Showing posts with label Fans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fans. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Penn Badgley Says He Was "Molested" by Gossip Girl Fans, Apologizes

Gossip Girl alum Penn Badgley married Domino Kirke early last year, and now he’s starring in a new series.

Unfortunately, while doing press for this new show, he put his foot in his mouth in the worst way — appearing to make light of people who have been molested.

Penn has come forward and apologized.

Penn Badgley, who played Daniel Humphrey on the legendary CW series, Gossip Girl, is set to star in a new Lifetime series, You.

In this series, he will play a stalker. He was quick to connect that such a predatory fictional character relates to real life predators.

In an interview with The Daily Beast, Penn Badgley says that he hopes that his show will help people have “necessary conversations” in the wake of #MeToo.

“I think it’s significant that a show like this is coming out now,” Penn says.

Clearly, he is not equating his show with #MeToo — just drawing an accurate connection.

This is where he begins to put his foot into his mouth, and it’s all about one word choice.

“I think as an actor you can become an object of desire,” Penn says. “Which is something women are already accustomed to more or less around the world.”

He is totally right about that, and it’s good that he acknowledges that this is already the case for countless women.

Then Penn says: “I mean, I don’t want to sound sensationalist, but I’ve literally been molested — just in the literal sense of the word — by many people in the moment. Because that’s what they do.”

Oh no!

Penn also gave a shoutout to Terry Crews as one of the men who came forward with a #MeToo story, but we’ll get to that in a second.

Penn very clearly means one of the literal definitions of molested — meaning to be bothered. He is speaking of people intruding into his life because of his fame.

Folks, especially when you’re discussing #MeToo but really at any time, use whichever word is most accurate and clear for the message that you are trying to convey.

Say that your privacy was violated or your personhood was disrespected or that you were objectified or simply that you were bothered.

Don’t say “molested” when you mean one of those things. Some people, actors included, have actually been molested — groped and worse.

Penn Badgley did not mean to make light of people who have actually been molested, and issued a clarification to Us Weekly.

“The point of my comment was not to confess a personal trauma,” Penn explains.

Penn continues: “I was speaking about the way emotional and physical boundaries are violated for someone in the public eye, who is seen as an object of desire.”

“Depending on so many factors, it can range from conscious abuse to something very unconscious,” he tries to clarify.

“And that is the point I was making, cautiously,” he says. “In the context of a conversation about fanaticism and cultural norms which support manipulative or abusive behavior.”

“These are the same norms which support predatory men, but not exclusively predatory men,” Penn concludes. “They affect, and infect, us all.”

That very cerebral clarification was great, but he could have avoided this entire situation by just making a better choice with his diction the first time around.

But we get it. And Penn is a good person, clearly. As we mentioned, his original interview included a shout-out to Terry Crews’ sexual assault and to the backlash that Crews is currently facing from powerful people in the entertainment industry.

Penn points out that men who have been groped or assaulted face challenges that are different than those that women face, because of societal standards.

“You’re led as a man, particularly, that when it happens you should feel great about it,” Penn says of men who have been sexually assaulted.

To be clear, he is not saying that men have it worse — simply that society treats men differently than it treats women over this issue.

In Crews’ case, people responded that he should have used violence against the predator.

That is a shameful piece of victim-blaming that ignores the consequences that Crews would have faced.

Many other men are simply told that they should be grateful.

“Particularly,” Penn notes. “When it comes from someone who’s feasibly an object of your desire as well.”

In other words, there are men who have been groped or even raped and, because the perpetrator was a woman or even a beautiful woman, they are told that they should feel flattered.


Tori Spelling: SLAMMED By Fans For "Drunk" Instagram Video

Tori Spelling has had problems these past few years.

In fact, she’s had just about every kind of problem you can think of — and she appears to be hell-bent on making all of them worse.

Tori has gone bankrupt and she seems intent on spending her way into an even deeper hole.

Tori has nearly divorced Dean McDermott but has opted instead to tough it out, despite allegations of infidelity, pyramid schemes, and generally being a colossal d-bag.

At one point, Tori even fell down at a Benihana and burned her hand on a grill.

Like we said, think of a problem that’s not “not being born to a life of unimaginable privilege” and Tori has experienced it.

So perhaps it should come as no surprise that the mother of five appears to be hitting the bottle a bit these days.

Or so her fans think.

According to Radar Online, Tori uploaded an Instagram story over the weekend in which she appeared to be heavily intoxicated — in the presence of her kids.

It seems Spelling was hanging out at the home of her friend, Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles star Josh Flagg, when she posted the slurry video to her page

“Josh has chosen to watch one of my movies, Troop Beverly Hills, so I’m going to walk in the kitchen and see what’s up!” she told the camera at one point.

“Are you really doing a fridge tour?” Tori’s confused 11-year-old son Liam asked.

And it seems the former reality star’s followers were just as perplexed by her behavior.

“Are you drunk?” asked one commenter.

“Yo, you been drinking girl?” another remarked.

“Are you hammered?” a third commented.

Tori didn’t reply, but a second Instagram clip may have answered those questions.

In the video, Tori could be seen screaming while rolling around with her kids on Flagg’s bed.

The stories were quickly deleted, but it seems fans have yet to forget Tori’s tipsy upload.

She posted a new story today, and many of the comments had to do with her boozy weekend.

“Not drunk today?” a fan commented on Tori’s latest IG story.

That’s the internet in 2018 for you.

You can delete whatever you want, but that doesn’t mean it’s forgotten.


Sunday, September 9, 2018

Cheyenne Floyd: Teen Mom OG Fans FURIOUS with Official Casting News!

Earlier this week, MTV finally confirmed the big news:

Cheyenne Floyd is joining the cast of Teen Mom OG.

It wasn’t the first time we heard the idea of Cheyenne, a star on other MTV reality shows like Are You the One? and The Challenge, becoming a cast member on the show.

Far from it, actually.

The first reports about Cheyenne came out back in June, and word is that she began filming then too, along with the father of her daughter, ex-boyfriend Cory Wharton.

Other Teen Mom players have commented on her, and there were even whispers that she’d possibly been let go for some questionable tweets she made several years ago.

But despite all of that, there was no official word on her casting until now.

So now Cheyenne will join Maci Bookout, Amber Portwood, Catelynn Lowell, and fellow newcomer Bristol Palin to make the core group of Teen Mom OG.

And in case you haven’t heard, the show’s fans are very, very displeased.

When the official Teen Mom Facebook page posted the news, the comment section was full of dismay.

“Why do they keep adding random people?” one person asked. “These girls were never on the show to start with and shouldn’t be now.”

This is a good point because the “OG” in the title of the show stands for “Original Girls,” because Maci, Amber, Catelynn, and Farrah Abraham, the original cast, have been around since the beginning of the show.

They were on the very first season of 16 and Pregnant, and despite the significant pay raises they’ve received over the years, they really did struggle in the early days — and MTV cameras documented it all.

As another person pointed out, “Can’t be Teen Mom OG if y’all have 2 new people who aren’t even part of the teen mom franchise smh.”

It is a pretty big oversight, considering the title of the show, you know?

Someone else popped in the comments with some sarcasm, writing “I saw a lady with a baby outside of Target today. She looked to be about 25 yrs old.”

“She was fighting on the phone with her boyfriend, so she fits 3 of the key factors. Hurry up MTV, give her a call!!!”

This comment addresses several other issues with Cheyenne’s casting, one being that she’s turning 26 next month and just gave birth to her first child last year.

Say what you will about Bristol Palin — seriously, say whatever, it’s cool — but at least she actually was a teen mom.

Sure, Cheyenne can probably bring the drama, but it feels like anyone starring on a show called Teen Mom should meet that one basic requirement.

Lots of people left comments to say that even though Farrah left the show, things could have gone on with just the three remaining cast members.

Many said that they’d fast-forward through Cheyenne and Bristol’s segments, and some said they’d stop watching altogether.

Quite a few even said that they felt the show should be cancelled at this point.

In conclusion, let’s let one commenter express what the rest of us are thinking:

“Wtf this sh-t is getting so stupid.”

Oh, isn’t it though …


Friday, September 7, 2018

Jinger Duggar Is Besties With Josiah Duggar"s Ex and Fans Can"t Handle It

Back in June, Josiah Duggar married Lauren Swanson in a ceremony that pretty much matched the blueprint for all Duggar weddings that preceded it.

But there was one important difference with Lauren and Josiah’s nuptials.

You see, unlike his siblings, when Josiah met his spouse, he was already no stranger in the ways of love.

In fact, he had extensive experience with hand-holding, chaperoned dates, and, yes … even side side-hugs.

As you may recall Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson before he met Lauren.

The relationship ended abruptly and without explanation after just three months.

Josiah later offered a vague explanation for his breakup with Marjorie, but fans still felt confused.

After all, Josiah and Marjorie may have been young, but the expectations for dating Duggars are extremely high and very specific.

The family describes courtship as “dating with a purpose” — that purpose being marriage, of course.

It’s unheard of for Duggar couples to call it quits after announcing a courtship, which is why fans were so weirded out when Josiah and Marjorie quietly went their separate ways.

And it’s also why they were confused a second time this week when Jinger Duggar’s husband Jeremy Vuolo posted the above photo on Instagram.

“A thoughtful birthday gift from my lovely wife: handwritten calligraphy of the words ‘Og mit liv’ for my office,” Jeremy explained in the caption.

Jeremy went on to explain that the quote comes from a missionary he admires.

But it’s the end of the caption that really caught his followers’ attention.

“Calligraphy by @marjorie.e.jackson,” Vuolo wrote.

Yes, that’s the very same Marjorie Jackson that courted Josiah.

Now, the Duggars are said to be a forgiving lot, so we guess it’s not terribly surprising that they’re not big on holding grudges.

But it’s worth noting that Josiah and Marjorie’s breakup was no amicable parting of ways.

Fans only learned of the split when Josiah deleted every photo of his ex from his Instagram page.

At one point, sources claimed the Duggars were concerned that Marjorie would write a tell-all about her time with the family.

So you can see why so many were caught off guard by the fact that Marjorie maintains ties with the family.

Of course, it makes sense that Jim Bob would keep a young, single fundamentalist like Marjorie in his Rolodex.

Dude has a lot of sons to marry off yet.


Aly Raisman Warns Bachelor Fans: Colton Underwood Is a Selfish Jerk!

Right after Labor Day, Colton Underwood was confirmed as the next Bachelor.

Some fans are very excited, but other members of the Bachelor Nation are still a little wary of him.

According to what his ex, famed Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman, wrote in her book, this next season of The Bachelor could be worse than Arie’s. …

While Aly Raisman did not call out Colton by name in her book, FierceRadarOnline reports that she describes an unhappy encounter with a man who could only be the next Bachelor.

“A professional athlete I’d been talking to for a while had invited me to visit him and watch one of his games,” Aly wrote.

Aly said that she had taken him up on his invitation despite the travel distance because “I figured I could use a distraction.”

“Saturday went well,” she shared, speaking of the day before the game. “The guy was attentive and fun, and we seemed to be having a good time.”

Aly reveals: “But when I met him Sunday after his game, he had turned into a completely different person.”

“We were in his car when I made a move to change the radio station,” she says.

This, apparently, is when things really went south.

“‘Don’t touch the music,’ he snapped,” Aly reports.

“I thought he was joking,” Aly explains. “So I continued to reach for the stereo buttons.”

“‘I’m not kidding — don’t touch it,’ he said sharply,” she narrates.

According to her, this handsome gentleman had some very ugly reasoning for insisting that he control the radio.

She reports that he told her: “‘I just played a game, and you just sat and watched. You haven’t done anything today."”

“‘So we’ re going to listen to this sports radio station,"” she says that he said. “‘I want to hear what they say about me.’”


“I sat silently for the rest of the car ride,” Aly reveals. “I couldn’t wait to get out.”

We can imagine.

“I felt embarrassed,” after the incident, Aly admits.

“But,” she adds, she felt “also angry that I had traveled to see someone who treated me so disrespectfully.”

No one has the right to speak to anyone in the way that she describes. Apparently, the rest of the day didn’t really improve upon her experience.

“He was glued to his phone and ignored me as we sat and ate dinner,” she reveals.

Phone use is a normal part of life, but if someone flies out to see you for a weekend, maybe be less of a jerk.

“When I left for the airport,” Aly shared. “He hardly said good-bye.”

Speaking of this man — whom many believe to have been Colton — reminds us of Raven Gates’ words of warning.

“I just don’t think his intentions are good,” Raven told Tia Booth on Bachelor in Paradise.

“First of all, Colton’s past dating history has been the It Girl,” Raven reasoned. “You’re the It Girl from your season, and he reached out to you.”

“And then he went on Becca’s season, and now he’s back with you,” Raven pointed out. “All of his actions have said something different…”

Raven implored Tia: “You have to really see the true person that Colton is.”

That’s a fair point. People might have a hard time seeing past Colton Underwood’s virginity and his smile and his general handsomeness.

Just because a guy’s clearly not just out to get in your pants doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have an agenda.

If Raven is right, then Colton just gravitates towards the most popular girl around and uses her like an accessory to promote himself.

If Aly was really talking about Colton in her book, then it sounds like he has some major entitlement issues and can be a selfish jerk sometimes.

Besides, if the Bachelor Nation is right about Colton not really being a virgin, then he might also be a huge liar.

What are we getting ourselves into with this next season?


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Anna Duggar: Why Fans Are Convinced She"s Pregnant With Baby #6!

Earlier this week, Josh Duggar dared to show his face online again, rearing his ugly head in a family photo.

Fans were irate — and were so distracted that some didn’t immediately notice that something about Anna’s look was very conspicuous.

Now, however, these eagle-eyed Duggar fans believe that Anna Duggar is pregnant with baby #6!

Josh Duggar is so reviled that even people who like the Duggar family hate him, and those who dislike the Duggars as a whole still think that he’s worse than the rest.

That’s what happens when the world finds out that you molested little girls and got away with it.

So it is totally understandable that almost everyone’s attention was fully on Josh appearing in Anna Duggar’s Labor Day family photo.

But if you turn your attention to the right of the pic, you will notice that Anna is also partially off screen, even though she and Josh could have easily fit into the picture.

She could be hiding a baby bump.

But the fact that half of her body is excluded isn’t the only reason why fans think that she’s pregnant. Can you catch it?

While most of the comments are either from people going “yikes” about Josh appearing in a photo or, worse, from people defending him, others pointed out Anna’s dress.

These fans recognized it as the same floral print maternity gown that she was wearing not all that long ago.

While it’s totally possible to wear a maternity gown because it’s relatively comfortable and loose-fitting, fans can’t help but wonder if she is once again pregnant.

It has been almost exactly one year since Anna gave birth. Considering that we’re talking about the Duggar family, it is not unreasonable to think that she may be pregnant again.

Take a closer look at Anna and her gown.

If she is pregnant, it looks like she’s still at an early enough stage of her pregnancy that she can conceal an obvious baby bump by wearing a loose gown and by leaning forward.

(And, of course, by cropping off part of her body in the photo)

As we mentioned, it’s been a while since she gave birth. Mason Duggar will turn one year old in less than a week — on September 12.

Late last month, Anna revealed a health issue impacting baby Mason.

Maybe Mackynzie, age 8, Michael, age 7, Marcus, age 5, Meredith, age 3, and Mason, age 1-ish are going to get a baby sibling.

As we mentioned, the photo saw a number of passionate defenders speak up for Josh Duggar.

One commenter suggested that, in the future, Anna should simply disable comments when she shares a picture of Josh, so that she doesn’t have to look at the “hate.”

Another condemned Josh’s detractors, writing “society doesn’t understand true forgiveness,” as if holding child-molesters accountable is a strictly secular value.

(For the record, it is not, and we should note that other famous conservatives, including some Robertsons of Duck Dynasty fame, publicly urged Anna to divorce the creep)

One commenter even revealed that her own son had “gone through” what Josh had when he was 15, and expressed pity for these men for facing consequences for their actions. Wow.

Even if Anna is pregnant, you can bet that the discourse over Josh is not going away any time soon.

Some fans feel that, all things considered, it is simply too soon for Baby #6.

Others feel that, at this point, she’s as thoroughly linked to Josh as she can be, and another child won’t do any harm.

That said, it’s always possible that she was just wearing a comfortable, loose-fitting dress that still complies with Duggar rules.

In the mean time, fans think that they have proof that Lauran Swanson is pregnant with Josiah Duggar’s baby already.


Friday, August 31, 2018

Emmy Rossum Stuns Fans, Announces Departure From Shameless

Emmy Rossum appears to be moving on.

The veteran actress, who has portrayed the main character of Fiona on Showtime’s Shameless since the very beginning of this mega hit, shared a lengthy post on Facebook today.

And it certainly makes it sound as if Rossum’s time on the series has come to an end.

“The opportunity to play Fiona has been a gift,” Rossum writes in one section of her message, continuing as follows:

“There are few characters – female or otherwise – as layered and dynamic. She is a mother lion, fierce, flawed and sexually liberated.

“She is injured, vulnerable, but will never give up. She is living in an economic depression, but refuses to be depressed. She is resourceful. She is loyal. She is brave.

“I knew it the second I read the pilot script, this was different, this was special. … Quite simply, the last eight years have been the best of my life.”

Including with her post a photo of many cast and crew member, Rossum made a point to single them out toward the end of her message, writing:

“I can say for certain that this cast and crew, who I’ve been have truly honored to work alongside, are world class. I am proud and I’m filled with gratitude.”

shameless cast

Shameless Season 9 premieres on Sunday, September 9 on Showtime.

It will be comprised of 14 episodes, as opposed to the typical 12, and divided into two parts; part two will debut on January 20, 2019 and include the show’s 100th installment.

Without coming specifically out and confirming her depature in exact words, Rossum – who made headlines recently for slamming Kim Kardashian and for publicizing her weight – concluded her post like this:

“I know you will continue on without me, for now. There is much more Gallagher story to be told. I will always be rooting for my family.

“Try not to think of me as gone, just think of me as moving down the block.”

The Golden Globe-nominated actress did not announce what she’ll be doing next.

And Showtime has not yet commented on this surprising piece of news.

But we’ve posted Rossum’s entire Facebook post on the subject below and we’ll let Shameless fans read it for themselves:

It’s hard thing to put into words, feelings. But I’m going to try.

This business is always an adventure, full of travel and opportunities to tell stories.

Usually as an actor, every few months, you travel to a new place, start a new project, build a new character, learn new rhythms, new inside jokes with your crew, make new friends.

Until “Shameless” came into my life 8 years ago, I led that kind of transient wonderful life of an actor.

And I never realized how much I actually craved the kind of continuity that this show has given me. And given all of us in the crew.

Season after season I’m amazed that our same crew comes back.

And it’s not just because it’s a wonderfully written, wonderfully layered show. There are these real connections, real friendships that bring us back season after season after season.

See, in real life, unlike Fiona, I’m an only child. I never had a big family. Being ensconced in that messy Gallagher family love is something I’d always dreamed of.

But even off set, it feels real. We’ve watched the kids grow up into the strong, talented, independent human beings that they are. I taught Emma to shave her legs. I was there when Ethan learned to drive.

Shanola and Jeremy and Joan and Bill danced at my wedding in New York last year. Our fearless leader John Wells thankfully held Sam and me up on those rickety chairs during the hora.

I’ve spent the Jewish holy days in temple with David Nevins and his wonderful wife and kids.

It really feels like a family.

This kind of stability, this family, has nurtured me and made feel safe enough to stretch and grow creatively.

The way John Wells has shepherded me as an actress, and more recently how he’s encouraged me wholeheartedly as a director and a writer, has been an honor and a privilege.

We have made over 100 hours of television. That’s no small feat.

There’s a new study that says it takes 100 hours to become friends with someone. The Gallaghers have been in people’s living rooms for 100 hours. So, it makes sense.

We can feel your connection to us, to these characters.

In the airport, in restaurants, on the street, when people call out “Hi Fiona” “Oh my god, it’s Lip” or “Screw you Frank!”… it feels good.

The opportunity to play Fiona has been a gift.

There are few characters — female or otherwise — as layered and dynamic. She is a mother lion, fierce, flawed and sexually liberated.

She is injured, vulnerable, but will never give up. She is living in an economic depression, but refuses to be depressed.

She is resourceful. She is loyal. She is brave. I knew it the second I read the pilot script, this was different, this was special.

I tirelessly prepped the audition with my coach Terry Knickerbocker. I walked to the appointment in the rain so I looked disheveled.

During my third audition, when I got the part IN the room, I literally jumped up and down screaming in joyous relief and disbelief.

Quite simply, the last eight years have been the best of my life.

Malcolm Gladwell says it takes 10,000 hours to become truly good at something. To become world class. Well by my calculation, 100 episodes, 7 days per episode (plus Chicago weeks), 12 hour days, we’re just at about 10,000 hours.

So I guess we’re finally good at this.

I can say for certain that this cast and crew, who I’ve been have truly honored to work alongside, are world class. I am proud and I’m filled with gratitude.

I know you will continue on without me, for now. There is much more Gallagher story to be told. I will always be rooting for my family. Try not to think of me as gone, just think of me as moving down the block.

With love, always.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Cardi B Posts Wild PDA Video, Fans Ask if She"s Getting Fingered!

Over the weekend, Offset shared a nude pic of Cardi B that turned heads everywhere. 

But Cardi has raised the stakes with a steamy PDA video of her and Offset.

This video has fans asking — did Cardi record herself while Offset was performing a sex act on her? Take a look …

Cardi b gets naked on instagram

Remember how Cardi B was counting down the days until she can bang Offset again?

After all, she has to heal after childbirth.

Based upon the numbers she gave at the time and our math, that deadline appears to have arrived, and she took to her Instagram stories to brag about it.

Cardi shared some very affectionate PDA with Offset in a video captioned: "When that 6 weeks up."

The PDA is so intense (keep in mind that our .gif here is cropped a little) that fans believed that her freshly healed vagina was getting fingered.

Cardi b and offset pda

Cardi"s name trended on Twitter and everyone discussed her. It"s a whole thing. But Cardi tweeted to try to clear things up.

"I wasn’t getting fingered," Cardi protests. "I had LEATHER SHORTS ON."

Though Offset"s handers were wandering in the video, tey really don"t seem to insert themselves anywhere. Cardi wasn"t done, though.

Cardi could not resist adding: "…. but i wish i was :/"

"I was very very horny," Cardi admits.

That is a refreshing level of honesty that most of us haven"t heard since we were middle schoolers. It"s also, you know, pretty hilarious.

Cardi b in lingerie and pink hair

Cardi noticed something about the reaction to her video.

"You wanna know what sooo funny?" Cardi tweeted. "I don’t see my fans complaining about the instasnap."

"All i see is other artists stans mad at it," Cardi points out. "Like why ?"

She has a point — a lot of people who were condemning Cardi were Nicki Minaj stans in particular. (Stans, of course, are particularly diehard fans)

"Why ya so worried?" Cardi asks. "Worry about your fav artists don’t worry about Cardi!"

Cardi b instagram stories view stats

Cardi also shared the stats on her Instagram stories as a callout.

"Ya nasty," Cardi playfully accuses on Twitter. "Ya say ya don’t want to see it but ya really wanna see it."

She shows that millions of people checked out her Instagram stories.

We are meant to conclude that this is more people than usual, and that the promise of seeing her PDA video drew in people.

We don"t doubt that for a moment.

Cardi b and offset image

Believe it or not, this is not the first tim that what fans believe to be a Cardi B sex tape has shown up on Instagram.

Just like last time, she says that she was clothed and that Offset was not slipping anything to her.

But can you blame fans for jumping to conclusions when they see her salacious content?

Other rappers like Boonk Gang have posted sex tapes to Instagram, sex tapes that the viewers can never, ever unsee, so it"s not like it"s unprecedented.

Is Cardi just so sexy that people can"t resist imagining that her life is a little sexier than she is? Or is she trolling her fans?

Cardi b posts wild pda video fans ask if shes getting fingered

Monday, August 27, 2018

Jinger Duggar Shares New Baby Pic, Raises Concern Among Fans

Jinger Duggar g had a reason to celebrate late last week.

But the way in which this reality star did show has given followers a reason to be concerned.

Allow us to explain…

On August 19, Jinger and husband Jeremy Vuolo gave fans a glimpse at their precious first daughter, Felicity Nicole, as a way to pay tribute to her first-ever birthday.

Felicity is only a month old, but still… that counts as a birthday.

Just ask any first-time parent.

To mark the occasion, Jinger posted a few pictures of her adorable baby on Instagram.

“Felicity is one month old today!” Jinger wrote as a simple caption to the following image:

Then, on Sunday, Jinger followed up this snapshot with two more.

The first leads this article up top and features the bundle of joy outside with her proud parents.

The second inlcuded with it a caption that reads “Those eyes!” because, well… just look at those eyes on young Felicity!

All these photos represent indisputable evidence that Felicity is pretty darn happy, healthy and cute, right?

Actually, that may be wrong, some Internet users are now saying.

Indeed, while some folks out there have labeled the official one-month picture as one of the most endearing in social media history, something about Felicity’s face and skin tone have others concerned.

“Wow, she looks blue. Is she okay? Seriously. I am not trying to be critical or mean,” one fan wrote as a comment, while another remark echoed this sentiment:

“I was really alarmed when I saw this picture. She is purple, and that’s not normal. You are right to comment as you did. I hope they take her in and get her checked out.”

We don’t think these people are trying to be trolls.

They very likely have a legitimate worry (in their mind) over Felicity.

But still.

Come on now, folks!

There’s only so much you can tell by a picture and you should maybe think twice (heck, maybe even three times) before setting up such alarms online.

As another follower put it well, chill out with the “scary, negative speculation,” okay?!?

The Vuolos, of course, live in Laredo, Texas, making Jinger the first Duggar sibling to relocate outside of Tontitown, Arkansas permanently.

Upon becoming a father for the first time, Jeremy gushed back in mid-July:

“God is so kind. Jinger gave birth to Felicity Nicole Vuolo this morning at 4:37 a.m.

“Felicity weighs 8 lbs and 3 oz, and is 19.5 inches long. Both mom and baby are healthy, doing great, and resting well.

“We are very thankful for her safe arrival and look forward to life as parents!”

As for why they chose Felicity as their chilld’s name? We’ll go ahead and let Jinger explain!


Sunday, August 19, 2018

Backstreet Boys Concert Delayed After Tent Collapses Injuring Several Fans

At least 14 Backstreet Boys fans waiting for their show to begin were injured when nasty weather caused a structure to collapse … according to various reports. The concertgoers at the outdoor pavilion at WinStar World Casino and Resort…


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Steven Tyler Swarmed by Fans as Aerosmith Announces Vegas Residency

If you’re wondering if people will flock to see Aerosmith in Vegas, look no further than exhibit A on the “Today” show … where fans literally couldn’t keep their hands off the band. Steven Tyler, Joe Perry and co. were making their way onto…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Chris Lopez to Teen Mom 2 Fans: Leave Me Alone!

Don"t get Chris Lopez wrong, okay?

He almost definitely did not mean to impregnate Kailyn Lowry back in the day, but this doesn"t mean he now regrets it.

Feeling such a way would mean that Lopez wishes his son, Lux, were not alive — and we think it"s very safe to assume this isn"t the case.

Especially of late, it seems as though Lopez has really taken to this parenthood thing, most notably the way he attended Lux"s first birthday party, even posing for a special family photo.

But the unprotected slipping of his P into Kailyn"s V has turned Lopez into a quasi celebrity.

This comes with a few perks, but also with a handul of hindrances.

Based on the Tweets below, it"s clear Lopez wishes he were far less known than he used to be. Scroll down to see what we mean…

1. The Saga of Chris Lopez

Kailyn lowry chris lopez split

Lopez briefly dated Lowry back in 2016. This relationship led to a pregnancy, although Kailyn worked hard to keep her third baby daddy’s identity secret until May of 2017.

2. Were They Ever Together as a Couple?

Chris lopez burns kailyns book

We think so, but not since the pregnancy was revealed to the public and not since little Lux entered the world. For the most part, Chris has barely even been involved in his child’s life.

3. Has Lopez Ever Appeared on Teen Mom 2?

Chris lopez with baby lux

No. But he’s been referenced by Kailyn, often in a negative light. She was very frustrated for the first few months of her son’s life because Lopez made little to no effort to see Lux.

4. But He Would Occasionally Pose on Social Media with Lux

Chris lopez and lux

Yes. This actually annoyed Lowry even more because she thought Chris was merely pretending to be a responsible parent in public. She slammed him as an “Instagram” (and deadbeat) dad.

5. But Now?

Kailyn and her family

Look at the picture above. It was snapped on Lux’s first birthday. Lopez and Lowry must be somewhat amicable at this point, right?

6. Still, There’s Backlash

Lux and his dad

There’s A LOT of backlash against Lopez, in fact. And it sounds as if he’s sick of taking crap from Lowry supporters and/or Teen Mom 2 viewers.

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Friday, August 10, 2018

Demi Leaves Rehab After Just 5 Days; Fans Express Concern on Social Media

In the weeks since Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that nearly claimed her life, the outpouring of support and concern from fans has been constant.

Millions were relieved by reports that Lovato had checked into rehab earlier this week after spending several days at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles.

Now, however, the latest update from Demi’s inner circle has led to a new round of fears for the beloved singer’s health.

According to Radar Online, Lovato checked out of rehab earlier this week after just five days of treatment.

Sources close to Lovato say she’s currently in Chicago with her mother.

Fortunately, the unexpected trip is not Demi’s way of avoiding the rigors of recovery — quite the opposite, in fact.

Lovato is in Illinois to visit Timberline Knolls, the facility where she sought treatment when she first decided to get sober back in 2012.

“Demi and her mom flew to Chicago together, where she is meeting with a team of doctors that were very influential to her in early recovery,” a source close to the situation tells Radar.

The insider adds that Lovato “trusts the team of doctors at the facility with her life.”

Even though it was at Timberline where Demi got sober for the first time, she was apparently reluctant to return to the facility due to feelings of shame regarding her relapse.

“The team at Timberline reached out to Demi to try and convince her to get treatment there after her overdose, but she was too ashamed and embarrassed to go there because of their long history,” says the source.

“After a lot of consideration, Demi and her mom wanted to talk to them because they wanted to see what they recommend for her treatment.”

Despite her closeness with the staff at Timberline, Demi is reportedly planning to return to Arizona this week where she has already begun treatment.

In other news, Lovato has canceled her remaining tour dates and plans to spend the next several months focusing on her recovery.

We wish her all the best as she navigates the hard road ahead.
