Showing posts with label Entire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entire. Show all posts

Friday, September 29, 2017

Kris Jenner Wants to Film Khloe Kardashian"s Entire Pregnancy!

This could be a recipe for success … or disaster.

But you know how Khloe Kardashian is pregnant with Tristan Thompson’s baby?

Kris Jenner is looking for ways to profit from that (to no one’s surprise), 

For the longest time, it seemed like Khloe Kardashian just couldn’t get pregnant.

As it turns out, Khloe’s uterus wasn’t to blame for all of that.

Recently, Khloe strongly suggested that Lamar Odom is sterile when confronted about getting pregnant now despite past storylines making her seem barren.

Tristan Thompson sure isn’t firing blanks, though.

Kylie is pregnant and will become a mother at age 20.

Kim is pregnant via surrogate and is set to welcome her third child into the world.

Khloe is pregnant at an appropriate age, but this will be her first.

Like any mother about to see one of her children give birth for the first time and about to get another grandchild, Kris Jenner must have been over the moon.

Specifically, she was excited about all of the fun ways that she could use this good news … to rake in more dough.

RadarOnline reports that Kris has something very specific in mind in terms of monetizing Khloe’s pregnancy.

Specifically, Khloe would get her own miniseries.

“Kris is really pushing for Khloe to do a Keeping Up with the Kardashians spinoff to document her pregnancy.”

Unlike Kocktails With Khloe, which reportedly ended because Khloe was losing interest in doing it, this is a series that would have a limited run by its very nature.

Like … you can’t renew a pregnancy.

“She told Khloe that she would even be willing to film it in Cleveland, since that is where she spends most of her time.”

That makes us wonder … is Khloe planning on raising her child in Cleveland?

No shade, but … we’ve never spoken to any Ohio natives who were glad to have grown up there.

“Kris thinks that it would be a nice change to shoot in Ohio because it would hit a completely different demo than what KUWTK viewers are used to.”

Is that really how demographics work? Like, surely it would be the same people watching.

Plus maybe a few folks in Ohio keeping an eye out for familiar landmarks.

And maybe some sportsball fans who want to see Tristan Thompson, we suppose.

Overall, RadarOnline‘s source says tht Kris Jenner’s excitement is immeasurable.

“Kris is absolutely through the roof fight now.”

We can only imagine.

“This is like a dream come true for her because more babies means more grandkids and better ratings for their TV show.”

Kris will certainly love her new grandchildren. Like, in the way that a grandmother loves her grandchildren.

And that’s not in any way diminished by how excited she must be for the ways that this news can influence her family’s businesses.

Because she’s definitely going to use these future little bundles of joy to get bundles of dough.

She already cashed in pretty famously on the births of Kourtney, Kim, and even Rob’s babies.

(And speaking of Rob Kardashian, we wonder if baby Dream gave two of Rob’s siblings baby fever … but that’s a topic for another time)

To be clear, we do not mean any of what we’ve said about Kris here in a critical manner.

Kris Jenner is amazing and, quite frankly, a role model.

The Momager can use infamy, “bad” publicity, scandals, and outright hatred to her advantage and she’s turned her family’s existence into a media empire that’s spawned multiple wildly successful businesses.

That means that not only is she incredibly wealthy — even more so than she was before — but her children are all extremely rich.

(Well, Rob is just … rich)

Which sets up her grandchildren to all one day be rich themselves, with endless opportunities before them.

Isn’t it every grandparent’s dream to be able to do something like that for their offspring and grandchildren?

That’s a powerful, admirable legacy.


Friday, June 9, 2017

Taylor Swift Puts Entire Catalog On Spotify As Katy Perry Releases New Album

Taylor Swift’s not dropping the bad blood with Katy Perry because she decided to drop huge Spotify news at the exact moment Katy released her new album. Boom goes the dynamite. It might be the pettiest move — or just brilliant — but Swift…


Monday, April 10, 2017

JD Scott: Discovery of Third Property Brother Traumatizes Entire Internet

HGTV has suffered through a surplus of scandals over the past several months.

There was the report that Chip and Joanna Gaines may hate gay people, along with the shocking split of Tarek and Christina El Moussa.

But nothing could have prepared fans of this cable network for the following piece of life-altering news:

Jonathan and Drew Scott have a brother.

Known to the television and home renovation world as The Property Brothers, Jonathan and Drew have been an inseparable pair for years.

They’re twins. They work together. They live together. They seemingly go everywhere together and do everything together.

So you can understand why so many fans of the siblings were taken aback late last week when a old photo emerged on Twitter of Jonathan Scott… Drew Scott… and JD Scott.

Yes, JD Scott.

Aside from most Internet users being unaware JD even existed, one look at the picture makes it clear that he doesn’t share the same taste in style or appearance as his famous reality star brothers.

At least one fan stared and stared at this image and couldn’t help but wonder if it wasn’t a snapshot of Jonathan, Drew and Pete Wentz.

You can see why such a question would be raised, can’t you?

jd scott reaction

So, what do we know about ProBro3?

James Daniel Scott lives in Las Vegas and is not a magician, despite many Twitter users assuming this were the case after studying the throwback photo above.

“Not a magician although my mom says I’m magic,” he wrote in response to a Tweet based on this picture, adding that his haircut has also changed in recent years:

“The good old emo hair has been put to rest, it served its term.”

JD also:

  • Has at least 10 tattoos.

  • Hates mushrooms (they are his “mortal enemy,” according to Instagram).

  • Is a huge fan of NHL team the Vancouver Canucks.

  • Is also a big fan of Saturday Night Live (which referenced JD during its 40th anniversary special).

  • LOVES Subway sandwiches.

  • Was named one of MyVegas Magazine’s Top 100 Men of Success in 2014.

See? Who says you need a HGTV show to be considered a success?!?

Thre you have it.

JD Scott exists.

There’s only one question that therefore exists:


And the Winner is?

It’s time to choose a Scott! Which of these siblings is easiest on the eyes? View Poll »


Friday, March 24, 2017

Nicole Curtis: Sued by Entire City of Minneapolis!

Nicole Curtis has come under fire.

And not just for the dumb name of her HGTV series this time.

Instead, the city of Minneapolis has sued Curtis’ company (Detroit Renovations), claiming the Rehab Addict host failed to renovate a dilapidated home her firm bought from the city in 2013 …

… for just $ 2.

According to legal documented obtained by Consumerist, the HGTV star and her company failed to adhere to the terms of a contract they entered into with Minneapolis.

This contract called for Curtis to fix-up a property in North Minneapolis, while also completing a list of basic improvements within 365 days.

The lawsuit was filed in January, but only just made public this week.

It states that Detroit Renovations “failed to substantially complete the Minimum Improvements on the Property.”

It also claims the company hasn’t paid property taxes or maintained insurance on the residence.

The city claims a breach of contract has been made and asks the court to take the property away from Curtis.

On Rehab Addict, Curtis and her team renovate historic houses around Michigan and Minnesota.

It debuted on HGTV in October of 2010.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that Curtis’ attorneys responded in court filings that the small screen personality admits the residence in question has not been renovated.

However, that the company “was prevented and/or delayed from completing performance (of the contract’s terms) due to the acts of Plaintiff and the acts of third parties.”

As for how city officials even learned about the state of the property?

The Tribute states they received numerous complaints from neighbors about unsafe conditions.

Curtis isn’t keeping quiet about this controversy.

She responded to the lawsuit on social media, saying on Instagram that she’s told her employees to “to ignore the negativity.”

She added:

“The only way I’ve gotten this far is by staying on my path and remembering that those that have the time to disband such hate on others …well, let’s just say happy, successful people don’t do that.”

Curtis went on to slam her critics as “energy suckers,” while referring to herself as an “energy giver.”

Among other reactions she’s shared on social media…

Curtis Tweets

Curtis is a mother of two.

She embroiled in a child custody battle with the father of her 20-month-old son, Harper.

And she’s only the latest HGTV personality to get caught up in a headline-making scandal.

We all know about Christina and Tarek El Moussa at this point, right?

The hosts of Flip or Flop are getting a divorce, following a violent confrontation last spring, and are in the news these days more often for updates on their relationship status than for anything having to do with buying and fixing up homes.

Chip and Joanna Gaines, meanwhile, comprise the beloved couple at the center of Fixer Upper.

They reside in Texas and were dragged into a story late last year that centered around the pastor at a church they frequent, with a Buzzfeed reporter wondering about Chip and Joanna’s views on gay people in light of some of that pastor’s comments.

Chip called for general “respect” during this scandal, which appears to have at least blown over for the stars.

Unlike the El Moussas and Curtis (allegedly!), they didn’t actually take any kind of inappropriate actions to earn the scorn of long-time fans and viewers.

Will this lawsuit threaten the future of Rehab Addict on HGTV? Only time, folks, will tell.

Only time.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Big Show Says Entire WWE Is Praying For Jim Ross" Wife (VIDEO)

WWE Big Show says the whole organization is praying for Jim Ross and his family following the tragic Vespa accident that left his wife with a fractured skull. As we reported earlier … Ross’ wife, Jan Ross, was involved in a serious auto accident…


Thursday, March 9, 2017

NBA"s Nick Young Burglarized AGAIN ... Entire SAFE Stolen

The celebrity burglary thiefstravaganza continues … this time, crooks struck the L.A. home of Lakers star Nick Young (again!) and made off with $ 500k in cash and jewelry after taking his entire safe!!!  Law enforcement sources confirm ……


Monday, November 7, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 7: ENTIRE PLOT Leaks Online!

Sigh. This is why we can’t have nice things, Internet.

While the rest of the world was worried about Russian hackers and Hillary’s email, something far more unsettling than all of the Anthony Weiner dick pics combined happened on Reddit.

A Redditor who has since deleted his account claims to have all the details of the plot of Game of Thrones Season 7, and of course, he “leaked” them online in great detail.

We know what you’re thinking:

Wow, there’s a guy on the Internet who claims to have inside information about Game of Thrones?!

What’s next, you’re gonna hit me with the bombshell that Donald Trump is occasionally disrespectful toward women?!?!?!

To that we say, you have a real attitude problem, hypothetical reader.

Also, you make a good point, but there’s a reason to believe that this particular guy – who went by the Reddit handle awayforthelads – actually knows what he’s talking about.

The most compelling evidence is that his information seems to match up with other Game of Thrones Season 7 spoilers that have already emerged from the set.

Here’s a rundown of what awayforthelads says will happen in the show’s final 13 episodes.

In case it wasn’t perfectly clear, the remainder of this article is dark and full of spoilers:

According to awayforthelads, Jon Snow and Daenerys spend much of the season together at Dragonstone.

They eventually have sex as the Wall crumbles.

Kind of weird considering they’re related, but we already seen that GoT is willing to “go there” in terms of incest.

Elsewhere in Westeros, Arya and Sansa are reunited, and the former is basically a PTSD-addled killing machine at this point.

She eventually executes Littlefinger under orders from Sansa.

Meanwhile, a pregnant Cersei (no word on who the father is) forms an alliance with Euron Greyjoy to fight against Jon and Dany, and that goes about as well as you would expect.

Sam, Gilly and Bran piece together that Jon is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, but this part is sparse on details, and it’s unclear if he does eventually become king.

In fact, the only ones who are assured to live through the final episode (according to awayforthelads, of course) are Sansa and Arya.

At some point, Jon goes north of the Wall to capture a wight and bring it back as proof that the Westerosi equivalent of climate change is a real and imminent threat.

The Night’s King (remember him?) possesses Dany’s dragon Viserion and turns him into an ice dragon (ed. note: ?!?!?!?!) that destroys the Wall.

There. Now we’re all in the same boat of having that thing we enjoy ruined.

A Redditor who claims to be close to one of the show’s “major actors/actresses in the show” says the revelations are all BS, but thus far, the reports and photos that have emerged from filming bear out the major plot points outlined by awayforthelads.

We don’t know what’s worse, that all of this information is out there, or that we’re doomed to spend the next eight months thinking Cersei bringing another child into the world.

Things tend to not work out great for her kids.

Watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic to hold yourself over until the now-thoroughly-spoiled seventh season premieres.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Man Sips From Wife"s Menstrual Cup, Kills Entire Internet at Once

A man on Reddit openly admitted that he discovered he’d accidentally been drinking from his wife’s menstrual cup – which, for all of you not in-the-know, is a period blood catcher. 

Sorry for all the graphic this morning.  

Many condolences or whatever. 

He wrote, “Ok, not just today, but I found out today about something I’ve been doing for a couple of weeks.” 

“My wife and I have a toddler and so our bathtub is always full of toyos, including non-bath toys our son insists on bringing in anyway.” 

You know how that goes – measuring cups, family pets, sometimes the television remote.  

“If anyone has kids,” he continued, “you know they come with all kinds of nonsense-looking pieces.” 

“Some of these pieces my wife puts up in the hanging basket, out of reach of our son, if it’s not supposed to get wet or it’s an important toy or something.” 

“I brush my teeth in the shower every morning,” he explained.


“And after my wife had taken out the cup I use to rinse my mouth out, I picked up the closest thing to a cup that was in the hanging basket.” 

“Figured it was one of these weird pieces to a toy,” he reasoned.  

“It worked fine to get a mouthful of water for rinsing after I brush.”  

“Cut to today in the car,” he continued. 

“My wife is talking about lady stuff and mentions her menstrual cup in the shower.” 

… Dear God no. 

“After a moment of spinning into the depths of hell, I asked her to please, for the love of gods, tell me it’s not that rubber cup thing in the basket.” 

“It was,” he said. 

“And I’ll never be clean again.” 

First of all, friend, those things, since they have to be inserted into a very important and sensitive area, are probably pretty sterile to begin with. 

Unless, of course, your wife is a slob who has no concept of feminine hygiene.  

But hey … we feel your pain, guy. 

(No, no, we don’t, because we’re too busy feeling our own pain from throwing up.) 


Monday, July 25, 2016

Dad Surprises Son on Birthday, Brings Entire Internet to Tears

Hey, we’re not crying, okay?!?

YOU’RE CRYING as a result of the following video.

happy child

Okay, fine. We’re crying.

But we’re not exactly alone in doing so.

A Pennsylvania father named Bra Fowler has gone viral after pulling off a birthday surprise for his 12-year old son.

In the following piece of emotional footage we see Fowler walking to his car alongside his son, telling the young man that there’s a “big game” ahead that day.

But the child can’t match his father’s enthusiasm.

“You still mad at me?” the dad asks. “For what? You alright?”

We later figure out just why the boy is silently so angry: it’s his birthday and his dad has not said a word to him about it yet.

He certainly hasn’t given him a present for the occasion yet.

But then dad asks son to open the trunk of the vehicle and get out a box.

And before the child even opens the box up, the tears start to flow.

crying kid

“Don’t cry! You’re about to make me cry!” the dad says, although it’s clearly too late.

The birthday boy then opens the gift and pulls out a brand new baseball bat.

“Happy birthday. I didn’t forget about you,” the father says. “I want to see some home runs.”

kid with bat

He also wants to see his son “post up,” or get into his batting stance, with the new item.

And the son happily obliges.

batting stance

Fowler shared the video on his Facebook page, where it has been viewed over 5 million times. It has also been re-Tweeted over 9,000 times.

“Just gave my son his present before we went to the game.. it got emotional like I thought.. love this kid..” Fowler wrote as a caption to the footage on Facebook.

Pretty awesome, right? 

Sort of makes you want to go call your dad or call your son, doesn’t it?

Looks like the guy below has now been bumped down to Second Greatest Dad Ever. Sorry, man. But we’re guessing you understand.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ray Rice: I"ll Donate My ENTIRE SALARY to Charity If An NFL Team Signs Me!

Back in 2014, shocking footage of then-Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice punching his wife, Janay Palmer, was obtained by TMZ.

Though league officials were previously aware that a violent incident involving Rice and Palmer had occurred, the three-time Pro Bowler was initially punished with a modest two-game suspension.

However, when the footage of Rice brutally knocking out his then-fiancee went public, the Ravens terminated his contract, and league commissioner Roger Goodell announced a change in NFL policy with regard to domestic violence charges.

Rice has made efforts to atone for his horrific act, but it seems that the incident may have effectively ended his career.

Now, Rice is making what seems to be a last-ditch effort to get signed by an NFL team in time for the 2016 season.

In an interview with USA Today, the 29-year-old pledged to donate his entire salary to charity if he lands a new contract:

“All the scrutiny that I’ve got, it was deserved, because domestic violence is a horrible thing,” Rice says.

“Me donating my salary is something that’ll be from the heart for me. I only want to play football so I can end it the right way for my kids and for the people that really believed in me.”

He added that the pledge is not being offered as an incentive, but rather as proof to the league and its fans of how much he’s changed:

“I’m not saying I’d be [donating the salary] to get on the field, but it’s something that will show where my heart is. My heart is about finishing the right way and helping people along the way.”

As a seventh-year veteran, Rice’s minimum salary would be $ 885,000.

Having not set foot on an NFL field for the past two seasons, Rice stated in a recent interview that he’s aware of the fact that his window of opportunity for a comeback is closing rapidly.

So this may not be Rice’s attempt to bribe his way back into the league, as some detractors have claimed, but it’s certainly an act of desperation from a man who knows he has few options left.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Mary Poppins Sequel Draws Ire of the Entire Internet

It may than a spoonful of sugar for the following piece of news to go down well with movie fans around the country:

A sequel to Mary Poppins is in the works.

Mary Poppins

The original musical came out in 1964, starring Julie Andrews as a singing nanny who traveled by flying umbrella.

It won five Academy Awards and remains one of the most beloved films in Hollywood history.

Hence why critics are aghast over the possibility of it being ruined in any way by some watered-down, money-grabbing follow-up.

Fortunately, there are reasons to believe the unexpected sequel is in good hands. 

It will star Emily Blunt as Poppins herself and Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda as a friend named Jack.

We’re talking one of the most popular actresses in the world and THE GUY WHO CREATED HAMILTON.

Titled “Mary Poppins Returns,” the film will be released on Christmas Day of 2018.

It will find the iconic nanny reuniting with the children she helped raise, Jane and Michael Banks, with the latter now having three young kids of his own and the family having recently suffered a personal loss.

“Through her unique magical skills, and with the aid of her friend Jack (Miranda), [Mary Poppins] helps the family rediscover the joy and wonder missing in their lives,” reads the Disney press release.

Mary Poppins Returns be directed and produced by Rob Marshall, the same man who recently helmed Disney’s big-budget adaptation of Into the Woods,” which featured Blunt in a key role.

Mark Shaiman will produce an brand new score for the film, while also pen original songs with Tony Award-winner and frequent collaborator Scott Wittman.

“I am truly humbled and honored to be asked by Disney to bring P.L. Travers’ further adventures to the screen,” Marshall said via statement.

“The iconic original film means so much to me personally, and I look forward to creating an original movie musical that can bring Mary Poppins, and her message that childlike wonder can be found in even the most challenging of times, to a whole new generation.”

Are you excited for a Mary Poppins sequel, given the amazing names involved?

Or does Twitter user @1DStalker sum up your feeling on the matter with the following Tweet?

“I’ve just seen that a Mary Poppins sequel has been confirmed and I shall now be logging off bc I am DONE WITH THE WORLD.”

Monday, April 18, 2016

13 Most Stylish Men in the Whole Entire World

GQ has come out with a new list of the Most Stylish Men in the World.

On what did it base the rundown of fashionable fellas you"ll see below?

"No disrespect to the Hall of Famers – from Kanye to Clooney, Gosling to Pharrell – but this year we"re feeling a different, right-this-second strain of pro-level style," wrote the magazine by way of explanation.

"We speak of men who look just as sharp on the street as they do on the red carpet. Who realize that, in the camera-phone age, every little walk to the corner can turn into a photo op.

"And who rarely bother with suits – but when they do, they really make it count.

All that said, here is a look at the publication"s selections:

1. Drake


The artist has been dubbed by GQ as “The Coziest Baller.” Click through for more nickhames handed out by the magazine’s editors.

2. Ryan Reynolds

Ryan reynolds

The Double Taker.

3. Future


Lord of the Brim.

4. Tom Hardy

Tom hardy

The Misleading Man.

5. Lucky Blue

Lucky blue

The Genetics Sweepstakes Winner.

6. Harry Styles

Harry styles at the airport

The Prince Of Prints.

View Slideshow

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Kylie Jenner Fan Tattoos Entire Lip Kit on His Arm

Think you’re the biggest Kylie Jenner fan on the planet?

No? You don’t? Because you don’t understand how anyone can be a fan of an 18-year old whose only skill is to pose in a sultry manner on Instagram?

Okay. Fair enough. We hear you.

But some dude named Johnny Cyrus prides himself on being Kylie’s number-one supporter, proving as much this week when he sat down inside a tattoo parlor and made an unusual request.

Cyrus got his arm inked with every color in the Kylie Jenner Lip Kit.

Johnny chronicled his tattoo journey on Twitter, posting before and after pictures of the process, starting with a snapshot of his arm and the caption “Here we gooo.”

Here we go...

About two hours later, Cyrus shared the results of his etchings, writing as an affiliated message to the following photo:  “KYLIE LIP KIT SWATCHES TATTOO.”

jenner tatoto guy

Finally, once every color – from Kourt K to Dolce K – was permanently affixed to his arm, Johnny shared the image below:

crazy kylie fan

“The morning after! I can’t wait to see it fully healed. Beyond obsessed,” he wrote as a caption to this final snapshot.

If we were Johnny Cyrus, we’d have spent the money on professional help to get to the bottom of his Kylie Jenner obsession instead of these tattoos.

But, hey, that’s just us.

Cyrus also says he recently got a tattoo in honor of his grandmother, who died three months ago. So that’s sweet of him at least.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Anna Kendrick: I Want to Bang the Entire Cast of Grease Live!

We already knew Anna Kendrick is awesome, and we figured Grease: Live would be pretty cool, but we had no idea how fabulous the combination of those two things could be.

No, Kendrick didn’t take the stage to hand-jive with the rest of the cast (except in our dreams), but she did live-tweet the entire broadcast, and her critiques are as hilariously NSFW as you could hope.

Kendrick’s live tweets are always a joy, but she was particularly on point last night. Some highlights:

  • “This is the role @juliannehough’s ass was born to play #GreaseLive”

  • “This is so much fun, it’s almost upsetting. #ColdDeadHeart #GreaseLive”

  • “You’re right Sandy, never having an orgasm IS hard #GreaseLive”

  • “This ‘nerd girl’ is like me in high school. Except hotter and less annoying #GreaseLive”

  • “Yeah… this gorgeous blonde is such a loser… (this high school is weird) #GreaseLive”

  • “I would sleep with literally every member of this cast #GreaseLive”

And of course, Anna capped things off with a sincere shout-out to the entire cast, including Vanessa Hudgens, who lost her father to cancer just hours before the performance.

“Everyone was incredible tonight,” Kendrick tweeted. “Well done @juliannehough @VanessaHudgens @AaronTveit the whole cast and the CREW! #GreaseLive”

Well done, indeed. Check out some of the most show’s most memorable moments in GIF form in the gallery below:

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

JLo, The Entire Beckham Crew & More: Star Sightings 1.05.2016

When I grow up, I want to make an entrance JUST. LIKE. JLO.

Lopez went on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night to promote American Idol and her new NBC series, Shades of Blue.

Meanwhile, in paradise…Brooklyn Beckham took a selfie of his family and friends aboard a seaplane, with little Harper doing her best "cheese!" face.

What else was everyone up to?  Check out today"s star sightings below.

1. Jennifer Lopez Arrives at Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Jennifer lopez arrives at jimmy kimmel live

Jennifer Lopez arrives at Jimmy Kimmel Live! studios in Hollywood, CA on January 4th, 2015.

2. Beckhams On a Seaplane!

Beckhams on a seaplane

Brooklyn Beckham shared a photo of his family on a sea plane.

3. Carly Rae Jepsen Performs at The Venetian In Las Vegas

Carly rae jepsen performs at the venetian in las vegas

Carly Rae Jepsen performs live on stage at the Venetian Theater inside the Venetian Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, NV on January 3rd, 2016.

4. ‘Tangerine’ Special Screening

Tangerine special screening

Marc Malkin, Caitlyn Jenner, Sean Baker, and Mya Taylor attend a special screening of ‘Tangerine’ at Landmark Nuart Theatre in Los Angeles on January 4th, 2015

5. Peter Facinelli Leaves LA

Peter facinelli leaves la

Peter Facinelli departs on a flight from Los Angeles International Airport on January 4th, 2015.

6. Kristen Stewart: 2016 New York Film Critics Circle Awards

Kristen stewart 2016 new york film critics circle awards

Kristen Stewart at the 2016 New York Film Critics Circle Awards at TAO Downtown on January 4th, 2015.

View Slideshow