Friday, August 26, 2016

Jenelle Evans" Pregnancy Slammed By Sister: Poor Jace! Mommy Only Cares About Hooking Up with Men!

Teen Mom 2 terror Jenelle Evans has finally confirmed her pregnancy, but at least one member of her family is far from thrilled about it.

News that David Eason got Jenelle Evans pregnant with her third child surfaced earlier this summer, but was only confirmed by her this week.

In fact, the reality star was far from pleased at the manner in which news that she was expecting baby #3 came out following her car accident.

But now it’s public knowledge, and from the looks of the photos posted by Jenelle and David (below), they are hyped to have a daughter.

Jenelle’s sister is less than enthusiastic for her, though.

Wednesday, Ashleigh Evans took to Facebook to share her reaction to the news, which was pretty much what a lot of us were thinking.

She just went ahead and said it without mincing words.

“So far I got 3 messages,” she began on Facebook.

“From my husband and friends, all of screen shots from reporters trying to sell me out to make me look bad now that my sister is expecting.”

“I really don’t are that she’s pregnant.”

Damn. She does care about one thing, though, and that is Jace, Jenelle’s first child via Andrew Lewis, who isn’t in their lives whatsoever:

“It makes me sad for my poor nephew who I’ve watched him struggle over the years of all the hardships he’s had to go through.”

“One day he’s gonna resent his mother and say wow!!”

“Mommy only cares about hooking up with men and having different babies with different men while I’m being raised by…someone else.”

Ashleigh then went on to throw MAJOR shade at Jenelle.

“It’s sad, 3 babies all different dads before 25, no job skills, no formal education, no life skills,” she lamented of Evans’ romantic life.

“I hope someday she realize that she’s done a lot of hurt.”

As you can see in the photo above, with Jenelle and Ashleigh along with their mother Barbara, she is clearly pretty far along in her pregnancy.

It’s not clear what the status of her relationship with the reality star is, but what we can tell you is that there appears to be some resentment.

Ashleigh has her own drama to deal with lately, too.

You won’t see if her you watch Teen Mom 2 online, but based on the Being Babs special, she had a terrible falling out with her second ex-husband.

That would be the father of one of her two children, and the situation included accusations of kidnapping and more. Really serious stuff.

We wish both sisters luck, which they clearly need.