Showing posts with label Epic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Epic. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears & Paris Hilton: Epic Reunion in the Works?!

Back in 2007 — which we’re told wasn’t 3 years ago but in fact 10, somehow — Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, and Lindsay Lohan had some outrageous misadventures that were impossible to ignore.

Well now it sounds like the dream team is coming back together!

Lindsay Lohan’s birthday party is coming up, and yesterday, she tweeted out this invite with some very recognizable Twitter handles:

“#nicegirls @britneyspears @parishilton come to #mykonos for my birthday this weekend @Beyonce you too”

Beyonce being thrown in there is adorable, but you know what? We’d invite Beyonce to our parties, too.

Keep in mind that this is the same wonderful, terrible trio that brought us Britney’s infamous crotch shot photo and so many more.

This was all, of course, before Britney shaved her head and went through the “descent to the underworld” portion of the archetypal hero’s journey, suffering for the world’s transgressions and then being reborn, more powerful than ever.

It was also before Lindsay Lohan started getting help for her issues. Since then she’s taken a lot of strides herself.

And we’re honestly so proud of her for that.

Paris is and always has been herself, though we’re not sure that she’s ever been truly out-of-control, you know?

The more that you read about Paris Hilton, the more carefully crafted her public image and persona begins to seem.

Plenty of us regular folks invite friends to events over Twitter.

Realistically, though, most celebrities — especially on the level of Britney, Beyonce, Lindsay, and Paris — aren’t going to be making serious plans over a very public social media platform.

Sincere invites are over text messaging or even through assistants, depending on a bunch of factors.

Maybe Lindsay decided to make some sincere invited public, we don’t know.

(Though the grim reality is that Beyonce is too busy with baby twins to go out partying)

(And we somehow don’t picture her calling Becky With The Good Hair to babysit)

So … it’s entirely possible that none of these ladies will show up.


It’s entirely possible that Lindsay doesn’t expect any of them to.

Beyonce is busy being a mom.

Britney’s also a mom, and hey, isn’t she still touring in Asia?

(That’s rhetorical; Britney is absolutely still touring in Asia)

Though Paris Hilton might always attend. You know, for some reason.

That’s kind of her brand.

No, but for realsies, Paris HIlton has always had a great sense of humor and is way smarter than you might think.

Remember in the 2008 election (remember when that seemed contentious?) when the McCain campaign ran an ad comparing Obama’s popularity with Britney and Paris?

Paris responded with a sarcastic video and then a full music video titled “Paris for President.”

It was kind of the best.

She also played herself — well, a shapeshifted deity that had assumed her form — on Supernatural, back when that show was watchable.

And as far as we know, she’s never raised any objections to the bag merchant NPC in World of Warcraft named Haris Pilton.

Accepting parodies and participating in self-parodies is a clear sign that someone has a great sense of humor and probably isn’t that uptight about people insulting their public persona.

So we super, super hope that she takes Lindsay up on her offer.

Come on, Paris. Do it.

For old times’ sake.

We’re sure that it’ll be a blast, even if we don’t know if Lindsay will have any alcohol on the premises for obvious reasons.

Oh, do you think that Paris will bring her dreamy boyfriend Chris Zylka?

The world’s been kind of obsessed ever since back when he was wearing V-necks on The Secret Circle (making them both CW stars in their own ways), but we wonder if he knows Paris’ old crew at all.

Honestly, you have to love these three ladies.

Through all of their ups and downs, they’ve never stopped being entertainers.

They’ve given us so much.

And they really have suffered for that.

Here’s hoping that, no matter the guest list, Lindsay’s party is a blast.

(But not in a way that threatens, um, anyone’s sobriety)


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Woman Finds BFF in Bed with Fiance, Epic Tweet Storm Ensues

This is a story about every woman"s worst nightmare … and how it got turned into every Internet user"s most glorious wet dream.

When a woman walked in on her fiance having sex with one of her close friends the night before her wedding, she reacted in a variety of ways.

And one of her bridesmaids was on hand to document the entire thing in a series of Tweets that has gone viral because…

… well, scroll down and find out why for yourself!



So, this is how it started.

2. Screw It! Let’s Party!

Screw it lets party

But a certain someone isn’t invited.

3. Oh, Yes, She Went Harry Potter on Us

Oh yes she went harry potter on us

This cheater better look out.

4. MIA for Rest of the Day?

Mia for rest of the day

Not quite. She was just getting started.

5. Get It? Painballs?

Get it painballs

As in: we want to cause some pain in his balls?

6. Wait… WHAT?!?

Wait what

Now the husband-to-be is getting married to the cheating bridesmaid/mistress? In Vegas? On the Internet?

View Slideshow

Kelly Clarkson Helps Fan Plan Epic Proposal: Was It a Success?

Kelly Clarkson is one of the most likable celebrities out there, so it comes as no surprise that she would go out of her way to help one fan with an epic proposal. 

Kelly performed in Las Vegas on Tuesday night, and a fan named Alex Malerba swiftly dropped down on one knee to propose to Justin Blake during a meet and greet with the singer. 

Asking the love of my life to marry me in front of the one and only @kellyclarkson was an amazing moment!!!! HE SAID YES,” Alex captioned to his followers on Instagram. 

Justin realized there was something more going on when he was taken to meet Kelly Clarkson backstage at the show. 

But nothing could prepare him for the love of his life proposing to him in the presence of one of their favorite artists. 

Malerba opened up to TooFab about the momentous occasion. 

Malerba told Kelly, “‘My boyfriend is out here, and I was planning on proposing to him, and I want you to help."” And she was like, ‘You should have told me! I would have done it during the show, ‘ and I was like, ‘Well he’s out there. Can I go get him, and we can do that now?’ And she was like, ‘Yes we are gonna do it. We aren’t waiting another minute!"”

“And I just went running down to the end of the hallway, probably 50 feet away from me to get him and I was like, ‘Kelly wants to meet you."”

This is a prime example of how much of a nice person Kelly is. She seemed ecstatic to help out, and may even be attending the wedding. 

Alex also said that he would love if she was the one to officiate the nuptials. Now that would be a great story to tell everyone. 

Who can honestly say they’ve had a celebrity officiate their wedding?

Few people, for sure. 

We have no idea whether Kelly will attend the event, but we’re sure Alex will keep the world updated via Instagram. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound of below!


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Ric Flair Endorses Kane for Mayor with Epic Video

WWE legend Kane has some serious political firepower in his corner — THE NATURE BOY!!! Ric Flair just cut a WWE-style promotional video to support his friend Glenn Jacobs — who’s running for mayor of Knoxville County, Tennessee.  Naitch even…


Stephen Amell SLAMS Body-Shaming Trolls in Epic Twitter Rant!

You’d think that Stephen Amell would be the last person who’d get body-shamed.

The Arrow star basically embodies the physical ideal — at the very least, he embodies the kind of build that every actor on television aims to have.

But that didn’t stop some trolls from opening their nasty mouths (on Twitter), and Stephen was not having it. He even put up a fresh picture to show that he’s still got it — see it below!

Stephen Amell has been targeted by trolls before, mostly because he’s famous.

This time, they spotted a photo of him on Twitter and had all sorts of nasty comments.

“Looks like you getting a bit of a tummy Stephen.”

“Where is my oliver? He is not fat like that! you need to work out!”

“Is S6 going to be Oliver w a hysterical pregnancy for his moronic crayon-eating kid? Thus the belly? Or is Oliver also eating crayons now?”

It was this photo. …

Prepare to recoil in horror!

Oh, wait, that was just a normal picture of an unnecessarily attractive actor during his off-season.

Like, actors don’t usually spend hours at the gym every day when they aren’t filming.

Because they’re people.

And so, very naturally, their bodies can get a little softer.

Stephen’s own rant explains as much:

“So I take two months off after working non stop from July 2014 through April 2017… one photo shows up on the internet…”

Just reading that makes us want to take a nap, but that’s the kind of effort that gave us all of those wonderful salmon-ladder scenes.

“And people take to my timeline to poke fun at my stomach from a long lens photo. Who the sweet (expletive) do you think you’re tweeting at?!”

We don’t know what’s better — that line or the self-censorship.

“For the record, I could step into the GA suit today & kick more ass than I did on Ninja Warrior. So take your shitty tweets elsewhere.”

He then clarifies that everyone should read those tweets in his Green Arrow voice.

And then, in response to a joking jab from his cousin, Robbie Amell, Stephen posted this photo yesterday, showing off his abs.

Yeah, not that anyone deserves to be body-shamed …

(Because we’re all trapped in our meat prisons until technology gives us built-to-order bodies)

… but, like, how how out of your gourd do you need to be to go after Stephen Amell’s amazing torso?

Basically, we’re thinking that these are people who don’t really know how bodies work or how exercise changes the body when it comes to building muscle mass.

But it’s important to remember that all versions of Stephen Amell are good:

Soft, off-season Stephen Amell.

Hard, Green Arrow Stephen Amell.

Also baby-faced, butt-showing Stephen Amell from Dante’s Cove.

Even if Arrow can sometimes be more soap opera-y than I like my superhero media, Stephen Amell is a treasure.

And honestly, I still like Arrow anyway.

Unrealistic expectations of people’s bodies, whether you’re dating them or watching them on TV, can be toxic.

Some would argue that Stephen Amell somehow brought this on himself by “promoting unrealistic beauty standards” on Arrow.

But they’d be wrong.

An actor’s duty to look a certain way ends when they aren’t on camera or at any contracted promotional obligations.

Hand models can wear gloves when they’re off-duty. Lingerie models can bundle up.

And yes, Stephen Amell look like a soft-but-still-very-fit human being when he’s not playing archery parkour for The CW.


Monday, June 12, 2017

Rondae Hollis-Jefferson Finds $5 Bill In Ocean, Epic Celebration Ensues

Rondae-Hollis Jefferson just proved even millionaire NBA players LOVE finding free money — ‘cause the Brooklyn Nets player threw a dance party on the beach after finding a $ 5 bill! The 22-year-old was takin’ a dip in the Atlantic…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Feuding Bachelorette Stars Get Cut, Almost Fight in Epic Douche Moment

In addition to The Bachelorette spoilers game-changer that took the Internet by storm, there was also an episode of the show last night.

Two really awesome contestants on The Bachelorette got the axe on Monday, and proceeded to have a toddler-like meltdown on camera.

It was … quite something to behold.

For two consecutive weeks, those who watch The Bachelorette online have suffered through Lucas and Blake"s alarmingly boring beef.

Lucas, of course, has been riding his catchphrase “Whaboom!” like a honeymooning Joy-Anna Duggar on Austin Forsyth these days.

Blake E., not to be outdone in the d-bag department, opted to woo Rachel Lindsay with aspirations of drumming and boasts of sexual prowess.

Couple of winners, in other words.

Incredibly, this feud dates back to BEFORE the show, when both tools competed on a reality show titled Ex-Isle … because obviously.

Moreover, because you can"t make that hilariousness or this next part up, Blake was roommates with Lucas’ ex-girlfriend at one point.

With that backdrop, on last night"s episode, the feud reached the next level as Whaboom told Rachel that Blake was slandering him.

He did this, he claimed, because he “has a crush” on him. Yes, this quote happened … and Rachel obviously had to get Blake"s take.

To his credit, he didn"t totally freak out … yet. And more significantly, to Rachel"s credit, both were eliminated during the rose ceremony.

Thus came the first time in BACHELOR HISTORY (copyright Chris Harrison) that two feuding suitors left together and … feuded some more.

We are talking about a possible Douche Hall of Fame inductee moment … maybe not unanimous or first ballot, but it"ll get in one day. 

With Blake actually walking over during Lucas" exit interview taping to salute him with an expletive-laden parting shot, how can it not?!

And then things got even worse!

Accusing Lucas of dragging him and torpedoing any chances he had with Rachel, Blake proclaimed, “I’m going home. You win, Lucas.”  

Not just yet, though.

“It’s not about winning,” Lucas replied to that would-be mic drop. “It’s about the world, brother. And you have no idea what the world needs.”


Blake"s response to that high-horse zinger? A possibly even more ridiculous quote: “You’re the ‘whaboom’ clown. I’m the nice gentleman.”

From there, Lucas told Blake to “go back to his protein shakes,” and Blake taunted told Lucas to “Get back to your garbage, clown life."

“My clown life?” Lucas incredulously said. “I’m a clown? Because I can be funny?! You don’t even know what funny looks like!"

“Funny is not ‘whaboom,’” Blake responded. “’Whaboom’ is like, wocka wocka, pie in the face, wocka, wocka, honk, honk, fart joke.”

As Blake mockingly mimed Lucas every time he tried to respond, things reached first-grade levels as this segment mercifully concluded.

Watch a clip of it below.

The bachelorette contestants get the axe freak the f k out

Idiotic Pro-Gun Tweet Produces Epic Series of Perfect Replies

Over the past several weeks, Great Britain has been rocked by a series of horrible terrorist attacks.

Most notably, at least within celebrity gossip circles, was the suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert last month.

In response, conservative commentator Jack Posobiec thinks he has the answer: make sure everyone is armed!

After all, he actually reasoned on Twitter, NASCAR fans bring weapons to races and there"s never been a terrorist attack at a NASCAR race.

Makes perfect sense, right?

Forget the fact that not "all" NASCAR fans are armed, as Posobiec claims… along with the point that Jihadists who commit these atrocities nearly all plan on dying for their cause, so we somehow doubt a bunch of guns will serve as a deterrent.

Let"s focus instead, Twitter has responded, on Posobiec"s own argument.

Okay, no terrorist attacks have taken place at a NASCAR race and we should "draw conclusions" from that, he says.

Hmmm… what other events have never felt the wrath of terrorism and what conclusions ought we to draw from them?

1. Lots of Guns = No Terrorism!

Lots of guns equals no terrorism

D’uh, right? What possible hole could one find in this argument? Let’s see…

2. Just Send Harry Styles Everywhere!

Just send harry styles everywhere

His good looks would automatically distract all would-be bombers, making them forget all about their plans.

3. DMX to the Rescue

Dmx to the rescue

Clone him and his fans and we’re all good.

4. Wait a Minute, DMX

Wait a minute dmx

We take it back. Maybe penguins are the answer!

5. Wait, So We All Need to Do This?

Wait so we all need to do this

Anyting for the country, we guess.

6. People Hate Pushing Their Own Doors Open

People hate pushing their own doors open

That’s really what this all comes down to.

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Lindsey Vonn: Throwing Shade at Tiger Woods With Epic Bikini Pic?

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Tiger Woods was arrested on DUI charges over the holiday weekend.

The incident seems to be the culmination of a long and ugly downward spiral for the former golf god, beginning when he was caught cheating on Elin Nordegren with numerous women back in 2010.

Woods hasn’t won a major tournament since 2008, and he’s been plagued by injuries and rumors of erratic behavior.

When he posed for that mug shot, Tiger likely believed that he’d reached rock bottom.

Little did he know, it was still possible for him to sink lower.

If you’ve been following the many trials and tribulations of Mr. Wood, then you’ll remember that Woods broke up with Olympic skier Lindsey Vonn back in 2015 after two years of dating.

More than just a romance between two dominant athletes, the Vonn relationship represented a chance for Woods to start rebuilding his shattered reputation.

Amazingly, it seems that Woods never cheated on Vonn, but the 32-year-old still seems quite pleased that she and Tiger went their separate ways:

Vonn posted the above photo yesterday just hours after news of Woods’ arrest went public.

“Thankful for great friends and fun adventures but keeping my eyes on the horizon,” she captioned the photo, adding:

“The future is bright.”

Naturally, the pic/caption combo led many fans to the conclusion that this was Vonn’s way of throwing shade at her ex.

If that’s the case, it’s some supremely subtle shade, but it’s very possible that this is Lindsey’s way of talking trash.

By the time this photo was posted, she would have already caught wind of Tiger’s arrest.

(The incident was the talk of social media beginning early Monday morning.)

She likely would’ve known how such a post would be interpreted, but she went with it anyway.

So at the very least, she decided she’s cool with fans looking at her ‘Gram and believing she’s flipping the figurative bird to Tiger in the form of an envy-inducing belfie on the Mediterranean.

We would never encourage drunk driving, but if we get a Lindsey bikini pic every time he messes up, we might need him to stumble a couple more times before he gets back up.

J/k, Tiger! We’re rooting for ya, buddy!


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Game of Thrones Season 7: First (Epic!) Footage!

The great war is here.

So says Jon Snow in the following trailer for Game of Thrones Season 7.

And while Jon Snow is often accused of knowing nothing, we"re pretty sure he"s right on point in this case.

HBO has unveiled the first extended preview for this summer"s seven-episode season, which will kick off on July 16 and which will also kick things into VERY high gear.

“Everything happened quicker than I’m used to,” said Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister) of filming Season 7. “A lot of things that normally take a season now take one episode."

Added producer David Benioff in an interview with Entertainment Weekly:

"For a long time we’ve been talking about the wars to come. Well, that war is pretty much here. So it’s really about trying to find a way to make the storytelling work without feeling like we’re rushing it.

"You still want to give characters their due, and pretty much all the characters that are now left are all important characters."

With fans curious about the four Game of Thrones spinoffs in the works, this promo ought to get them re-focused on the original show itself and what"s on tap in July and August.

Below, we see Cersei outline all the enemies that are making their way to King"s Landing, as she tells Jaime they will defeat anyone who gets in their way.

"We’re the last Lannisters," she says at one point, this is their duty.

Ummm… what about Tyrion?

"The last Lannisters that count," Cersei says.


Elsewhere, a certain Mother of Dragons is dead set of taking her rightful place on the throne. And it looks like she"ll make it across the sea on Season 7.

"I was born to rule the seven kingdoms. And I will," says Dany.

HBO has confirmed that this iconic series will wrap up after Season 8, which will kick off in the summer of 2018.

But while that"s sad to ponder, Kit Harrington assures fans that the journey will be well worth it.

“They spent an increasing amount of money on less episodes, so it’s gonna be much bigger in scale, the CGI,” teases the actor behind Jon Snow, adding:

“We’re trying new things, experimenting with new camera techniques. I think we’re trying to break boundaries and push past boundaries in these final two seasons.”


Game of thrones season 7 first epic footage

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Future Stonewalling Over Releasing His Epic Records Pay Stubs, So Claims Rocko

Tracking down Future’s money is like trying to find a “magician in a room of smoke and mirrors” … so claims Rocko, who wants a judge to help him secure the rapper’s financials. Rocko filed new court docs last week in his lawsuit against Future,…


Future Stonewalling Over Releasing His Epic Records Pay Stubs, So Claims Rocko

Tracking down Future’s money is like trying to find a “magician in a room of smoke and mirrors” … so claims Rocko, who wants a judge to help him secure the rapper’s financials. Rocko filed new court docs last week in his lawsuit against Future,…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Cher Turns Back Time, Puts on Epic Billboard Performance

Cher turned 71 years old on Saturday.

One day later, the legendary artist proved that age is nothing but a number.

The singer didn’t merely accept the ICON award at the 2017 Billboard Music Awards on Sunday evening, she went out on stage and proved that she deserved it.

Performing on that particular stage for the first time in 15 years, Cher rocked a glittering fringe dress layered over a crystal bra and heart pasties – along with a blonde wig with pink dip-dyed ends – for a rendition of the smash hit "Believe."

We don"t mean to keep harming on her age, but not many 71-year olds would attempt to wear this sort of outfit.

Let alone wear it in front of millions of viewers.

Let alone totally and completely pull it off!

From there, Cher stunned those in attendance when she came out in her iconic “If I Could Turn Back Time” ensemble, including the sheer thong bodysuit, leather jacket, garter belt and epic wig that she danced around to on an aircraft carrier back in the day.

The superstar donned the same outfit at the 2010 Video Music Awards.

She may or may not be Benjamin Button, folks.

“I don’t like getting old,” Cher recently told Billboard magazine. “I’m shocked that I can still run across the stage at my age. I thought I’d be dead!”

She ain"t dead. And maybe she doesn"t run a lot in the following video, but she sure does captivate.

Watch Cher in sexy action now!

Cher turns back time puts on epic billboard music awards perform

Friday, May 5, 2017

Jeremy Calvert RUINS Brooke Wehr, Talks Leah Messer in Epic, Drunken Instagram Live Rant

Those who recall Jeremy Calvert’s first appearance on Teen Mom 2 know it was only a few years ago, but it feels like a lifetime by now.

He was a hard-working man, ready and willing to be with Leah Messer even though she had two young daughters from her first marriage.

Jeremy seemed like a wonderful person back then, but as we’ve learned, not everything is as it seems from such first, outward appearances.

Calvert has been in the news quite a bit recently, thanks to rumors that he’s getting back with Leah and reports that he cheated on Brooke Wehr.

With her best friend, no less.

Because of all these rumors, and since he fancies himself as an “open book” type, he decided to hop on Instagram Live to sort everything out.

And it was a mess.

A public service announcement for y’all at home: Never make videos of yourself while drunk, kids. It never turns out how you think it will.

To start, he talks about Leah, saying that he and the Teen Mom 2 mainstay “co-parent great” and “our daughter comes first.”

“And she knows that I know that no matter what Addie comes first,” he says, but “For Christ’s sake, quit talking about me and her getting back together.”

“It’s f-cking ridiculous.”

This next bit is interesting, because he’s slurring a little bit, but it really sounds like he says “We are f–king and we co-parent fantastic.”

We are f–king? Does that mean what we think it means or is he just hammered? See what we mean about never filming while drunk?

From there, Jeremy goes on with his beloved MTV bashing, saying that at the end of the day, the network wants conflict:

“All they want is the negative editing, arguments, fights, disagreements so they can f-cking make a show.”

“If you people are that goddamn stupid to not see that, what the f–k is your problem? It’s not f–king hard to put two and two together, people.”

About Brooke Wehr’s claims that he slept with her best friend, he shockingly and candidly says that he “sure did.” Whoa.

Only because his (now ex) fiancee was with another guy two months before that, though, “f–king his brains out, every day.”

It’s all fine though, the pipeline engineer says, because he was single, and when you’re single, you can lay pipe wherever you want.

So to speak.

Or, as he puts it, in ever-so-eloquent terms that would make Addie proud, “my dick was happy to do whatever the f-ck it wanted to do.”

“If I want to go this bar,” he adds, as if we didn’t get the gist, “and pull out some f–king 350 pound bitch, more power to me.”

Jeremy, quickly cementing his reputation as the living, breathing epitome of class, also insists that “pussy has no face.” Wow.

The father of one also takes some time to talk about the daughter he shares with Leah, explaining that “She has a perfect life.”

“And anybody that don’t think that,” Calvert says, can f–king “go jump off a motherf–king bridge and die for all I care.”

While he does work a lot, and usually out of town, he says “I try my best to be available for my daughter. If she needs something, I’m there.”

“If Leah needs something, I make it happen.”

So that’s nice, we guess. Right?

In closing, he felt it was of the utmost importance to let us all know – in case it wasn’t crystal clear – that “Jeremy gives zero f-cks.”

Yeah, guy, we can tell.

Watch Jeremy’s full, absolutely insane rant in the video above and tell us if it’s changed your opinion of him for worse, and for good.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

18 Most Epic Kardashian-Jenner Feuds of All-Time

Hate the Kardashians? You"re not alone.

Members of the Kardashian-Jenner family seem to find themselves entangled in a new feud every week – whether it"s with outsiders or amongst themselves.

Below, we"ve documents the best known feuds that have featured Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kendall, Kylie, Kris and, yes, even Rob…

1. Rob vs. Kim

Kim kardashian and rob kardashian

Rob Kardashian has made it clear that he’s no fan of his sister Kim, whom he once compared to “the bitch from Gone Girl” on Instagram. Rob’s sour grapes could be in part due to Kim publicly fat-shaming him, but this sibling strife certainly escalated when Rob bailed out on Kim’s wedding to Kanye West in 2014.

2. Jon Hamm vs. Kim

Handsome jon hamm

Jon Hamm lamented the downfall of society for celebrating the “stupidity” of people like Kim Kardashian, referring to her as a “f*cking idiot.” Kim called his remarks “careless,” because she considers herself a successful business woman. Jon followed up by affirming that his critique was indeed “accurate.”

3. Farrah Abraham vs. Kendall

Farrah abraham is a number boss

Farrah Abraham has a penchant for picking fights with folks more famous than she, particularly after she saw how many headlines she made following her feud with Nicki Minaj. In fact, said feud led to a new beef with Kendall Jenner, who had sided with Nicki. Farrah then posted a meme to Instagram suggesting Ray J made the Kardashian-Jenner family famous by appearing in a sex tape with Kim. She tagged Kendall and included the hashtag #lifechoices.

4. Blac Chyna vs. Kylie

Tyga blac and kylie

Blac Chyna’s ex-fiance and baby daddy Tyga reportedly dumped her for an underaged Kylie Jenner, and the two women have been at odds ever since. They’ve traded numerous jabs on social media, and Blac angered the whole family by getting romantic with Kylie’s brother Rob.

5. Amber Rose vs. Kim, Khloe & Kylie

Amber rose and kanye west 2009 bet awards

This one gets a little complicated. Amber first claimed that Kanye West cheated on her with Kim Kardashian, and that the she would still be with the rapper if is wasn’t for Kim. Fast forward a couple years to hear Amber dissing Kylie’s relationship with Tyga, who as we learned left Blac Chyna (Amber’s BFF) for the then 17-year-old. Khloe Kardashian defended her sister and went at it with Amber on Twitter. In February of 2016, however, Kim and Amber seemed to reconcile when both shared a pic of them together following a nasty Twitter war between Kanye, Wiz Khalifa and Amber.

6. Daniel Craig vs. The Family

Daniel craig at skyfall premiere

Daniel Craig echoed fellow actor Jon Hamm’s sentiments during an interview with GQ, in which he referred to the family as, here’s that term again, “f*cking idiots.” Family matriarch Kris Jenner demanded an apology, but we never heard one from the James Bond actor.

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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Sugar Bear: See The Moment That Led to His Epic Meltdown!

Yesterday, we had the extreme displeasure of seeing Sugar Bear absolutely lose his mind on the Mama June: From Not to Hot reunion show.

We saw him get into a shouting match with Pumpkin, Mama June"s 17-year-old daughter, and we even saw him try to fight her.

"Come on over here, you little bitch!" he yelled at her before ripping his shirt open in what was apparently supposed to be a display of masculinity and strength.

(It really, really was not.)

But while the fight was shocking to see — and it definitely made Mama June"s claims that he"d been abusive to her and her daughters infinitely more believable — we never got to see what actually caused the fight.

Until now!

For the reunion show, Lynn Toler, Divorce Court judge and Marriage Boot Camp star, sat down with everyone in an attempt to get to the bottom of some issues.

She talked with Sugar Bear and his new wife, Jennifer Lamb, and they both insisted that all their issues stemmed from Mama June"s ongoing desire for Sugar Bear.

Then she talked with June, who made it clear that she wants nothing to do with her former love, and that in fact, she"s never hated anybody more in her whole life.

And then Lynn Toler brought Mama June, Sugar Bear, and Jennifer Lamb together for one big interview. And that"s when things got bad.

As we see in the clip below, June begins by criticizing Sugar Bear"s parenting of little Alana — or lack thereof.

He says that he spends lots of time with his daughter, playing and talking and playing some more, but Lynn points out that at that reunion show, he hasn"t asked about her once.

June gets passionate here, saying that Sugar Bear knows that she would never keep Alana from him.

Sugar Bear, pretty much silent up until that point, lights up and tells June "I"m finna to get on you right now."

And get on her he does.

He tells her (or at least we think this is what he says, it"s hard to understand him when he"s upset like this), that he tried to see Alana every weekend, but she started coming up with excuses as to why he couldn"t.

"I tell you what," he says to June, "I got a lawyer on the case and you"re gonna get the paperwork! And that"s all I got to f-ckin" say!"

He storms off the set, and June says "This is what happens," and Sugar Bear did not appreciate the comment.

"You open your f-ckin" mouth, June Shannon, is what happens, you stupid bitch!" he yells before hitting a wall.

Pumpkin, who is sitting offstage listening, hears Sugar Bear talk about her mother like that, and she says "OK, I swear to f-ckin" God …", apparently ready to defend June.

And that"s when Sugar Bear goes after her like a … well, like some sort of very angry, very primitive animal.

After the fight, Jennifer held Sugar Bear, trying to calm him down as he clenched his fists and cried about how "Everybody"s making me look bad."

Alana is taken away by a PA, and Mama June and Jennifer sit down for one last chat, in which Jennifer says that she"s never seen Sugar Bear behave that way, but she"s still not scared of him.

But if what we see below is enough to make Sugar Bear that unhinged … it"s just not a great sign.

Sugar bear see the moment that led to his epic meltdown

Friday, March 31, 2017

George W. Bush Sums Up Trump Inauguration Speech in Epic Fashion

It wasn’t all that long ago that George W. Bush was the most hated figure in global politics, and for the millions who lost loved ones in the wars he started or terrorist attacks he failed to prevent, he probably retains his place at the top of their sh-t lists.

But for most Americans, negative feelings toward Dubya have softened over the years, particularly as his proverbial Clubber Lange has been replaced by a much more menacing Ivan Drago in the task of pummeling the Rocky that is the American electorate.

We guess Mickey is Bernie Sanders in this analogy and Adrian is … Elizabeth Warren? We didn’t really think this through.

Anyway, the point is, Bush was bad, but Trump is much, much worse, and George seems to be relishing the role of “no longer the 21st century’s greatest villain.”

You may have seen Bush struggling mightily with his poncho at Trump’s inauguration, but it seems that was only one of the awesomely hilarious activities he engaged in that day,

The other was succinctly summing up Trump’s address, the 2016 election, and the current state of society as only he can.

According to a report published in New York Magazine this week, at least three individuals heard Bush remark on Trump’s speech thusly:

“That was some weird sh-t.”

Yes, in just five words, Bush uttered the perfect title for every future history book about the times in which we live.

He wasn’t known as the most articulate commander-in-chief during his time in office, but we defy anyone to offer a more perfectly apt two word description for Trump’s time in office than “weird shit.”

 And, of course, the sh-t is only getting weirder by the day.

Was it bizarre to hear a newly-sworn-in president coin the term “American carnage” in front of a sparse crowd on a gray, drizzly day in D.C.?

Of course it was, but it wasn’t nearly as outlandish as everything that’s followed.

As we write this the most bonkers recent development is that former national security adviser Michael Flynn has sought immunity in exchange for testifying in the ongoing investigation into Trump’s ties with Russia.

But what’s really crazy is that in all likelihood, by the time you read this, something even more batsh-t will have happened!

Yes, Bush’s comments are undeniably amusing but the weirdness of the sh-tstorm that we’re currently living in is definitely growing tiresome.


Halle Berry Shares Epic Instagram Pic, Drives Twitter Batty

Halle Berry knows how to make an impression on social media.

The Oscar-winning actress doesn’t post all that many photos on her Instagram page, but when she does… HOLY HOTNESS.

She. Makes. Them. Count.

One year ago, Berry jumped into the Instagram fray via a topless photo that most definitely caught the attention of those across the Web.

But she was facing away from the camera at the time.

The tantalizing prospect of what Berry’s chest would look like if she turned around made for quite an opening Instagram post, but it also left far too much to one’s imagination.

Fortunately for all warm-blooded men, however, Berry has learned from this mistake.

Just consider the image she shared online four weeks ago:

Not shabby, huh?

This seductive snapshot only served as a warm-up act for the Internet-halting photo Berry posted on Thursday evening.

Despite not having any major movies on the way and despite a boring lull in her love life, Berry managed to make endless headlines with the following, bra-free photograph:

“Me when someone says ‘I’m coming over and I’ve got snacks,"” the 50-year old* captioned the photo, which depicts her posing outside with long tousled hair and sans makeup.

(*Yes, Halle Berry is 50 years old!)

Berry is standing with her arms outstretched and the outline of her boobs visible under a sheer white lace dress that plunges to her navel.

And Twitter has A LOT to say about pretty much everything included in this amazing picture.

As of this writing, the photo has nearly 112,000 Likes on Instagram (including one from Tyrese Gibson!) and has elicited reactions such as the following:

berry reaction

“Um @halleberry…I’m coming over and I’ve got snacks? #TheNewAllStateMantra,” wrote Questlove in response to this posting.

A mother of two, Berry said in 2015 that she often felt pressure from Hollywood to go under the knife.

“It is pressure,” she said of getting plastic surgery.

“When you see everybody around you doing it, you have those moments when you think, ‘To stay alive in this business, do I need to do the same thing?"”

Still, Berry has resisted.

And you’ve gotta admire her reason why.

“I just have kept reminding myself that beauty really is as beauty does, and it is not so much about my physical self,” she told Us Weekly, adding:

“Aging is natural, and that’s going to happen to all of us. I just want to always look like myself, even if that’s an older version of myself.”


It’s safe to say that looking like an older version of herself is working out quite well for Berry, isn’t it?
