Showing posts with label Jenner's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jenner's. Show all posts

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Jealous of Kylie Jenner"s Success?

Difficult as it is to believe,  Kylie Jenner may soon be a billionaire.

Yes, Kylie’s cosmetics line is so wildly popular that she could soon join the ranks of Mark Cuban, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, and the guy who’s banging Amber Heard.

Obviously, it’s beyond impressive for Kylie to be joining such an elite old boys’ club as a 20-year-old woman, but as Taylor Swift reminded us before she became a vengeance-obsessed Shakespeare character, haters are always gonna hate.

And sometimes, the haters can be found within your own immediate family.

Rumors of a rivalry between Kim Kardashian and Kylie have been circulating for years and it’s not hard to see why the public might get the impression that these two are less than close.

Not only has Kylie arguably taken Kim’s place as the most popular Kardashian (at least on social media), they don’t seem to be as close with one another as they are with their other sisters.

Now, an insider tells In Touch that Kylie’s latest success deepened the divide between the two sisters.

“Kim is privately jealous over Kylie’s success because she always thought she’d be the first Kardashian billionaire,” says the source. There’s a real rivalry between the Kardashian girls.”

It’s worth noting that Kylie isn’t a billionaire yet.

In fact, her company has yet to top $ 400 million in annual sales.

But the cosmetics line is also only 18 months old, and experts estimate that if sales continue at their current pace, Kylie will be worth $ 1 billion by the time she’s 25.

Conversely, Kim’s popularity seems to have peaked.

Of course, Kim was also the first to make a name for herself and she reportedly (and rightfully) feels that none of her sisters would be household names if she hadn’t climbed the mountain first.

“When Keeping Up With the Kardashians first started, all eyes were on Kim, and Kylie was a lesser presence because she was so young,” says the insider.

“Now Kim is feeling the competition, and it bothers her. She’s told those close to her that the Kardashian brand wouldn’t be where it is today if it wasn’t for her.”

It’s something every family goes through.

The younger siblings come into their own as the older generation creeps toward middle age.

Then the lip kits become more popular, just as everyone starts to forget about the older sister’s sex tape.

Okay, maybe it’s not something every family goes through.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Caityln Jenner"s No Expert on Our Issues ... Says Trans Woman Who Chewed Her Out

Caitlyn Jenner doesn’t know jack about the trans community’s most important issues, so she should just shut up … so claims the woman who got all up in Caitlyn’s face.  Ashlee Marie Preston tells us she took Caitlyn to task because she…


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Kylie Jenner"s Cosmetics Line Worth Over $400 Million, According to Kris Jenner

Kylie Jenner’s well on her way to turning her cosmetics line into a billion-dollar brand … according to her mom/biz manager, Kris Jenner. Since officially launching her famous Kylie Cosmetics lip kit line in 2016, inquiring minds wanted to…


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Kylie Jenner Meets Kylie Jenner"s Wax Figure, Confusion Ensues

One of these chicks used to bang Tyga … the other was probably a scented candle. Kylie Jenner hit up Madame Tussauds in Hollywood Tuesday for the unveiling of her doppelganger … and it’s absolutely uncanny. Seriously, pop quiz, hot shot — if…


Friday, June 30, 2017

Kendall and Kylie Jenner"s Vintage T-Shirts Shut Down, The Doors Are Ready to Sue

Kendall and Kylie Jenner’s vintage t-shirt line pissed off rock legend band The Doors, and now the iconic group’s going to sue. Lawyers for the band fired off a cease and desist letter to the Jenner sisters over the gear … which features…


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Kylie Jenner Sexily Channels Kris Jenner"s Signature Look!

Kris Jenner’s hairstyle is sort of the final form of the “may I speak to the manager” hairdo, and, connotations aside, it looks great.

Well, now Kylie Jenner’s channeling Kris’ signature hairstyle while advertising sunglasses, and you have to see what Kylie looks like now.

So, backstory first.

Kylie’s apparently been wearing Quay sunglasses for ages.

Anybody else know some people who are big into sunglasses?

They’ve never been my thing, exactly, but obviously Kylie has a bazillion pairs.

She has every outfit, every accessory … obviously.

Anyway, Quay is an Australian brand, and Kylie’s now partnering with them.

(Probably because both parties like making money — we’ve all seen what Kylie will do for money)

Kylie’s promoting the sunglasses, and they’ve essentially kicked off this new working relationship with some photos.

While yes, Kylie’s wearing the sunglasses in these, she’s also wearing pixie cut.

(Well, a faux pixie with hints of a bob — she hasn’t actually chopped off all of her hair)

And doesn’t it look like she’s taken a page right out of Kris Jenner’s book?

Obviously, it’s not an exact match.

But wow is she channeling Kris Jenner.

(But more than four decades younger)

Was it conscious, we wonder, or just how the photos and outfits ended up?

We do have to say that we’re not sure if this works as well with Kylie.

(Though she is of course welcome to have her hair as long or short as she likes)

With her dynamite curves that are impossible to miss, we worry that without enough hair size to balance her look, her head could look out-of-place.

Maybe we’re overthinking this.

It might just be a degree of shock at seeing her look so different.

She does, as always, look incredible.

(To absolutely no one’s surprise)

Kylie didn’t exclusively stick to that hairstyle or outfit.

And the results were pretty eye-catching.

We gotta be honest …

That’s an intriguing hairstyle and we know that these photos are advertising sunglasses.

But neither of those are the focal point for this photo.

This isn’t exactly the first time that Kylie Jenner’s boobs have stolen the show.

And it won’t be the last.

This doesn’t look like some tragic accident, either.

A lot of people like “appreciating” Kylie’s curves.

Maybe they’re hoping that people will come for the boobs and stay for the glasses, you know?

Those were actually, boobs and hairstyles aside, some pretty good photos, right?

The overall style looks fun and future-y in a way that we can really admire.

We do have to confess that we’ve always preferred Kylie’s more natural looks.

See? That looks like a stunningly gorgeous 19-year-old.

But, you know, it’s her choice.

Now we have to wonder if, since big sister Kim Kardashian muscled into the makeup business, Kylie’s sisters are going to try to copy her here, too.

Kylie’s already poised to start out-earning her sisters soon, and this deal is sure to help with that.

So we guess that we might have a lot more sunglasses Snapchat videos to look forward to in the future, huh?

That could just be Kylie wearing sunglasses in the car.

It could also mean Kylie in another barely censored photo, wearing nothing but sunglasses.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Kendall Jenner Booty Pic: Trying to Compete with Kylie Jenner"s Curves?

This snap that Kendall Jenner has shared of her butt flaunts curves and hips that we don’t always associate with the leggy supermodel.

She’s posed in a skimpy red one-piece that apparently wasn’t skimpy enough, as you can see her pulling some of the fabric aside to bare more skin.

The photo has some people wondering if she’s trying to edge in on sister Kylie’s curves.

That’s quite a booty.

And, even as much of Kendall Jenner as we’ve all seen — and it’s been a lot — it’s almost surprising that her butt is as much as it is.

That’s cameras and angles and posing for you, you know?

She looks great, but she’s always looked phenomenal.

That’s part of why she’s literally a supermodel.

And, as far as Kendall Jenner’s bathing suit photos go, we super prefer the modern ones to the super inappropriate photoshoots that she’d do as a minor.

But the nature of the photo, from the angle to the emphasis, makes it look like she’s trying to measure up to her sister Kylie’s body.

This isn’t the first time that comparisons have been drawn between Kendall and Kylie.

After all, Kylie’s boyfriend Travis Scott compared Kylie and Kendall’s sexual skills.


If you’ll recall, he said that Kylie has “more to play with.”

You know, because of her very ample curves and stuff.

Kendall, on the other hand, apparently has “more personality.”

It’s not super clear if Kendall has more personality in bed or just, like, in general.

We could see that in either case.

Kylie strikes us as such a, like, internal person.

And not necessarily the most verbal.

Hell, most of Kylie’s Snapchat videos are silent except for whatever music’s playing in the background.

Kendall’s antics with friends are a little weirder.

Though maybe nakedly licking each other in photos just goes with the territory when you’re friends with Cara Delevingne.

One of the pitfalls of being a young woman is that it’s so easy to see just one body type as “perfect.”

The fact of the matter is that, while certain body types fall in and out of fashion, there’s an array of indisputably gorgeous body-types.

And while some people might be swayed by trends, certain individuals are always going to find certain things attractive.

Or unattractive.

There are people today who miss the, ahem, “top-heavy” models of the 1980s.

There are also people who don’t care so much for the booty obsession in today’s culture and who prefers a figure like Kendall’s.

Or one even thinner.

It would not make sense for someone who already embodies some people’s physical ideal to try their hand at a completely different body type.

Like, there are plenty of guys who wanna bang Jason Momoa, but that doesn’t mean that Kendall should try to grow a beard.

She’s welcome to, but she’s just never gonna look like Jason Momoa.

Or appeal to the people who hold him up as the ultimate ideal of human beauty.

She’s just going to disappoint the people who already like her for how she looks and don’t need her to change.

Maybe we’re reading too much into all of this.

Like, maybe Kendall’s just showing off her butt because she likes it.

Maybe she’s just reminding people that one-pieces are super in this season for whatever reason.

As if anyone could have forgotten, after sister Kourtney Kardashian’s super hot beach photos in that white one-piece.

But body image issues aren’t exactly foreign to the Kardashian clan.

We unfortunately wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Kendall, arguably the hottest of the bunch, has her share.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Kim Kardashian: SLAMMED for Muscling In on Kylie Jenner"s Makeup Business

Remember how Kylie Jenner’s net worth is through the roof, since she’s been raking in the dough at a rate to make even her sisters blush?

Well, it looks like her sisters got the memo, because big sister Kim Kardashian is moving in on the makeup business.

And Kylie’s fans are not having it.

So, Kim Kardashian West Beauty — a name that makes Kylie Cosmetics sound like the most inspired, creative business name we’ve ever heard — is a thing.

For the moment, this brand’s focus is on contouring and highlighting kits.

But some of Kylie’s fans see this as a transparent move to butt into Kylie’s business.

They can just picture Kim looking at how much Kylie’s making, and her pupils turning into dollar signs like on a child’s cartoon.

Yes — even Kylie inspires brand loyalty.

Backlash can be entertaining, in this case, because the Kardashians aren’t vulnerable targets — Kim especially.

Like, she’s a grown woman. She has kids.

So we don’t think that we have to worry about her obsessing over the comments or slinking into a depression because of them or anything like that.

And, like, a lot of them are teens who idolize Kylie because they, too, want to get rich and also to shopping for mansions when they’re in their teens.

Hell, plenty of people would settle for just getting a tenth as many likes and favorites on social media as Kylie does — and some of those people are adults.

But there are a couple of issues with the Kim-is-totally-copying-Kylie negative, and we need to talk about those.

First of all, Kim is not hurting for cash. At all.

While Kylie’s officially the youngest person on the Fobes 100 Rich List, Kim has still been in the financial lead among her family.

A huge part of that is her comically lucrative video game from a few years back.

So, Kim’s doing alright.

And while some of the Kardashian clan can be pretty competitive, we just don’t see Kris Jenner allowing any blatant backstabbing or sabotaging.

The Kardashians are supposedly “all about family,” and it wouldn’t look great for Kim to hamstring Kylie’s business out of pettiness — even if she wanted to.

Secondly, even if Kim were to copy Kylie … it would be pretty fair.

After all, Kylie’s been repeatedly accused of copying Kim’s look, from how she wears her makeup to the proportions of her body.

The thinking is that Kylie’s catching up to her big sis using more than just genetics.

And you know Kim’s big video game app?

Kylie and Kendall have already walked in her footsteps there, with their own game.

So, like most siblings, it sounds like they sometimes latch onto each other’s ideas.

Plenty of businesses just do that, too.

It doesn’t mean that Kim’s trying to dominate the makeup market, like a pair of drug lords getting each other’s minions killed over who can sell lip matte kits on which street corner.

It would be kind of Kim or Kylie were to try to push Rob out of the sock business, since, poor guy, it’s kind of his only thing.

But Kylie’s brand isn’t going to crash and burn because her sister also sells makeup.

And, honestly, we feel like there’s only so much overlap between the two.

Admittedly, they both do their makeup like a 36-year-old, but Kylie’s fanbase is even younger.

They have to be, to keep pace with her Snapchat shenanigans.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Recap: Caitlyn Jenner"s Revenge

On Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 13 Episode 13, Caitlyn Jenner’s memoir threatened to divide an already fractured family. 

Even by their standards, this installment caused major tension inside the typically tight-knit family, and it’s not at all hard to see why.

After reading her former stepfather’s book, The Secrets of My Life, Kim Kardashian went on a media tour of her own. In-house, anyway.

Approaching different family members and slamming the memoir, Kim went off on the book to anyone in her family who would listen.

It made for good theater, we’ll give her that.

Caitlyn was the star of the episode, though she’ll be seen only briefly if you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online this week.

The former Olympian met up with daughter Kendall Jenner (and Jay Leno) to talk cars in a brief segment, before s–t got really … real.

Kim met up with Cait to ask for a copy, at which point Cait said of Kris, “I’ll always love her. … We’ll always have 23 years of our lives.”

That said, “I have to be honest.” 

Kim wasn’t buying it, at least in terms of the facts of the memoir actually being honest. Especially as they pertained to her mom, Kris.

For instance, Caitlyn claimed being in the closet led her to struggle with the responsibilities of being a parent. Kim was pissed, saying:

“Grow up and say, ‘I didn’t call my kids.’”

Of the gold medalist’s cultural relevance, Kim asserted that she is much more famous now thanks to Kris and the Kardashians’ influence.

“Honey, no one knew who you were for [decades]. We brought you more life. You know, the show’s not called Keeping up With the Jenners.”

Wow. “Honey?” Really?

Kim, to her sisters, continued her rant against the book, saying, “Why do you wanna be part of the family if you’re just gonna talk s–t?”

Kourtney then chimed in, calling the whole charade “pathetic” and asking Kris to weigh in, at which point the Momager defended herself.

Of Cait’s claims that Kris hoarded cash, she said, “[Caitlyn] never paid a bill from 1972 [on] … You’re talking about me hoarding money?”

“We didn’t even have it.”

As for the most hotly-debated issues in the whole book – whether Kris knew Caitlyn was trans from day one – Kris told her side of that too.

“I said to Cait, ‘You were married before. How did you and your last wife break up?” Jenner said, recalling that time a quarter century ago.

“Cait could have told me the story that she writes about in the book which is, ‘Gee, Linda [Thompson] got so angry and nasty."”

Adds Kris, “‘Cait had to tell her about her gender dysphoria.’ Why wouldn’t you just have told me what happened with Linda.”

“So at least I could make my own decision if I wanted to get married to someone who really wanted to be a woman.”

Kim Kardashian, increasingly upset, said, “She literally started three families with three people and f–ked everyone over.”

“Cait just has no decency toward my mom whatsoever,” lamented the 36-year-old. “I don’t think my mom has to try anymore.”

Kris then visited Kendall at her home to further talk about the book, which also talks about how Cait felt weird banging Kris.

(Yeah, it just gets worse and worse.)

Kendall seemed to agree with Kris’ claims that Caitlyn lies and said that regardless, she shouldn’t “diss” the Kardashian name in her book.

The model admitted, “What upset me the most … is what she had said about my family … In the end of the day, she raised the Kardashians.”

“She’s really pushing herself away from us.”

However, Kendall said that she’ll always love her dad and defended Cait somewhat, telling Kris, “I don’t think it’s purposeful lying.”

Kris countered that Caitlyn’s “children are gonna read this book about their grandparents and have a story that is fabricated.”

Moreover, Kris can’t get past this aspect: “She walked away from four of her kids then turned around and blamed it on me.” 


Thursday, June 1, 2017

Travis Scott Grabs Kylie Jenner"s Ass Outside His L.A. Home (PHOTO GALLERY)

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott hug and kiss when they say goodbye … and play a little grab ass too. Kylie was with the rapper at his home in L.A. for a couple hours Wednesday before they walked out together and packed on the PDA in front of her…


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Kendall Jenner Finally Reacts to Caitlyn Jenner"s Tell-All: Watch!

Kendall Jenner has a lot in common with her famous sisters: she"s gorgeous, she"s famous, she"s never been accused of being the brightest crayon in the box.

But there"s one significant thing that"s different about her, and that"s the way she handles her fame.

Where her sisters are usually all over social media, sharing selfie after selfie, and doing interviews at every chance they get, Kendall is a little more reserved.

She really seems to be focusing on her modeling career, and it also looks like she"s trying to distance herself a bit from the Kardashian name.

As such, she hasn"t really made a statement one way or another about Caitlyn Jenner"s scandalous new memoir, The Secrets of My Life.

Until now, that is.

In a new sneak peek for this week"s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the family is still hung up on Caitlyn.

It seems that unlike some of the others, Kendall didn"t read the book herself — we see her asking Kim what exactly Caitlyn wrote.

The trusty narrator of the sneak peeks lets us know that "Caitlyn"s truth pushes the family away," which is something we"ve been seeing a lot this season.

And in this clip, Caitlyn"s truth seems to be pushing Kendall away specifically.

In a later conversation with Kris Jenner, we see Kendall crying out "It"s insane, Mom! That"s insane!", while slapping her hands on a table for emphasis.

Looks like yet another family member may be preparing to cut ties with Caitlyn.

Check out the sadness in the video below:

Kendall jenner finally reacts to caitlyn jenners tell all watch

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian Tries, Fails to Save Kris Jenner"s Life: Watch!

Would you trust Kourtney Kardashian to save your life?

Of course you wouldn"t — and if you would, then perhaps you need to take a step back and reevaluate the choices you made that led you to this point in your life.

The Kardashians are known for being the most vapid bunch around, as well as being famous for absolutely no reason.

Seriously, Robert Kardashian defended O.J. Simpson in his murder trial, then several years later Kim had sex with Brandy"s little brother and filmed it, and now here we are.

It"s been a wild ride.

So with such limited professional experience and basically zero life skills, it shouldn"t come as a surprise that this latest stunt the family pulled on Keeping Up with the Kardashians was a total failure.

In this sneak peek for Sunday"s new episode of the show, Kourtney, Khloe, and Kris Jenner hung out with the Los Angeles County Fire Department.

Why? It"s hard to say.

The crew pulls up to what looks like a burning building — it"s a simulation for firefighters to practice on.

Khloe explains to Kourtney that "This whole thing is, like, really for you, because you are one of the worst decision makers of all time."

She says that Kris will be placed in the building, and Kourtney is responsible for leading the mission to save her life.

It does not go well.

Kourtney and Khloe get suited up in all the necessary firefighter gear — at one particularly glorious point, Kourtney asks if it"s fireproof — and get ready to save their mother.

The professionals ask Kourtney which tools to use as Kris yells for help, and she makes exactly one decision before it all goes to hell.

Did Kris make it out? Was Kourtney able to think critically for five minutes?

Watch the clip below to find out:

Kourtney kardashian tries fails to save kris jenners life watch

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Kris Jenner"s Alleged Stalker Ordered to Stay Away for Three Years

Kris Jenner won’t have to worry about an obsessed ex-security guard for a while … he’s been ordered to keep his distance for 3 years. The judge signed off Wednesday morning on a permanent restraining order against Joshua Jacobs … who was…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian & Kendall Jenner"s Asses Are All in for Yacht Fun in Cannes (PHOTO GALLERY)

Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner are cut from the same cloth … when it comes to their asses on yachts, that is. Kourtney and Kendall took a break from the hustle and bustle of the Cannes Film Festival and boarded a yacht in the resort…


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Life Of Kylie: Watch the First Promo For Kylie Jenner"s New Series!

We suppose it was inevitable.

By some measures, Kylie Jenner has been the most popular member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan for over a year now.

She has 94 million followers on Instagram and another 20 million each on Facebook and Twitter.

(The "175 million followers" claim made by her people is a bit dubious, as there"s undoubtedly a great deal of overlap across platforms.)

She"s launched a line of wildly successful makeup products almost entirely on the strength of her name.

She"s emerged from the tremendous shadow cast by Kim Kardashian to join her big sister as one of the most recognizable women on the planet.

In retrospect, a Kylie Jenner spinoff series was bound to happen.

And now, E! has launched a full-blown media assault to hype the show"s July 6 premiere.

The first trailer for Life of Kylie premiered today, and it"s loaded with the sort of profound insights into the human condition and nature of fame that we"ve come to expect from the young woman who declared 2016 the year of "realizing stuff."

“Nobody has a perfect life,” Kylie says in her best "profound voiceover" voice.

“Now I can find what really is gonna make me happy."

We hate to say it, Kylizzle, but if unimaginable wealth, the adulation of tens of millions, and never having to do any real work don"t have you well on your way to happiness, you might be out of luck.

"There’s an image that I have to keep up with. Then there’s me: Kylie,” she concludes.

Okay, so it"s not The Wire, but it"s sure to give Kylie fanatics exactly what they want – a whole lot of Kylie.

Watch the first trailer for Life of Kylie below:

Life of kylie watch the first promo for kylie jenners new series

Monday, May 1, 2017

Kris Jenner"s Alleged Stalker Arrested at Her Home

A fired security guard at Kris Jenner’s home has been arrested for felony stalking, and we’re told it’s the 3rd time he’s broken into the gated community to get at Kris. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Joshua Jacobs broke the arm at the security…


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Kendall Jenner"s Coachella Interviews Cannot Touch On Pepsi Ad

Kendall Jenner’s ready for mics all up in her business when she hits up Coachella this weekend … but there are strings attached — NO PEPSI TALK!!! Our Kendall sources tell us the model’s got several interviews lined up when she hits up events at…


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Kylie Jenner"s Boots are Made For Walking Over Tyga (PHOTO)

Kylie Jenner’s ready to stomp before finding her next romp.  The reality star sported these come-hither boots Tuesday night at the PrettyLittleThing campaign in L.A. Sure screams … Tyga who?


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Kendall Jenner"s Final Pepsi Scene Inspired by "60s Pic ... NOT Black Lives Matter (PHOTOS)

There’s actually an explanation — though not necessarily a good one — for Pepsi’s decision to run the disastrous Kendall Jenner ad … but to understand you have to take a trip back to the ’60s.  CLICK THIS LINK and check out the second…


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Kendall Jenner"s Pepsi Ad a "Personal Insult" to Black Lives Matter Leader Johnetta Elzie (VIDEO)

Civil rights activist Johnetta Elzie is slamming Kendall Jenner for pretending to be something she’s not in that Pepsi ad, and mocking the real work of real-life protesters. ‘Netta, one of the Black Lives Matter leaders, isn’t letting…
