back.

So wait … the Duggar dress code isn’t a real thing?

Why didn’t anyone tell us this years ago?!

Oh, wait, they did and they totally confirmed that it’s a real thing.

Watch Counting On online for mor mixed messages from reality TV’s most controversial family.
