Showing posts with label Honor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Honor. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Omaha Mom Donates 131 Gallons of Breast Milk to Honor Late Son

Demi Frandsen, an Omaha, Nebraska mom, is being hailed as an inspiration and hero to her community for an incredible feat of generosity:

She donated 17,503 oz., or 131 gallons, of breast milk to her local hospital in honor of her late son, who passed away at just 10 months old.

Frandsen spent months at the NICU at the Children"s Hospital and Medical Center after her baby son Leo was born two months premature.

Leo suffered from gastroschisis, from which he never recovered.

"There was no skin to pull over his exposed organs," Frandsen said, noting that "it was kind of a new case they had not seen before."

From the beginning, Leo had trouble taking in Frandsen"s milk.

It was one of the few ways in which his mother could feel like she was caring for him while Leo was covered in wires in the NICU, however.

"With a q-tip we"d put it in my milk and we"d swab his mouth," she says of Leo, who tragically passed away on October 22.

Frandsen and her family are still coping with his death.

"We"re still trying to figure out how to live a life without such a big part of it, a little piece of our soul," she says of the tragic loss.

"We miss our Leo," she laments, calling it ever-present.

"It"s not even day to day. It"s moment to moment."

Frandsen wanted to give back to the hospital that took care of her son for his entire life, so even before he died she started doing so.

She donated all the milk he couldn"t drink.

After he died, she kept up the effort, waking up every three hours to pump: "My final donation was 17,503 ounces, which is 131 gallons."

"So, a dairy aisle, basically."

Now Frandsen"s breast milk can go to babies developing in the NICU, just like Leo, and just maybe, nourish them to good health.

"He was worth it. He was worth all of this," Frandsen said.

"His life in 10 months was the best 10 months of mine."

Rest in peace, Leo – and bless his mom"s heart.

Nebraska mom donates 131 gallons of breast milk to honor late so

Monday, August 1, 2016

Teen Choice Awards Honor Gun Violence Victims, Ask to #StopTheViolence

The Teen Choice Awards are not known as one of the more serious ceremonies in Hollywood.

This year’s version, for example was co-hosted by John Cena and Victoria Justice.

It also hands out surfboards instead of trophies and its categories include Choice AnTEENcipated Movie Actor and Choice Female Hottie.

Still, on Sunday evening, the 2016 Teen Choice Awards stopped and took a few moments to go from goofy to emotional.

Joined on stage by the loved ones of victims killed in recent shootings, Jessica Alba told their stories and the stories of the family members these people lost.

“Here with me tonight is a group of brave teenagers who share an unlikely bond that is hard to comprehend. They are the brothers, sisters, daughters and family members of recent victims of gun violence,” the actress said to open her speech.

“I am talking about Aurora, Baton Rouge, Dallas, Minneapolis, Orlando, San Bernardino, Newtown. It keeps happening, and it has to stop.”

Alba went on to say that each teenager on stage was connected to someone who died via gun violence.

It was tragic stuff to hear.

“J.T. [Lewis] was just like you, until he lost his 6-year-old little brother, Jesse Lewis, one of the 26 victims of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in Newtown,” Alba said, adding more names to the list:

“Jolene and Colin wake up every day missing their mother, Bennetta Betbadal, who was one of the 14 people killed in San Bernardino.”

Some critics may say this was an inappropriate platform to use in order to send a political message.

But nearly anyone with a pulse had to be moved by the message anyway.

“Tonight we stand together with these teens, united in our call for peace and an end to this violence,” Alba said. “Now more than ever we need to stop, feel and ask what’s going on.”

From there, Ne-Yo took the stage to perform Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On.”

As he sang this classic track, photos of gun-violence victims and their families flashed on a screen behind him.

Again, powerful stuff.

“These teens had the courage to come here and share their grief and take a stand,” Alba told the crowd after Ne-Yo performance. “And tonight, Ne-Yo and I and all of us here and all of you watching need to do the same.”

Ne-Yo then asked attendees to come together as one by snapping a picture of the teens on stage and Tweeting it with the hashtag “#StopTheViolence.”

This isn’t the first time this summer that an awards ceremony sent an emotional message in regard to ongoing violence affecting America.

Take a look below at four of the best basketball players on the planet opening the ESPYs by talking about troubled race relations in the country:

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Kate Middleton: Will She Be Pippa"s Matron of Honor?

Her older sister allowed her to share the spotlight at the royal wedding.  Will Pippa Middleton return the favor?

In short, no.  

When Middleton confirmed her engagement to financier James Matthews today in London, many thought that perhaps the Duchess of Cambridge would serve as her Matron of Honor.

Catherine, first of all, doesn’t need a hand when it comes to the spotlight.  In fact, Her Royal Highness has opted out of several friends’ weddings and parties for fear that she’d take attention away from someone’s big moment.

As far as MOH duties go, it’s not likely that Catherine will accept such an invitation for her little sister’s big day.  Not because it’s beneath her personally, but because it’s beneath her status as a member of the royal family.

Snobby and archaic as the thought may be, it wouldn’t befit Catherine to be seen tending to Pippa’s train, following her and Michael Middleton down the aisle, and ushering  young bridesmaids and pageboys in and out of waiting cars.

Behind the scenes, this could be a different story.  When in the company of her family, Catherine is at ease, rolling up her sleeves to get to work with the best of them.  

Make no mistake, Catherine will do everything she can to help Pippa plan and prepare for her wedding in 2017.

Publicly, though, it’s my belief that she will not be part of the wedding party.

Historically speaking, young royals have most certainly been part of the festivities.  When the Queen was just a princess, she was served several royal wedding parties.

Princess Margaret was a bridesmaid to Her Majesty in 1947, when they were both princesses.

Prince William was in Prince Andrew and the Duchess of York’s 1986 nuptials, and Prince Harry carried out similar duties in 1989 at his maternal uncle, Charles Spencer’s wedding to Victoria Lockwood.

True, Prince William’s cousin, Zara Phillips was a bridesmaid in her sister-in-law Autumn Phillips party, but Phillips is an exception in that she lives her life like a private citizen, despite being the Queen’s granddaughter.  

Because of this and Phillips’ normal approach to life (her mother, Princess Anne opted not to give her and her older brother, Peter titles), it was not surprising to see her tending to Autumn’s train.

Seeing as Catherine goes to great lengths not to stir up controversy, it’s not likely that we’ll see her doing the same come Pippa’s big day.  

She may have been a commoner once upon a time, but because of Catherine’s station, the sight of a future queen consort in a bridesmaid dress (no matter how flattering it looks) wouldn’t go over well with her in-laws.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Bride Helps Maid of Honor Get Engaged in Coolest of Ways

A few weeks ago, we shared a wedding video that we guaranteed would make you cry.

We"re now excited to present a wedding video that we guarantee will leave you standing up and cheering.

In the following piece of footage, a woman is on the beach with her bridesmaids and her bouquet, prepared to toss the latter to the former in order to see who will get married next.

Per tradition, of course.

But the bride then stops right before letting go of her flowers.

She proceeds to walk over and hand them to her very best friend, Marcie.

At that point, the groom’s very best friend, Lauren, walked over and got down on one knee to propose.

How cool is that?!? Talk about a selfless act, right?

How many brides and grooms out there would be willing to cede the spotlight on their big day to their friends?

Playing a major role in ceding said spotlight, no less. We love it.

Watch the full video below and ask yourself:

Could you do such a thing for your best friend on your big day?

Weigh that question and check out the romantic couple of minutes now:

Bride helps maid of honor get engaged in coolest of ways

Monday, June 27, 2016

Spike Lee Tries, Fails to Honor Prince at 2016 BET Awards

We can likely all agree that Spike Lee’s heart was in the right place at the 2016 BET Awards.

As was the case with so many other stars who walked the red carpet and sat in the audience for this event, the movie directed wanted to honor Prince.

But he did not take to the stage and belt out a memorable rendition of a classic Prince song, as artists such as Jennifer Hudson and Shiela E. so impressively did.

(You can check out Hudson’s performance below.)

Nor did Lee deliver a stirring speech about the iconic singer, who died at the age of 57 on April 21.

Instead, Lee raised many eyebrows and drew the rebuke of Twitter by attempting to dress just like the legendary musician.

There was the purple suit… the Prince symbol pin over his chest… and the giant hat.

Oh, man. That giant hat. It has become the target of a lot of ire over social media.

“I know Spike Lee is dressed to honor Prince, but that hat makes him look like Johnny Depp in every movie he’s ever been in,” wrote Dave Schilling.

@TheMovement, meanwhile, wrote that “Spike Lee came to the #BETAwards as Willy Wonka,” while @ReignOfApril made a reference to “The Mad Hatter.”

The point of nearly any tribute, of course, is to draw attention to the person who passed away, not to yourself.

In this regard, Lee unquestionably failed.

But it wasn’t the first time he went to a fashionable extreme in order to remember Prince.

Take note below of how Lee looked during a birthday celebration for Prince that he helped organize in Brooklyn back on June 4:

In the end, Lee can’t sing like Hudson. So what is he supposed to do as a mere attendee at the BET Awards?

He deserves credit for at least trying to honor Prince, even if his outfit did leave us wondering whether or not the Oompa Loompas would be making an appearance at the ceremony.

Spike Lee Tries, Fails to Honor Prince at 2016 BET Awards

We can likely all agree that Spike Lee’s heart was in the right place at the 2016 BET Awards.

As was the case with so many other stars who walked the red carpet and sat in the audience for this event, the movie directed wanted to honor Prince.

But he did not take to the stage and belt out a memorable rendition of a classic Prince song, as artists such as Jennifer Hudson and Shiela E. so impressively did.

(You can check out Hudson’s performance below.)

Nor did Lee deliver a stirring speech about the iconic singer, who died at the age of 57 on April 21.

Instead, Lee raised many eyebrows and drew the rebuke of Twitter by attempting to dress just like the legendary musician.

There was the purple suit… the Prince symbol pin over his chest… and the giant hat.

Oh, man. That giant hat. It has become the target of a lot of ire over social media.

“I know Spike Lee is dressed to honor Prince, but that hat makes him look like Johnny Depp in every movie he’s ever been in,” wrote Dave Schilling.

@TheMovement, meanwhile, wrote that “Spike Lee came to the #BETAwards as Willy Wonka,” while @ReignOfApril made a reference to “The Mad Hatter.”

The point of nearly any tribute, of course, is to draw attention to the person who passed away, not to yourself.

In this regard, Lee unquestionably failed.

But it wasn’t the first time he went to a fashionable extreme in order to remember Prince.

Take note below of how Lee looked during a birthday celebration for Prince that he helped organize in Brooklyn back on June 4:

In the end, Lee can’t sing like Hudson. So what is he supposed to do as a mere attendee at the BET Awards?

He deserves credit for at least trying to honor Prince, even if his outfit did leave us wondering whether or not the Oompa Loompas would be making an appearance at the ceremony.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Kelly Osbourne Finds Unique Way to Honor Orlando Victims

Kelly Osbourne has found an unusual way to honor the victims of last week’s horrible terrorist attack in Orlando.

While many celebrities have expressed their sympathy over the 49 people who were killed inside Pure nightclub, and while some have pushed for better gun control, Osbourne is the first to get a tattoo on her head in tribute of those who perished.

At least the first that we know if.

The fashion guru and former reality star debuted this new piece of ink via her Instagram account yesterday.

It reads “Solidarity” and Osbourne got it done as a show of support for the LGBT community.

The terrorist who committed this unspeakable atrocity, Omar Mateen, targeted Pure because he believed the gay lifestyle to be a sin.

This is what Osbourne wrote as a caption to the image above:

Solidarity: “Noun. Unity of feeling of individuals with a common interest or purpose.”

Individually, we have rights and unique gifts. Together, we have strength and powerful harmony. I have wanted to get this tattoo for a long time. The tragedy in Orlando devastated me and reminded me that every moment of our lives is precious.

Every human is precious. Love hard. Live gracefully, authentically and with conviction, respect, purpose and compassion. Together we achieve what is impossible to those who stand alone.

Those of us who embrace and respect freedom stand together, progress together, celebrate together and grieve together.

You are not alone.

This is actually not the first time Osbourne has gotten a tattoo on her head… this month.

Just a few days ago, she shared an etching online that reads “Stories.”

It was accompanied by a caption that asked “what’s your story?”


Osbourne’s story appears to be one of compassion.

She may express it in unexpected, unique ways. But it’s better than not caring, right?

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

13 Ecstatic Dog GIFs in Honor of National Puppy Day

These are the happiest dogs we"ve ever seen. Click through these amazing GIFs and just try not to smile.

1. Having a Ball!

13 ecstatic dog gifs having a ball

Screw that! I’m having myself dozens and dozens and dozens of balls!


13 ecstatic dog gifs bubbles

OMG, OMG, OMG… which one should I bite first?!?

3. Dinner Time!

13 ecstatic dog gifs dinner time

I wonder what’s on the menu tonight!

4. My Human is Home!

13 ecstatic dog gifs my human is home

Hooray! Walk, here I come!

5. I’m Ticklish!

13 ecstatic dog gifs im ticklish

Stop it! Stop it! Okay, I’m lying: keep going!

6. Pure. Heaven.

13 ecstatic dog gifs pure heaven

There is a God.

View Slideshow

Friday, March 11, 2016

Emily Ratajkowski Posts Nude Selfie in Honor of Kim Kardashian

Earlier this week, Kim Kardashian posted a nude selfie on Instagram.

Given how many times we’ve seen Kim naked in the past, it wasn’t exactly earth-shattering news, but for some reason this particular pic inspired a number of online debates and a slew of celebrity imitators.

As you can see, Emily Ratajkowski is the latest celeb to jump on the naked bathroom selfie bandwagon, and while we’re usually quick to criticize social media trends, we’re hoping this one continues until the end of time.

As a nod to Kimmy K’s original post, EmRat captioned the above photo, “What to wear tonight?”

She’s in Paris for Fashion Week, and while clothes are obviously the focus of the event, we doubt anyone would complain if Emily spent the next few days strutting around just like that. 

Ms. Ratajkowski has been getting a lot of attention on social media lately, and not just for the reasons that are almost on display here.

Yes, Emily has been flashing her boobs, which is kinda her thing, but she’s also been campaigning hard for her candidate of choice, Bernie Sanders.

We’re not sure if Emily will convince anyone to feel the Bern, but with pics like this, she’s definitely got lots of folks feeling something.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Courtney Stodden Goes Nude in Honor of Kim Kardashian

If you’ve been anywhere near the Internet in the past two days, you know that Kim Kardashian posted a nude photo which for some reason has launched the weirdest debate since Donald Trump defended his penis size to Marco Rubio.

In the 48 hours since she posted the pic, Kim has been attacked as a bad role model, and accused of sending a negative message to her youngest fans. Fortunately, she’s got at least one fellow selfie-obsessed Instagram queen in her corner.

Yes, that’s Courtney Stodden doing her best interpretation of Kim’s now-famous masterpiece “Naked in the Bathroom Mirror #27.”

“Working on a new single! It’s coming out soon… Oh & I can’t find anything to wear either, Kim! #girlproblems #kimkardashian,” Courtney captioned the pic.

We don’t want to weigh in on the Kim issue, but we will say this  – Courtney is really setting a terrible and doing herself a tremendous disservice here.

Seriously – releasing a new single? What is the thinking?!

We’re just now getting over Courtney’s first single, which makes Rebecca Black’s “Friday” sound like a Mozart concerto.

We fully of approve of Courtney getting naked, but her attempts at starting a music career have got to stop.

Courtney, it’s 2016. We might be on the verge of our first female president. You don’t need to “sing” to get attention.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 15 Recap: Objection, Your Honor!

On The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 15, Lisa Rinna shocked Eileen Davidson with some of her personal views.

Meanwhile, Erika hosted a party to introduce her husband …

Picking up where we left off a week prior, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 15 delivered a whole mess of drama.

What about? We’ll give you one guess if you even need it.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, you know that the Bravo cast is being splintered into two groups of co-stars:

  1. Those who seem to be looking for drama 24/7/365;

  2. Those who sort of can’t believe group #1 exists.

Lisa Rinna falls into the former category these days, proving it by unloading on Yolanda Foster during a beach stroll with Eileen Davidson.

“I think she’s more manipulative than anybody,” Rinna said.

She then retold how she told Lisa Vanderpump and Kyle Richards about having earlier gossiped about her having Munchausen syndrome.

Rinna crafted some new chapters in this re-telling, however.

Vanderpump, by her latest account, was the one who manipulated Rinna into even bringing any of it up to the other women. So there.

“I’ve allowed myself to be used as a pawn,” Rinna said.

Davidson wasn’t entirely buying what she was selling. Eileen told the cameras: “To bring [Kyle and Lisa] into this? Wow. That’s inflammatory.”

Eileen also said she was not ashamed to admit that given Yolanda Foster’s Lyme disease, she was giving her the benefit of the doubt.

“No one else has to agree with me at all,” Rinna responded.

She added, “My gut says, ‘Run for the f–king hills, lady."”

Meanwhile, Erika Girardi hosted a dinner party that went totally haywire thanks Kathryn Edwards, who came to face the music herself.

Edwards’ decision to tell Vanderpump that Girardi told her Vanderpump was a spider, a manipulative spinner of webs, came to a head.

Yes, these are actual issues in the lives of these people.

Eventually, Edwards conceded that she partially told Vanderpump what Girardi said to “get a reaction,” but that’s all she would admit.

Later, when they were working on a house for charity, Edwards and Girardi went at it once again, and things got heated, until the unthinkable:

Kathryn apologized! What she thought was something minor had actually been hurtful and offensive, and wow, she was sorry about that.

They hugged it out, and agreed to move forward.

No, it’s not an April Fool’s Day prank. “Instead of it being like a big mystery, talk to each other,” Eileen said, and her sage wisdom prevailed.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 15 Recap: Objection, Your Honor!

On The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 15, Lisa Rinna shocked Eileen Davidson with some of her personal views.

Meanwhile, Erika hosted a party to introduce her husband …

Picking up where we left off a week prior, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 15 delivered a whole mess of drama.

What about? We’ll give you one guess if you even need it.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, you know that the Bravo cast is being splintered into two groups of co-stars:

  1. Those who seem to be looking for drama 24/7/365;

  2. Those who sort of can’t believe group #1 exists.

Lisa Rinna falls into the former category these days, proving it by unloading on Yolanda Foster during a beach stroll with Eileen Davidson.

“I think she’s more manipulative than anybody,” Rinna said.

She then retold how she told Lisa Vanderpump and Kyle Richards about having earlier gossiped about her having Munchausen syndrome.

Rinna crafted some new chapters in this re-telling, however.

Vanderpump, by her latest account, was the one who manipulated Rinna into even bringing any of it up to the other women. So there.

“I’ve allowed myself to be used as a pawn,” Rinna said.

Davidson wasn’t entirely buying what she was selling. Eileen told the cameras: “To bring [Kyle and Lisa] into this? Wow. That’s inflammatory.”

Eileen also said she was not ashamed to admit that given Yolanda Foster’s Lyme disease, she was giving her the benefit of the doubt.

“No one else has to agree with me at all,” Rinna responded.

She added, “My gut says, ‘Run for the f–king hills, lady."”

Meanwhile, Erika Girardi hosted a dinner party that went totally haywire thanks Kathryn Edwards, who came to face the music herself.

Edwards’ decision to tell Vanderpump that Girardi told her Vanderpump was a spider, a manipulative spinner of webs, came to a head.

Yes, these are actual issues in the lives of these people.

Eventually, Edwards conceded that she partially told Vanderpump what Girardi said to “get a reaction,” but that’s all she would admit.

Later, when they were working on a house for charity, Edwards and Girardi went at it once again, and things got heated, until the unthinkable:

Kathryn apologized! What she thought was something minor had actually been hurtful and offensive, and wow, she was sorry about that.

They hugged it out, and agreed to move forward.

No, it’s not an April Fool’s Day prank. “Instead of it being like a big mystery, talk to each other,” Eileen said, and her sage wisdom prevailed.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Taylor Swift in BFF"s Wedding: "I"m the Happiest Maid of Honor Ever"!

Taylor Swift is a bona fide superstar, but she’s not above carrying out her duties as maid of honor in her best friend’s wedding.

Wearing a beautiful, blush-hued dress, the Grammy winner posted a photo of herself with the bride, childhood friend Britany Maack, to Instagram.

“Senior year,” she wrote in the caption.

We have to commend the bride for choosing such tasteful attire for her bridesmaids and not forcing them to wear hideous, hot pink, puffy ball gowns. We have a feeling fashion-forward Taylor had a say in the choice.

Tay-Tay also shared a group photo of the entire wedding party.

“I met her when I was 10 days old, and him in kindergarten. Now they’re married and I’m the happiest maid of honor ever. Congratulations @britmaack and Ben!” she wrote in the caption.

If you’re trying to locate Taylor in this “Where’s Waldo”-esque shot, she’s behind the bride with her arms in the air, holding a bouquet.

WHOA. Someone put Taylor Swift in the back row?!

Although we kinda love her for not totally stealing the spotlight from the couple on their big day.

Last week, Taylor won Album of the Year at the 2016 Grammy Awards and gave an inspiring speech to women while not-so-subtly counter-dissing Kanye West for his misogynistic lyric about her in his song, “Famous.”

Taylor has been dating boyfriend Calvin Harris for nearly a year now and seem to be going strong.

No word on whether she caught Britany’s bouquet, but could T-Swift be the next to get hitched?

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Former Real World Stars Gather In D.C. To Honor The Late Diem Brown — See Puck, Derrick, & More Reunite For Ovarian Cancer Awareness!

It’s the Real World reunion we’ve all been waiting for, AND it’s for a great cause!

A handful of former reality TV stars gathered in Washington D.C. on Tuesday honor the late Diem Brown and to also raise awareness for The Ovarian Cancer National Alliance!

The event was lead by Wisconsin Congressman Sean Duffy, who you probably recognize from The Real World: Boston, and his wife Rachel Campos-Duffy, who was on The Real World: San Francisco!

Related: Friends Remember Diem Brown On What Would Have Been Her 35th Birthday

The two were also joined by Rachel’s castmate David “Puck” Rainey, Derrick Kosinski from Road Rules: X-Treme, Norman Korpi from the very first season of The Real World, and Laurel Stucky of The Challenge: Free Agents!

The goal of the reunion was clear as the cast mates shared photos and discussed the importance of finding away to beat cancer once and for all!

It’s been almost a year since Diem lost the battle to ovarian cancer, and it’s great to see her fellow Real World alums making sure her memory lives on!

Ch-ch-check out more photos from the emotional reunion (above)!

[Image via Twitter.]

Sunday, September 20, 2015

It"s An Honor Just To Be Nominated, Right? You Won"t Believe These TV Stars Have NEVER Won An Emmy!

The 67th Emmy Awards are tonight!

This prestigious night honors the finest programs in television, and only gets more competitive as the years go on — because there is SO much quality TV nowadays!

That surge in competition is a double edged sword, because a ton of deserving actors have been forced to perform the “gracious loser clap” year after year by losing out to someone else!

It’s the last year for Jon Hamm and Amy Poehler to win for their roles on Mad Men and Parks & Recreation. If not, they will sadly remain with these other actors who have NEVER won an Emmy!

CLICK HERE to view “TV Stars You’ll Be Shocked Have NEVER Won An Emmy!”

CLICK HERE to view “TV Stars You’ll Be Shocked Have NEVER Won An Emmy!”

CLICK HERE to view “TV Stars You’ll Be Shocked Have NEVER Won An Emmy!”

CLICK HERE to view “TV Stars You’ll Be Shocked Have NEVER Won An Emmy!”

CLICK HERE to view “TV Stars You’ll Be Shocked Have NEVER Won An Emmy!”

[Image via AMC/NBC.]