Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Leah Messer Flaunts Relationship With Scandalous New Boyfriend on Instagram!

Leah Messer’s love life is a subject of constant fascination among Teen Mom 2 fans.

For a while there it looked as though Leah would get back together with Jeremy Calvert, but when that reconciliation fizzled out, Ms. Messer quickly rebounded.

These days, Leah is dating Jason Jordan, and while he seems to make her immensely happy, some fans have taken issue with the budding romance.

Over the weekend, Leah documented her latest couple’s getaway on Instagram, and some fans saw the pics as an opportunity to reiterate their complaints.

For one thing, Jason is much older than Leah (she’s 26; he’s 38).

It’s not the kind of cradle-robbery that makes you want to alert the authorities, but it’s enough of an age gap to raise a few eyebrows.

Especially since despite the fact that he’s pushing 40, Jason still seems to have quite a bit of growing up to do.

Naturally, once word of the relationship went public, fans started doing their research and dug up everything they could about Jason.

The most interesting thing they unearthed was a series of YouTube videos in which Jason played a character named West Virginia Meth Man.

Now, as far as we know, Jason never dabbled in meth himself.

And it appears he was just poking fun at some of the more, um … colorful residents of his home state.

Still many found the skits to be in poor taste, particularly one video in which Jason (as Meth Man) commented on the Ray Rice domestic abuse scandal.

“Just want to make a little comment about Ray Rice,” quoth Meth Man.

“Think he can go around punching women in the mouth, knocking them out cold. When I was high on meth one time I did that and nobody got mad. They just expect it out of me!”

Now, that’s obviously not the most tasteful joke, but anyone accusing Jason of condoning violence against women would be willfully misrepresenting the bit.

Should he have just refrained from joking about domestic violence at all? Probably?

But the crux of the gag is that only the most repugnant individuals — your Ray Rices and your Meth Mans — would engage in such behavior.

To be clear, the Meth Man routine isn’t particularly funny, and Leah is probably overjoyed by the fact that her boyfriend has retired the character.

But a few seriously unfunny skits shouldn’t be a deal breaker — otherwise, Ariana Grande would have to dump Pete Davidson! Zing!


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Leah Messer and Jason Jordan: We"re Instagram Official!

Leah Messer is dating an older man named Jason Jordan.

This is not news, as we first reported on the relationship in early July 2018.

What is news, however, is just how serious the romance has apparently become between the Teen Mom 2 star and this relatively new man in her life.

How do we know for sure?

Because Messer and Jordan have gone public, Instagram style!

In this day and age, it says a lot about a relationship when the two halves involved in it come out on social media, which is the step Messer and Jordan have now taken.

See what we mean below and learn as much as you can about Jason Jordan…

1. Check Us Out!

Leah messer and jason jordan

Leah debuted this photo, and the next three listed below, on her Instagram page in August of 2018, alerting her 1.7 million followers to her romance.

2. Live Your Standard, Folks

Jason jordan and leah

“Seriously one of the best weekends I’ve had!” wrote Messer as a caption to this photo collection. “I don’t think we stopped laughing! #greattime #sohappy #greatpeople #liveyourstandard.”

3. What Do We Know About Jordan?

Jason jordan smiles with leah

He is 39 years old. This is mostly only notable because Leah is 26 years old, creating quite an age difference.

4. How Did They Meet?

Jason jordan and leah messer

Messer and Jordan were set up by the former’s cousin. As of this writing, they’ve been together for about four months.

5. He Also Had a Child

Jason jordan photo

Sources have confirmed that Jordan has a two-year old child from a previous relationship, giving him something else in common with Messer.

6. Messer, Of Course, Has 3 Kids

Leah messer and her daughters

The MTV personality shares eight-year-old twin daughters Ali and Aleeah with her ex-husband Corey Simms. She also shares five-year-old daughter Adalynn with her ex-husband Jeremy Calvert, with whom she actually hooked up in early 2018.

View Slideshow

Garrett Yrigoyen: Really, I"m Sorry for That Instagram Scandal!

On Monday night’s season finale of The Bachelorette, Garrett Yrigoyen won over Becca Kufrin.

Following an emotional two hours that saw Blake Horstmann break into tears and Becca nearly breakdown from having to make a decision, Yrigoyen was selected as this edition’s champion and he responded in the most appropriate way possible…

… by getting down on one knee and asking for Kufrin’s hand in marriage!

But just because Garrett knows one thing:

He still has to win over Bachelorette Nation.

The controversial contestant may have proven his decency to Becca over the course of his run on the series, but many viewers still think of Yrigoyen NOT as someone romantic and well-meaning.

But as someone who Liked a number of offense and inappropriate social media messages many months ago.

Back in late May, it came out that Garrett seemingly approved of Instagram posts that were anti-immigrant, anti-feminism and anti-LGBT rights.

He issued an apology shortly after this troubling scandal broke, telling critics:

“I am sorry to those who I offended and I also take full responsibility…

“I am not perfect, and I will never be anywhere close, but now I will always be more informed and aware of what I am liking and supporting, not just on Instagram, but in life.”

Fast forward all this time later and Garrett’s Likes are back in the news because he is back in the news, as the brand new fiance of Becca Kufrin.

He’s therefore being prompted to address his views on minorities and those who have a different sexual orientation.

Without getting into these kinds of specifics, the Season 14 winner simply says in the latest issue of People Magazine:

“It was tough. I didn’t mean to offend anyone.

He also tries to make it clear that the tap of one button on his computer or his phone does not sum up his world view when it comes to these societal topics:

“Just because I Liked it, doesn’t necessarily mean that I supported it.

“I was raised in a very open-minded family that was accepting to everybody. We’re very non-judgmental. I’m genuinely sincere.”

Becca asked viewers this spring to remain “open-minded” about Garrett, likely because she was already engaged to him at the time.

Now, though, Garrett says this idea of being as open and as candid with each other is exactly why their relationship works.

“We started a foundation of being honest and open and transparent,” he tells People, adding:

“Anything that’s come about, or just dealing with anything, that’s how we address it: head on. It makes our relationship so much stronger, and we continue to grow together.”

That all sounds well and good — but, as you might expect, quite a few fans think Becca has made a mistake.

Tweeted one disgruntled Bachelorette fans, not even bothering to make a quip or a snarky remark:

Reminder: A man who joked about throwing immigrant children over trumps wall is about to win  #TheBachelorette and some of these children will likely never be reunited with their families.

@thebkoof choosing him is her being complicit and taking the easy and privileged way out.

If it makes this individual feel any better, Becca will likely NOT end up with Garrett, just based on the history of Bachelor and Bachelorette couples.

Or do you think these two crazy kids can buck that tradition?

Continue to follow our section of The Bachelorette spoilers to find out and then vote below:



Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Rich The Kid Posts Cryptic Instagram Message, Sparks Suicide Concerns

Music fans around the country are suddenly very worried about Rich The Kid.

Early Tuesday morning, the popular rapper deleted all of his Instagram messages and photos, save for one.

This would have been a troubling and confusing enough move on its own, even before followers clicked on his account and spotted the single remaining meme.

It reads:

R.i.P. Rich the Kid 1992-2018.

Ummm… what? Why? Could this have been a cry for help? Or, even worse, a suicide note?

Supporters were left even more concerned upon reading the caption alongside this image, as Rich The Kid wrote simply:

Thank u all my fans & family for everything.


“HE WAS MY FAVORITE ARTIST,” wrote _.papirhch_21, thinking Rich The Kid was now dead.

And this person wasn’t the only follower whose mind went straight to death upon seeing that Rich The Kid went ahead and wished himself eternal peace.

Just three days before his cryptic post, a video made by the rapper, where he blasted his label, 300 Entertainment, went viral.

It gave fans a reason to think he was fed up with at least one aspect of his life.

“Yo, f-ck 300 ENT, ya’ll suck,” he began, prior to going off on a tangent about wanting out of his deal with the label.

“Listen, you gotta let me out of this contract. I don’t want to be with ya’ll no f-cking more. I told ya’ll … giving this money back. I don’t want to be with ya’ll label no more.

“Ya’ll suck, ya’ll is trash. Listen, young, independent artists, do not sign with 300 ENT.

“They’re the worst, worst label, ever… Lame ass sh-t.”

At the end of the day, however, Rich The Kid is alive.

We’re pretty darn sure about that, at least.

Sources have said, as many fans have speculated, that he is simply altering his image. Perhaps even changing his name.

The artist is leaving his music persona behind and that’s what he is mourning in this mysterious Instagram meme.

Tweeted someone in the jnow:



So it sounds like everyone can take a deep breath.

Much like IHOP accomplished when it freaked everyone out about a change to burgers, Rich The Kid has accomplished his goal here:

He has grabbed many headlines and become a viral sensation, all while remaining alive and seemingly well.

Talk about a win-win situation!


Friday, July 27, 2018

Kylie Jenner Flaunts Post-Baby Curves on Instagram: It"s Good to Be 20 and Rich!

It’s been less than six months since Kylie Jenner welcomed her first child, but to look at the soon-to-be billionaire’s Instagram pics (or bank balance), you would think she spent all that time away from the spotlight working out and stacking funds.

Sure, being a single mom is never easy … but an army personal trainers and a net worth in high nine-figure range probably helps to ease the burden just a bit.

As you can see, Kylie sprang right back to peak physical condition after giving birth to baby Stormi.

We can see how her progress might be inspirational for some folks in need of a fitness goal.

But we can also see how it would be equally depressing for others.

The situation brings to mind the recent debate over whether or not Kylie is a “self-made” billionaire.

The question tore the internet in twain, not unlike the Yanny/Laurel conflict that preceded it, but in the end, no satisfactory conclusion was reached.

Like pretty much everything else on the planet, Kylie’s scenario is complicated and full of nuance.

Yes, she was born into a life of unimaginable privilege and influence, and when it comes to everything from starting a business to getting back in shape, she has a number of advantages that most of us could only dream of.

But, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t work hard.

And it certainly doesn’t mean that she deserves no credit or praise for her success.

Kylie was born with a major leg up in the world, it’s true.

But her efforts to improve upon her already lofty position are still impressive.

Maybe there’s a lesson to be learned in all of this.

No matter what your circumstances, the best thing you can aspire to is to try to and improve upon them even slightly, and your only competitor should be your past self.

Or maybe we’ve just devoted entirely too much thought to Kylie Jenner’s 40 bajillionth selfie.

Either way, homegirl is crushing it these days.

Of course, when we were 20, we spent most of our time showing fake IDs to 7-11 clerks, so pretty much anyone her age who’s doing anything productive deserves a shout-out in our eyes.


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Selena Gomez Obliterates Instagram Record Once Held by Beyonce

Selena Gomez turned 26 over the weekend, and the photos from her birthday bash were dazzling.

The pics were so good, in fact, that the Instagram “likes” poured in with dizzying alacrity. 

Selena’s birthday post got so much love so quickly that it absolutely destroyed the previous record … which had belonged to Beyonce herself.

While Hailey Baldwin enjoys Justin Bieber, for better or for worse, Selena Gomez is living her best life. It’s what she deserves.

Remember how Beyonce broke the internet with her twin reveal photo?

That pic received a staggering 7.8 million in only 12 hours.

The pregnancy reveal pic that preceded it received 6.4 million within the first few hours. Beyonce is a powerhouse, there’s no question.

But when the battleground is Instagram, Selena has no equal.

It took Selena’s birthday party post only 13 minutes to reach 1 million likes.

(The number of likes is currently near 9 million and will likely grow by the time that you even finish reading this sentence)

That’s no real surprise.

Selena Gomez has been the reigning champion when it comes to Instagram followers for some time. She is a social media titan and the one to beat.

Even those who come close — like Ariana Grande, Christiano Ronaldo, and Beyonce — can’t quite surpass her follower count.

Not yet, anyway.

Selena Gomez 26 Birthday Photo Collage Pic

Selena is also paid more for Instagram ads.

We all know that Instagram follower counts matter for more than just bragging rights and branding.

Celebrities, no matter how wealthy, can make a small fortune with a few normal photos of themselves, promoting one product or another.

Selena Gomez apparently makes a whopping $ 800,000 per Instagram endorsement. That means that she takes a photo wearing or holding a brand and makes more than three quarters of a million dollars.

Beyonce makes $ 700,000 per photo. Of course, price is based upon more than just follower counts. It also has a lot to do with things like social media engagement.

When it comes to Instagram ad prices, nobody beats out Kylie Jenner — who maks rakes in $ 1 million per pic.

It’s easy to frame this conversation as a competition.

A competition between Selena and Kylie over who makes the most per Instagram ad.

A competition between Beyonce and Selena over who has the most followers, or who got the most likes the fastest.

Instead, let’s keep this in perspective. This was a broken record. One day, perhaps very soon, someone else will get a million likes even faster than Selena.

Social media is fueled by the people on it, and there are more people every single day who sign up for Instagram and click that like button.

So, again, it’s not a competition. Though, if the race to a million likes were a competition … Selena is the current reigning champion.

Selena’s 26 birthday is a big deal.

Not because 26 is a huge milestone. It isn’t. Every birthday after 21 is a grim reminder that we all grow less socially relevant with each passing day as our bodies begin to fail and crumble beneath the weight of time.

No, this birthday is a huge deal because … there were genuine doubts that she would make it this far.

She has been battling Lupus for years. Just a little over a year ago, Selena was rushed to the hospital with kidney failure.

Had it not been for a life-saving kidney transplant, it’s unclear if Selena would still be among the living.

And even now, she continues to struggle with Lupus. Selena’s birthday is worth celebrating for that alone.


NBA"s Andre Roberson Is Dating Rachel DeMita, Finally Instagram Official!

They found love in an NBA place!! OKC Thunder star Andre Roberson made his long-rumored relationship with the face of NBA 2K, Rachel DeMita, social media OFFISH this week … and the two are adorable. DeMita’s been a meteor in the sports…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Hurls Insensitive Slurs on Instagram, Gets Schooled By Fans

Well, let no one say that Khloe Kardashian isn’t big enough to admit when she’s made a mistake.

Of course, her latest blunder is the sort of mistake that Khloe really shouldn’t be making in 2018 …

Over the weekend, Khloe posted an Instagram story and quickly caught a lot of flak for using some offensive language.

The short video clip shows Khloe helping her sister Kourtney configure her smartphone before her workout.

“Yes, you can, you f-cking r-tard,” Kourtney was heard saying off-camera.

“Are you f-cking r-tarded?” Khloe replied.

Yes, Kourtney and Khloe both casually tossed out slurs, but since the clip was posted to Khloe’s Insgaram, the majority of the criticism was directed at her.

Khloe quickly deleted the story, but not before many fans took note of the offensive faux pas.

One fan went straight to Twitter to call Khloe out directly.

“I was watching your livestream on Instagram until you said the “r” word,” the follower wrote.

“You should pay more attention to your word choices especially since you have a huge following&don’t know who you could be offending.”

The fan concluded the tweet with a poignant reminder that as a new mom, Khloe should demonsgtrate greater sensitivity.

“If True had a disability you would use a different word,” she tweeted.

Thankfully, Khloe was quick to respond and fully agreed with the fan’s assessmemt.

“Ugh I hate that word! Why did I even say that?” she wrote.

“You are a million percent right and I actually greatly dislike when people use that word! I will do better! I am sorry! much love today.”

Yes, Khloe messed up pretty bad, but her apology is basically a master class in how to express remorse without making excuses.

She simply admitted that she was wrong and promised to try and do better in the future.

Of course, we probably shouldn’t be surprised that she’s so skilled in this regard.

Khloe has been hearing so many apologies lately that we suppose it makes sense she’s gotten so good at delivering them herself.


Pete Davidson Deletes Instagram Page. But Why?!?

It is all over for Pete Davidson.

His presence on Instagram, that is.

But also his relationship with Ariana Grande? That’s the major question here, folks.

On Monday, fans took note of Davidson taking an axe to his entire Instagram page — and doing so on the same day that Grande’s ex-fiance, Mac Miller, commented on the singer’s romance with the comedian.

“I was in love with somebody. We were together for two years. We worked through good times, bad times, stress and everything else. And then it came to an end and we both moved on,” Miller said in an interview, adding:

“It’s all positive energy. I am happy for her and [the fact that she’s] moving forward with her life, just as I’m sure she is with me.”

So… why would this prompt Davison to do away with his social media presence?

Does this mean he and Grande really are about to break up?

Not necessarily.

The move also came just hours after Davidson got into it with a few online trolls.

On Sunday, Davidson shared a note on Grande’s recent Instagram post about the artist’s late grandfather in honor of the anniversary of his passing, writing “omg what a cutie.”

Some fans interpreted this remark as one directed at Grande, thinking it was wildly inappropriate of Davidson to comment on his lover’s looks, considering the basis of the photo.

But Davidson grew quickly irritated at anyone making this claim.

“Are you guys all insane?” he wrote to these critics, adding:

“I was talking about how cute her grandpa is. What’s wrong with that? You guys will really look for anything to attack people. It’s sad.”

pd insta

As a result of this frustrating exchange and result, it’s very possible that Davidson deleted his Instagram page because he simply didn’t want to deal with idiots any longer.

It’s very possible he and Grande are happier than ever and really may get married in the near future.

The thing is… Davidson made this decision shortly after Grande Tweeted something cryptic:

“The energy u put out is exactly what u get back, please create a beautiful life for yourselves.”

Could this have been directed at the aforementioned trolls? Yes.

Could it also have been directed at Davidson? Yes.

This is the price Ariana and Pete are going to need to pay until they’re together for a very long time.

That’s what happens when you get engaged after about a month of dating; questions arise quickly and easily regarding the stability of your relationship.

Recently, for example, Grande had to defend her choice to include the song “Pete” on her upcoming album “Sweetener.”

“He’s my fiancé. This is my album. I’m an honest and emotional artist and human being and if my openness in my work isn’t for you, that’s OK,” she wrote to one fan, concluding:

“I won’t be offended. Still wishing y’all all the love in the world.”

But do Ariana and Pete have real, true, long-lasting love for each other?

That’s the big question.


Monday, July 16, 2018

Miley Cyrus-Liam Hemsworth Breakup Rumors Swirl Amidst Instagram Drama

If you love Miley Cyrus to the point that you follow all the social media fan pages devoted to all the latest gossip on the singer’s personal life, then you may have caught wind of a startling rumor over the weekend.

Several such outlets breathlessly exclaimed that Miley and Liam Hemsworth have broken up yet again.

And this time, they claimed, their source was not some bogus insider, but Miley herself, who seemed to have broken the news on her Instagram page.

If you read beyond the headlines, however, you may have found that while Cyrus has engaged in some very unusual activity on social media recently, it would require quite a leap in logic to conclude that she’s trying to send a low-key message about her love life.

Yes, Miley deleted every photo of Liam Hemsworth from her Instagram page.

But she also deleted all other content from her account and changed her profile pic to a plain black background.

Miley also blacked out her Twitter avatar, but she did not delete her tweets.

Obviously, it’s not hard to see why some fans would take this is a sign that something is amiss in Miley’s personal life.

But in all likelihood, the move has more to do with her professional life.

It appears that Miley is participating in a recent and somewhat annoying trend in self-promotion.

You see, lately, celebs have been drumming up interest in upcoming projects not by teasing their new work with tweets and Instagram pics, but by deleting (or archiving) all of the content on their pages.

Taylor Swift and Zayn Malik have both taken that approach to drumming up interest in upcoming releases.

Back in April, rumors of Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds getting divorced began to circulate non-stop as a result of Blake’s decision to remove all content from her Instagram page and unfollow her husband.

It was later revealed that Blake did all this to promote the release of her upcoming film A Simple Favor.

Miley Cyrus: Blank IG

(Side note: that movie still hasn’t come out yet, so we’re thinking Blake jumped the gun a bit in terms of promotional stunts.)

Not surprisingly, Miley fans are losing their minds trying to figure out what’s next for the eccentric songstress:

“The fact that she’s [deleting] all her 2013-14 posts already and is still deleting is HUGE. We are getting a proper era? Building hype?” one Cyrus enthusiast tweeted.

Yes, the world of mainstream pop music stans is a fascinating one.

Only in 2018 could a 25-year-old artist with only 5 non-Disney studio albums to her name be credited as the architect of multiple musical “eras.”

But hey, you’ve gotta hand it to her — if Miley’s goal was to drum up interest in her new music, mission accomplished!


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Jessa Seewald Shares Super Embarrassing Ben Seewald Love Letters on Instagram

Before marriage, members of the Duggar clan are basically forbidden to even look at a member of the opposite sex.

After they get hitched, however, they’re encouraged to share their love with the entire world.

Anyone who’s seen Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar gush about one another knows that intra-marital PDA is strongly encouraged in Duggar Land.

As far as we can tell, it has to do partially with strengthening the bond between husband and wife, and partially to do with the Duggars’ ongoing efforts to convince the world they’re totally normal humans who experience actual emotions.

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald got married back in 2014, but it seems their love for one another remains as passionate as ever.

We know this because Jessa has been following in her parents’ footsteps and proclaiming her love from a mountaintop.

And by “a mountaintop,” of course, we mean Instagram.

Ben Seewald Love Letter

“When you smile at me, it takes my breath away, like my heart has been touched by an angel,” Ben opens.

Needless to say, he set the bar pretty high from the start.

But believe it or not, Ben was able to continue stepping up his Casanova game from there.

“Your smile brightens my spirit like the first gleams of sunrise after a crisp autumn night in the Arkansas Ozarks,” he wrote.

Like whoa, Ben, leave some smooth talk for the rest of us, ya know?

Seewald goes on to write that Jessa’s grin “shines forth radiant beams of warmest love and affection” and “is worth a thousand words, even the most eloquent words of affirmation.”

Here’s the kicker:

“Your smile could melt the age-old ice cap of Antarctica.”

If you’re not talking about age-old ice caps are you even in love?

Obviously, Big Ben knocked that one straight out of the park.

Surely, you might be thinking, he must have exhausted his supply of syrupy romance with that letter, right?

Guess again, friend-o:

Jessa Duggar

He went ahead and hit Jess with the pearl-love letter combo.

“What good are such elegant pearls if not to have the grace of being worn by one so elegant and majestic as yourself?” Seewald wrote.

That sound you heard is millions of panties hitting the floor simultaneously.

We’re pretty sure Ben is a reincarnated Civil War soldier, because no one spits poetic game like that in 2018.

Fun fact: This is the single greatest display of non-Razorback related passion in the history of the great state of Arkansas.

Watch Counting On online for more romance tips from the various Duggar dudes.


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Boonk Gang: Rapper Posts Own Sex Tapes, Gets Banned From Instagram

You know how Instagram doesn’t allow women’s nipples? It’s also not a huge fan of graphic videos of sexual intercourse.

But that is just what rapper Boonk Gang decided to post. To his Instagram stories.

Yes, his Instagram has been deleted. But obviously, the videos that he shared will live forever on the internet.

Though we have a number of images, including a .gif for you below, we cannot actually show you the full video of Boonk Gang taking a woman to pound town.

You’re welcome.

We have, however, seen the videos. We are burdened with this terrible knowledge.

As his Instagram Stories begin, his is performing oral sex on an unidentified woman.

In the next video that he shares, he and this woman are performing oral sex on each other in a sixty-nine.

Then he is shown having venereal intercourse with this woman, which is followed by an image of his Twitter feed where he mentions enjoying sex.

Boonk Gang sex Tweet

“I like to have a lot of sex,” Boonk Gang tweeted on Saturday.


It was on Sunday, July 1, that he decided to share so much of his sex life with his followers.

The series of Instagram stories ended with Boonk Gang recording himself as the woman performed oral sex on him.

We don’t think that any of us necessarily needed to know what sorts of face journeys this particular rapper goes on during sex, but … we know anyway.

Boonk Gang NSFW instagram Stories GIF

We cropped this pretty heavily. Again, you are welcome.

As we mentioned, Instagram absolutely deleted his account for obvious violations of their terms and service.

Instagram is not Snapchat.

In an apparent response, Boonk Gang has also uploaded a video of himself during a different sexual encounter with a different woman.

This video, which he posted on Twitter on Monday night, is still up as of Tuesday afternoon.

If you’re thinking of checking it out, don’t do so at work. Or around children. And be aware that the video is right there and does not have any sort of subtle introduction.

Boonk Gang NSFW Instagram Stories 02

Boonk Gang first rose to fame, not as a rapper, but as a social media star. His real name is John Robert Hill.

His initial claim to fame was a video of him stealing a box of chicken from Popeye’s. He built his brand off of committing thefts like that.

About one year ago, in July of 2017, Boonk Gang was the victim of one of the internet’s infamous “death hoaxes.” He is still alive and kicking. Among other things.

As you might guess for a guy who got famous from stealing things, he has definitely been arrested. Multiple times.

The guy also followed in Kim Kardashian’s footsteps — he has his own video game. 

Boonk Gang: The Video Game came out in September of last year, and the player plays as Boonk while accumulating money and avoiding the police.


Boonk Gang NSFW Instagram Stories 01

We can only speculate as to what motivated Boonk Gang to sacrifice his Instagram to show a bunch of strangers video of him having quiet sex with a woman.

Given that all of his pranks (including literal crimes) are stunts to promote his rap career, this may be his intention.

But in the process, he’s lost the Instagram account that allowed him to rise to fame in the first place.

Maybe he’s shedding his old trappings and embracing a whole new approach to his career? No more stealing and a lot more sex?

Or maybe the dude just loves sex and has way too little impulse control.


Monday, July 2, 2018

Jenelle Evans Ditches Her Son on His Birthday, Gets Roasted on Instagram

Anyone who watched Teen Mom 2 knows that Jenelle Evans is a bad mom.

After all, this is a woman who talks about receiving 20 visits from CPS in the space of a single year like it’s an irritating inconvenience every parent can relate to.

But in a way, Jenelle’s shoddy parenting has become a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy.

Sure, there are times when she really messes up, such as when the many occasions on which she left prescription pill bottles within reach of toddlers, but there are also times when Jenelle is criticized simply because of who she is.

Take, for example, the latest Evans-related mini-scandal.

Somebody I love was born today. 

On Friday, Jenelle’s youngest son, Kaiser, celebrated his fourth birthday.

Jenelle posted the photo below on Instagram along with a caption reading:

#HappyBirthday Kaiser! Big Number 4! Hope you had an amazing day. I had so much fun with you!”

Seems harmless enough, right?

Unfortunately for Jenelle, she also posted a second photo of Kaiser’s big day, and this one sparked outrage among some of her Instagram followers.

As you can see in the pic below, Jenelle accompanied Kaiser to daycare on his birthday.

As In Touch Weekly points out, several fans took issue with the fact that Jenelle didn’t keep her son at home.

“He’s in daycare, so her husband David [Eason] doesn’t have to deal with him and that’s the kind of mom she is,” wrote one such follower.

Now, this is the extremely, extremely rare case where we actually side with Jenelle, so we were pleased to see that while a few haters continued to hate, most of the comments were in support of her decision to take Kaiser into daycare:

“I don’t agree with half the things Jenelle does, but come on,” one wrote defender. 

“Every kid LOVES going to school on their birthday.” 

“Give her a break,” remarked another fan.

“The same reason why my daughter went to daycare for her second birthday, so she could celebrate with her friends!”

“It’s good for a child to be at school,” a third parent chimed in.

“My four-year-old went to Pre-K on her birthday, and I brought in cupcakes and party supplies, then had a family birthday on the weekend. They love school at that age.”

Folks, this is a very promising situation.

Maybe Jenelle will realize that it feels good to actually have people defending her actions.

Perhaps she’ll realize that it’s pretty nice not being considered the worst mom on reality TV, and maybe the realization will lead her to turn over a new leaf.

Just kidding, the woman loves playing the villain.

She’ll be posting videos of Kaiser firing an AR-15 before lunch.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of what a truly atrocious mother Jenelle really is.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Hailey Baldwin DELETES Shawn Mendes Pics from Her Instagram; Is Bieber to Blame?

In recent weeks, Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber have been seemingly inseparable. These two exes are back together and even going on church dates.

Even though they’re exes with their own baggage, things don’t seem that dramatic between them.

So why has Hailey very suddenly deleted every photo of rumored ex Shawn Mendes from her Instagram? What the hell happened?

In the final months of 2017, it appeared that Hailey Baldwin and Shawn Mendes were dating.

At least, witnesses saw them cozying up and were at a loss for any other explanation.

Some believed that it was a real relationship that fizzled out behind the scenes.

Others believed that Hailey was deliberately stirring those rumors to help shelter Shawn from the persistent gay rumors that have followed him for a few years now.

Regardless, Shawn and Hailey remained friends. They even attended the 2018 Met Gala together, making it clear at the time that they were just good friends with similar values.

But friends don’t purge every single photo of the other from Instagram.

Ever-vigilant fans have noticed that every photo featuring Shawn Mendes has mysteriously vanished from Hailey’s Instagram page.

They note that the two still follow each other.

They also note that Shawn has made no move to purge photos of Hailey — not yet, anyway.

Did something happen between these two to make their friendship turn sour — at least from Hailey’s perspective?

if so, it must have been something pretty major for Hailey to make such a public show of excising Shawn from her social media history.

There was zero chance that her 12.4 million followers were going to all somehow not notice.

Some wonder if this might have less to do with Shawn and Hailey … and more to do with Justin Bieber.

Shawn Mendes is the talk of the town in terms of mustic but also in terms of thirst.

Shawn is 19. His career is on the rise.

In contrast, Justin Bieber is 24, he canceled his tour last year for vague religious reasons, and posters of his tattoo-covered body aren’t exactly plastered across millions of bedroom walls these days.

It probably doesn’t help that Shawn is a respectable 6-foot-2 while Justin, who has always been insecure about his height, is still only 5-foot-9.

When one considers that Justin keeps an eye on his exes — as he did on Selena — one can’t help but wonder if he felt stabs of jealousy when he saw Hailey on Shawn’s arm.

Did he … make Hailey delete her photos of Shawn?

There is no longer any real doubt that Justin and Hailey are back together.

So it is hard for many to imagine that Justin didn’t play some sort of role in this IG purge.

Is he making demands of Hailey that she prove that she doesn’t have her eye on any other boys?

Or does Justin have some sort of beef with Shawn, specifically?

That is so, so difficult to guess.

For what it’s worth, however, Shawn Mendes has been publicly supportive of Hailey, including when she reunited with old flame Justin Bieber.

On the Canadian entertainment show, ETALK, Shawn commented directly on Hailey hooking up with Justin again.

“I think that’s awesome,” Shawn said. “I love them both. They’re both really awesome people.”

In the past, even going back a couple of years, Shawn has said that he is flattered by comparisons to Justin Bieber.

(In the autumn of 2016, he did do some impressions of the Biebs, but he meant it in a friendly way)

Perhaps Justin doesn’t share Shawn’s friendly attitude?

Or perhaps there is something totally different going on behind the scenes, and we just don’t have enough of the pieces to see it.


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Kim Kardashian Makes Tristan Thompson Unblock Her on Instagram

Kim Kardashian doesn’t seem to have the word awkward in her vocabulary, ‘cause she asked the guy who cheated on her sister to unblock her on social media … right to his face. Kim was celebrating Khloe Kardashian’s 34th birthday Wednesday evening…


Kim Kardashian Makes Tristan Thompson Unblock Her on Instagram: WATCH!

Khloe"s birthday was Wednesday, and sister Kim used the opportunity to more or less ambush Tristan Thompson to unblock her on Instagram.

That"s right — when Kim and Tristan unfollowed each other on Instagram, it was because Tristan had blocked Kim.

Watch this video and see Kim strongarm Tristan into making nice with her.

Almost two months ago, eagle-eyed fans noticed that Kim and Tristan were no longer following each other.

That didn"t really come as a huge surprise, because of course Kim was royally pissed at the man whose cheating left Khloe betrayed and humiliated.

It turns out that it wasn"t some mutual unfollowing — Tristan blocked Kim. (And, spoiler alert, he blocked some others in the process)

We can only imagine what Kim must have said to him to prompt him, the party decidedly in the wrong, to block her.

But … what"s a little feuding and a lot of cheating between people who are basically family?

Kim used Khloe"s birthday and a video recording as leverage to socially blackmail Tristan into rebuilding that bridge.

"All right guys, what do you think?" Kim says at the beginning of her video. "It’s Khloé’s birthday, should I ask this guy to unblock me?"

Tristan begins to laugh. In awkward social situations, sometimes that"s all that you can do.

"For Khloé’s birthday it’s only right,” Tristan concedes. “I got you."

But it doesn"t sound like Kim was convinced that he was really on board.

"Was that a yes?" Kim asks.

It seems pretty clear that she is not worried about making Tristan feel uncomfortable.

"Si," Tristan responds. Which is Spanish for "yes."

"There’s no going back now," Tristan says as he unblocks Kim.

That is, to be clear, untrue. You can always reblock someone.

Interestingly, Kim — as she is glancing at the list — notices that she is not the only woman close to Khloe whom Tristan had decided to excise from his social media experience.

Malika and Khadijah Haqq, Khloe"s longtime best friends, were also on his list of blocked Instagram accounts.

This does not go unnoticed by Kim, who says: "Wait, what was that? You unblocked Malika and Khadijah?"

Both Haqq twins, Khloe, and Tristan began speaking at the same time in order to explain the situation — not that it needs much explanation — but Kim interrupts them.

"This is a birthday party!" Kim says. And that, as far as the camera reveals, is the end of that conversation.

The rest of what Kim chose to share featured little snippeds of the Kardashians being ridiculous and dancing.

Oh, and also being rich.

What do you buy for the woman who already has everything? Well, a custom Belenciaga handbag that is covered in dollar signs, apparently.

Kim also honored Khloe"s birthday by showing off cute cousins Chicago and True, both sitting on Khloe"s lap.

All in all, it looks like a very positive family gathering … after that one tense moment that Kim forced.

But hey, take your opportunities when they appear, right?

So … our minds are swirling about the fact that Tristan apparently felt justified in blocking Kim and the Haqq twins.

Surely they had given him a piece of their minds — several pieces each, we would imagine — over cheating on Khloe with a slew of women while Khloe was pregnant with his baby.

But while that was probably annoying for him, he was very much in the wrong. How did he work up the nerve to block them, as if they were the bad guys?

Some people will feel justified in anything that they do. That"s the sort of person who might repeat past bad behavior as soon as things calm down.

Let us hope that Tristan is not one of those people.

Kim kardashian makes tristan thompson unblock her on instagram w