Showing posts with label Kate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kate. Show all posts

Monday, April 23, 2018

Kate Middleton Welcomes Royal Baby #3! It"s a ...

A new royal baby has arrived! Kate Middleton and Prince William have welcomed their child just a few hours ago, and she is beautiful.

Just kidding. It’s a boy!!

The new addition to the family, whose name has not yet been revealed, arrived Monday morning, Kensington Palace officially announced.

“Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 1101 hrs,” the statement palace said.

It’s another big one, the palace adds: “The baby weighs 8 lbs 7 oz. The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth.”

“The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news.”

“Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well.”

Per royal protocol, an official announcement will soon be posted with full details on an easel in front of Buckingham Palace. 

The newest member of the British royal family was born at St. Mary’s Hospital in London, just like his two older siblings.

He joins Prince George, 4, who turns 5 in July and Princess Charlotte, 2 who will turn 3 in just a few weeks on May 2.

Reports of Kate Middleton in labor began to circulate this morning after she was admitted to the hospital around 6 a.m.

Just a few hours later, the child arrived!

It’s expected that Kate’s parents, Carole and Mike Middleton, and William’s father Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, will visit soon.

Before long, barring any health complications, the couple is expected to take their baby home to nearby Kensington Palace.

At that point, Her Royal Majesty herself (and the baby’s great-grandmother) Queen Elizabeth is expected to visit the infant.

Meanwhile, royal fans have already gathered outside the hospital in hopes of another mini-press conference like we’ve seen in the past.

When William and Kate debuted George and Charlotte, they briefly held court for fans and media before heading home.

Kate Middleton once again battled acute morning sickness, also known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum, during her first trimester.

Having suffered through that with her first two pregnancies as well, she was an old pro at this point, handling it like a champ.

She soon returned to her royal duties, and we soon resumed our usual duties of wondering about the baby’s name and gender.

As usual, Kate Middleton’s baby name and gender were not revealed despite the massive public interest in this information.

William did drop a pretty big hint, however.

The royal baby is now fifth in the line of succession after Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

Thanks to a recent change in policy, Charlotte will not lose her spot to her new baby brother just because of his male gender.

Prince Harry just got knocked down a peg, though. Again.

Once third behind only Charles and William, Harry’s probably even more disappointed than Meghan Markle is this morning.

After all, no one’s going to be talking about their lame wedding when Kate just welcomed a beautiful new bundle of joy, right?

Just kidding. We made all of that up.

The baby’s arrival does come at an exciting time, though, just weeks before Harry and Meghan are set to tie the knot.

Looks like they had better add another place setting for the reception at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle, right?!

As for whether Middleton will have a fourth child, she’s only 36, and is obviously a pro’s pro at this, so you never know.

Congrats to the whole family!!!!


Kate Middleton Gives Birth to Boy!

Kate Middleton has just given birth to her third child … and it’s a BOY!!! The Duchess of Cambridge popped Monday at St. Mary’s Hospital in London. The new royal was announced to weigh in at 8 lbs. 7 oz. by Kensington Palace. Her Royal…


Kate Middleton Gives Birth to Boy!

Kate Middleton has just given birth to her third child … and it’s a BOY!!! The Duchess of Cambridge popped Monday at St. Mary’s Hospital in London. The new royal was announced to weigh in at 8 lbs. 7 oz. by Kensington Palace. Her Royal…



The countdown to Royal Baby Number-Three isn’t merely on…

… it’s about to be over.

And a whole new chapter is about to begin.

Kensington Palace has confirmed the exciting and suspenseful news that Kate Middleton is in labor with her and Prince William’s third child.

We don’t know exactly when he or she will be born, but women typically take less time to complete the process with each baby to whom they give birth.

So it could happen at any moment!

“Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, London earlier this morning in the early stages of labor,” the official Palace statement reads.

It also adds:

“The Duchess travelled by car from Kensington Palace to the Lindo Wing at St. Mary’s Hospital with The Duke of Cambridge.”

From what we gather, Middleton was admitted just before 6 a.m. (U.K. time) to the same hospital where she gave birth to Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

Usually, of course, a woman simply going into labor would not be cause us to write our own story about it.

Usually, we’d wait until the baby was actually here before we provided readers with a lengthy update.

But there’s basically nothing usual about Kate Middleton, Prince William or their beautiful life together.

No couple on the planet generates as much interest — and we’re not sure if it’s even close. (Beyonce and Jay Z, perhaps? Michelle and Barack Obama? Scott Disick and Sofia Richie?)

Neither Kate nor William has leaked the gender of their third kid, although William came pretty close this month.

According to the latest rumor, the superstars are about to welcome a boy named Thomas.

But, again, this is just a rumor right now.

Whichever gender is ends up being, and whatever he or she gets named, baby will be the fifth in line of succession after Prince Charles, William, George and Charlotte.

Prince Harry – currently sitting as fifth in line to the throne – will be bumped to sixth.

Kate and William announced in September that they were expecting their third child, being forced to do so a little earlier than they had originally planned because Middleton once again struggled with hyperemesis gravidarum.

This condition meant she had to deal with extreme bouts of morning sickness, which meant she had to cancel many public appearances… which means the couple had no choice but to let the world know why.

Married in April of 2011, Kate and her handsome man are also the parents of Prince George, 4, and Princess Charlotte, 2; both were also born at St. Mary’s Hospital, as mentioned above.

The Duchess made her last public appearance in March, meeting British Paralympic athletes with Prince William.

She’s since being laying low, missing out, for example, on a celebration of the Queen’s 92nd birthday this past Sunday night.

But she has a pretty solid excuse, wouldn’t you say?

Meanwhile, Pippa Middleton is also pregnant, according to the latest reports.

Such an exciting time for the family!

We’d like to send Kate and William a preemptive note of congratulations. Won’t you join us in doing so?


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Kate Middleton: Baby Name and Gender REVEALED?!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child.

And despite the fact that she’s mostly been keeping mum about the details, there’s been a great deal of speculation in the British press regarding Kate’s due date, and of course, the baby’s name and gender.

No one on the planet is more closely guarded than the British Royal Family, but these days, it’s hard even for them to keep a secret.

The media has already unearthed details about Kate’s birth plan, but the most important pieces of information remain a mystery … sort of.

There are those who think William accidentally revealed that Kate is having a boy in recent comments he made to the press.

And there are those who feel so confident about the baby’s name that they’re willing to put money on it.

It seems most gamblers have decided that the gender issue has already been settled by Will’s remarks.

Speaking of his admiration for soccer legend Jack Graelish, William blurted, “I’m going to insist the baby is called Jack.”

He attempted to rescue himself, by adding, “Or Jackie…” but the British press had already made up its mind.

Of course, the Royals would no sooner name a boy Jack then they’d name a girl Crystal, so the leading theory amongst people who feel compelled to bet on this sort of thing is that Will revealed the gender, but not the name.

For information on that, these folks rely on dubious intel from Kensington Palace.

Kate Middleton with a Smile

“Prince Thomas of Cambridge does have a nice ring to it, even if the name doesn’t immediately spring out as a traditional, regal name,” an alleged insider tells the Express.

“However, Kate and Wills are modernizing the Royal Family, so it wouldn’t be a huge surprise to see them opt for a ‘normal’ name.”

Really?! In what universe does Thomas of Cambridge not “spring out as a traditional, regal name”?

It certainly beats out “Prince Jack” in that department.

Anyway, according to oddsmakers, Thomas has claimed the top spot as the most likely name for Kate and William’s kid with 5/1 odds.

The name has edged out James as the number one favorite.

Of course, we won’t know what name Will and Kate have decided on until the little prince (or princess) enters the world sometime in the next few weeks.

And then the British scandal sheets will immediately turn their attention to the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Don’t worry; we’re sure there’s plenty to gamble on there, too.

We’ll take 5 million to 1 odds that Meghan gets cold feet and pulls a runaway bride.


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Kate Middleton: Proof That She"s Giving Birth VERY Soon!

Back in September, the world learned that Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child.

As is always the case with this sort of thing, speculation about Kate’s due date began within minutes of the announcement.

And as usual, Kate made no effort to mislead the public, but she also quite understandably feels that she should be allowed to keep certain details of her private life to herself.

So as the big day approaches, we still don’t know exactly when Kate’s third baby is scheduled to enter the world.

But if you thought the Royals’ desire for secrecy would stop the British tabloid press from prying, you don’t know the British tabloid press!

There have been several inaccurate predictions regarding Kate’s delivery already, but now, the UK media is certain they’ve got it right.

And to be fair, there’s actual evidence to support their claims this time:

We already know from Kate’s birth plan that she’s planning to give birth at the Lindo Wing at St Mary’s Hospital in London.

The Telegraph reports that earlier this week, hospital staff began preparing for the duchess’ arrival.

In other words, it’s a bad time to experience a medical emergency in London.

Crowd barriers have been erected to keep screaming hordes of fans and reporters at bay, and parking rules have been changed so that Kate and her army of attendants will not be left looking for spots.

Sources familiar with the facilities say the Lindo Wing is more like a luxury hotel than a hospital.

24-hour room service is available, and meals are freshly prepared by a gourmet chef.

Yes, the newest member of the royal family will enjoy the finest things beginning with his or her very first moments on Earth.

Kate hasn’t been spotted in public in over a week, and it’s believed she’s resting up at Kensington Palace in preparation for the birth.

These are heady times for the UK’s most famous family, as Kate is set to give birth just weeks before Prince Harry marries Meghan Markle.

Sure it’s nice being born into royalty, but soon the little prince or princess will have an aunt who was on Suits!

We don’t need to tell you which is cooler.


Monday, April 9, 2018

Kate Gosselin to Star in New Dating Show (You Can Guess the Title, Right?)

Kate Gosselin rose to fame by starring in a reality show that focused on the significant number of children who emanated from her vagina.

Now, according to a report we did not see coming, the mother of eight will star in a reality show that focuses on various men hoping to find their way into her vagina.

If you know what we mean!

What we mean is this:

Kate Gosselin is about to anchor a brand new series on TLC.

The program will be titled Kate Plus Date (because of course it will) and it will chronicle Gosselin’s attempt to find a man that actually wants to be her boyfriend.

“I’m nervous, I’m excited, and I’m forcing myself to do this,” Gosselin told People Magazine of the upcoming docuseries.

Gosselin, of course, became somewhat of a household name after appearing opposite then-husband Jon on Jon & Kate Plus 8, because the parents had one set of twins and one set of sextuplets.

The couple then got divorced after a decade of marriage and TLC aired a few seasons of Kate Plus 8.

Incredibly, twins Mady and Cara are both 17 years old now and will soon go off to college, leaving Gosselin at home with 13-year-old sextuplets Aaden, Joel, Alexis, Hannah and Leah.

(Collin is enrolled in a program away from home to help him reach his full potential, the details of which Jon and Kate prefer to keep to themselves.)

“As we’re talking about Mady and Cara going off to college which is becoming more and more of a reality, it’s gonna happen, it almost became like a worry for them, too, like ‘Mommy, you’re gonna be all alone soon,’ ” claims Gosselin, who adds:

“It was very apparent, now that they’re older and talking about dating and how they’re all gonna get married someday … it became apparent: they want someone for me.

“They want me to have somebody in my life.”

This may be true.

It doesn’t explain why Gosselin has to go in front of the camera once again, however.

We’re pretty sure she could go swipe right or left on Tinder right now and fulfill the wishes of her kids.

Kate, who some say is broke and could likely use the salary a new show will provide, admits that her life is “complicated,” but that won’t stop her from jumping into the dating pool with both feet.

“I want someone with a set career, who is confident,” she explains.

“A grown-up with their own life, their own agenda, who knows who they are. If someone travels for work, that would be great, because I’m used to being on my own and being self-sufficient.”

Kate Plus Date will premiere some time this fall on TLC.

It doesn’t sound as though it will touch upon her issues with Jon, but rather on the man who may become the next Jon. (Poor guy.)

And Gosselin knows of one qualification he must possess:

He absolutely must love dogs.

“That is such a deal-breaker,” says Gosselin. “People disappoint you, but your dogs never will.”


Kate Middleton Baby Update: New Details, Arrangements Confirmed!

Let’s just get this out of the way up front:

Kate Middleton has not yet had her baby.

We know, we know: What is she waiting for, right?!?

Her water breaking and some other stuff happening inside of her womb, we think.

But in the absence of a new Royal Child to gush over and ogle at, fans can at least take solace in the following update.

Kensington Palace released a few new details on Monday morning in regard to the impending major birth.

FIRST, Unnamed Baby Number-Three for Kate and Prince William will be born at St. Mary’s Hospital in London… in the same wing as the beloved pair’s two previous children.

There has been some talk that Middleton would give birth at home, but we never really bought into it.

Because, come on now. That’s just crazy.

SECOND, the medical team in charge of this momentous event will be led by Alan Farthing and Guy Thorpe-Beeston, who delivered the Duchess’ second child, Charlotte.

She’s happy, healthy and totally adorable, so these doctors clearly know what they’re doing.

THIRD, a handful of barriers and parking restriction signs have been put in place outside the private Lindo Wing in preparation for the arrival of the baby and of the hordes of media members who will be on hand.

It’s safe to therefore assume that this is where the child will make his or her public debut.

It looks like this area will be safely guarded and kept as free as possible through April 30:

parking restirct

Neither Middleton nor anyone associated with The Royal Family has confirmed an actual due date.

But we know it will be very soon and we know the world will basically stop spinning once Kate and William’s third child enters the world.

The baby’s gender is also a secret, not just to the general public, but also to the Royal Twosome itself, who sources have said have decided NOT to learn the sex this time around.

The young man or woman will be fifth in line to the throne (behind big sister Charlotte), bumping William’s younger brother Harry one place notch in the line of succession.

(Yes, this is fairly new: A change in the law after William and Kate were married in 2011 gave women the same rights of accession to the throne as men. About time, right?!?)

Middleton, meanwhile, suffers from hyperemesis gravidarum, which can cause severe levels of nausea and vomiting during the early stages of her pregnancy.

Such a diagnosis caused her to basically disappear from public view during her first two pregnancies, but the effects have not been as significant during this latest experience.

Heck, Kate has continued to perform Royal duties even in her third trimester.

She is a real trooper.

Most recently, for example, Middleton visited a community center in East London with William, helping to whip up some meals with staff members there.

We continue to wish Kate the best health and the most happiness during these final few days of her pregnancy.

And we can’t wait to meet her third baby!!!!!!!


Friday, April 6, 2018

Kate Hudson: Pregnant with Baby #3!!!


We didn’t see this piece of news coming, did you?

In a surprising Instagram announcement, Kate Hudson has confirmed to her 8.2 million followers that she’s expecting…


Via a fun social media video on Friday, the 38-year old said that she and boyfriend Danny Fujikawa are expecting their first child together. And it will be a little girl!

“SURPRISE!” Hudson wrote to open her confirmation on Instagram.

She then went on to explain the surprise as follows:

“If you’ve wondered why I’ve been so absent on my social channels it’s because I have never been more sick! It’s was the most sick first trimester of all my children.”

Go on, Kate…

“Boomerangs have made me nauseous, Superzoom is an easy way to have my head in the toilet, food instagrams make me queezy and thinking too much about insta stories made me even more exhausted than I already had been.

“If you’ve seen me out and about smiling and pretending like everything is amazing…I was lying! BUT! I have broken through on the other end of that and rediscovering the joys of insta/snap.”

Okay, out with it already!

“We have been trying to keep this pregnancy under the radar for as long as possible but I’m a poppin now!

“And it’s too darn challenging to hide, and frankly hiding is more exhausting then just coming out with it!

“My kids, Danny, myself and the entire family are crazy excited! A little girl on the way.”

The video actually featured Hudson popping a balloon in order to reveal the color pink, confirming the gender of this impending child.

Hudson and Fujikawa have been together for a little over a year.

This baby will mark Hudson’s third child by three different men.

That’s not a statement of judgment, just a statement of fact.

The Pretty Happy author and Almost Famous actress shares 14-year old Ryder with ex-husband Chris Robinson, whom she was married to from 2000 to 2007.

She also shares six-year old Bingham with her ex-fiancé Matthew Bellamy.

So this will be the star’s first-ever daughter.

You can tell she’s pretty psyched about it, can’t you?

We send our best wishes to Hudson and Fujikawa.

May she have a healthy pregnancy and a happy, healthy girl!


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Kate Upton"s Lingerie Shoot Is Official Start of Spring

Mother Nature’s gotta take a back seat to Kate Upton when it comes to ushering in Spring … unless, of course, Mama N has her own smoking hot set of lingerie pics. Yeah, didn’t think so. Kate slipped into a ton of different looks for Yamamay’s…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Kate Upton"s Engagement Ring Is Almost As Big As Verlander"s World Series Ring

Justin Verlander won the World Series … Kate Upton is winning at life — if you use giant diamonds to keep score.  The Houston Astros pitcher let his supermodel wife rock his brand new World Series ring — on the same hand as her massive…


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Guess Co-Founder Paul Marciano says Time Article Will Prove Kate Upton Lied

Paul Marciano says he’ll be exonerated because he knows something Kate Upton might not … a story’s about to come out that’ll prove she lied when she claimed he sexually assaulted her. We got the Guess co-founder out in Bev…


Guess Co-Founder Paul Marciano says Time Article Will Prove Kate Upton Lied

Paul Marciano says he’ll be exonerated because he knows something Kate Upton might not … a story’s about to come out that’ll prove she lied when she claimed he sexually assaulted her. We got the Guess co-founder out in Bev…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle: Let Me Show You How to Dress, Bish

Depending on which tabloids you believe, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle are either bitter rivals or the best of friends.

In all likelihood, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle, but where’s the fun in that?

Last week, there were rumors of Kate planning Meghan’s bachelorette party.

We’d say it was a nice gesture that probably helped to make Meg feel welcome, but based on today’s news, we’re starting to think it was a Regina George power move.

According to Entertainment Tonight, Kate has been advising Meghan on royal fashion protocol, which we’re taking to mean she’s going through her the actress’ closet and tossing anything she deems offensively fug.

“Like Kate, expect Meghan to make the occasional nod to her husband’s fashion icon mother,” a royal source tells ET.

“Both Kate and Meghan will no doubt honor Princess Diana with designs that reflect her likes and style.”

The insider says Kate “has also been advising Meghan about royal fashion, what protocol is expected and how she may have to adapt in the future,” adding:

“She has provided Meghan with names of some of the favorite U.K. go-to designers on everything from dresses, coats and the all-important British hat,”

Ah, the Brits love their hats, do they not?

It’s like a hundred years ago, one of them went to the Kentucky Derby and said, “This. But at every formal occasion.”

Fortunately for Meg, the British fixation with fancy chapeaux might help her to avoid a potential crisis of decorum.

We’re talking, of course, about the uproar over Meghan’s messy buns.

We’ll give you a moment to compose yourself. Moving on…

“There is no royal protocol for hairstyle,” the insider tells ET.

“Kate often styles her hair in a casual ponytail at more informal events, and Meghan’s messy bun was an attempt to fit in with the young people she was meeting in a similar casual setting with Prince Harry.”

Yes, the Brits apparently are not thrilled with the sight of Meg’s messy buns.

Clearly, she should’ve stayed in America, where Kim Kardashian broke the internet by spilling champagne all over her ass.

Elsewhere in the pre-royal wedding gossip landscape, Us Weekly is claiming that Meghan’s shady siblings are starting to be a royal pain in the messy buns, and no one knows what to do about it:

“Meghan is really worried about some of these members of her family,” one insider tells the tabloid.

“She hasn’t spoken to them in years. She’s lost sleep over relatives who’ve screwed her over. It’s the one thing she’s struggled with most since meeting Harry, especially after the engagement.” 

Clearly, the only solution here is to round up Meghan’s relatives and have them made into hats.

And that’s how you diplomacy, folks.


Kate Middleton: Will She Have a FOURTH Child?

As of this writing, Kate Middleton is a mother of two kids; one boy and one girl.

But she"s due to give birth at almost any moment to a third child.

Because she"s Kate Middleton, however, and because she"s a member of The Royal Family, folks across the world aren"t satisfied with these basic pieces of information.

They want more! They always want more! 

They are always speculating and asking questions, especially when it comes to the status of Middleton"s womb.

Might she one day get pregnant for a FOURTH time?

This is what millions of people are wondering already, and it"s the topic we delve into below…

1. This is Kate Middleton

Kate middleton with a smile

Yes, we’re stating the obvious. What we mean here, though, is that Kate Middleton may legitimately be the most beloved and talked-about young woman on the planet. Given her reputation and her standing in the monarchy, questions constantly abound about this Duchess.

2. This is Her Family

Royal christmas card

A handsome prince by her side, a son and a daughter? Middleton really does have the perfect life, it seems.

3. This Was Her Announcement

Kate middleton and her hot prince

In September of 2017, Middleton and William broke the exciting news to the world that they were expecting once again. Click on the headline above to read all about it.

4. So That Will Make Three Kids

Kate and will on red carpet

Will Kate be finished at that point? Or might she try for a fourth? This is a topic constantly being debated among those who care about her life.

5. Will the Future Queen Emulate the Current One?

Kate middleton outfit

Queen Elizabeth II had four kids and some British folk believe Kate will try to do the same. “I reckon Kate will try to emulate the Queen and have four!” a resident of Bucklebury recently told People.


Kate middleton is very pregnant

A resident of this same town has a different take, simply based on Kate’s history: “I can’t imagine Kate will want any more given the ordeal that she goes through every pregnancy. I should think that three children is enough.”

View Slideshow

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Meghan Markle & Kate Middleton: Do They Even Like Each Other?

We’re less than two months away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Naturally, the preparations are in full swing; the guest list has been sent out – there are even rumors that none other than the Duchess of Cambridge herself is planning Meghan’s bachelorette party.

And the media has taken a keen interest in that last fact.

In the year and a half since the world first learned that Meghan and Harry were dating, there’s been frequent speculation about the nature of Meg’s relationship with Kate Middleton.

At first, it was rumored that Meghan and Kate hated each other, but that was something of an inevitable angle.

Tabloids love to pit influential women against one another, and the idea of a Meg-Kate rivalry was to salacious for many outlets to resist.

Despite frequent reports to the contrary, however, there’s no evidence of any real animosity between Meghan and Kate.

That said, there’s also no indication that Meghan and Kate are close friends.

“I think they are certainly friendly and they are spending more time with each other,” Harry biographer Katie Nicholl tells InStyle.

“You know they’re neighbors in Kensington Palace and I know that Meghan enjoys going over to see Kate and the children, and she does enjoy that. I’m told there’s always an open invitation for her to be with Kate ever when she wants.”

In other words, they’re neighbors who will soon have the same in-laws, but that’s about as far as the relationship goes.

Nicholl is careful to note, however, that while they may not be royal besties, Meghan and Kate certainly are not rivals:

“I think that any animosity is probably a fabrication in the press. I’ve never heard to suggest that they don’t get along,” she adds.

Nicholl concedes that while there’s no bad blood between the women, they might never form a particularly close relationship:

“I do hear plenty to suggest that they’re quite different people and that have quite different interests and that Meghan is quite independent and very confident and very keen to I think establish her own network of friends over here in London,” the author says.

“So that’s certainly not to say she’s snubbed Kate in any way,” Nicholl adds.

“I think they do spend time together. But I think Meghan’s keen not to rely too much on Kate and to have her own friends as well.”

So there you have it – sounds like Kate and Meghan are just generally sort of indifferent toward one another.

Needless to say, that’s not the most exciting narrative, and it’s easy to see why the press cooked up something a bit more scandalous.

Those who know the Royals best say they expect Meghan and Kate to become closer friends over time.

But it doesn’t sound like the wives of William and Harry are in any rush to make that happen.


Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle Getting The Royal Emoji Treatment

Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton are going the way of Kim Kardashian and Blac Chyna and getting their own line of emojis.  A company called DRKHORS filed docs to trademark KateMojis and MeghanMojis. We’re told the two will be different ……


Friday, March 16, 2018

Kate Upton"s Witness to Alleged Sexual Harassment Goes Silent

The Guess investigation into Kate Upton’s sexual harassment allegations against co-founder Paul Marciano has hit another roadblock — Kate’s witness is refusing to cooperate. As we reported … Kate has already said she won’t talk to the lawyers…


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Kate Middleton: Is She Planning a Home Birth?!

Exciting times around Buckingham Palace these days.

We’re just two months away from the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle – and that’s not the only way that the royal family is soon to get bigger by one.

Yes, Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child, and while the exact due date remains a mystery, it’s expected that the Duchess of Cambridge will welcome her new addition in late April.

That means it’s time to once again obsess over Kate’s birth plan.

You’d think after two problem-free births, there would be little need for speculation about Kate’s preferred method of bringing a child into the world.

This time, however, there’s a twist.

There have been rumors that Kate is planning a home birth.

It’s anyone’s guess as to where those rumors originated, but for several weeks, the British tabloid press was convinced that the first sight Kate’s third child would lay eyes on would be the gilded halls of Kensington Palace.

Unfortunately, it seems that the royal issue will enter the world in much more peasant-y fashion.

Vanity Fair revealed today that Kate and Prince William are planning for another hospital birth:

“She has decided that she will be having the baby at the Lindo Wing. The room is all booked, the team are ready and everyone is just waiting for the baby to come,” an insider tells the magazine.

“They have had two very positive experiences at the Lindo Wing so it’s the No. 1 choice. She knows the team and she feels like she’s in very safe hands.”

Okay, so a private wing at one of the UK’s best hospitals is still a pretty baller way to enter the world, but it’s not quite the same as screaming your head off in a freakin’ castle, dudes with trumpets and parchment and whatnot all ready to announce your arrival.

As for how Kate is faring in the final weeks of pregnancy, it seems she’s maintaining a busy schedule.

In addition to putting in royal appearances right up until her due date, sources say Kate is planning Meghan’s bachelorette party.

Not bad for a woman once dismissed as one of the laziest royals in history.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Kate Middleton to Meghan Markle: Get Ready For a Baller Bachelorette Party!

We’re just two months away from the wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

Obviously, at this stage in the game, the preparations have kicked into high gear, and we assume guys carrying scrolls and rocking powdered wigs are scurrying all over Buckingham Palace at this very moment.

But it’s not all boring stuff like creating A-list table arrangements and coordinating the traditional Beheading of the Exes.

A royal wedding is still a wedding, which means Meghan’s bridesmaids are in charge of planning a regal bachelorette party. 

And it seems none other than the Duchess of Cambridge is in charge of stripper selection!

“Kate is determined to make it an unforgettable occasion,” a royal insider tells In Touch.

“There will be no expense spared. She wants Meghan to be reminiscing about it for years to come.”

Okay, so maybe there won’t be any Chippendale scepters flopping about, but that doesn’t mean the festivities won’t resemble your typical bachelorette party in other ways:

“Those close to Meghan are already betting that the queen will surprise Meghan with some sexy underthings” says the source, noting that other guests “will surprise Meghan with fun presents, including sexy Agent Provocateur lingerie and X-rated baked goods.”


Look, as much as we’d love to think the queen is gifting people with crotchless thongs and furry handcuffs just to see the looks on their faces, there’s no way in hell that’s actually happening.

We’ve seen The Crown, okay?

Prince Philip had to promise a small island to an Estonian ballerina if he wanted to get freaky.

That’s just the price of royalty, folks.

Anyway, there are parts of this report that we actually believe.

For example, despite the initial, inevitable reports of a Kate and Meghan feud, it seems the next generation of royal ladies are getting along famously.

“Kate has taken Meghan under her wing and is really looking out for her,” a source told Life & Style back in January. 

“She’s advising her new BFF on how to deal with what lies ahead. They’ve become super close.”

Which is a very good thing. 

It’s hard enough when someone you’re not crazy about marries into your family.

It’s far worse when you have to spend half the year traveling the world together with convincing smiles plastered on your faces.
