Showing posts with label Florida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florida. Show all posts

Friday, February 23, 2018

Florida Shooting Survivor Warns Government Leaders, Make A Change, Or Else

Lauren Hogg, a survivor of the Florida shooting, has a strong message for President Trump and lawmakers …  change, or else.  Lauren lost 4 of her friends in the attack last week and is laser-focused on putting an end to the violence.…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

David Hogg"s Mother Says Florida Students Too Busy to Grieve

David Hogg’s mother worries her son is going 1,000 MPH in his quest for gun control, but she also knows his time to act is NOW. Hogg’s mother, Rebecca, tells us David hasn’t stopped making the media rounds advocating for new gun legislation…


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Derek Jeter Talks School Schooting, Marlins Will Help Florida Heal

Derek Jeter is vowing to use his experience playing after the 9/11 attacks to help Florida fans cope with the massacre that left 17 people dead in the Parkland school shooting.  Jeter was in Ft. Lauderdale at a Chamber of Commerce meeting when…


Florida Shooting Survivor David Hogg Conspiracy Theory Debunked by Yearbook

David Hogg, the Florida high school shooting survivor, is at the center of a spreading conspiracy theory … that he and other survivors are not really students, but now that’s being squarely debunked. The theory goes Hogg already graduated from a…


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Judd Apatow Donates $1,000 to Florida Shooting Victim"s Hospital Fund

Judd Apatow is just one of thousands of people who’ve donated to a child who was shot and critically injured during the Florida high school shooting … TMZ has learned. Judd’s rep confirmed to us that the comedian had, in fact, contributed $ 1,000…


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Donald Trump Exploits Florida Shootings, Saying FBI Was Preoccupied with Russia

Donald Trump did not disappoint … he has pissed off the the grieving victims and families of the Florida high school shooting by making the tragedy all about him. Trump jumped on the shocking lapse of judgment on the part of the FBI by ignoring a…


Saturday, February 17, 2018

Florida School Shooting Sparks Huge Anti-Gun Rally, Student Gives Rousing Speech

Survivors of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School last week are crying out for something to be done about it … and thousands have gathered in support. Emma Gonzalez, a senior at the Parkland, FL school, gave a passionate…


"Sharknado" Star Cassie Scerbo Is a Graduate of Florida Shooting High School

Cassie Scerbo used to walk the same hallways where Nikolas Cruz gunned down 17 people, and believes school officials shouldn’t be blamed for the massacre. Cassie graduated from Marjory Stoneman Douglas in 2008. She says it was always a…


Friday, February 16, 2018

Sen. Marco Rubio Gets "Three Billboards" Treatment, Trolled for Florida Shooting

Sen. Marco Rubio is getting called out over gun control — in the wake of the Florida shooting — in a way that would make Frances McDormand extremely proud. Three billboards are parked near the senator’s office in Doral, FL … each clearly…


Florida School Shooting Aftermath, Bulletproof Backpack in High Demand

There has been a run on bulletproof backpacks in the aftermath of the slaughter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School … TMZ has learned.  A company called Bullet Blocker sells the fortified knapsacks for anywhere between $ 200 and $ 500.…


Anthony Rizzo Chokes Back Tears During Speech at Vigil for Florida Shooting Victims

Chicago Cubs star Anthony Rizzo choked back tears while delivering a powerful speech at the vigil for those lost in the tragic shooting at his H.S. alma mater … and he’s calling for the government to make a change. Rizzo — who attended…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Florida School Shooter Stopped at Subway, McDonald"s After Rampage Before Capture

Nikolas Cruz — the alleged shooter who killed 17 people at a Florida high school — casually blended in with fleeing students while making his getaway … then stopped at Subway for a drink. Law enforcement says Cruz entered a nearby Walmart…


Dolphins" Andre Branch Reacts to Florida Shooting: "We Live in a Sick World"

A Miami Dolphins player is devastated by the mass school shooting that happened in his own backyard … and he’s calling for change. Andre Branch gave TMZ Sports his take on the tragedy the morning after 17 high school students and teachers…


Florida Shooting Suspect Reported to FBI 5 Months Ago, Whistleblower Speaks Out

Nikolas Cruz, the now-confessed Florida school shooter, was on the FBI’s radar 5 months ago, thanks to a man who reported a disturbingly violent comment Cruz left on a YouTube video. We spoke to Ben Bennight, a Mississippi bail bondsman, who says…


Florida Shooting, Student"s Horrific Joke, Ready for "Round 2"

It’s almost beyond words … a freshman at a South Carolina high school posted a photo of himself wearing a mask and holding what looks like an assault rifle with the caption, “Round 2 of Florida tomorrow.” The 9th grader is now in custody after an…


TMZ Live: Florida Shooting: Suspect Reportedly Trained With White Supremacist Group

ON TODAY’S SHOW Cardi B: Pregnancy Could Cost Her Millions  Lil Pump: Arrested After Shooting Home Intruder  Spice Girls: Contract Signed For Reunion! Nelly Speaks Out: I’m Innocent!


Alleged Shooter Nikolas Cruz Trained with Florida White Supremacist Group

The man who allegedly shot and killed 17 people at his former high school reportedly trained with a local white supremacist group in Florida before the massacre. Jordan Jereb — the leader of the white supremacist group Republic of Florida (ROF) –…


Kim Kardashian Calls for Gun Control in Wake of Florida Shooting

Kim Kardashian has taken a break from stripping nearly all the way down to address the most pressing issue currently facing our country:

Gun control.

In the wake of 17 people being gunned down at a school in Florida on Wednesday, the reality star has chosen to use her social media platform for something worthwhile right now.

We’re not saying photos such as THIS ONE are not worthwhile, of course.

But they are certainly meaningless in the wake of this horrific school shooting.

“We owe it to our children and our teachers to keep them safe while at school,” Kim Tweeted last night, adding:

“Prayers won’t do this: action will. Congress, please do your job and protect Americans from senseless gun violence.”

The mother of three is reacting here to the way in which most politicians offer “thoughts and prayers” after a shooting of this nature.

But we didn’t vote them into office to deliver hollow platitudes, Kim is arguing. We voted them into office to actually pass legislation.

kim on guns

On Wednesday afternoon, a 19-year old named Nikolas Cruz opened fire on students and staff members at  Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

He used an automatic rifle to end the lives of these 17 people, while injuring many others.

In the hours since this tragedy took place, a debate has once again arisen over whether new gun control measures ought to be put in place.

Along with her own message on the topic, Kardashian re-Tweeted a number of other points people made on Twitter in regard to this contentious issue.

To wit:

gun retweet

This actually isn’t the first time Kardashian has pushed for gun control of some kind.

In November of 2016, she talked to Kendall Jenner about the issue, emphasizing how important it is for celebrities to get involved in various political debates.

Just consider the reach they have, she stated.

Watch the clip below: 

Just over a week since this scene was filmed, Kardashian slammed Congress about it failed to pass meaningful legislation.

“Nothing has changed!!!! People continue to senselessly die. When will these gun laws be changed?!?!?!?!!!!?????” she asked on Twitter at the time, adding:

“The fact that anyone can so easily access guns is so scary & after all of the devastating loss the Senate should have not failed us!!!”

We almost never say this about Kim Kardashian, but… we agree.

We agree completely with everything she is saying here.

In televised remarks from the White House Diplomatic Reception Room on Thursday morning, President Donald Trump said he was committed to making schools safe and to tackle the issue of “mental health” in America.

He did not say anything about gun control.

“I want to speak now directly to America’s children, especially those who feel lost alone confused or even scared,” he added.

“I want you to know that you are never alone, and you never will be.

“You have people who care about you, who love you and who will do anything at all to protect you.

“If you need help, turn to a teacher, a family member, a local police officer or a faith leader. Answer hate with love. Answer cruelty with kindness.”

That sounds terrific in theory.

In practice, answering an automatic weapon with kindness will simply get you killed.


President Trump Addresses Florida School Shooting (LIVE STREAM)

President Trump will address the nation about the horrific Florida school mass shooting … and we’re live streaming his speech. As we reported … 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz — the man accused of slaughtering 17 people at his old high school in…


Florida Mass Shooting Suspect Nikolas Cruz Taken to Jail as Mug Shot"s Released

The man who’s been arrested for shooting and killing 17 people at his old Florida high school was walked right into jail this week wearing a hospital gown. 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz was marched into the Broward County jail early Thursday morning…
