Showing posts with label Giudice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giudice. Show all posts

Friday, February 5, 2016

Teresa Giudice Can Finally Leave Her House

Teresa Giudice is officially a free woman.

About six weeks after leaving her prison in Danbury, the obnoxious reality star is no longer under house arrest and may return to her regular life without any legal restrictions holding her back.

“Effective this morning, Teresa is no longer subject to the parameters of home confinement. She is now free in all aspects from the custodial portion of her sentence,” attorney James Leonard tells People Magazine.

“The restitution has been paid in full and what remains is a two-year period of supervised release, the terms of which we will remain in full compliance with.”

Of course, the entire house arrest thing was a bit misleading to begin with.

Giudice was permitted to leave her property for work-related reasons, meaning she could film scenes for The Real Housewives of New Jersey… she could promote her memoir… she could make tons of money off her well-deserved stint in prison.

“She’s very excited and very much looking forward to starting a new chapter in her life,” Leonard adds to E! News.

The 43-year old was found guilty of fraud charges and sentenced to 15 months in jail in October 2014.

She then reported in January of last year to the Federal Correctional Institution, which is scarcely even a prison; it’s really a minimum-security satellite camp for women in Danbury, Connecticut.

The horrible excuse for a human being has since taken a few excursions to see family member or go shopping with permission of her probation officer – but will now be free to come and go as she pleases.

We hate her.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Teresa Giudice on Jail: There Was So Much Gay Sex!

Break out the violins, people.

Teresa Giudice is here to try and make you feel really bad for her.

The despicable human being has released a few excerpts from her upcoming memoir, “Turning the Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again.”

And the passage that is causing the most chatter across the Internet is the revelation that Teresa’s prison cell was nicknamed “The Boom Boom Room” because her fellow inmates often had sexual intercourse in it.

While others were around!

In a preview of the book (obtained by the New York Daily News), Giudice writes there were full-blown shower escapades, along late-night hook-ups while she tried to sleep.

“I could see two women … writhing around … I cannot believe this is happening!” Giudice writes.

She adds that heterosexual women became “gay for the stay” and that inmates would often trade sex for commissary money.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member (who was nicknamed “Hollywood” behind bars) was released from prison after 11 months in December.

She had been sentenced to time at the Danbury Federal Correctional Institution in Connecticut after pleading guilty fraud charges.

“I wanted to die,” she also writes in her memoir, according to the New York Daily News of the ordeal, explaining that she was ordered to hand over her rhinestone jacket and black leggings.

The nerve of that prison, huh? How dare they?!?

Giudice says she tried to focus on her family during this horrible period, especially her husband, Joe Giudice, even sending him an X-rated Father’s Day card that featured drawings of sexual positions.

“Madonna mia, I was dreaming of my husband,” she says in the book.

Turning the Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again hits shelves on Tuesday, February 9.

If you purchase it, you might as well go spend some money on psychiatric appointments as well.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Teresa Giudice Talks Strip Searches & Girl-on-Girl Inmate Action in New Memoir

From the moment she was sentenced to 15 months in prison for bankruptcy fraud, it was widely assumed that Teresa Giudice would release a lurid tell-all about her time behind bars.

As it turns out, Teresa’s memoir is finished and ready to hit stores months earlier than anyone expected.

The reason, it seems, is that Teresa worked at a furious pace while she was locked up.

According to Radar Online, one source who has read the book and is familiar with the circumstances behind its publication says Teresa pounded out pages under tremendously difficult conditions:

“There were concerns inmates would try and steal the book as it was being written,” the source said, adding that Teresa would write 20 or 30 pages at a time and then pass the book off to her lawyer for safekeeping.

The insider says that in the book – entitled Turning the Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again – Teresa reveals that the most humiliating part of her prison experience was the routine strip searches that she was subjected to as an inmate:

“The first strip search had Teresa completely rattled. It was humiliating” the source said.

“The prison staff were professionals, and did it very quickly. But after each visit with the family, Teresa would have to go through the process all over again.

“It became routine in the end, and she understood the staff were just doing their job. That’s covered in the book.”

Teresa also goes into detail regarding the love lives of her fellow prisoners:

“Teresa was stunned at the prison romances between the women,” the insider says.

“Obviously, Teresa didn’t hook up with anyone. There were some interested vibes that Teresa got from a couple of the ladies, but Teresa just ignored it.”

Of course, there were dark, lonely moments during her almost 12 months behind bars, and the insider says Teresa delves into her emotional struggle with surprising candor:

“During the first two weeks, Teresa cried every night,” the source says. “There were moments she didn’t know if she was going to make it for almost an entire year.

“Visits from the family and Teresa’s faith got her through the darkest times.”

Teresa’s book will be available in stores and online Februrary 9.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Teresa Giudice is "Boring" Following Release From Prison, Source Says

It’s been less than one month since Teresa Giudice was released from prison, and already, the troubled Housewife is stirring up controversy.

Unfortunately, it might not be the kind of drama that makes for good television.

Before she was even out of jail, we knew that Teresa would be returning to The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Naturally, she came with a hefty price tag, and now, Radar Online is reporting that the show’s producers are having second thoughts about their investment:

“Teresa’s drama, and especially her fights, are what people tuned in to see,” a production source tells the website.

“They wanted to see her have meltdowns and screaming fits. The producers are worried that the show won’t have any bite with her new calm attitude.

“The last season was a little boring and [producers] are worried about ratings if she doesn’t bring anything good to the table.”

The funny thing is, just last week, Teresa violated her probation and almost went back to prison.

The week before that, there was a controversy about Teresa’s new $ 95,000 car and her apparent lack of concern for paying back her creditors. 

Unfortunately, it’s Teresa’s attitude that made RHONJ so addictive at its peak, and insiders say prison has mellowed the 43-year-old out considerably.

“She basically has a ‘f**k it’ attitude. She figures nothing else that bad can happen to her,” the source says.

“She spent nearly a year away from her daughters that she loves so much. So she’s at peace with everything.”

Here’s hoping a zen-like Tre doesn’t make for a boring season of television.

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to relive the days when drama was definitely not in short supply.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Teresa Giudice STOPPED by Police, Nearly Violates Probation!

It’s been less than a month since Teresa Giudice was released from prison, and it looks like she came dangerously close to going back.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey star, who is on (obviously lenient) house arrest and probation, attended a red carpet event Thursday evening and was trying to rush home Cinderella-style to make her 10 p.m. curfew, according to TMZ.

But instead of a pumpkin-turned-stagecoach, she took an Uber.

She reportedly instructed the driver to step on the gas, which resulted in the car getting pulled over by the po-po.

As the officer was talking to the driver, Teresa interrupted and explained that she was the one who asked the driver to speed it up.

Lucky for her, the officer was feeling generous, or maybe he was a fan, because he let them off. 

The cop evidently recognized her and decided she’d had a tough enough year already.


Uber driver gets to keep his job and Teresa remains a (sort of) free woman.

The Housewife must be breathing a sigh of relief, because even though she may have had it easier than the rest of the prison inmates, she still had a rough go of it in the big house.

Maybe this close call was enough to give her a newfound appreciation of that tracking bracelet on her ankle.

One thing’s for sure: she better damn well have given that Uber driver a five star rating.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Teresa Giudice Makes First Public Appearance Since Prison!

It’s only been three weeks since Teresa Giudice was released from prison, and the troubled Jersey Housewife is still on house arrest.

But that doesn’t mean you can keep her away from a red carpet event.

Yes, with 15-year-old daughter Gia by her side, Teresa hit the town to celebrate the opening of sister-in-law Melissa Gorga’s high-end shoe store last night.

“I’m doing really good,” Giudice told Us Weekly at the event. “I feel great. Family is the most important thing to me and coming here to support her and my family is amazing.”

We’re assuming that Teresa asked her parole officer to switch turn off her tracking bracelet for the evening. 

Of course, as is always the case when Tre is involved, the night was not without its controversies.

Many wondered about the absence of Teresa’s husband, Joe Giudice, and Teresa and her daughter both rocked fur and leather, thus drawing criticism from animal rights groups.

But the biggest controversy of all surrounded, Teresa’s Chanel handbag, which fashion experts have estimated to be worth upwards of $ 3,000.

That’s not an insane amount of money for a red carpet statement piece, but given the fact that Teresa is fresh out of prison for bankruptcy fraud, and she’s already been criticized for receiving a $ 90,000 Lexus as a homecoming present, it’s a statement that rubbed many people the wrong way.

Ah, Teresa – we’ve missed you and your terrible decisions.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Teresa Giudice: Buy My Book So I Can Pay the Feds!

It’s only been three weeks since Teresa Giudice was released from prison, but the troubled Jersey Housewife is already plotting her career comeback.

Unfortunately, Teresa is on house arrest at the moment, so her options are limited, but according to Radar Online, Tre is already planning to take the Big Apple by storm once she loses the ankle bracelet.

The release of Teresa’s memoir – Turning the Tables: From Inmate to Housewife and Back Again – has been timed to coincide with the end of her house arrest sentence.

Teresa will be a free woman on February 5, the book hits stores February 9, and the Mrs. Giudice already has several book signings and promotional events lined up in Manhattan.

“Teresa is so excited to promote the book and leave the state of New Jersey!” a source close to the Giudice family tells Radar.

“She hasn’t been to New York City in over a year and misses it…She will be doing a full promotional tour for the memoir, which she wrote while behind bars.

“Expect to see Teresa on GMA, Bravo, and other media. There also will be book signings scheduled at all the hottest spots. More than anything, Teresa is so grateful for this second chance and to interact with her fans.”

Teresa still has a dark cloud hanging over her head, as Joe Giudice will begin his 41-month sentence sometime in the next two months, but sources say for right now, her primary concern is making money.

And it’s a good thing, because while she was locked it, Joe’s first priority was spending it!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Teresa Giudice: Planning For Life WITHOUT Joe Giudice!

It’s an odd time in the Giudice household.

Teresa Giudice was released from prison last month, but her family’s joy is tempered by the fact that Joe Giudice is soon to begin serving his own 41-month sentence.

But that may not be the only major change on the horizon for the man affectionately (and grossly) known as Juicy Joe.

Several insiders have reported that Teresa is planning to leave Joe once he’s safely behind bars.

It would be a smart move, as it’s been widely rumored that Joe cheated on Teresa repeatedly while she was locked up, and we imagine it’s pretty easy to dump someone when they’re already locked away for four years.

Unfortunately, Radar Online is reporting that Teresa is not planning to end her marriage, and is in fact already making arrangements to visit Joe in prison.

“Teresa doesn’t want there to be any delay in seeing Joe from the time he begins serving time,” says one insider.

“Those first few weeks were very, very hard for Teresa. The phone calls home helped, but Teresa couldn’t see Joe or the kids for weeks because of protocol, and she wants his transition to be as smooth as possible.”

Hopefully she’s at least planning on being photographed with some random dudes half her age to mess with him while he’s on the inside. 

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to relive some of the lowlights of the Giudice’s marriage.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Teresa Giudice: Tracking Bracelet Doesn"t Go With My Outfits!

Ugh, probation.  Amiright?

Teresa Giudice is out of jail, but not exactly free from the constraints of the law.  On probation until February 5th, Giudice is required to wear a tracking device on her ankle and adhere to her house arrest rules, which aren’t all that restrictive.

According to Radar Online, The Real Housewives of New Jersey star has a 9pm nightly curfew; if she has a work commitment that goes later, she has to run it by her probation officer.  She’s also “required to check in daily with the Federal Location Monitoring program” that oversees her house arrest.

This really puts a damper on Giudice’s social life, it appears.

“It’s embarrassing for Teresa because she wants to go into New York City with her friends,” a source told Radar.  “But that will have to wait for a bit.”  

The bracelet is less like an accessory and more like a big pain in the ass.

Giudice “isn’t a fan of wearing the ankle bracelet because it’s cumbersome and bulky.”  What’s more, it’s not conducive to the reality star’s style.

“Teresa wants to wear a short mini-skirt and heels, but that’s just not an option.”

All of this is better than being in jail, right?

While filming her return from the big house for RHONJ, Bravo pressured Giudice to show her bracelet to the cameras.

“She wasn’t happy to do it, but knew Bravo wanted it for the show,” the source added.

Happy New Year!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Teresa Giudice Has a Blast on New Year"s Eve!

Teresa Giudice said goodbye to the worst year of her life and hello to what she hopes will be the best year of her life on Thursday night.

And she did it with a former sworn enemy by her side.

As you can see above, the Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member through it down in New Year’s Eve alongside sister-in-law Melissa Gorga.

“About last night,” Gorga, 36, captioned an Instagram of the women posing in their evening wear, adding:

“Bring it on 2016!!”

Teresa, of course, was just released from prison on the morning of December 23.

She spent several months behind bars after pleading guilty to various forms of financial fraud in March of 2014.

You’d think she’d maybe be ashamed of those actions or wish to keep a low profile for a bit in order to prove that she’s learned some kind of lesson.

But nope.

Instead she arrived home to a brand new Lexus… filmed a video of herself wishing fans* a happy new year… and then made sure we all knew that she was back to her partying ways.

(*Can someone please explain to us how Teresa Giudice has a single fan? Someone? Anyone? Please? We’re dying to know the positive attributes people see in this horror of a human being.)

Look for Giudice to appear on a Bravo special in early 2016 and then to make her return later this year to The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

And look for us to have thrown our computer off a balcony right around that time.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Teresa Giudice Speaks Out: I"m Back!

Teresa Giudice is back, folks.

Yes, we already knew that. But now the disgraced Real Housewife of New Jersey has made it officially by actually speaking to her fans in a new Bravo-sponsored video.

"Hi everyone, I"m back!" the 43-year old says in the following footage. "I just want to wish everyone a Happy New Year. It"s gonna be a great 2016. Love, love, love you all."

Of course it"s gonna be a great 2016 for Teresa.

For one, she won"t be spending it behind bars in Connecticut, which is where she found herself for most of 2015 as a result of lying to the government on mortgage and bankruptcy forms.

The mother of four will also return to The Real Housewives of New Jersey next year, earning a huge salary in the process.

Giudice was released from jail on December 23, just in time to spend Christmas with her family… and to receive a Lexus as a gift because she totally deserves to drive a luxury car.

She must wear an ankle monitor to document her whereabouts for the next month or so.

However, she"s permitted to leave the premises of her house for specific reasons, such as work obligations, doctor"s appointments, legal meetings and certain family functions.

Like Christmas parties, apparently.

Are you glad to have Teresa Giudice back in your life? Have you scheduled an appointment yet for therapy if you answer "yes" to that question?

Check out the Bravo video now:

Teresa giudice speaks out im back

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Teresa Giudice Makes Peace With Melissa Gorga Post-Prison

Last week, Teresa Giudice was released from prison after serving almost a year behind bars on bankruptcy fraud charges.

In the days since her triumphant return home, Teresa has spent time with her family and offered holiday greetings to her fans.

There have been rumors that the experience of being locked up has changed Teresa for the better, but we found it a bit hard to believe at first.

After all, she received a Lexus as a coming home present, and sources say she’s been talking about her “comeback” non-stop.

Sounds like the same old T to us. 

The latest report from Radar Online, however, has us thinking that Tre may have actually changed her ways.

The website claims that one of Teresa’s first orders of business was making amends with Melissa Gorga, her sister-in-law and longtime rival.

“Christmas Eve was a time for new beginnings for Melissa and Teresa,” a source tells the website. “They had a very real heart to heart as soon as Teresa arrived at Melissa’s house. It lasted for about forty-five minutes.

“The two have had their issues over the years but Teresa gained a new perspective on their relationship while she was in prison.

“Her brother, Joe, obviously loves Melissa, and Teresa recognizes that is really all that matters. They hope to move forward with new respect and admiration for each other.”

If you’re thinking that scene sounds a little schmaltzy and disingenuous, you’re not alone.

The insider says many in Teresa’s inner circle believe the kiss-and-make-up session was staged for the show.

“Why didn’t Melissa once visit Teresa in prison? The minute the cameras stop rolling, they’ll probably be back not speaking again,” says one source close to Teresa.

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to see if Teresa and Melissa are besties or bogus.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Teresa Giudice: Will She Stand By Joe Giudice? Decision REVEALED!

Teresa Giudice has reportedly reached a final decision as to whether she will remain married to (alleged) womanizer husband Joe. 

That decision may come as a surprise to many fans, too.

As the one-week anniversary of Teresa Giudice’s release from prison approaches, it did not take the star long to plan out her future:

She’s gonna be standing by her man, come what may!

Sources told Radar that despite countless rumors (and multiple pictures) of Joe Giudice cheating, Tre refuses to discuss the gossip.

Either she truly doesn’t believe it ever happened, is living in denial or she knows he cheated and doesn’t care. Regardless:

“Teresa says she has no reason to question whether Joe was unfaithful while she was away,” one close source explained.

“As far as she is concerned, there is just no proof.”

There isn’t? Guess someone hasn’t seen the pictures of him hanging out with strip club employee Samary Graulau in Newark.

This is her plan and she’s sticking to it, in any case.

“Teresa won’t be looking back at the past year while she was in prison, and is just focusing on the present,” the source said.

“She isn’t even discussing Joe’s upcoming looming prison sentence. The land of denial is just easier for Teresa to live in.”

Indeed. Plus, he took care of their four daughters. How bad could he be? “Joe did so well with the girls,” the insider adds.

Another source insisted, “even after everything they have been through, Teresa just won’t believe Joe is capable of cheating on her.”

“Divorce isn’t an option. Teresa will always stand by him.”

We’d say it’s her loss, but the dude is going to the slammer for a period of years, so at least she knows he can’t hire strippers in there.

She’s a free woman with a new Lexus, a reality TV show to film and no felonious ball and chain to bother her for a long ass while now.

Living the dream.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Teresa Giudice Returns Home, Throws It Down for Christmas

Teresa Giudice didn’t just return home in time for the holidays this year.

She returned home in time to celebrate the holidays.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member – who was released from prison early on the morning of December 23, – spent Christmas Eve at her brother’s house last week, throwing it down with various members of her annoying family.

As those who often watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online know all too well, Giudice has often clashed with sister-in-law Melissa Gorga.

But Us Weekly confirms that the relatives put their differences aside in honor of this holiday season.

“They had a really nice family dinner,” a source tells the tabloid, labeling the gathering as “intimate” and saying it included the Giudices, the Gorgas and Teresa and Joe’s parents. 

In news that will take no one by surprise, Bravo cameras were rolling throughout the get-together.

Melissa and Teresa had a conversation where they talked through their relationship and talked about how to move forward,” the source adds of something that doesn’t sound at all scripted.

Giudice, of course, spent the past several months behind bars in Danbury, Connecticut after pleading guilty to various kinds of financial fraud in March of 2014.

But she’s already starting to cash in on her freedom, as a paparazzi photo agency paid Giudice money to snap exclusive photos of this Christmas Eve bash.

Sources say that Bravo is likely to air an upcoming special about Teresa and her family in the aftermath of her prison stint.

It will likely air this spring, right around the time when husband Joe Giudice begins his length stay behind bars for committing the same acts of fraud.

These two people really, really suck.

We feel badly for their four children.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Teresa Giudice Car Controversy: Why is She Driving a Lexus?

Teresa Giudice has been out of jail for about 24 hours now.

And she’s already stirring up money-related controversy.

As previously detailed, Giudice was released from a prison in Danbury early Wednesday morning, reuniting with her husband and four children after nearly a year behind bars.

She had been incarcerated due to her admitted role in a mortgage and bankruptcy scheme in which she and Joe Giudice lied to the government about their income and assets.

For some strange reason, many people out there welcomed Giudice home.

But then many others took major issues with the gift that awaited Teresa once she arrived home.

Husband Joe presented his law-breaking with a black Lexus SUV, even wrapping it with a large bow. The car retails for $ 95,000.

But didn’t the family file for bankruptcy in 2011? 

Didn’t Joe say at the time that they were $ 11 million in debt and don’t they now owe, like, half a kajillion dollars in restitution?

Heck, purely for appearance’s sake, shouldn’t the first purchase Joe makes for Teresa after she leaves jail for illegally hiding money perhaps not be a luxury vehicle?!?

“She needs a car. End of story – just like anyone else who needs a car,” attorney James J. Leonard, Jr. tells People as an explanation for the purchase.

Of course… Giudice is under house arrest until February 5.

She can only leave home for work.

We’re guessing Bravo would gladly send someone to pick her up. We’re positive that taxi services and Uber both exist where she resides in New Jersey.

We’re sure Joe has a car that she can use, especially considering he won’t need it after turning himself into authorities in March and starting his own prison stint.

Teresa Giudice is most definitely not like “anyone else who needs a car,” most notably because a significant majority of the population can’t even afford the car she just got.

Man. This family sucks more than any family in the history of the world has ever sucked.

Thanks for the Christmas wishes, Teresa. We don’t wish you physical harm. But we hope you crash.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Teresa Giudice Wishes You a Merry Christmas

Christmas came a couple days early for Teresa Giudice and her family.

Early Wednesday morning, the detestable reality star was released from a prison in Connecticut after spending nearly a year there due to her admitted role in a bankruptcy and mortgage fraud scheme.

Bravo cameras were not permitted to film Teresa’s actual departure from the correctional facility in Danbury, but we’ve learned they are already inside her home, gathering up footage for an upcoming special.

We can’t wait.

(NOTE: If that sarcasm failed to successfully come through your computer screen, allow us to emphasize: we totally can wait.)

According to various outlets, meanwhile, Teresa was driven from the jail by her lawyer and reunited inside her mansion with husband Joe Giudice and the couple’s four daughters:

Gia, 14, Gabriella, 11, Milania, 10, and Audriana, 6.

For the sake of those poor children, we actually are very happy that their mother is back home.

“It was very emotional,” attorney James J. Leonard Jr. told reporters about his wife’s reunion with her children. “It was a private moment but it was very emotional, very powerful and it was something to see.”

How many people out there want to wager that this “private moment” will be featured on Bravo some time in the near future?

Leonard added that his client had a message she wanted him to pass along.

“Merry Christmas. Happy New Year….all of you should go be with your families and your loved ones,"” he quoted her as saying.

Giudice has already been welcomed home by friends and random Twitter users, though her release does come with certain conditions.

She must remain on home confinement, wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet, until February 5. which was her original early release date.

However, Giudice will be allowed to work, meaning shooting on a new season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey can now begin at any time.

For his role in the same set of financial frauds and schemes, Joe Giudice will begin serving a 41-month prison sentence in March

Teresa Giudice: Welcomed Home by Co-Stars, Random Twitter Users

Time has been served for Teresa Giudice.

As previously reported, the law-breaking Real Housewife of New Jersey has completed her stint in Connecticut’s Danbury Federal Correctional Institution and has returned home to her family.

She will spend Christmas Eve with her four kids; her husband; her brother, Joe Gorga; and her sister-in-law, Melissa Gorga.

Despite all she has been through with Melissa Gorga, an insider tells Us Weekly that the relatives are “on the best terms they’ve ever been on” because each has realized what’s “important in life.”

With her husband set to turn himself in at the Fort Dix Federal Correctional Institution in New Jersey in just a few months – due to his role in the couple’s bankruptcy fraud scheme to which both halves have guilty – Teresa will supposedly be having lots of sex with Joe.

She’ll also be appreciating the holidays with her family, while being welcomed with open arms across the social media universe.

“I can’t believe its been a year already,” Tamra Judge wrote on Facebook in regard go Teresa.

“So happy that she gets to spend the holidays with her family, has to the best Christmas gift ever her children.”

Added Kyle Richards:

“This morning I’m thinking about how much I love @amyschumer & how happy I am about @Teresa_Giudice coming home for Christmas #RandomThoughts.”

And Amber Marchese:

“I am so happy for her. I really am. Mother and her babies united as they should be. It is a true Christmas blessing. I wish the Guidice family nothing but continued happiness, love, and blessings.”

Not only are fellow Real Housewives happy for Teresa, but random folks across the Internet also seem to be thrilled for her… for some reason.

  • Congratulations to @Teresa_Giudice on your arrival home. Soak up every moment and every this extra special Christmas! #RHONJ. (@shannonpglover)

  • Today is THE most important day of the year! @Teresa_Giudice is released from prison. (@Gay__MD)

  • #sorrynotsorry I’m thrilled 4 girls have their mom back. Leave them alone. #RHONJ. (@presleyschair)

It’s a deal, @presleyschair.

We’ll leave Teresa alone as soon as she stops trying to make money off the time she spent in prison for blatantly breaking the law. Okay?

23 Teresa Giudice GIFs That Should Worry Joe (and Everyone Else)

When a cast member of Bravo"s The Real Housewives of New Jersey gets sent up the river, you might think she"s in for a world of pain.

Not necessarily in this case.

We knew going int the year she spent at Danbury Federal Correctional, nicknamed Camp Cupcake, that Tre is no cupcake herself.

Now that Giudice"s release is imminent on December 23, 2015, we"ll see if her cheating, fellow felon of a spouse Joe runs for the hills.

We might after seeing this.

These GIFs prove that while prison is no picnic, she"ll likely go down as one of the baddest b!tches in the minimum security lockup.

Joe"s got nothin" on Tre.

1. Table Flipping Fiend

Table flipping fiend

Teresa Giudice is not gonna take any crap. Her table-flipping reputation will precede her in prison, thanks to The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 1.

2. The F–k Off Me!

The f k off me

Do not put your hands on Teresa Giudice. Step the f–k off.

3. B!tch Slap a B!tch

B tch slap a b tch

Sometimes b!tches just have a good b!tch slap coming.


Motherf ker

Teresa Giudice has to be held back in this classic Real Housewives of New Jersey Gif-able moment.

5. Bust You in the Eye With My 9mm

Bust you in the eye with my 9mm

Teresa Giudice and her associates do not mess around. Take heed.

6. Wahhh, You Threw a Table at Me

Wahhh you threw a table at me

Yes, Teresa Giudice threw a table at you, Danielle Staub. Why don’t you go cry about it.

View Slideshow

Teresa Giudice: Out of Jail! Ready for Comeback!

The long national nightmare is about to begin once again:

Teresa Giudice has been released from prison.

Just in time for Christmas, the Danbury Correctional Facility has decided to give us all coal in our stockings, letting The Real Housewives of New Jersey star go after nearly a year behind bars.

She must spend the next 60 days in a halfway house, and husband Joe Giudice will soon begin serving his multi-year stint in jail, but the Giudices will at least be together as a family on December 25.

Yay? We guess? For the sake of their four daughters at least.

Teresa and Joe pleaded guilty to multiple counts of financial fraud back in March of 2014.

They were then sentenced to separate prison stays in order for one parent to always be at home with their children.

Despite actually being an inmate, Teresa has (of course) managed to remain largely in the news, posing at one point for a spread in Us Weekly and pushing her new memoir while in prison.

“Everyone’s just very proud of how she’s handled things and gotten through it and stayed strong,” an insider told E! News earlier this month.

“They’re really thankful she’s finally coming home.”

But will we be able to see Giudice again when we watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online or on television next year?

Most likely. The horrible mother is ratings gold.

But TMZ reports that Bravo cameras will start rolling on Teresa, Joe and their four kids as soon as the former is home.

Considering the success of October’s special, “The Real Housewives of New Jersey: Teresa Checks In,” this footage will likely be used for yet another Teresa Giudice special, which will air some time this spring.

We can only imagine the amount of money Giudice will rake in from that… and from her actual Real Housewives of New Jersey salary… and from the magazine interviews she is guaranteed to give.

Deep sigh.

Crime really does pay for some people

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Teresa Giudice to Be Released From Prison Tomorrow! Check Out Her Plan to Avoid the Paparazzi!

We hope you’re ready to celebrate, because after weeks of anticipation, the big day is almost here.

No, we’re not talking about Christmas; we’re talking about Teresa Giudice’s release from prison!

Months ago, we learned that Teresa would be released in time for the holidays, and now it looks like prison officials will keep their promise (without much time to spare), as several sources are reporting that she’ll be a free woman again on December 23.

Teresa will have to live in a halfway house for at least 60 days, and her husband, Joe Giudice, will begin serving his 41-month sentence shortly thereafter, but for now, Teresa is worried more immediate problems.

Namely, she’s concerned about the paparazzi that are sure to be lurking outside of Danbury Correctional Facility in anticipation of her release.

“Photographers are expected to begin surrounding the premises ahead of the December 23 release,” an source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“Prison officials at Danbury Correctional Facility have been made aware that there even will be helicopters trying to get Teresa on camera coming out of there!”

The insider says Teresa has been working with prison officials to arrange a secret escape route so that the paps won’t even know she’s been released. 

“Teresa doesn’t want this to turn into a media frenzy,” the source said.

“While this is a very happy time for her, being released, Teresa is very grateful to the prison staff for being so professional during her time beyond bars. She doesn’t want her release to create chaos for them.”

The insider says that Teresa doesn’t want to the subject of any unflattering candid shots while she’s leaving prison, and, of course, she;’s hoping to sell her first post-prison photos for big bucks.

Never change, Teresa. never change.