Showing posts with label Jared. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jared. Show all posts

Friday, March 4, 2016

Jared Fogle: SHOCKING Text Messages Revealed in Court Docs

It’s been four months since Jared Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison for possession of child pornography and soliciting sex from a minor, but the shocking details about the disgraced Subway spokesman and his crimes are still emerging on a daily basis.

Yesterday, we learned that in an ironic twist of fate, the man who became famous for slimming down on a diet of $ 5 foot-longs has been packing on the pounds in prison – a possible result of the frequent harassment he endures from fellow inmates.

Today, Radar Online published excerpts from Fogle’s court hearing transcripts that contain a number of shocking text messages that Fogle sent in his efforts to locate underage prostitutes.

Be warned that the content of the messages is profoundly disturbing.

The following quotes are all taken from texts sent by Fogle to two adult prostitutes who allegedly connected him with teenagers who would be willing to exchange sexual favors for cash:

  • “I’m horny again. Is your Asian friend available? I can pay you a little finder’s free. I’ll pay you big for a 14 or 15-year-old.”

  • “Did you find me some young girls or boys? If they can prove their age….and you get me 16 or below, I’ll give you $ 400 at least.”

  • “I love big t–s, but I realize if they are younger that’s hard to find.”

  • “Do you have access to any young girls? Like 15 or 16? It’s what I crave! I would hook you up nicely if you did.”

  • “Any luck finding me a young girl too? I will really…make it worth your while if you can. Girl or guy actually would be fine. The younger the better! LOL!” 

Obviously, it’s not hard to see why Fogle pled guilty and didn’t even attempt to avoid a prison sentence.

Currently, Fogle is appealing his sentence, hoping to be released in 12 years, instead of 15.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Jared Fogle: Packing on Pounds, Getting Harassed in Prison!

Jared Fogle rose to fame in 2000 after the world learned that the formerly obese Indiana native had dropped a significant amount of weight by adhering to a diet that consisted mainly of Subway sandwiches.

Naturally, Subway seized on the opportunity to rebrand itself as a health food chain, and for 15 years, Fogle served as the fast food giant’s pitchman, eventually becoming one of the most recognized figures in national advertising.

Little did we know he would turn out to be creepier than a dozen Ronald McDonalds in windowless vans.

As you probably know, Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison after a police investigation linked to him a massive child pornography ring.

Fogle pled guilty to soliciting sex from a minor and possession of child porn, and he began serving his sentence in November of last year.

Not surprisingly, as a famous figure who’s serving time for a number of vile offenses, Fogle is having a hard time behind bars, and he’s reportedly already lost the physique that made him famous:

“He’s really started packing on the pounds again, probably from depression,” a prison insider tells In Touch.

“He loves ‘cake day’ in the dining hall twice a week and he buys Honey Buns by the box, as well as other pastries, in the commissary on his weekly shopping day,” adds the insider. “He’s been known to eat an entire box of eight at one sitting!”

Based on stories about the sort of treatment he’s been receiving from his fellow inmates, Fogle has every reason to be depressed:

“Jared is regularly taunted by those who have it out for him,” says the source.

“The inmate slapped him across the cheeks several times and made his face red. Jared just stood there stunned, then ran out of the gym.

“He never ratted out the inmates who did it, though, because he was threatened that if he did, they would get him!”

The insider adds that the other inmates refer to him solely by his nickname, “Chomo,” which is short for child molester.

Sounds like a rough existence, but if there’s one guy you’ll never find us feeling sorry for, it’s Jared Fogle.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Jared Fogle Appeals Prison Sentence: Don"t Punish Me For My Thoughts!

Back in November, Jared Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to possession of child pornography and soliciting sex from a minor.

The judge in the case – clearly disgusted by the details of the investigation – threw out Fogle’s plea deal and gave the former Subway spokesman a heftier sentence than he was expecting.

Now, lawyers for Fogle are appealing the judge’s decision, claiming that their client is being punished for sexual fantasies that he never acted on.

Though there’s no question that Fogle possessed child porn and paid teens for sex (he openly admitted as much in secretly recorded phone conversations), his attorneys may succeed in securing a shorter sentence as a result of the phrasing the judge used at his sentencing.

“This defendant is obsessed with child pornography and having sex with minors,” the judge has been quoted as saying. “He fantasized about it in telephone conversations.”

By admitting that Jared’s fantasies factored into her decision, the judge left herself open to rebuke.

“We are loath to give the government the power to punish us for our thoughts and not our actions,” Fogle’s attorneys wrote in recently filed documents.

The appeals court has yet to decide if Fogle will receive a new trial, but even if he goes to court again and wins, the disgraced 38-year-old will be sentenced to at least 12 years behind bars.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Jared Leto: I Don"t Hate Taylor Swift & I"ll SUE to Prove It!

Earlier this week, we showed you video of Jared Leto bashing Taylor Swift while listening to her music with his bandmates from 30 Seconds to Mars.

In fairness, Leto’s derogatory comments seem to be directed at Taylor’s songs, and not at Taylor herself.

Even so, he was subjected to the wrath of millions of angry Taylor fans on social media, and now Leto has filed a lawsuit the parties responsible for the video going public. 

Sources say Leto is suing both the videographer who shot the footage and TMZ for posting it online.

The court documents contain a strongly-worded statement from Leto, in which the Oscar-winner makes a passionate plea for privacy:

Last Sunday, I was alerted that TMZ had acquired personal and private video footage of me in my home and that they were planning to leak it on their site. My team notified TMZ immediately that I fully owned the footage and that their source had absolutely no rights to sell it.

“They chose to post it anyway. Let’s be clear. This was stolen footage. This was an invasion of privacy. And it was both legally and morally wrong.

Regardless of who we are, we should all be able to talk freely in the privacy of our own homes without the fear that our unfiltered thoughts or actions will get broadcast to the world.”

Leto has already apologized to Taylor, and while she hasn’t publicly absolved him, we’re sure she understands the embarrassment of having a private moment go viral.

Of course, if there’s any truth to the rumors about Jared dating Miley Cyrus, he might have to get used to the media being all up in his business.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Jared Leto Says "F--k Taylor Swift," Faces Wrath of Squad

Yesterday, TMZ posted a video in which Jared Leto returns from Mars and becomes the last person on the planet to hear the singles off of Taylor Swift’s 1989 album:

Unfortunately, Leto is less than impressed, accusing Taylor of ripping off Charli XCX, and eventually declaring, “F–k her. I don’t give a f–k about her. It’s whatever works best for us.”

Taylor has enough bad blood in her life, so she chose not to respond to this one personally.

Instead, like a midriff-baring Don Corleone, she let her loyal army show Leto who’s boss.

After 24 hours of being bombarded with negative tweets, Leto took to social media to apologize for offending the queen and her minions:

“The truth is I think @taylorswift13 is amazing + an incredible example of what’s possible” Leto wrote last night. “If I hurt her or her fans my sincerest apologies.”

Hopefully, the apology will prove sufficient and the Swifties will let Jared live to see his Joker movie hit theaters.

After all, the jab was meant for Taylor’s music, not Taylor personally.

And it’s not surprising that “Blank Space” didn’t float Jared’s boat. The guy’s supposedly dating Miley Cyrus, after all. Clearly, he likes his pop a bit less mainstream.

Now that we’ve defended Jared, we have to point out that he’s like 6 months late with that “Starbucks lovers” joke. Don’t act like you haven’t seen that one on Twitter, bruh.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Miley Cyrus and Jared Leto: Dating?!

It’s been over a year since we first heard rumors about Miley Cyrus and Jared Leto hooking up, but it seems that the eccentric stars are still going at it.

Or, rather, they’re back to going at it after Miley took some time off from the singles scene for her ill-fated relationship with Patrick Schwarzenegger.

The point is, she and Leto are knockin’ boots once again – and it sounds like they may have a genuine relationship brewing.

“Miley thinks the world of Jared, and she really looks up to him,” an insider tells Hollywood Life. “They have more than just a physical connection. They’re on the same page in so many ways.

“They love talking about politics, art, spirituality, and sexuality – nothing is off limits. A lot of the time when they get together, they stay up talking until the sun comes up.”

Oh, man. Try to imagine an all-night Miley Cyrus-Jared Leto conversation about spirituality. Unless your college dormmate was a perma-stoned philosophy major, you can’t do it.

Anyway, the insider says that Miley and Jared try to pretend they’re just friends with benefits, but their friends can see that there’s more going on.

“It’s super casual, but he’s more than just a hookup buddy, as they genuinely care about each other,” says the source. 

Wow. Sounds like these two are one intense acid trip away from being married by a shaman in Joshua Tree. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Jared Fogle Blames Sex Drive On Subway Diet

The filth that is Jared Fogle will do anything for a lower sentence.

The ex-Subway spokesman and accused pedophile is looking at 12 1/2 years behind bars, which his lawyers are trying to get reduced with a new excuse.

According to TMZ, lawyers brought in a sexual behavior expert to testify that prior to his Subway deal, Fogel had a “compulsive eating disorder.”

The lawyers believe that when Fogle lost the weight, he developed compulsive hypersexuality disorder.

First of all, 12 1/2 years is not nearly long enough.  

Second of all, the judge had better not put him in solitary confinement, but instead leave him to the other inmates.

And how does compulsive hypersexuality disorder have anything to do pedophilia?  

It’s a weak excuse, but one that the lawyers must think might work in trying for five years in prison instead of 12 1/2.

Fogle released a statement to the court today, claiming that he’s learned his lesson from keeping child pornography and having sex with minors, and won’t commit such crimes again.

“I owe a huge apology to the people who supported me and my positive messages the last 15 years,” Fogle said.

Fogle has been ordered to pay $ 1.4 million to 14 victims after being arrested in August.  

Jared Fogle: Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison!

Back in July, the world was shocked to learn of accusations that Subway spokesman Jared Fogle was involved with a child pornography ring.

As the investigation into Fogle’s criminal sexual activity pressed on, it became clear that the 38-year-old father of two was guilty of some truly revolting behavior.

Eventually, Fogle was charged with 14 counts of soliciting sex from minors. He pled guilty, hoping to reach a deal with prosecutors that would allow him to serve just 5 years behind bars.

Judge Tanya Walton Pratt was not bound by the deal, however, and today in an Indianapolis courtroom, Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison.

In the days before his sentencing, Fogle’s lawyers pulled out all the stops in their efforts to secure a lighter sentence for their client.

The attorneys tried to get the court to categorize Fogle’s crimes as “mild pedophilia,” due to the fact that his oldest victims were 16 and 17 years old.

When that didn’t work, the legal team really got desperate and tried to blame Fogle’s sexual appetites on his famous “Subway diet.”

Not surprisingly, the judge wasn’t having it.

Fogle will almost certainly appeal the sentence, but for now, the advertising icon is facing a very long stretch behind bars. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Jared Fogle: Facing Up to 12 Years on Prison?!

Back in July, Jared Fogle was arrested on suspicion of child molestation and soliciting minors for sex.

He was eventually charged with 14 counts of statutory rape, but was expecting a lenient sentence thanks to a controversial plea deal. 

Now, it seems that Fogle may wind up going to prison for more than twice as long as he thought.

Under the terms of his initial deal, Fogle would have received five years in prison in exchange for cooperating with the investigation into the child pornography ring he was allegedly a part of.

Now, TMZ is reporting that Fogle could be facing up to 12 years behind bars, thanks to documents filed today by the US Attorney’s Office in Indiana.

There are numerous reasons that Fogle is now facing a harsher sentence.

Prosecutors have determined that his crimes are “especially heinous,” as more than 5.6 terrabytes of child porn were found on devices in Fogle’s home.

In addition, a journalist named Rochelle Herman-Walrond recorded hours of audio of Fogle describing his abuse of children in graphic detail.

The judge in Fogle’s case will take the prosecutor’s new request into consideration, and even if the court doesn’t agree with the “especially heinous” label, it’s unlikely that Fogle’s initial plea deal will be accepted.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jared Fogle Describes Abuse of Children in Disturbing Audio

Back in August, Jared Fogle pled guilty to child molestation after a several-year investigation revealed that the former Subway spokesman may have victimized as many as 14 minors.

Authorities were able to put Fogle away in large part due to the efforts of Rochelle Herman-Walrond, a Florida journalist who befriended Fogle and pretended to share his perversions so that she might be able to gather audio of him admitting to his crimes.

Herman-Walrond has agreed to share some of the recorded conversations between her and Fogle on episodes of Dr. Phil that are set to air today and tomorrow.

Yesterday, we received the first shocking preview of the Fogle recordings, which featured a number of revolting quotes from the 38-year-old, including this description of one of his sexual encounters with an underage male:

“I had a little boy, it was amazing; it just felt so good. I mean, it felt – it felt so good.”

Sadly, it gets worse. The first of Herman-Walrond"s tapes was released to the public today, and it contains Fogle"s truly disgusting descriptions of the methods that he used in order to engage in sexual activity with young children:

"Well, if we got them—got them segregated out," Fogle says. "You know, in this thing where it’s just the three of us, you know, we sort of, you know, we just sort of start talking or whatever and we just start sharing stories and then, you know, we get a little closer, and a little closer, and a little closer, and before you know it, you know, it’s, you know, it just starts to happen."

You can listen to the full audio below, but beware that the content is truly unsettling.

Jared fogle describes abuse of children in disturbing audio

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Jared Fogle: Journalist Shares SHOCKING Undercover Interview

In August, former Subway spokesperson Jared Fogle was arrested on 14 counts of soliciting sex with minors.

Not only did the media respond in outrage, Jared’s wife filed for divorce, and Subway quickly fired him.  In the blink of an eye, Jared became one of the world’s most disgusting men.

And his title as a piece of sh*t perv isn’t going away anytime soon.

A journalist working undercover recorded Fogle bragging about his encounters with minors, even admitting that he had an “amazing” time with “a little boy.”  He also admitted on the tape that he likes little girls.

Rochelle Herman-Walron shared her recordings of Jared on the Thursday and Friday episodes of Dr. Phil.

She began interacting with and secretly recording Fogle after made an oblique, off-putting comment about little girls. The journalist later handed over the recordings to the FBI.

Herman-Walrond, a former Florida journalist, duped Fogle into believing she was part of his kiddie porn loving circle of friends.

“I had to be two separate people in order to continue on with this investigation,” she explained.

In the recorded conversations, 38-year-old Fogle recounted his experiences with children.  Horrifically, he even said, “I had a little boy, it was amazing; it just felt so good. I mean, it felt — it felt so good.”

When asked if he preferred young boys over underage girls, Fogle answered, “Both of them.”

The child molester even said he would be willing to travel abroad to take part in more child sex-related acts.

“I would fly us clear across the world if we need to, to Thailand or wherever we want to go,” he said. “If we’re gonna try to get some young kids with us, it would be a lot easier.”

Fogle even tried to recruit Herman-Walrond to film her own children: “Are there any of your kids’ friends that you think are pretty hot?” he asked her. “What if we put a camera in your kids’ room, would they be OK with that?”

In a slap in the face to every child Jared touched or thought about touching, Fogle faces a measly five years in jail.

We vote for life in prison.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Supernatural Star Jared Padalecki Posts Lovey Throwback Picture That Gives Us All The Feels!


Jared Padalecki‘s love for wife Genevieve Cortese is still going strong! The adorable duo met while filming Supernatural and have been living in wedded bliss since 2010.

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The Gilmore Girls alum celebrated Throwback Thursday by sharing a snap of the former co-stars beautiful white wedding held in Sun Valley, Idaho. See the sweet Instagram (below)!

#TBT 😍A photo posted by Jared Padalecki (@jaredpadalecki) on Sep 24, 2015 at 10:35am PDT

Too cute!

Five years down the road, the happy couple are now parents to baby boys, Shephard, 1, and Thomas, 3.

The33-year-old actor has had a rough year suffering from exhaustion but he has taken the time to focus on himself and his loved ones. We’re happy to see him surrounded by his growing family!

[Image via WENN.]