Showing posts with label Kellyanne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kellyanne. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Ron Howard Says Kellyanne Conway Has No Credibility, BUT ... (VIDEO)

Ron Howard created a paradox for the ages … someone who has no credibility but is really good at her job. That’s his take on Kellyanne Conway. On most levels it doesn’t make sense, except for the fact it’s politics.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Matt Lauer to Kellyanne Conway: WTH Are You Talking About?

Late Monday night, General Michael Flynn resigned his post as National Security Advisor after reports confirmed that he had been in touch with Russian officials during the Donald Trump administration"s transition to the Oval Office.

He told these officials that President Trump would likely lift the sanctions imposed on Russia by Barack Obama…

… and then he lied to Vice President Mike Pence (among others) about these discussions.

As part of The Washington Post story that broke this troubling news, we learned that the Justice Department warned President Trump"s administration last month that Flynn misled Pence about his conversation with the Russian ambassador to the United States.

The Justice Department therefore concluded, in its briefing of President Trump, that Flynn could be susceptible to blackmail by Russia.

And yet Trump did not fire Flynn.

The General resigned mere hours after advisor Kellyanne Conway told reporters that he had the "full confidence" of the President.

Yes, the same President who was aware that Flynn had spoken to Russia and presumably lied about this contact to the Vice President a few weeks ago.

So… either Flynn never lied and the administration was aware all along of Flynn"s traitorous actions.

Or Flynn did lie, did talk to Russia illegally and Trump knew all about it – and didn"t care.

There are no other alternatives here.

Conway suggested that Flynn"s resignation was his own decision even though the administration knew a month ago that he misled them.

"You’re saying that"s the straw that broke the camel’s back, but the White House knew about that last month when the Justice Department warned the White House that [Flynn] had not been completely honest," Lauer said, adding:

"Kellyanne, that makes no sense!

"Last month the Justice Department warned the White House that General Flynn had misled them! And that as a result he was vulnerable to blackmail and at that moment he still had the complete trust of the president?"

It"s an amazing exchange, and a very awkward exchange. 

Watch every second of it below:

Matt lauer to kellyanne conway wth are you talking about

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Saturday Night Live Airs Controversial Kellyanne Conway Skit: Watch!

Were you able to catch Saturday Night Live last night? If not, then boy, you sure are in for a treat right now …

This current season of SNL has gotten a whole lot of mileage out of Donald Trump and all of his countless atrocities, including the people he"s hired to work in the White House.

And one of those people is the utterly ridiculous Kellyanne Conway, played on the show by the extremely lovely, very hilarious Kate McKinnon.

But last night, there was a Fatal Attraction-esque skit featuring McKinnon"s Kellyanne. And according to some people, it went way too far.

In the skit, CNN"s Jake Tapper went home to his apartment to find Kellyanne, looking mighty unhinged in some lingerie.

Poor Kellyanne was just so very, very desperate for Jake to put her back on the news, even after that "little ethics violation" that occurred when she tried to sell Ivanka Trump"s clothing during an interview.

So desperate that, at one point, she held a knife to his throat.

It was pretty intense, but also pretty funny. But a lot of viewers didn"t see it that way.

As one person tweeted, "SNL just gave a gift to the White House with this sexist, unfunny Kellyanne Conway skit."

Another wrote "As much as I loathe Kellyanne, this highly sexualized SNL version of her gives me the icks."

Was the skit funny? Sexist? Extreme?

Watch the action in the video below and let us know what you think:

Saturday night live airs controversial kellyanne conway skit wat

Kellyanne Conway is Glenn Close from "Fatal Attraction" on SNL (VIDEOS)

Kellyanne Conway did everything but boil a rabbit on “SNL” and it was brutal. Kate McKinnon channeled her best Glenn Close in an epic “Fatal Attraction” spoof. You gotta see this … it makes Alec Baldwin’s Trump skits look like a love letter.…


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Kellyanne Conway on Fox News: Go Buy Ivanka Trump"s Stuff!

Last week, high-end department store chain Nordstrom cut business ties with Ivanka Trump.

The retailer stated that it would no longer stock clothing, shoes, and accessories branded by the president"s daughter due to steadily declining sales.

Nordstrom"s response seems to be a perfectly reasonable business decision based on sales data, so naturally our level-headed and business-minded president took the diplomatic approach and wished the company success in its future endeavors.

Just kidding, he went off in a childish Twitter rant because being the western world apparently leaves plenty of time for petty social media feuds.

Fortunately, Trump has slightly less psychotic surrogates who are paid to assure the American people that the president isn"t quite as unhinged as he seems to be online.

The task seems have driven White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to the brink of intestinal blockage by way of stress-gorging on cinnamon Orbitz, but fortunately for him, Kellyanne Conway lives for this sh-t.

If you thought "alternative facts" and made-up terrorist attacks were bold, just wait until you see Conway brazenly flout federal ethics laws barring the use of public office for private gain.

Conway appeared on Fox & Friends this morning, where she openly shilled for Ivanka"s fashion line:

“It’s a wonderful line. I own some of it,” Conway said.

“I fully — I’m going to give a free commercial here. Go buy it today, everybody. You can find it online.”

Considering conlifcts of interest due to the Trump family"s business ties were a top concern for many voters, you would think the president"s TV surrogate would avoid…

… Ah, we"re over expecting this administration to make sense.

And hey, it"s not every day you get to watch a democracy crumble in real time.

Kellyanne conway on fox news go buy ivanka trumps stuff

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Kellyanne Conway Says Obama Started the Muslim Ban (VIDEO)

Kellyanne Conway says the Muslim ban is actually Barack Obama’s brainchild, and President Trump is just following his lead. We got Kellyanne in D.C. Sunday, where she was quick to point out Obama temporarily put the brakes on the Iraqi refugee…


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Kellyanne Conway Performs Stand-Up Comedy. For Real.

Kellyanne Conway made many people laugh last weekend when she offered up the term "alternate facts" as a euphemism for White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer straight-up lying to the media.

But a new video of Conway actually acting as a stand-up comic has surfaced online.

And at no point in these 11-plus minutes does Donald Trump"s trusted advisor make anyone laugh.

At least not with her.

The cringeworthy footage was filmed when Kellyanne was running The Polling Company and competed in a “Funniest Celebrity in Washington D.C.” charity contest in 1998.

Let"s just say that she didn"t win.

Then known as Kellyanne Fitzpatrick, the shameless hack tries to quip about the reasons why her foot is in a cast, while also tossing out some lawyer one-liners and even combining child abuse with the Washington Redskins at one point.

(Sample joke: "What’s the one difference between a pundette and Ally McBeal? Ally McBeal’s on a major network.")

As a grand finale, following several minutes of groans and/or silence from the crowd, Kellyanne sings… while dressed in a red feathered boa.

The song she sings is titled "The Pundette Blues.”

We don"t want to criticize this so-called performance too harshly, out of fear that Kellyanne will find us and punch us in the face, but it"s slightly off-tune.

Whatever you think of Conway as a human being, she is actually a terrific surrogate for Trump. She serves her purpose very well as his spokesperson.

So let"s give her some credit for realizing that her future was definitely NOT in stand-up comedy, as we watch her bomb worse than Jeb Bush as a Presidential candidate:

Kellyanne conway comedy routine surfaces delights internet

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Kellyanne Conway Accused of Punching Man at Inaugural Ball

Throughout most of American history, Inauguration Day was a light occasion filled with pomp and circumstance, a bit of formal frivolity before the president gets down to the serious business of running the country.

The inauguration of Donald Trump, however, has proven to be an ongoing source of controversy, as the president continues to use his tiny fingers to tweet about his bigly crowd, because with all of his political experience, this presidenting stuff should be a piece of cake, right?

At first, the man who is somehow seriously the leader of the free world was the one keeping the inauguration in the headlines, as he had his frightened-looking mouthpiece yell at the press that they were wrong and like totally everyone cool came to the ceremony.

Now, it’s a tantrum thrown by a different soulless blonde that’s captured the media’s attention.

If you’ve been the unfolding darkest timeline that is the news these days, you’re no doubt familiar with Trump adviser, “alternative facts” aficionado, and sentient scarecrow Kellyanne Conway.

Now, it seems Conway can officially add “scrappy barroom brawler” to her resume.

According to Fox News correspondent Charles Gasparino, Kellyanne took some clown to pound town at the post-inaugural Libery Ball Friday night.

Gasparino thought the whole thing was super badass and he shared every detail in a breathless Facebook post:

“A bunch of anarchist thugs began to descend on us screaming ‘hey Chachi are u fascist?’ One made an aggressive move toward us i shoved him away and he said ‘touch me again u little prick and I’ll smack u’ my response:

“‘GFY asshole’ that’s when my producer Brian Schwartz intervened and crisis was averted. 

“Part two was even more insane: inside the ball we see a fight between two guys in tuxes and then suddenly out of nowhere came trump adviser Kellyanne Conway who began throwing some mean punches at one of the guys.

“Whole thing lasted a few mins no one was hurt except maybe the dude she smacked. Now I know why trump hired her. Btw I exaggerate none of this.”

There was a time when we would’ve dismissed this as a lot of alt-nonsense to us, but there was also a time when we didn’t believe Donald Trump had a shot in hell at being elected president.

These days, anything goes.

Who’s to say Conway didn’t knock out some Chachi-hating radicals without spilling her cosmo?

If only she’d been there to defend Richard Spencer so the Hitler youth didn’t have to spill Nazi tears all over the Internet.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Kellyanne Conway Cites "Alternative Facts," Stars Slam Nitwit on Twitter

Kellyanne Conway shocked the world on Sunday, January 22, 2017. 

How so?

The Counselor to President Donald Trump claimed in an interview that White House press secretary Sean Spicer gave "alternative facts" in his description of the attendance size at the inauguration. 

The celebrity world was not impressed with this assessment and took to social media to reveal their thoughts on the matter. 

Scroll down to find out what they said…

1. Andy Cohen

Andy cohen is handsome

#alternativefacts is perhaps the greatest Real Housewives term I have ever heard. I can’t believe we haven’t heard it on a reunion.

2. George Takei


Kellyanne Conjob made clear that the audit was a smokescreen, and we won’t be seeing Trump’s taxes. They’re full of ‘alternative facts.

3. Tony Goldwyn

Tony goldwyn hbos post 2016 golden globe awards party

Kellyanne Conway just coined a very dangerous phrase like it’s the most normal thing in the world. #AlternativeFacts.

4. Sarah Silverman

Sarah silverman at the dnc

Lies now called ‘alternative facts’ by trump admin.

5. Zendaya

Zendaya 2016 costume institute gala

Alternative facts….didn’t know that was a thing… a bit of an oxymoron.

6. Lance Bass

Lance bass image

As a member of the @backstreetboys, I had a love child with @BettyMWhite. #AlternativeFacts.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Seth Meyers Does Best He Can with Kellyanne Conway

Seth Meyers tried on Tuesday night. He really did.

The comedian sat across from Donald Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway, not very long after a report surfaced that claimed Donald Trump has been working with Russia for years.

He tried to get her take on the stunning revelations, starting with whether or not Trump was briefed on this report and his reaction to the claims.

"As an American citizen…we should be concerned that intelligence officials leaked to the press and won’t go tell the president-elect or the President of the United States what the information is," Conway replied.

But… wait.

The President-Elect was made aware of the contents of this report, wasn"t he?

“He has said that he is not aware of that," Conway shot back.

"That concerns me," Meyers replied.

Give Meyers credit for attempting to pin Conway down on the matter.

Watch the (Funny? Awkward? Disturbing? Ridiculous? Infuriating?) exchange now:

Seth meyers does the best he can with kellyanne conway

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Kellyanne Conway"s Moving Her Fam to D.C. If She Can Sell "Em On It (VIDEO)

Kellyanne Conway’s hinting she’s one major step closer to a permanent gig with the Prez-elect — but first she’s gotta convince someone other than Donald Trump.  We got the campaign honcho in NYC where she broke the news … she’s heading…


Friday, December 9, 2016

Kellyanne Conway: No Mother Should Work For Trump!

Folks have blamed Hillary Clinton, Millennials, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, fake news, Putin, the FBI, and Jimmy Fallon’s hair-tousling, but it’s possible that there’s no single person more responsible for the impending Donald Trump presidency than Kellyanne Conway.

Conway was the architect of Trump’s campaign, and we’re sure many an on-the-fence female voter was able to use her position of prominence to help justify not being “with her” on Election Day.

Many expected Conway to take a job with Trump’s administration after he won the Electoral College, but surprisingly, she wasted no time in announcing that she would be jumping ship after assisting with the President-elect’s transition.

There were many theories as to why someone who was so integral to a successful presidential campaign would choose not to stick around and reap the benefits:

Perhaps Kellyanne believed (correctly) that she could earn bigger bucks as a cable news talking head.

Maybe she simply grew tired of justifying Trump’s most ridiculous remarks, and fears that his tweets will become even more bonkers once they’re backed up by nukes.

Conway responded by recalling conversations in which campaign began by saying, “I know you have four kids but …”

She went on:

“I said there’s nothing that comes after the ‘but’ that makes any sense to me so don’t even try. Like what is the but?” she said. “But they’ll eat Cheerios for the rest of the day? Nobody will brush their teeth again until I get home?

“And I do politely mention to them the question isn’t would you take the job, the male sitting across from me who’s going to take a big job in the White House. The question is would you want your wife to,” she continued.

“Would you want the mother of children to? You really see their entire visage change. It’s like, ‘Oh, no, they wouldn’t want their wife to take that job.’ But it’s, it’s all good.”

It may not be quite as cringe-worthy as Conway’s Nazi comments (if you have to deny you’re a Nazi, you’re already starting from a losing position.), but it’s not hard to see why many took issue with her sad justification for not taking a job in the Trump White House.

It’s not that Kellyanne has such old-school ideas about a woman’s place in the world (though it’s certainly depressing that she’s okay with having her career prospects squashed on the basis of her gender); it’s that such a Don Draper-esque reaction from her male colleagues is considered totally acceptable under the Trump administration.

“Jeez, I wouldn’t want my wife to take a time-consuming job! The kids would be forced to live on Cheerios!” some douche apparently agreed, presumably right before slapping the nearest secretary on the ass.

Look, for all the praise he’s taken for “shooting from the hip” and “telling it like it is,” we all know lying is a second nature to Donald Trump, so you can’t really tell what’s going on in his administration from what he says.

Throughout his campaign, it’s been those around him who have given the best insights into what’s happening inside that big peeled cantaloupe atop his neck, and it’s possible no one understands the Mind of Donnie better than Kellyanne.

It’s not like we needed further evidence that his views on women are straight out of the pages of the first issue of Playboy, but when the revelation comes from one of Trump’s less-unhinged colleagues, it’s somehow even more upsetting.


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Kellyanne Conway -- The Donald Loves His Tunes Even If The Artists Don"t Love Him (VIDEO)

Kellyanne Conway says Donald Trump cranked tons of music on the campaign trail, and didn’t let a little thing like an artist’s public disapproval stop him from enjoying any of it. We got Trump’s campaign manager Thursday morning in D.C., where…


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Donald Trump -- Costume Partying with Superwoman (Shhh! It"s Kellyanne Conway)

Kellyanne Conway lifted Donald Trump all the way to the White House, but there’s one thing even Superwoman couldn’t do — get the Prez elect into a costume. Trump’s campaign manager slipped into a tight and leggy Super outfit herself for a “Heroes…


Friday, December 2, 2016

Kellyanne Conway: I"m Not a Nazi! Clinton Supporters Are Just Sore Losers!

Political strategist Kellyanne Conway became a household name thanks to her work as one of the architects of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

In the weeks since Trump was elected, Conway has maintained her position as one of the President-elect’s most trusted advisors, even when breaking with the administration on matters such as the possibility of cabinet appointment for Mitt Romney.

But while Conway has no qualms about expressing her disagreements with Trump, she remains fiercely loyal to the controversial real-estate-mogul-turned-political-neophyte in most matters.

One of the most troubling aspects of Trump’s transition has been his appointment of far-right extremists like Steve Bannon to important positions on his staff.

Bannon has been unapologetic about his ties to white nationalism and the “alt-right” movement, the latter having recently become a sort of euphemism for neo-Nazism.

Conway participated in a Harvard political panel yesterday, and she was taken to task by former Hillary Clinton strategist over her alleged role in bringing hate groups to the mainstream.

“I would rather lose than win the way you guys did,” Palmieri said, referring to the Trump campaign as a “vehicle for white supremacists.

“How exactly did we win, Jenn? How exactly?” an indignant Conway shot back.

“I have a smile on my face at all times.”

She went on to decry

“Are you gonna look me in the face and say I ran a campaign that was a platform for white supremacists?” 

Conway refused to listen to responses, accusing her opponents of being ungracious in defeat:

“You guys are bitter,” Conway went on. “We are being very gracious. You’re bitter.”

It’s not the first time that Conway has been asked to answer for the more appalling actions and comments of Trump’s campaign.

Following a recent university lecture, Conway was asked by a young woman how she was able to justify working her part in electing a man who was recorded boasting about acts of sexual assault.

Conway conceded that Trump’s words were “disgusting,” but stated that she still considers him to be “gracious and a gentleman.”

In the weeks after the recording went public, Trump was accused of sexual assault by more than a dozen women.

Conway has consistently parroted her boss’ statements that the women are all lying.
