Showing posts with label Hooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hooking. Show all posts

Monday, April 24, 2017

Javi Marroquin: Hooking Up With Briana DeJesus" Sister?!

When it was first announced that Briana DeJesus would be joining the cast of Teen Mom 2, both fans of the show and DeJesus’ future co-stars reacted with a combination of irritation and befuddlement.

They reasoned that the show already featured plenty of drama, and the addition of a fifth full-time cast member would result in a feeling of overkill.

But producers clearly feel that Briana has what it takes to bring the Teen Mom turmoil to the next level – and she’s already proving them right without having filmed a single scene.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you know that the show gets a lot of mileage out of the tension between Javi Marroquin and Kailyn Lowry, exes who have failed miserably in their attempts to form an amicable co-parenting relationship.

In the months since their divorce, Kailyn has gotten pregnant for a third time (by a man whose identity she’s keeping secret), while Javi appears to be making the most of life as a young, single pseudo-celebrity.

And it seems that these days, the 24-year-old is mainly interested in bedding fellow reality stars.

Last month, Javi briefly dated Madison Channing Walls.

Now, he appears to be involved with Briana’s sister, Brittany DeJesus.

As Radar Online reported today, Javi and Brittany hung out in Los Angeles over the weekend, and Javi documented the trip on Snapchat.

The soon-to-be-co-stars (Brittany is expected to figure prominently in Briana’s storyline) enjoyed a night on the town and appeared to be very friendly with one another.

Naturally, speculation that Javi and Brittany are more than just friends started circulating as soon as Javi began posting pics.

But it wasn’t until the next morning that the rumors really started flying in response to this pic:

As you can see, Javi snapped a photo of Brittany in bed, which led many fans to the conclusion that the TM2 stars spent the night together.

Javi didn’t offer much in the way of details, but when asked by Radar if he and Brittany are dating, he made it clear that they are not currently involved in a relationship:

“Absolutely not,” Marroquin told the site.

“We had some business in LA together.”

Throwing the DeJesus family into the mix is clearly already paying off for MTV execs, who reportedly hired Briana not only to ramp up the drama, but also to send a message to the other cast members that they’re not as indispensable as they think:

“Some of the girls are unreliable with filming and others just are no longer bringing the drama viewers want to see,” a source told Radar. “They needed to spice it up.”


Monday, January 16, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian & Justin Bieber: Hooking Up AGAIN?!

We’re only a few weeks into 2017, but it’s already been an eventful year in the life of Kourtney Kardashian.

The drama began at the end of December with rumors that Kourtney had reconciled with Scott Disick after a separation of several months.

Shortly thereafter, reports that Kourtney is pregnant with her fourth child began to circulate online.

For a time, it looked as though Kourtney was settling back into her quietly domestic ways.

Now, however, it looks like we may have to throw out everything we thought we knew about the latest developments in Kourtney’s love life, as it seems that Scott’s romantic rival still has a hold on her heart.

As you may recall, Kourtney hooked up with Justin Bieber last year, and it seems like it wasn’t their first time getting together.

In fact, insiders say Kourtney has turned to Justin every time she and Scott have called it quits over the past couple years.

(And if you follow these two closely, you know they’ve temporarily parted ways quite a few times.)

In recent months it seemed that Kourtney and Justin had quit each other for good, as he was rumored to be dating Madison Beer, and she announced her decision to remain single for the foreseeable future.

Over the weekend, however, Kourtney and Justin were spotted partying together in Los Angeles.

Interestingly, the rendezvous occurred just hours after rumors that Scott went missing while traveling with Kim Kardashian in Dubai.

Many of Scott and Kourtney’s past problems were rooted in his hard partying ways, and his ten hour disappearance led to reports that he was back on the bottle.

Could Kourtney’s return to the Biebs be her way of exacting revenge on Scott for lapsing back into his old habits?

That seems to be the favorite theory on social media at the moment.

Of course, Kourtney and Scott have kept such a tight lid on their relationship status in recent weeks that we don’t even know if they’re officially back together.

Perhaps Kourtney is still just enjoying the single life.

And perhaps on this particular weekend she chose to do so in the company of her favorite friend with benefits …


Friday, August 26, 2016

Jenelle Evans" Pregnancy Slammed By Sister: Poor Jace! Mommy Only Cares About Hooking Up with Men!

Teen Mom 2 terror Jenelle Evans has finally confirmed her pregnancy, but at least one member of her family is far from thrilled about it.

News that David Eason got Jenelle Evans pregnant with her third child surfaced earlier this summer, but was only confirmed by her this week.

In fact, the reality star was far from pleased at the manner in which news that she was expecting baby #3 came out following her car accident.

But now it’s public knowledge, and from the looks of the photos posted by Jenelle and David (below), they are hyped to have a daughter.

Jenelle’s sister is less than enthusiastic for her, though.

Wednesday, Ashleigh Evans took to Facebook to share her reaction to the news, which was pretty much what a lot of us were thinking.

She just went ahead and said it without mincing words.

“So far I got 3 messages,” she began on Facebook.

“From my husband and friends, all of screen shots from reporters trying to sell me out to make me look bad now that my sister is expecting.”

“I really don’t are that she’s pregnant.”

Damn. She does care about one thing, though, and that is Jace, Jenelle’s first child via Andrew Lewis, who isn’t in their lives whatsoever:

“It makes me sad for my poor nephew who I’ve watched him struggle over the years of all the hardships he’s had to go through.”

“One day he’s gonna resent his mother and say wow!!”

“Mommy only cares about hooking up with men and having different babies with different men while I’m being raised by…someone else.”

Ashleigh then went on to throw MAJOR shade at Jenelle.

“It’s sad, 3 babies all different dads before 25, no job skills, no formal education, no life skills,” she lamented of Evans’ romantic life.

“I hope someday she realize that she’s done a lot of hurt.”

As you can see in the photo above, with Jenelle and Ashleigh along with their mother Barbara, she is clearly pretty far along in her pregnancy.

It’s not clear what the status of her relationship with the reality star is, but what we can tell you is that there appears to be some resentment.

Ashleigh has her own drama to deal with lately, too.

You won’t see if her you watch Teen Mom 2 online, but based on the Being Babs special, she had a terrible falling out with her second ex-husband.

That would be the father of one of her two children, and the situation included accusations of kidnapping and more. Really serious stuff.

We wish both sisters luck, which they clearly need.

Jenelle Evans" Pregnancy Slammed By Sister: Poor Jace! Mommy Only Cares About Hooking Up with Men!

Teen Mom 2 terror Jenelle Evans has finally confirmed her pregnancy, but at least one member of her family is far from thrilled about it.

News that David Eason got Jenelle Evans pregnant with her third child surfaced earlier this summer, but was only confirmed by her this week.

In fact, the reality star was far from pleased at the manner in which news that she was expecting baby #3 came out following her car accident.

But now it’s public knowledge, and from the looks of the photos posted by Jenelle and David (below), they are hyped to have a daughter.

Jenelle’s sister is less than enthusiastic for her, though.

Wednesday, Ashleigh Evans took to Facebook to share her reaction to the news, which was pretty much what a lot of us were thinking.

She just went ahead and said it without mincing words.

“So far I got 3 messages,” she began on Facebook.

“From my husband and friends, all of screen shots from reporters trying to sell me out to make me look bad now that my sister is expecting.”

“I really don’t are that she’s pregnant.”

Damn. She does care about one thing, though, and that is Jace, Jenelle’s first child via Andrew Lewis, who isn’t in their lives whatsoever:

“It makes me sad for my poor nephew who I’ve watched him struggle over the years of all the hardships he’s had to go through.”

“One day he’s gonna resent his mother and say wow!!”

“Mommy only cares about hooking up with men and having different babies with different men while I’m being raised by…someone else.”

Ashleigh then went on to throw MAJOR shade at Jenelle.

“It’s sad, 3 babies all different dads before 25, no job skills, no formal education, no life skills,” she lamented of Evans’ romantic life.

“I hope someday she realize that she’s done a lot of hurt.”

As you can see in the photo above, with Jenelle and Ashleigh along with their mother Barbara, she is clearly pretty far along in her pregnancy.

It’s not clear what the status of her relationship with the reality star is, but what we can tell you is that there appears to be some resentment.

Ashleigh has her own drama to deal with lately, too.

You won’t see if her you watch Teen Mom 2 online, but based on the Being Babs special, she had a terrible falling out with her second ex-husband.

That would be the father of one of her two children, and the situation included accusations of kidnapping and more. Really serious stuff.

We wish both sisters luck, which they clearly need.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Balthazar Getty: Hooking Up With Sienna Miller Saved My Marriage!

That’s one way to look at it.

Remember back in 2008 when photos surfaced of Balthazar Getty making out with a topless Sienna Miller in Italy?

Yeah, he was a married man with kids…

Getty’s wife, Rosetta left him for four years after seeing the photos, but the two are back together.

“Without going down, you can’t rise again,” Getty told the Evening Standard, referring to his affair with Miller as “ancient history” that occurred in “another lifetime.”

The 41 actor-turned-DJ, an heir to the Getty fortune, was forced to reevaluate his life in the wake of such a scandal.

Coming from a privileged background was more of a curse than it was a blessing, Getty has admitted.  As his 40th birthday approached, he decided to quit smoking and “stop whining” about his net worth (which is just north of $ 250 million).

“I’ve gotten more comfortable with who I am. Where I come from, being ‘a Getty,”‘ he admitted.

“I don’t see it any more as something I have to run from, or prove to people that I’m not who they might perceive me to be. I’ve been able to own that and feel good about it.”

Getty also comes from a long line of substance abuse;  His father, John Paul Getty III suffered a stroke from a drug binge in 1981 that left him a quadriplegic with vision problems until his death in 2011.

“It’s no secret that my father and grandfather had major drug addiction problems, and addiction runs rampant in many families. If you add wealth and celebrity on top of that, it can be lethal.”

Getty admits that he, too, fell prey to addiction.

What were his drugs of choice?

 “Didn’t really matter. [Anything] just to elevate me. A lot of people do drugs and alcohol to self-medicate.

“For me it was about the search for higher consciousness,” he answered admitting that every now and then he’ll enjoy a joint, but nothing beyond that.

Getty plans to release an album of remixes later this year.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Javi Marroquin: Kailyn Lowry Is Totally Hooking Up With Becky Hayter!

As you may have heard, Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin have separated after three years of marriage.

Naturally, the breakup has resulted in increased scrutiny of Kailyn’s love life, with many fans speculating that she’s hooking up with longtime friend Becky Hayter.

Neither party has denied the rumors, and because this is the Internet, Kailyn and Becky’s silence has been taken as a sort of tacit confirmation.

The tweets that Becky has posted over the past 24 hours are only adding fuel to the fire:

“I should be your girlfriend,” she wrote yesterday.

“You should let me love you,” she added, shortly thereafter.

“She’s gonna steal my heart there’s no doubt about it … Who would have thought. So happy.”

You get the idea.

It sounds as though Becky is head over heels for – someone.

Given all the recent rumors, hundreds of Teen Mom 2 fans were already buzzing about the possibility that Becky was gushing about Kailyn when the following exchange popped up:

In case you missed LeBron James’ expert trolling with the “Kermit sipping tea” meme, it’s what the kids are using to drop a coy “that’s none of my business.”

In this case, many are taking it as Becky hinting that she knows why Kailyn is so tired.

Javi Marroquin is among those who are reading a lot into Ms. Hayter’s use of the frog hot beverage Emoji combo:

Shortly after that exchange appeared in his feed, Javi posted this tweet:

Several followers have taken it as his not-so-subtle indication that he believes Kailyn and Becky are hooking up  – and he’s not exactly rushing to correct them.

The whole situation is rife with romantic intrigue, like a Shakespeare comedy with memes.

We’d say things might soon get real when Javi returns from his tour of duty overseas … but that’s none of our business.

Just kidding, it totally is and we’ll totally be picking apart their tweets for signs of drama.

Javi Marroquin: Kailyn Lowry Is Totally Hooking Up With Becky Hayter!

As you may have heard, Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin have separated after three years of marriage.

Naturally, the breakup has resulted in increased scrutiny of Kailyn’s love life, with many fans speculating that she’s hooking up with longtime friend Becky Hayter.

Neither party has denied the rumors, and because this is the Internet, Kailyn and Becky’s silence has been taken as a sort of tacit confirmation.

The tweets that Becky has posted over the past 24 hours are only adding fuel to the fire:

“I should be your girlfriend,” she wrote yesterday.

“You should let me love you,” she added, shortly thereafter.

“She’s gonna steal my heart there’s no doubt about it … Who would have thought. So happy.”

You get the idea.

It sounds as though Becky is head over heels for – someone.

Given all the recent rumors, hundreds of Teen Mom 2 fans were already buzzing about the possibility that Becky was gushing about Kailyn when the following exchange popped up:

In case you missed LeBron James’ expert trolling with the “Kermit sipping tea” meme, it’s what the kids are using to drop a coy “that’s none of my business.”

In this case, many are taking it as Becky hinting that she knows why Kailyn is so tired.

Javi Marroquin is among those who are reading a lot into Ms. Hayter’s use of the frog hot beverage Emoji combo:

Shortly after that exchange appeared in his feed, Javi posted this tweet:

Several followers have taken it as his not-so-subtle indication that he believes Kailyn and Becky are hooking up  – and he’s not exactly rushing to correct them.

The whole situation is rife with romantic intrigue, like a Shakespeare comedy with memes.

We’d say things might soon get real when Javi returns from his tour of duty overseas … but that’s none of our business.

Just kidding, it totally is and we’ll totally be picking apart their tweets for signs of drama.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Khoe Kardashian: Still Hooking Up With Lamar Odom?!

Ugh, quitplayinggamesKhloe.

Listen, Khloe Kardashian has proven she’s an amazing caregiver and that she would drop anything to be with a loved one in need.

And when she filed for divorce a second time from Lamar Odom in May, fans (and family, I’m sure) were relieved, mainly because this meant Khloe could move forward with her life.

Welp, that’s two steps forward, four steps back, if this new report is anything to go by.

It appears that Khloe and Lamar are rolling around, and their attempts to keep it a secret have failed.

“It is no secret to Khloe’s sisters and immediate family that she and Lamar still have sex,” a source close to the Kardashian family told Radar Online.

“Khloe may try to act innocent, but everyone who knows her knows that is not the case!”

The source added that Lamar is making no moves until Khloe finally decides what she wants.

“Lamar will not sign those divorce papers now because Khloe cannot make up her mind.”

“One minute she hates him, and the next she loves him,” the source continued.

“One day she is crying about him to her family and then the next day she is talking about what great sex they still have.”

In the past, Khloe has insisted to family and friends that nothing romantic has gone on between her and Lamar since she filed for divorce the first time, back in December 2013.

Back in April, Kris Jenner reportedly advised Khloe to finally end things with Lamar, whom she married after a very, very brief courtship in 2009.

“Kris really loves Lamar. She loves all of her kids and their partners, but she doesn’t think that Khloe has a future with Lamar,” a source told Radar Online at the time.

“And she doesn’t want her to wait around for him anymore.”

Monday, June 27, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian: Hooking Up With Justin Bieber AGAIN?!

It’s been several months since we first learned that Kourtney Kardashian might be hooking up with Justin Bieber, but against all odds, the affair that so many chalked up as a flash-in-the-pan fling appears to be going strong.

No one’s sure if Kourt and the Biebs are back on after taking some time off or if they’ve been hooking up all along, but either way it seems these two just can’t quit one another.

Several media outlets have reported that there’s a spring in Kourt’s step thanks to her renewed relationship Bieber, and some say she’s even started “dressing younger” for JB.

“[Kourtney Kardashian] is never taking Scott Disick back so the hot young look isn’t for Scott,” a source close to Kourtney tells Celebrity Dirty Laundry.

“Kourtney hasn’t been seen dating else anyone since the news hit that she was sleeping with Justin. So, is all this Kourtney Kardashian hotness for Justin Bieber?” 

It’s unclear if the speculation is entirely based on Kourtney’s wardrobe (if so, it’s quite a stretch), but whatever the case, multiple sources connected to the 37-year-old mom say there’s reason to believe she’s still romantically linked to the Biebs.

And what does Kourt’s baby daddy, Scott Disick, think about all this?

Well, not surprisingly, insiders say he’s less than thrilled.

We’ve heard reports in the past that Scott is pissed about Kourtney and Justin, and apparently he’s angrier than ever these days.

As we saw on last night’s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Scott is still hoping to rekindle his romance with Kourtney.

Bieber may be young, but as one of the most famous men on the planet, he can offer a bit more than a 33-year-old alcoholic single dad.

Of course, we doubt that Kourtney and Justin will ever make their relationship official, so we suppose there’s reason for Scott to be hopeful.

But for now, she gets to have fun partying with JB and have her revenge on Disick at the same time.

We call that a win-win.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Kylie Jenner & Tyga: Hooking Up in Jamaica??

What’s going on with these two now?

As you probably know, Kylie Jenner and Tyga broke up for the gazillionth time last month – only this time around all sources claimed it was “for good.”

Then last week, we received a couple conflicting reports on the status of the couple formerly known as Kyga.

One publication reported that they were back together as Kylie was seen riding around with Tyga in West Hollywood.

Hours later, another magazine negated the previous story, claiming that Kylie was getting pretty serious with new boo PartyNextDoor and couldn’t give two craps about Tyga.

But now we know that Kylie went down to Jamaica to visit her ex as he was shooting a new music video.

She even shared a pic of herself lying on Tyga’s bed and and captioned it “Kingston,” including an emoji of the Jamaican flag.

However, a source tells TMZ that Kylie was only there to show her support, and that the two really are “just friends.”

At least that’s what they’re telling people.

Apparently Kylie and Tyga still text all the time and she’s even gone over to his pad to visit on a few occasions, but really, they’re totally not getting back together or anything.


Kylie’s Jamaica travels come at an interesting time.

While Tyga was in the Caribbean nation, he shared a sexy, ocean-side photo of model Amina Blue, who many assumed to be his new bae-of-the-day. 

Some surmised she was merely making an appearance in his music video, but not in his bed.

However, she’s totally Tyga’s type: big lips, ample butt, scantily clad on Instagram.

Ya know, just like Kylie.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Javi Marroquin: HOOKING UP With Kailyn Lowry"s BFF??

If you follow Teen Mom 2 gossip, you likely already know that Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin are getting a divorce.

And sadly, their split has been nothing if not tumultuous.

Like so many youths today, they can’t help but air their grievances on social media, and oftentimes tweet and ‘gram and post hurtful crap just to passive aggressively get each other’s goats.

Javi, in particular, has been spectacularly guilty of this.

Earlier this month, he basically called out Kailyn for cheating when he tweeted, “What’s done in the night will show in the light.”

There’s been wide speculation that Kail has been seeing a woman named Becky Hayter, mostly because the TM2 star shared (then deleted) a pic of the two of them kissing to Instagram.

Kailyn neither confirmed nor denied a dalliance with Becky, but Javi took it upon himself to act like he was already scoping out other females on Twitter.

During some interactions with a Brooke Wells, he appeared to express interest in her sister.

“Is your sister single tho?!” he tweeted at his friend. He also included a heart-eyed emoji – and we all know what that means.

But now, it seems that Javi is flaunting a relationship with Kailyn’s former BFF Christina “Peach” Pietrobon.

“Missing @Javimarroquin9,” Peach tweeted, to which Javi retweeted and replied back with, “So soon! So freaking soon!”

Kail and Peach reportedly ended their friendship shortly after Kailyn’s divorce was announced.

“Really disappointed in you,” Peach tweeted to Lowry.

“You’ll blame someone for not being there yet you won’t even give them the chance to choose to be there,” Peach wrote in another tweet.

“You decided for them when you neglected to tell them all the information to make their own decision.”

What a hairy mess.

I thank god social media was not around when I was coming of age and making poor decisions.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Scott Disick: Hooking Chris Brown Up With Teenage Sex Partners?!

Of all the odd friendships in Hollywood, the bromance between Scott Disick and Chris Brown ranks among the most random, and it might be the very douchiest.

Sources say Disick and Brown are “sober buddies,” meaning that they go clubbing together, but remind one another to stay away from booze.

But just because they’re not hammered, that doesn’t mean these two aren’t out in the world acting like the frattiest of frat bros on a nightly basis.

And just like regular frat bros, Chris and Scott are eternally on the hunt for women who are too young to know better.

Sometimes they assist one another in this never-ending search, such as when Scott recently hooked Chris up with an 18-year-old Aussie named Indy Clinton:

Indy recently spent some time in Los Angeles, and it seems she enjoyed the full tourist experience by meeting several celebrities and banging one of them.

Indy took to her Facebook page this week to brag about having sex with Breezy, adding that the encounter was arranged by none other than the Douche Lord himself:

“Chris Brown f**ked me last night,” she wrote in a status update. “It was like he was dancing on top of me like magic mike sorry still dying Br keeping it real.”

When a friend pointed out that her description makes it sound like the whole thing sound a bit painful, Indy added:

“Legit legit legit still sore but smiling.”

Indy then linked to an article about Disick being spotted with a “mystery blonde” presumably her, and added that “Scott set up” her tryst with Brown.

When a friend suggested she do it with Disick too, Indy balked:

“Noo he f**ks a girl every night… he’s prob a walking sti [Sexually Transmitted Infection].”

So at least she has…standards?

We’re not sure what she has exactly, but at least it’s not whatever Disick is spreading.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Chris Brown: PISSED at Rihanna For Hooking Up With Leonardo DiCaprio?!

Remember back in January of last year when rumors about Leonardo DiCaprio and Rihanna hooking up were all over the Internet?

Well, it looks those (probably bogus) reports are officially back. 

And in the type of wonderful news that only comes around once or twice in a lifetime, Chris Brown believes the rumors and he is totes pissed off about them!

“Chris thought Rihanna was done playing around with bad boys who don’t want to commit,” an insider tells Hollywood Life.

“He was stunned a little bit to hear she’s her back in Leo’s arms and whispering in his ear. That hurt him a bit because he still has feelings for her.”

The source says Chris recently changed his ways (Ed. note: LOL!), and he thought he and Ri might have a future together:

“As a former bad boy himself, Chris changed his entire image and persona, mostly for Royalty, but partly for RiRi too,” the source says.

“He loves Rihanna and no disrespect to Leo, but he doesn’t want Ri to get caught in his glory just because he recently won an Oscar. Leo’s still a player and he hopes she knows that.”

Asked about the possibility that Rihonardo is still a thing, Brown remarked:

“I don’t care if he is the king of the world, the wolf of Wall Street, and the Great motherf–kin’ Gatsby! I saw that dude get eaten a bear while he was running around in the. You can’t trust a dude that stupid!”

Okay, we may have entirely made that quote up, but c’mon – it sounds like something Breezy would say!

As for whether or not Ri-o and Leo are really hooking up, our guess would be no.

In fact, we’re pretty sure they were never hooking up (and we’re entirely sure that Rihanna was never pregnant with DiCaprio’s baby).

But if the rumors make life harder on Chris Brown we’re all for them.

In fact, we hope these two hire lookalikes to make a sex tape just to piss Chris off.

Yes…that’s the only reason we hope that happens. Is it getting warm in here to anyone else?

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Harry Styles & Chelsea Handler: HOOKING UP?!?

We thought we’d heard about the weirdest couple of the week yesterday, when we reported that Snoop Dogg and Brandi Glanville might be a thing.

But then came Harry Styles and Chelsea Handler, who we just learned were seen “lying in bed together” at a house party in Los Angeles last year, according to The Sun

“They seemed to think nothing of the commotion they caused by plonking themselves together side by side in such an intimate setting,” a source told the paper.

“They were on a bed as people rushed around them and they were being pretty flirty.”

By “flirty,” we assume Chelsea flashed her boobs and called him a brat while Harry flipped his hair and blew a bubble.

“Being wild is Chelsea’s natural default behaviour and Harry is a free spirit who doesn’t care how his actions look to others, but it certainly was the talk of the bash,” the source added.

The 22-year old One Direcction singer is known for his affinity for older women. He has been romantically linked to Caroline Flack 36, Kimberly Stewart, 36 and Erin Foster, 33. 

He broke with tradition late last year when he had a fling with Kendall Jenner, but it seemed to fizzle out rather quickly.

On the other hand, Chelsea, 41, doesn’t seem to have a type. She’s dated everyone from 60-year-old NBC exec Ted Harbert to rapper 50 Cent.

Perhaps she felt it was time to dip her toe in the baby pool, and hey, we ain’t mad at her.

This isn’t the first time the two have hung out. Last year, the comic shared a pic of herself with the boy bander as she sported bikini bottoms with his name splayed across the bum.

Guess that’s one way to express affection.

The pair reportedly met through mutual business associates; Chelsea’s manager Irving Azoff is the father of Harry’s manager and friend Jeffrey.

As excited as you may be about this unconventional pairing, a second source close to them both insists they are just friends.

“Harry and Chelsea are friends through Jeff and love to mess around,” the source said. “Any suggestion they have taken things any further than friendship is incorrect.”

Sure, because messing around in bed is totally something “just friends” do. We’ll be keeping a close eye on these two.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Selena Gomez and Charlie Puth: Totes Hooking Up?

Sorry, Jelena supporters.

According to a new report, you may want to put away that confetti for the time being.

Despite talk of yet another Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez romantic reconciliation, insiders tell Us Weekly that Gomez has struck up a relationship with fellow young artist Charlie Puth.

A relationship of the often-naked variety, that is. 

“It’s not serious, but she’s super into him,” a source says of Gomez, although the tabloid does not that a Gomez friend insists the two stars simply share a “flirty friendship.”

The singer, who recorded the duet “We Don’t Talk Anymore” for Puth’s debut album, will take this alleged romance on the road in May when Puth appears on Selena’s Revival tour.

Talk of the artists dating first surfaced last September after Gomez and Puth posed for a selfie on Instagram.

Several weeks later, Charlie said the following about Selena to Us Weekly:

“I don’t know if anyone really understands me. Which is why I hang out with Selena Gomez. She gets me.”

In very related news, Puth actually cursed off Bieber in concert last month, dropping the F Bomb in relation to the beloved solo artist.

Puth then took to Twitter and wrote that he’s a “massive” Bieber fan and he meant no disrespect… but it’s clear there is some kind of love triangle afoot here.

Puth met Gomez at an MTV Video Music Awards party last August.

“I just went up to her and started talking to her,” Puth said back then.

“I was very floored by how well she handled herself and how mature she was. It’s nice to get to know the actual person and finding out she’s an interesting person … I’m happy that we’re friends.”

But are they friends with benefits?!?

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian & Justin Bieber: Still Hooking Up, Being "Discreet"

The sun hasn’t yet set on this May-December roll in the hay.

Kourtney Kardashian and Justin Bieber are totally still bumping uglies because they’re both good-looking and down for a good time.

However, as the elder in the relationship (she’s 36, he just turned 22), Kardashian has set a ground rule or two about their dalliances, given how fast gossip travels (i.e. – she’s carrying Bieber’s child, according to the tabloids).

“Justin’s learned to keep his mouth shut, because Kourtney made it clear she needs this to be discreet for the sake of her kids as well as the complicated situation that’s going on with Scott [Disick],” a source told Radar Online.

Kardashian is still trying to come around to the fact that her relationship with Disick is over, after he was photographed partying with girls in Mexico.

“That suits Biebs just fine,” the source added.

“He says Kourtney’s the best lover he’s ever had and he can’t stay away from her.”

Other ladies in Bieber’s life (like Hailey Baldwin) need to get in line and grab a book, because Bieber is all about the Kourt right now.

 “He loves having an older, experienced lover and they have a great friendship connection, too, so it works for both of them,” the source said.

Kourtney Kardashian & Justin Bieber: Still Hooking Up, Being "Discreet"

The sun hasn’t yet set on this May-December roll in the hay.

Kourtney Kardashian and Justin Bieber are totally still bumping uglies because they’re both good-looking and down for a good time.

However, as the elder in the relationship (she’s 36, he just turned 22), Kardashian has set a ground rule or two about their dalliances, given how fast gossip travels (i.e. – she’s carrying Bieber’s child, according to the tabloids).

“Justin’s learned to keep his mouth shut, because Kourtney made it clear she needs this to be discreet for the sake of her kids as well as the complicated situation that’s going on with Scott [Disick],” a source told Radar Online.

Kardashian is still trying to come around to the fact that her relationship with Disick is over, after he was photographed partying with girls in Mexico.

“That suits Biebs just fine,” the source added.

“He says Kourtney’s the best lover he’s ever had and he can’t stay away from her.”

Other ladies in Bieber’s life (like Hailey Baldwin) need to get in line and grab a book, because Bieber is all about the Kourt right now.

 “He loves having an older, experienced lover and they have a great friendship connection, too, so it works for both of them,” the source said.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Megan Fox & Damon Wayans Jr: Hooking Up?

If you watch New Girl online you know that the show’s writers cooked up some far-fetched nonsense in order to replace Zooey Deschanel with Megan Fox while Zooey was on maternity leave.

Sadly, it looks like the effort left them too exhausted to come up with any funny jokes or compelling storylines, but don’t worry – it seems there is something exciting happening on the show’s set:

According to Star magazine, the newly-single Megan Fox has hit it off with former New Girl cast member Damon Wayans, Jr., who recently shot guest a spot on Brooklyn 99 on the same lot.

“They had an immediate connection,” a source tells the tabloid.

“He started bringing her breakfast in the morning, and they would hang out in her trailer. I think they really bonded over being single parents. It’s only a matter of time before they started hooking up…that is, if they haven’t already.”

Fox, of course, got divorced from Brian Austin Green last year and has been proudly single ever since.

Interestingly, Fox and Green met on the set of a sitcom back in 2004.

Fox also reportedly hooked up with Shia LaBeouf on the set of Transformers in 2007, so she’s clearly not above mixing business with pleasure. 

So it looks like while the producers of New Girl may be letting fans down, they certainly did a solid for Damon by giving Megan a spot on the show.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Adam Lind: Already Hooking Up With a New Girl!

Any lady would be lucky to have this class act.

After a less-than-flattering photo of Adam Lind surfaced on the interweb, his girlfriend, Stasia Huber, sent him packing (rightfully so).

You see, if you allow someone to take a photo of you biting/doing gross things to their butt, future girlfriends won’t be pleased.  Especially if that photo gets posted to Instagram, like Lind’s did (courtesy of ex-girlfriend, Jessica Nicole).

Great news, though! Lind has a new lady friend.

“Adam is already on the rebound from his breakup,” a source told Radar Online.   “A girl from Minnesota drove to South Dakota to meet Adam over the weekend and to hook up with him. Now they are hanging out.” 

The girl in question is is 24-year-old Alyssa Pfannenstein, who goes by Lysa Kari, of Sartell, Minnesota.

Kari herself has a daughter, but since the child was with her dad, Kari decided to make the 250-mile trip to Netflix and Hang with Lind.

“She’s got a kid and supposedly it wasn’t her weekend with her kid, so that’s why she went to see Adam,” the source explained to Radar.

Lind, however, had his daughter, Paislee for the weekend.

Lind (also dad to Aubree with ex and Teen Mom 2 star Chelsea Houska) told Radar he brought Paislee home to her mother, Taylor Halbur, before Kari arrived.

Halbur isn’t psyched about Lind’s newest romance, though.

“It’s just heartbreaking that Paislee has been introduced to so many different girls,” the source said.

“It’s just not right. Paislee knows who her mother is, but when she gets older, she is going to hear about all this stuff. In the long run, it’s going to effect her mentally and emotionally.” 

Lind and Kari, though, have known each other “for a long time” through mutual friends.

When Radar reached out to Lind for a comment, he explained that Kari is “just a friend who came to visit. It’s no big deal.

“It’s not] the first time I’ve met her and no she’s not a random hookup,” he went on.

“She came down with friends to see other friends and hang out… Not like she dove here and tried to f*** me and leave.”

Straight from the horse’s mouth!