Showing posts with label Jeremy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeremy. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Jeremy Roloff: Cell Phones are Satan"s Creation!

Jeremy Roloff believes that cell phones may be a detriment to your health.

Not your actual health. He’s not among those who think these devices may give you cancer.

But the Little People, Big World star is convinced that the use of one’s cell phone may prove fatal to one’s… love life?


“Phones are ruining our love stories. I believe that the single most lethal problem concerning our love stories is our phones,” Jeremy wrote on Instagram last week.

We’d point out here that Jeremy most likely wrote this statement on a cell phone.

And also that a majority of his followers, on whom he relies for various business purposes, likely read that statement on a cell phone.

But we don’t need to — because a handful of these same followers already pointed out the delicious irony at work here.

“Ummm…U do realize that you’d have like half as many followers without phone, right?” asked @ldwyer69.

Added @yeaheboos13: “Where would beating50percent be without our phones?!?”

(This is a reference to Audrey and Jeremy’s “marriage blog,” on which they sell many types of merchandise.)

Jeremy tried to defend his anti-cell phone stance as follows:

“They are increasingly stealing our conversations, our romance, our contentment, our time, our special moments, and our attention. Which is everything healthy relationships need.”

The TLC star went on to say:

“It’s a tragedy. It’s something we must control. And it’s immediate.”

Many people have hearkened back here to the time that Audrey Roloff told fans Jesus wanted them to be on the Internet less frequently…

… in a message she wrote while using the Internet.

We don’t doubt that the Roloffs have positive intentions here.

There’s certainly something to be said for checking one’s phone less often and appreciating the moment while in the moment more often.

But it’s a tad extreme to say that the “single most lethal problem concerning our love stories is our phones,” as Jeremy does in this Instagram entry.

It’s also a tad hypocritical when Audrey and Jeremy are on their phones ALL the time.

They are constantly updating their social media pages with photos of daughter Ember — and, don’t get us wrong, we’re VERY happy they do this.

That little girl is such a cutie!

We very much appreciate how candid Jeremy and Audrey can be online, but they need to come down off their soapbox at times.

They don’t know EVERYthing about life and love and religion. They just don’t.

“I just posted over on @beating50 about boundaries and phone usage,” concluded Jeremy.

“If you want some good ideas on where to begin with controlling your phone instead of it controlling you – read the comments. Do you have phone boundaries?

“We’ll be sharing ours later this week.”


Jeremy Calvert: I Did NOT Cheat on My Girlfriend With Leah Messer!

Jeremy Calvert is in a new relationship, and Leah Messer is pretending to be happy for him.

Unfortunately, anyone with a pair of eyes and the slightest instinct for how human relationships work can see that Leah never quite got over Jeremy, and she would take him back in a heartbeat.

So when word got out that Jeremy is dating Desi Kibler, Leah put on a brave face, offered her congratulations – and then promptly slept with Jeremy.

Or at least that"s the word on the street.

Now, Jeremy is speaking out against the cheating rumors, and it seems he is not happy about being forced to go down this road yet again.

1. Jeremy and Desi

Jeremy calvert and desi kibler

Calvert and Kibler made their relationship Instagram official with this photo. Unfortunately, Jeremy might have still been weighing his options at the time it was taken.

2. Suspicious Trailer

Leah messer selfie

A trailer for the new season of Teen Mom OG shows Leah revealing to a friend that she recently hooked up with Jeremy.

3. The Overlap

Leah messer jeremy calvert photo

Combine that with reports that Jeremy and Desi have been quietly dating for several months, and it’s not hard to see how Jeremy might have some explaining to do.

4. A Timeline

Leah messer calvert family

Jeremy and Leah reportedly hooked up in early 2018, which is well after when he first got together with Desi. But don’t worry – Jer’s got an explanation. It’s just not a good one…

5. A Single Man

Jer calvert image

“I didn’t cheat on my girlfriend Desi with Leah,” Jeremy told The Ashley’s Reality Roundup in a recent interview. “When me and Leah hooked up, I was a single man.”

6. The Explanation

Jeremy calvert on instagram

So how does Jeremy explain the fact that he hooked up with Leah AFTER he started dating Desi? Well, here’s where it gets good …

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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Jeremy Roloff Birthday Tribute: Audrey Sure Loves Him A Lot!


Audrey Roloff is a very big fan of Jeremy Roloff.

This is stating the obvious, of course, mostly because Audrey and Jeremy are married with an adorable baby girl.

But let’s be honest:

There are plenty of couples in this situation who don’t exact exude affection for one another, right?

Jeremy and Audrey got married in September of 2014, though, and have basically spent the past four and a half years gushing over each other in one sense or another.

What’s their secret?

Reciting their marriage vows during sex, of course! (We’re not kidding. Click on that link to see what we mean.)

But also just being open and honest and turning their lives over to a higher power.

This sums up the basic themes of nearly every Jeremy or Audrey social media post, such as the #3sentencelovestory Audrey wrote about Jeremy in February.

It went as follows:

We were freshman in college when our good friends set up on a blind date before church, and from that day forward he was patiently persistent, I was stubborn and guarded.

After a two year friendship. he said “will you be mine” up on the railroad tracks, and that’s when we began 3-years of writing each other letters on our type writers while we endured a long distance relationship.

Our long-distance relationship ended in an unbreakable covenant on September 20th 2014, and since then we have continued to grow in oneness, Godliness, and more in love… always more.

So anyway: This is all a long preamble to say that Jeremy Roloff turns 28 years old today.

And, as you might expect, Audrey had some very nice things to say in honor of this occasion.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you babe (and happy 8 months to this cute little girlsie!),” wrote Audrey to open her birthday message, adding early in her caption:

“You are far more than I could have ever imagined a husband to be Jeremy. You are the love of my life, my best friend, my adventure partner, my confidant, my tech support, my comedic relief and so much more!

“From the beginning you’ve had such a strong connection with our daughter that makes my eyes water.”

Audrey continued to focus on Jeremy as a father, which is the most important role he’ll ever have, of course:

“I love seeing how engaged and content you are just playing with her, talking to her, and making her laugh.

“You are a steadfast and faithful man of God and you challenge me to be the best version of who God has called me to be.”

Audrey and Jeremy actually met on a blind date, an occasion Jeremy wrote about back in January.

“It’s been a wild and unexpected eight years,” Jeremy said at the time, adding a few months ago:

“We never get to choose where we end up, our daily choices choose for us. When we are old and grey I imagine the greatest thing will be looking back at the love story we have written.”

And this is how Audrey wrapped up her birthday tribute to the man she has known for well over a decade:

I am constantly amazed at your wisdom, and continually grateful for your humility and strength in leading our family. Thank you for loving us so well babe. ‘If it’s half as good as the half we’ve known, here’s Hail! to the rest of the road.”

I love you Farmer.

Pretty sweet stuff, huh?

We’d like to also send our best birthday wishes at this time to Jeremy Roloff, so here we go:



Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Jeremy Roenick Slams Brad Marchand Over "Disgusting" Face Licks

Jeremy Roenick says he’s sick and tired of Brad Marchand’s face-licking antics on the ice … and says the guy needs to save his tongue for the bedroom.  Marchand went on a mouthy tear during the NHL playoffs — licking opponents faces at…


Jeremy Roenick Slams Brad Marchand Over "Disgusting" Face Licks

Jeremy Roenick says he’s sick and tired of Brad Marchand’s face-licking antics on the ice … and says the guy needs to save his tongue for the bedroom.  Marchand went on a mouthy tear during the NHL playoffs — licking opponents faces at…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Jeremy Calvert on Girlfriend"s DUI: Who DOESN"T Drink and Drive?!

Jeremy Calvert … he sure is a character, that’s for sure.

Sometimes it’s fun, like when he absolutely destroyed Jenelle Evans for her pulling a gun on someone during a road rage incident and then getting mad when he expressed that maybe she should face some consequences for that.

Sometimes it’s not so fun, like when he got kind of racist when Leah Messer told him she was thinking about taking their daughter on vacation to Mexico.

But either way, Jeremy has opinions, lots of them, and he’s never afraid to share them.

And his opinions on his new girlfriend and her recent DUI … well, you’re really just going to have to see it to believe it.

See, Jeremy has been dating this girl, Desi Kibbler, for a little while now.

He just started posting about her on social media within the past few weeks, but when people started talking about it, she tweeted that “this has been going on longer than any of y’all know.”

She explained that they’d “kept it under wraps until we were ready,” but it seems like Desi’s more than just ready to reveal their relationship.

She’s been hinting that she’s ready to get married to Jeremy and to start having kids with him, which seems … premature, we’ll say.

It actually seems insane and like a big ol’ crazy red flag, but we’ll give her the benefit out the doubt at this point.

And hey, who knows, they might actually end up getting married and living happily ever after, right?

Anything is possible.

Anyway, that’s Desi, and she got a DUI last month in Ohio.

We heard about it after it happened, but the story got some traction again during Jeremy’s recent feud with Jenelle.

It started because Jeremy asked Teen Mom executive producer Morgan J. Freeman if Jenelle was going to face any consequences for her infamous road rage incident.

She didn’t appreciate it, and so she went off in a series of tweets directed at Jeremy, and in one of those, she asked “Shouldn’t you be worrying about that 22 year old you just bailed out for DUI?!"”

“Lmfao Hope Leah doesn’t have her kids ride with your new side piece.”

Desi responded, admitting that she did get a DUI, but adding that “I keep my mouth shut about you and your life because I don’t care, maybe you should do the same.”

But apparently that wasn’t enough of a rebuttal, because Jeremy and Desi both gave an interview to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup to share the whole story about Desi’s DUI.

For one, she actually got two DUIs. On the same night.

“I have never been in trouble before,” she begins, “and I’m far from a bad person and a trouble maker.”

“On April 11 I decided to go have a few drinks with a friend. We were there for a few hours and I didn’t consume more than three drinks in those few hours.”

She says that they left the bar around 1:00 AM “and I got pulled over because I hadn’t put my new registration sticker on my car.”

After she got pulled over, the police officer asked her to get out of the car for a sobriety check, and she obviously didn’t do too well.

“He said I was drunk and had me taken down to the police station where I sat and did paperwork for two hours,” she recalls.

“After everything was said and done, he released me and never mentioned I couldn’t go back and get my car. I figured I had sobered up enough to go get my car and go home.”

Spoiler: she had not.

Desi says that she didn’t know she wasn’t allowed to drive, since the cop didn’t say anything about it and didn’t do anything with her car.

After getting a ride from a friend to her car, she drove off, and then the very same cop “pulled up behind me when I was out of my car and said I was getting another DUI.”

“Him and another cop went through my car and found an ADHD pill in my car.”

You can’t make this stuff up.

Jeremy said that the pill was an Adderall, but they both said it wasn’t Desi’s, that it belonged to someone else because she gives lots of people lots of rides in her car.

“I will own up to having a few drinks and driving when I shouldn’t have,” she says, “but I will not own up to a pill that wasn’t mine.”

She ended up pleading no contest, and one of the DUI charges was dropped. She was found guilty for the other, she got a misdemeanor for the pill, and they dropped the whole thing about her expired tags.

Jeremy is standing by his girlfriend through it all, saying that “Desi doesn’t use drugs. She drinks, yeah clearly, but who doesn’t drink and drive once or twice?”

“Anyone over the age of 21 without an Uber service in their area goes to the bar and drives home.”

… No, Jeremy. No, that is not true.

You could pick a designated driver in your group of friends. You could arrange for someone to drop you off and come pick you up if you plan on drinking.

This is an extra crazy idea, but if you know you’re going to be in a situation where you have to drive, you could just not drink?

Finally, Jeremy talks about Desi in a more general sense, and it kind of sounds like he’s open to the idea of getting married, too.

“It’s way different with her than my past relationships,” he says. “I guess we’ll see what the future holds.”

However, he adds that “I don’t want Desi to be brought into the MTV bullsh-t. I don’t want her in that whirlwind of drama.”

Little late for that, bud.


Monday, May 7, 2018

Jeremy Calvert to Jenelle Evans: Get Off Your Back, C-nt!

Let"s get one thing straight right off the bat:

Jeremy Calvert is a firm believer in the Second Amendment.

The ex-husband of Leah Messer has shared plenty of photos on Instagram of not just himself with a gun… but even his daughter with a gun.

Perhaps for this exact reason, however, Calvert is sickened by the recent alleged actions of Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans, who is accused of pulling a gun on a driver in North Carolina after getting cut off last month.

In an all-time Twitter rant against Evans, Calvert has exploded on the controversial reality star, taking her to task for giving gun owners a bad reputation and for basically sucking as a human being.

Scroll down and all around to see what led to this outburst and to see exactly what Calvert has to say to Evans…

1. The Incident

Jenelle evans gun photo

In late April, Evans reportedly pulled out her weapon and aimed it at a North Carolina driver (with her eight-year old son in the car!) after he cut her off. You can read all about this crazy incident HERE.

2. The Fallout

Jenelle evans is thick

A witness told police officers that Jenelle “hit his truck, ran over his mailbox and pulled a gun on him,” prompting many to wonder whether Evans will be fired for her actions, especially because MTV cameras were rolling during the incident.

3. The Reaction

Jenelle evans in pool

Under the advice of her lawyer, Evans has remained quiet about what transpired, but this hasn’t been the case for others in the Teen Mom family. “Don’t worry, she was being supervised by two young children,” joked/scoffed Chelsea Houska’s dad, Randy Houska.

4. Excuse Me?!?


Evans could not remain totally silent, of course. She has not come out with her version of events, but she has slammed Randy for interjecting with his opinion.

5. What About Jeremy Calvert?

Jeremy calvert on instagram

He had A LOT to say at first, initially Tweeting that producers should let Evans go: “@mjfree bro correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t u against guns and gun violence? So what’s ur next move in regards to the situation at hand with what took place with a cast member and a weapon… just curious!!!!”

6. Added Calvert:

Jeremy calvert on teen mom 2

“And you want me to do a background check because I own guns nahh.” (Editor’s Note: Jeremy was NOT referring here to a background check for gun ownership, but the background check required by MTV for all cast members.)

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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Jeremy Roloff Details Daughter"s Scary Doctor Visit, Gives Thanks

Jeremy Roloff and Audrey Roloff just recently returned from a trip to Hawaii.

As you might imagine, the vacation was filled with beautiful sunsets, walks on the beach, quality time with their daughter and even a bit of midriff revealed by Audrey.

By multiple social media accounts, it sounds like the Little People, Big World stars had a great time.

With the exception of what sort of scary evening, that is.

Late Friday, Jeremy took to Instagram and shared the image above.

It’s a gorgeous snapshot that features himself, his wife and their precious baby, who is about eight months old.

But Jeremy frightened followers by detailing one incident during the vacation in which Ember Jean had to be rushed to the doctor’s office.

“Our trip is almost over, and what a trip it’s been!” Jeremy wrote to open his caption to this photo.

He then turned a little more serious:

“Last night however, Ember came down with a random fever. It escalated high enough to take her in and get checked out – Audrey and I both took note that it was the nicest clinic.

“They said she appears to be fine, and must be fighting some virus and to keep her hydrated. So we did, and she appears to be on the up and up.”


Thank goodness this was no big deal in the end.

All parents of little kids can relate to the horrible, helpless feeling of a young one not feeling well and not comprehending what is going on.

Just as his wife so often does, Jeremy went on to cite his faith and compare his situation in this case with that of Jesus Christ back in the day.

How so? Well…

“Man, now I know what it feels like when your child comes down with something – out of love you want to trade places with them,” Jeremy added, concluding as follows:

“It makes me thank Jesus, because that’s exactly what he did. Trades places with us – only death is far more eternal than a fever.”

Yes it is; far more eternal.

Jeremy and Audrey starred in last week’s new episode of Little People, Big World, which chronicled the latter’s labor and delivery.

The stars have been extremely candid about parenthood, detailing the ups, the downs and everything in between over the past several months.

We very much appreciate their honesty throughout this major life change.

And we’re so very relieved that Ember is doing okay. She really is SUCH a cutie, don’t you think?

Give her a big hug from us at The Hollywood Gossip, okay, guys? Thanks!


Friday, May 4, 2018

NFL"s Jeremy Lane Gets Manual Labor In DUI Case

It’s a good thing Jeremy Lane is in shape … because he’s been sentenced to 2 days of manual labor in his DUI case, TMZ Sports has learned.  The former Seattle Seahawks cornerback was arrested for DUI back in January after cops say he was…


Jenelle Evans Feuds with Jeremy Calvert Over Guns: Don"t Come at Me, Bro!

Jenelle Evans … where do we even start?

It"s obvious that the girl isn"t doing so well right now, for whatever reason.

After all, people who are well do not follow strangers to their homes and then threaten them with guns.

There"s a whole, whole lot going on with her right now, and we"ve been talking about it for a while.

But now Jeremy Calvert has thrown his two cents in about what happened and what should be done about it.

And, wouldn"t you know it, Jenelle is PISSED.

1. Here We Go …

Here we go

So, as you’ve probably heard, Jenelle is in a little bit of hot water right now.

2. Road Rage

Jenelle pointing fingers

There was an incident last week, and while right now it’s a he said, she said situation, the gist of it is that Jenelle got some serious road rage and followed a guy back to his house to confront him.

3. Oh, Honey

Jenelle evans is thick

According to the transcript from her 911 call, a man was driving erratically and hit his brakes right in front of her, and when she hit hers to avoid crashing into him, it nearly gave Jace whiplash. Poor Jenelle, right?

4. Why?

Jenelle evans sunglasses son jace

But according to the man and a few other witnesses, she was the one acting a fool on the road, and when this guy passed her, she lost it. She followed him home, hit some cars and some mailboxes on his property, then got out of the car with a gun in her hand. She left before police arrived.

5. Not a Great Look

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

So this is bad. This is really, really bad.

6. Consequences

Jenelle evans playful selfie

Could Jenelle get charged with something? It seems like she definitely broke a few laws here, right? Even if she doesn’t face some legal consequences for this, it seems clear that something is going on with her — could she be headed for a classic Jenelle breakdown? At the very least, could she be fired from Teen Mom 2 for this?

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Friday, April 27, 2018

Jeremy Renner Hits Grocery Store Day Of "Avengers: Infinity War" Premiere

Hawkeye, aka Jeremy Renner, is M.I.A in the new “Avengers: Infinity War” film, so instead of hitting the press circuit this week with the rest of the crew, Renner did some serious shopping. Jeremy hit up a Hollywood grocery store Thursday, the day…


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Leah Messer to Jeremy Calvert: Your New Chick"s Not as Good as Me!

Of all the ladies in the Teen Mom franchise, perhaps no one is more adept at side-stepping drama than Leah Messer.

While the other moms gnash their teeth and air their dirty laundry on Twitter, Leah mostly keeps her head down and focuses on herself and her three daughters.

But as she"s reminded us lately, Ms. Messer is not one to shy away from conflict when it presents itself.

Last week, Leah clapped back at David Eason when he made a bizarrely inappropriate comment about her daughter"s appearance.

And now, Leah"s response to news that Jeremy Calvert is dating Desi Kibler has left many fans with the impression that she"s developed a taste for throwing shade …

1. A New Leah?

Leah messer selfie

Ms. Messer has made a point of avoiding unnecessary conflict throughout her years on Teen Mom 2. But now it seems Leah – possibly emboldened by her friendship with shade queen Kailyn Lowry – has turned over a new leaf.

2. Jeremy’s New Boo

Jeremy calvert and desi kibler

Earlier this week, we learned that Jeremy Calvert is dating Desi Kibler. The couple went Instagram official with this roadtrip selfie.

3. Dredging Up the Past

Leah messer and jeremy calvert together

Leah and Jeremy have been divorced since 2015, but they’ve maintained a close frendship that has occasionally veered into flirty territory, thus prompting rumors of a reconciliation.

4. Mixed Messages?

Leah messer calvert family

Leah has maintained that she has no interest in getting back together with Jeremy, but some fans believe she’s wavered in that conviction quite a few times over the years.

5. Friends With Benefits?

Jeremy leah calvert

Sources tell Radar Online that as recently as February, Leah spoke openly about the fact that she and Calvert still hook up. “She says that they are just having fun and she’s got it all under control,” one insider claims.

6. But Is It REALLY Under Control?

Leah messer and jeremy calvert pic

Leah reportedly maintains that she has no interest in reconciling with Calvert, but her latest tweets have left fans with the impression that she’s more than a little jealous of his new relationship…

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Monday, April 23, 2018

Jeremy Calvert on Instagram: Check Out My Clingy New Girlfriend!

Jeremy Calvert is a real rarity in the world of the Teen Mom franchise.

He’s a baby daddy who has an actual job other than “part-time reality TV star,” and he seems to have made the health and happiness of his daughter his top priority.

As though that’s not enough, Calvert is also quick to put Jenelle Evans and David Eason in their place when they get a little too bold in their bigotry.

So it’s not hard to see how the pipeline engineer and father of 5-year-old Adalynn became such a hit with the ladies.

Shortly after his relationship with Leah ended, Calvert got engaged to Brooke Wehr.

That ended up being something of a messy, off and on affair, but it seems that at this point Jeremy and Brooke are done for good.

And Calvert basically put the nail in that relationship’s coffin this week by going Instagram official with his new girlfriend, Desi Kibler.

Jeremy posted the photo below to Instagram over the weekend, along with a caption reading:

“Road trips with babe…… #sohappy #grateful #shesamazing.”

Needless to say, Jeremy seems quite smitten with Desi.

It’s unclear how long this relationship has been going on, but according to Kibler, it’s certainly not new:

“I’ll make one statement to all the negativity, and then I’m done,” she tweeted yesterday.

“This has been going on longer than any of y’all know, kept it under wraps until we were ready. Thank you to all the positive people congratulating us.”

Yes, as you can see, Kibler has been laying it on quite thick on Twitter:

Desi Kibler Tweet

Hopefully, these two have secretly been together for quite some time, otherwise, that hashtag probably has Jeremy a little freaked out.

And how does Calvert’s baby mama feel about his new boo?

Well, Leah hasn’t spoken on the announcement yet, but during a recent appearance on Kailyn Lowry’s podcast, she revealed that despite rumors to the contrary, she has no desire to ever reconcile with Calvert.

“I guess at first maybe I considered [getting back together with Jeremy],” Leah said.

“Like, ‘If we are getting along this great, why not try it again for Addie’s sake?’ But at the end of the day, we weren’t happy. We didn’t do well together but we do great as friends.”

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Jeremy and Leah’s brief time together.


Audrey and Jeremy Roloff: 5 Things You Don"t Know About Us

We know what you thought when you read the headline above:

What? Huh? Please, I know EVERYthing about Audrey and Jeremy Roloff.

The couple is an open book on Instagram, would new information could you possibly learn here about the Little People, Big World stars?

Well, the answers may surprise you.

Courtesy of Audrey"s Instagram page, on which she listed several surprising facts about her romance with Jeremy in April of 2018, we"re here with a number of unexpected tidbits.

Check them out now!

1. Take It Away, Auds

So much in love

Here are “5 things you wouldn’t know about us from following us on social media,” the reality star and mother of one wrote to open her intriguing post.

2. Number-One:

Audrey and jeremy roloff insta pic

“After the first time Jeremy said “I love you” it took me a full year to say it back,” she writes. A full year, huh? That must have been sort of awkward.

3. A Follow-Up

Audrey and jeremy roloff christmas snuggles

Adds Audrey in regard to this point: “Needless to say, I had some walls up. But Jeremy continued to pursue me in patient anticipation of ‘demo day."” Hehe, what a cute way to put it.

4. Number-Two:

Audrey and jeremy roloff so cute

“For the first year of our marriage my job required me to wake up at 2:30 am,” she writes. YIKES, right?!? We cannot imagine.

5. The Wake-Up Sucked…

Audrey and jeremy roloff selfie

… but Jeremy ruled! “Everyday, Jeremy woke up with me to kiss me goodbye. Sometimes he even got up just to make me coffee while I put on my slacks and attempted to look business professional. Mega husband brownie points.”

6. Number-Three:

Audrey roloff and jeremy roloff embrace

“We are masters at playing devils advocate in conversations,” Audrey writes, revealing a lot of insight into her marriage and how she and Jeremy go about their discussions/debates.

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