Showing posts with label Foster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foster. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Yolanda Foster: Lisa Rinna Meddles In Other People"s Business!

Before we begin, I’d like to ask Bravo to screen storylines go forward, because the ones that exploit an illness arent not awesome.

It started with Brooks Ayers on The Real Housewives of Orange County, and he’s not even a cast member!  Now, the question of whether or not Yolanda Foster is exaggerating her battle against Lyme Disease is turning into a very awkward, very tired merry-go-round.

After the March 8th episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Foster’s blog post was basically a tirade against Lisa Rinna, who first brought up the possibility that Foster’s illness was created in her mind.

The Dutch model can’t let that accusation go (and no one can really blame her for it), if her most recent blog post is any indication.

Rinna thought Foster’s absence at Erica Girardi’s dinner party was odd given how close a friendship the two women share.

“I was surprised that Yolanda wasn’t there since Erika has been such a loyal and supportive friend to her,” Rinna wrote.

“I knew this was somewhat of a big deal for Erika to have us all over to meet Tom, who is a very busy man, and I thought surely Yolanda would make the effort to join us.

“I guess Yolanda didn’t ‘count her spoons’ that day and wore herself out at lunch with Brandi and Kim,” Rinna added.  “Hmmm… oh well.”

Foster fought back.

“I am not quite sure why Rinna is so worked up about something that doesn’t involve her,” Foster wrote.

“Getting in the middle of other people’s personal business and relationships seems to be a running theme for her.”

“Erika so beautifully touched on the practice of respect in tonight’s episode,” Foster added.

“Freedom of expression is not a permit to be disrespectful, and it seems there are blurred lines when it comes to this, especially when social media is involved.”

Ok then!  

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Yolanda Foster & Lisa Rinna: STILL Fighting Over Lyme Disease Claims?!

Last month, Yolanda Foster and Lisa Rinna engaged in a Twitter feud over the ongoing question of whether or not Yolanda is really suffering from Lyme disease.

It may seem like an odd thing to question, but Lisa is not alone in her belief that Yolanda might be faking the whole thing to gain attention and sympathy from others.

And in defense of the Yolanda-truthers, there are some sketchy details that make it seem as though Yolanda is only pretending to be ill.

For example, she recently revealed that two of her her children also have Lyme disease, which is bizarre, because the disease isn’t contagious through casual contact with infected humans, and is usually transmitted through deer tick bites.

Did the entire family go camping and forget to bring the Off? Did Oswald act alone? Can jet fuel really melt steel beams?!

We got a little carried away there, but the point is, the controversy over Yolanda’s illness is complex, and there’s a good chance it’ll never be resolved.

But while theories about Elvis helping the Illuminati fake the moon landing are usually confined to the scarier corners of the Internet, the great Yolanda Lyme disease debate might soon take center stage on national television.

Yes, according to Radar Online, Yolanda is planning to confront Lisa on the upcoming Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion special.

“Even though Yolanda and Lisa made up on camera, the friendship is still very much on the rocks,” the source continued. “She is going to give Lisa an ultimatum, fess up, or the friendship is over.”

Even though Lisa is just one of several people who has openly questioned Yolanda’s illness, Foster is reportedly planning to single her out because Rinna was on her side at first, and her sudden change of heart made Yolanda feel betrayed.

Like we said, this thing is complex, y’all. We’re pretty sure the Free Masons are somehow involved.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

David Foster & Selma Blair: Dating?!?

We have to admit, if this is true, it kinda gives us the icks.

David Foster, music producer and soon-to-be ex-husband of Yolanda Foster, was spotted sharing an intimate dinner in West Hollywood with actress Selma Blair, a source tells Radar Online.

“Selma and David were alone together at dinner and they looked really cozy,” revealed the source.

Unfortunately, we’re not sure just what the witness meant by “cozy” – hands-on-thighs cozy, exchanging-knowing-glances cozy or simply sat-at-the-same-table cozy.

However, all this cozy was apparently interrupted by another celebrity who was also dining at the restaurant: Caitlyn Jenner.

“Caitlyn sat with the couple for a while and then she went to her own booth,” the source told the site.

If you think this sounds like an odd trio, we’re on the same page.

We don’t know if Yolanda is aware of her ex’s new “friendship” with Selma, but if she disapproves, we probably won’t hear about it.

Bravo reportedly wanted to exploit all the dirty details of David and Yolanda’s divorce on her show, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but the former model refused to participate.

“Yolanda and David have a very strict prenuptial agreement that says they can’t discuss each other negatively in any public setting…including television,” a source told Radar.

In addition, Yolanda simply doesn’t want to drag her relationship through the public mud.

“Yolanda and David discussed the importance of handling the proceedings with dignity and class soon after she filed,” added the source. “So she refuses to speak badly about him on the show.”

Guess this means we gotta keep hearing the other Housewives bicker over whether or not Yo actually has Lyme Disease or not.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Yolanda Foster: Bravo Tried To Exploit My Crumbling Marriage!

Their divorce has been finalized, and both parties are ready to leave it in the past.

Yolanda and David Foster were/are respectful enough of one another to keep the details of their relationship secret, which sucks for the minds behind The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

“Producers wanted to exploit Yolanda’s divorce from David for ratings,” a source told Radar Online.

“There hasn’t been a lot of drama this season, and fans love Yolanda.”

That won’t happen, because Foster is busy fighting those bitches over the validity of her battle with Lyme disease.

Oh, and there’s the legal aspect.

“Yolanda and David have a very strict prenuptial agreement that says they can’t discuss each other negatively in any public setting…including television,” the source added.

“Yolanda and David discussed the importance of handling the proceedings with dignity and class soon after she filed.  So she refuses to speak badly about him on the show. 

The Dutch model’s fans have fallen in love with her attitude towards her ex-husband, as both she and David have stated a few times publicly that the gossip about their relationship is out of line.

“Of course she is saddened by the end of the marriage, but she won’t allow the intimate details of what led to the breakdown of the relationships to become public fodder,” the source explained.

Instead, we’re treated a tank full of fish in Dubai, as well as the downward spiral of Lisa Rinna (I think.  Those bastards are so good at editing previews).

Yolanda Foster: Bravo Tried To Exploit My Crumbling Marriage!

Their divorce has been finalized, and both parties are ready to leave it in the past.

Yolanda and David Foster were/are respectful enough of one another to keep the details of their relationship secret, which sucks for the minds behind The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

“Producers wanted to exploit Yolanda’s divorce from David for ratings,” a source told Radar Online.

“There hasn’t been a lot of drama this season, and fans love Yolanda.”

That won’t happen, because Foster is busy fighting those bitches over the validity of her battle with Lyme disease.

Oh, and there’s the legal aspect.

“Yolanda and David have a very strict prenuptial agreement that says they can’t discuss each other negatively in any public setting…including television,” the source added.

“Yolanda and David discussed the importance of handling the proceedings with dignity and class soon after she filed.  So she refuses to speak badly about him on the show. 

The Dutch model’s fans have fallen in love with her attitude towards her ex-husband, as both she and David have stated a few times publicly that the gossip about their relationship is out of line.

“Of course she is saddened by the end of the marriage, but she won’t allow the intimate details of what led to the breakdown of the relationships to become public fodder,” the source explained.

Instead, we’re treated a tank full of fish in Dubai, as well as the downward spiral of Lisa Rinna (I think.  Those bastards are so good at editing previews).

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Yolanda Foster: I"m Changing My Name!

Unlike many divorced women, Yolanda Foster has decided that her ex-husband, David"s last name doesn"t suit her anymore.

So, the Dutch model asked her three children – Gigi, Bella and Anwar what to do.

"I talked about it with the kids," Yolanda told Andy Cohen on February 16th"s Watch What Happens Live.

"I never dropped the name Hadid, because I have three children with that last name, and I asked the kids, "Should I go back to van den Herik?" and they said, "No! You"re our mommy and we have the same last name.’"

Yolanda"s social handles are still "Foster," since she explained to Cohen that she just made the decision the previous day.

The interview also involved more of the same: Lisa Rinna, Munchausen Syndrome and an apology that simply wasn"t enough for Foster.

"Yolanda Hadid Foster was on a mission, and her mission was to try to nail me to the wall with what she thought to be the facts," Rinna wrote on her blog after last night"s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

"It’s obvious that she has it in her head that I am labeling her with Munchausen since she said numerous times that I am labeling her. In reality, what I did was inform her that she has already been questioned and labeled by others in our community.

"Big, big difference there. She then proceeded to read to all of us what Munchausen by proxy was. Again, big BIG difference as that was never once up for discussion between any of us."

Creating a storyline for her illness might have been a mistake for Foster/Hadid, since the others have taken it upon themselves to blow it way, way out of proportion.

I miss the days of arguing over a Maloof Hoof.

Yolanda foster im changing my name

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Lisa Vanderpump: Yolanda Foster Brought Up Her Kids" Lyme Disease!

The whole storyline of ailments and their validity isn’t a pleasant one, but for some reason The Real Housewives of Everytown seem to think it’s ratings gold.

Tuesday night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills put Lisa Rinna in the hot seat.  She was being accused of telling Yolanda Foster that Lisa Vanderpump had denied that Foster’s children, Anwar and Bella Hadid had contracted Lyme disease.

“I would never bring somebody’s children (especially their health) into this very public forum, but Yolanda did…twice…of her OWN volition,” Vanderpump wrote on her BravoTV blog after the episode aired.

“She announced that they we were infected with Lyme disease, volunteered the information, first when we had drinks and were introduced to Erika.The second time was with Kyle in the park.”

Rinna was equally pissed about how the episode went down, and tangoed with Foster on Twitter Wednesday morning:

Vanderpump, who is close with Foster’s ex-husband, Mohamed Hadid, continued to defend herself.

“She has stated don’t bring my kids into this, but she did, twice. At the barbecue, I was asked questions about my perspective, having known the family for years. My understanding was they were healthy until Yolanda informed me otherwise.

“What else was I supposed to do? Lie? Say I knew nothing? I tried to shut it down, reticent to indulge in a conversation that was really none of my business.”

What a f–king mess.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Yolanda Foster & Lisa Rinna: TWITTER FEUD ALERT!

Yolanda Foster and her children’s Lyme disease continues to be a hot topic on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and now it’s become a hot topic on Twitter.

The former model and RHOBH cast mate Lisa Rinna exchanged jabs on the social media platform over who-said-what about Yolanda and her kids’ condition.

Let’s back up a sec.

In episodes past, we’ve seen the Housewives question whether Yolanda really has Lyme or is faking it.

Then in October, after she announced her children Bella and Anwar Hadid were also suffering from the condition, Lisa Vanderpump insinuated that she heard from the kids’ father Mohamed that the kids were “fine” and did not have Lyme.

Well, this pissed off Yolanda big time.

She had reason to believe Lisa Rinna also said the kids were Lyme-free, which set off a entire she said-she said debacle that eventually led to Housewife Erika Girardi admitting in a confessional that she was the guilty party.

However, when Yolanda responded to a fan’s question about why she fingered Rinna, she answered:

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 1

This made Rinna most unhappy, claiming she’d been a scapegoat then turning the tables on Yolanda.

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 2

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 3

Yolanda fired back:

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 4

(Munchausen syndrome is a psychological disorder in which a person feigns an illness to receive sympathy or attention.)

The two remained silent for a few hours, possibly because they both went and took naps.

Yolanda Foster - Lisa Rinna Twitter feud 5

This exchange is somewhat puzzling, because Rinna was actually on Yolanda’s side last year when the other Housewives accused her of faking her disease.

But, hey, a Twitter war makes for good headlines, and possibly more viewers to the high-drama Bravo show.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Yolanda Foster, Rachel McAdams & More: Star Sightings 2.08.16

I find myself cheering for Yolanda Foster every time she steps out in public.  Maybe I"ve become protective of the reality star through the magic of social media, or maybe I"m just rooting for her to make a full recover from Lyme disease, but damn it, it"s great to see her out.

Meanwhile, Blake Shelton picked up Gwen Stefani and her boys from a flag football game in his big ole" SUV on Saturday.  

I miss Gavin.

What else were your favorite stars up to?  Check out the sightings below.

1. Yolanda Foster Grabs An Iced Drink In Beverly Hills

Yolanda foster grabs an iced drink in beverly hills

Yolanda Foster steps out with a friend in Beverly Hills, CA on February 8th, 2016.

2. Helen Mirren: 2016 Goldene Kamera

Helen mirren 2016 goldene kamera

Helen Mirren attends the Goldene Kamera 2016 on February 6, 2016 in Hamburg, Germany.

3. Bai Ling Celebrates The Year of The Monkey

Bai ling celebrates the year of the monkey

Bai Ling Bai Ling wore a pair of hot pink boots and three toy monkeys to celebrate the Year of the Monkey in Beverly Hills, CA on February 6th, 2016.

4. Ryan Gosling: 68th annual Directors Guild of America Awards

Ryan gosling 68th annual directors guild of america awards

Ryan Gosling poses in the press room at the 68th annual Directors Guild of America Awards at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza on February 6, 2016 in Los Angeles, California.

5. Lizzy Caplan: 2016 Prague Opera Ball

Lizzy caplan 2016 prague opera ball

Lizzy Caplan attends the 2016 Prague Opera Ball in the Czech Republic on February 6th, 2016.

6. Rachel McAdams: 68th annual Directors Guild of America Awards

Rachel mcadams 68th annual directors guild of america awards

Rachel McAdams (in Michael Kors Collection) at the 68th annual Directors Guild of America Awards at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza on February 6, 2016 in Los Angeles, California.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Yolanda Foster and Muhamed Hadid Slam "RHOBH" Co-stars

After watching Lisa Vanderpump say that her ex-husband, Muhamed Hadid doesn’t believe their children have Lyme disease, Yolanda Foster had to once again defend herself and her family.

On last night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Foster joined the ladies at Kyle Richards’ home for a BBQ.  Since she was still recovering from breast implant removal surgery, Foster only stayed a brief time.  

It wasn’t until after Foster left that the women started talking about how two of her children, Bella and Anwar, had contracted Lyme disease as well.

Vanderpump, who is a friend of Hadid’s, told the other women that he didn’t believe his children were affected.

This prompted Hadid to speak out via Instagram.

“I do not wish to make public my family’s private matters, but I would like to make it clear that I completely and unequivocally support my children and their mother,” he wrote last night.

“I can only imagine that my response to a question at dinner asking how my kids are doing with ‘fine’ was misconstrued. I have too much respect for all 5 of my children to speak about them publicly in a restaurant or otherwise. 

“I will not speak further on something that should be put to rest now.”  

Foster couldn’t hold back after watching the episode.

“Tonight’s show was disheartening,” she wrote on her BravoTV blog.

“Still, I am the subject of conversation amongst ‘friends.’ Looks like I got out of dodge right on time at that barbecue. The only thing I saw grilling was gossip…I have nothing to prove and know that my journey is public due to the job I’ve chosen as a Housewife, but I can’t accept something so delicate as my children’s health being talked about in such a way.

“I know I’m not the only mother who would speak to this…It’s one thing when your integrity is doubted, spoken of behind your back, but it strikes another cord when it’s your children.”

To further drive her point home, Foster posted a 2015 photo of herself with Bella in bed as the model was receiving IV fluid.

“Watching my brave babies stuffer in silence in order to support me in my journey has struck the deepest core of hopelessness inside of me, it is because of them that I continue to fight relentlessly,” Foster wrote.

“I will not allow them to live a life of pain and suffering, I will prevail and walk to the end of the earth to find a cure for them and millions of others debilitated by this invisible disease!!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"Proud Stepfather "David Foster Supports Bella and Gigi Hadid in Paris

Any reports that claim Yolanda and David Foster’s families don’t speak to one another should take a look at David’s Instagram.

The mega-producer is in Paris to work with France’s former First Lady, Carla Bruni on a new album, per his social media account.

David’s trip just happens to coincide with Paris Haute Couture Week Spring/Summer 2016, so he watched Gigi Hadid walk in the Atelier Versace show.

“My first fashion show ever!!!” David Instagram’d.  “Starting at the top with this one @gigihadid leading the pack!!! It was amazing and so was she!!! #proudstepdad #versace

Today, David attended the Chanel show, in which Kendall Jenner, Gigi and younger sister, Bella Hadid walked.

“This one @bellahadid came out of the gate like a race-horse!!!-so incredible!!!” David wrote “#chanel #proudstepfather.”

Back in December, Page Six reported that a serious “rift” had come between Yolanda’s children and David.

“I’m sure he’s upset her kids’ careers are popping off and his aren’t. He’s competitive in that way,” a source told the column.

“There is a rift [between Yolanda’s and] David’s daughters, whom Yolanda doesn’t speak with any longer, but was once close.”

In addition to releasing a statement that urged the press to stop speculating about the demise of their marriage, David shared this handwritten note on Instagram:

“Making the wrong assumptions causes pain and suffering for everyone.” 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Yolanda Foster Shares Bedroom Selfie, Is Ready for New Life Journey

For the second time in just a few weeks, Yolanda Foster has shared a photo of herself in bed.

The latest selfie, however, does not feature the reality star hooked up to an IV in the hospital.

Instead, it depicts a possibly naked Yolanda Foster under her sheets at home, staring into the camera with a smirk across her lips.

The image was posted to Instagram just days after Yolanda filed for divorce from David Foster, who husband of four years and companion of over nine years.

“Just because some ppl are done with your journey, doesn’t mean your journey is done……..” Foster wrote as a caption, making a clear reference to this split.

She then added a whole slew of hashtags:

  • #AnotherWastedSaturday

  • #LifeFromTheSideLines

  • #Spoonie

  • #LymeDiseaseAwereness

  • #DeterminedToFindACure

  • #AffordableForAll

As those who watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online know well, Foster has been battling Lyme Disease.

The unfortunate illness allegedly played a role in her divorce from David Foster, as did his supposed flirting with younger women.

But Yolanda clearly does not want to talk about the past. She’s focused on the future, having just shared another Instagram picture, this one of a sunset, and penned as an affiliated message to it:

I find joy in everyday, not because Life is always good, but because God is……… #HabitOfHappiness #SunRiseMeditation #Gratitude #GratefulForEveryday,

Amen, Yolanda. Amen.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Yolanda Foster Files for Divorce from David Foster

It is all over for Yolanda Foster and David Foster.

We’ll wait for the shock to wear off before we continue…

… all set? Okay then:

In December, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star and the Grammy winner announced they were separating following four years of marriage and nine years together overall.

But the split is now official.

The documents, filed Monday in Los Angeles, cite “irreconcilable differences” and state that the twosome have been living apart for two months now.

Yolanda is seeking spousal support and legal fees from her soon-to-be-ex-husband.

“Sadly we have decided to go our separate ways,” the Fosters told People Magazine late last year.

“We’ve shared nine beautiful and joyous years together.

“During that time we experienced love, friendship and the inevitable challenges that come with managing a marriage, careers, blended families and health issues.”

It’s been a challenging several months overall for Yolanda, who has battled Lyme Disease in the public spotlight, sharing a recent photo of herself hooked up to an IV in the hospital.

But she has spoken very positively about David during this time, even saying at one point that he may have saved her life.

“We had a beautiful love story that I will treasure forever. Unfortunately it was not strong enough to withstand the circumstances that came our way,” Yolanda said in December when she called in to Watch What Happens Live.

She added via an entry on her official Bravo blog around that time:

“Having made great strides in the past six months, I remain hopeful and determined for a healthy future with love, light, and gratitude in my heart, because I am beyond blessed after all.”

We will watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online to see how this divorce plays out in future episodes and we send both Fosters our best wishes.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Yolanda Foster Shares Hospital Bed Selfie: "This is Not a Pity Party, Just Reality"

Yolanda Foster is putting the “real” in “Real Housewives.”

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Instagrammed a decidedly un-glam photo of herself hooked up to an IV in a hospital bed. The former model has been using the social media platform to chronicle every part of her life, including her three-year struggle with Lyme disease.

She captioned the pic: “I am not afraid for you to see me for who I really am and what my days are really like……I have learned to love every part of me without apology! Happy selfie-sad selfie, good days – bad days, with make up-no make up, boobs- no boobs.”

(Foster underwent surgery to remove her breast implants after a leak was discovered last year.)

In her determination to keep it real (really real, not “Real Housewives” real), the star may be throwing a wrench into the picture-perfect narrative that the other Housewives (and, uh, Bravo) may have you believe.

OMG, their lives aren’t all garden parties and Botox? SHOCKING!

She added:

“I can only hope that by sharing this not so glamorous journey, the millions of doubted & neglected Lyme sufferers will gain medical recognition of their illness and the appropriate treatment affordable for all. This is not a pity party, just reality with good intend #InvisableDisease”

We can’t help but wonder if the pic has generated a big roll of the eyes from fellow Housewife Taylor Armstrong, who last month admitted on the RHOBH that she finds Foster’s “happy selfie, sick selfie” posts “a little much.”

Sorry that the “whole needle-in-the-arm thing” makes you feel ooky, Taylor. Perhaps you’d be more comfortable if it were a needle-in-the-forehead? (Yep, we went there.)

Clearly, Foster isn’t deterred by her co-star’s comments in the slightest.

In fact, she may be a crusader in bringing awareness to Lyme disease, which is often misunderstood and affects more than 300,000 people annually.

If not diagnosed or treated in the early stages, the disorder can cause a host of symptoms ranging from fibromyalgia to neurological damage.

So ignore the haters, Ms. Yolanda. If sharing your not-so-pretty side helps others suffering, who cares if a few others can’t handle it.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Yolanda Foster: David May Have Saved My Life!

2015 has gone, and with it (hopefully) the worst.

Yolanda Foster is spending the holidays with her children, but she took some time to address the most recent episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and the heated debate over her illness.

“I am trying to watch the show with an open heart and no judgment of anyone in it as I choose to share my journey in order to bring awareness to Lyme disease and invisible chronic disease in general,” Foster wrote on her Bravo blog.

“I’m well aware that it opened up a storm of debate, but as long as we can speak with kindness and good intent, I believe that my quest for a cure will be rewarded one day.”

Foster then spoke about the obstacles she overcame to get to where she is today, which isn’t even 100%.

“After being properly diagnosed three years ago, I followed strict doctor’s orders 24/7 but made very slow progress as we slowly uncovered the mystery of my failing health,” Foster explained.

“Last June, David woke up one morning and said, ‘We are not doing any more treatments until you get a full body scan.’

“That scan probably saved my life, as doctors found free-floating silicone under my left arm pit, under my right clavicle bone, and under my rib cage.”

Foster spoke of regret over enhancing her features in the past with plastic surgery and injections.

“It’s fascinating to see how strong we really are,” she said.  “Our bodies are this extraordinary machinery that deals with whatever we throw at it. 

“Looking back, what was I ever thinking putting breast implants or the poison of Botox in my so perfectly healthy body?

“The truth is I wasn’t thinking but rather brainwashed by society’s perception of what a perfect woman should look like and into believing that any of these beautifying enhancements were safe.

“I know we all want to be a better version of ourselves…but please be conscious that the things we do to our bodies are too new for us to truly understand the side effects.”

Well said, Yo.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Yolanda Foster Cuts Off Contact With David Foster as Divorce Turns Ugly: Report

It’s been four weeks since we first learned that Yolanda and David Foster are getting divorced, and in that time, relations between the former model and the renowned music producer have gone from bad to worse.

While initial reports indicated that the split was amicable, several insiders have claimed that the Fosters have been living separate lives for over a year – and badmouthing one another for almost as long.

Apparently, the final straw came when David questioned if Yolanda is actually suffering from Lyme disease while speaking to a group of mutual friends.

Word reportedly got back to Yolanda, and now, what had been a relatively drama-free separation has deteriorated into an ugly divorce.

In fact Radar Online is reporting that Yolanda has cut off all communication with David and is now letting her lawyers do the talking.

“She is with the kids in Aspen and is enjoying downtime with family and close friends. Aspen has always been a very special place for the Yolanda,” says one insider.

“But there has been no communication with David. Things are still tense between them. David has remained in Los Angeles through Christmas and celebrated with his daughters.”

When reached for comment, lawyers for Yolanda declined to provide any information on whether or not she’s on speaking terms with her ex, but they did state that the former couple is currently “attempting to reach a settlement.”

Yolanda Foster: Bravo Exploits Me, But I Kinda Love It!

On the one hand, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is guilty of editing.

Yolanda Foster Makes a Snow Angel

On the other, a star is born!

“Yolanda is really mad about the editing that she is getting because she feels like Bravo is making it look like she’s faking her disease,” a source told Radar Online.

“She has fought so hard to get better and to portray her as exaggerating the disease is insulting her. She feels like she is being exploited.”

Yet, Foster is allegedly thrilled that she has found fame, albeit through a very taxing illness.

“The attention Yolanda has been getting from her illness and her divorce has made her a bigger star, and she really likes that,” the source added.

“Since she’s getting divorced she is thrilled that she is a famous name in her own right.

This is where it gets a little dramatic.

“Yolanda has always wanted to outshine the other women. She wants to be as famous as Kyle Richards or Lisa Vanderpump and now that they’re talking about her all the time she is becoming the bigger star.”

Foster has been working her whole life as a model, so I’m sure there’s a part of her that enjoys the limelight.  

However, I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she’s happy that her fight against Lyme disease is getting so much exposure.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Yolanda Foster Burns Spineless Co-Stars With Brilliant Words

Point: Yolanda.

I spent the better part of last night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills yelling at Lisa Rinna and Kyle Richards.  

For Rinna to question Yolanda Foster’s ongoing battle against Lyme disease merely a few episodes after visiting her medically-stocked condo is rather disgusting.

Then there’s Kyle, who listened to Rinna intently, then told the cameras she’d gladly throw Lips McGee under the bus if questioned by Yolanda.

“I do wonder though why these adult women sit around drinking wine in the afternoon debating another person’s health issues?” Yolanda wrote on her Bravo TV blog.

“As much as I wished they cared enough to learn and ask questions, I must blame it on and assume it’s ‘ignorance.’

“Rinna is right,” Yolanda continued.  “She’s only human and it takes a compassionate and confident woman to hold ground under social pressure – it’s so much easier to take the common road and get on board the train of the misinformed and the doubtful.”

If that isn’t the most eloquent insult I’ve ever read, then I will pierce Porsha’s ears myself.

“Few people have the ability to stay firm when they’re not educated or spiritually centered and not feed into the negativity otherwise known as gossip. 

“I don’t blame Rinna, Kyle or LVDP – I understand it and feel sorry to see my battle be such a point of weakness for them,” Yolanda concluded.

“If I let fear of what others say about me creep into my mind, I probably would not be where I am today.”

My heart broke for the Fosters, who were still together during filming.  You can see that there’s a real sense of respect between Yolanda and David.

Yolanda, for her part, tried to clear up any false reports about what caused her split from the Canadian music producer.

“David has been one of the guiding lights in my journey and even though we ran out of steam I will never allow anyone to discredit his persistence and commitment to my healthcare – I am eternally grateful.”

Today’s lesson is: Don’t question illness.  Even though Yolanda has made hers public, it’s still hers to fight and not ours to question.  

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

David Foster: Stop Talking About My Marriage to Yolanda!

Everyone mind your own damn business.

That’s the message David Foster is sending to the world after countless stories blame him for the end of David & Yolanda.

Foster and The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star announced their plans to divorce on December 1st, just a few hours before the Bravo show’s season premiere.

“Over the past few weeks, a great deal of inaccurate or baseless information has been reported claiming to represent my thoughts and feelings,” David said in a statement to Us Weekly.

“It is painful to watch this happen repeatedly — especially while trying to cope with the personal nature of the challenges surrounding the breakup of our loving marriage.”

David and Yolanda wed in 2011 after dating for five years.

“I have always had and continue to have the utmost respect and love for Yolanda, which is why it is so frustrating to see headlines questioning her chronic debilitating illness,” Foster added, referring to Yolanda’s fight against Lyme disease (she was diagnosed in 2012). 

“I have been by Yolanda’s side over the past four years to the best of my ability as she battled with the complexities of her Lyme diagnosis.”

“I am incredibly proud of Yolanda’s determination and mission to find a cure, and how brave and open she has been by sharing her story in the hopes of changing the future for others,” he said.

Yolanda has shared a few Instagrams about new beginnings, the latest being a shot from her high-rise LA condo.

“Sometimes what you are most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free…….. #WindowsToMyWorld #Home #NewBeginnings,” she wrote.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Yolanda Foster: My Lyme Disease is Cured!

Depending on whom you ask, this news is either highly unexpected or long overdue.

According to a new report from Radar Online, Yolanda Foster has informed her bosses at Bravo that her Lyme disease symptoms have disappeared, and she’s ready to resume a full-time shooting schedule.

As you may know, Foster was diagnosed back on 2012, and her health appeared to deteriorate rapidly in the years that followed.

However, several of those closest to the 51-year-old former model (including her Real Housewives of Beverly Hills co-stars) have stated that they believe Yolanda is faking her illness.

Apparently, the final straw came when Yolanda’s ex, David Foster, questioned if she’s really sick, and now the controversial reality star is ready to strike back:

“[Yolanda] has informed Andy Cohen she will definitely be on board for the upcoming reunion,” an insider tells the website.

“During the reunion last year, Yolanda was only able to film for under an hour because she was suffering from the effects of her Lyme disease. But this year she feels like it’s almost a full recovery.”

Ironically, the source says that it was her castmates’ claims that she’s faking her illness that inspired Yolanda to return to the show.

“With the Lyme disease controversy being Yolanda’s storyline this year, she is ready to fight back against accusations she has been faking it,” the insider claims.

“Yolanda won’t allow the other ladies to bully her about the hell she has been through. She’s feeling much stronger than she has in months, and the ladies are going to be in for a big surprise when Yolanda lights into them.”

Huh. Frankly, we don’t think surprising the other ladies with her health and vibrancy will make them feel guilty about questioning Yolanda’s illness, but you do you, YoFo.

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online to decide for yourself if Yolanda was crying wolf all along.