Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Jessa Duggar Posts Photos of Kids, Gets Roasted For Bad Parenting

Another day, another Duggar parenting controversy.

This time, it’s Jessa’s turn once again, as the mother of two is being harshly criticized for some innocent photos that appeared on her Instagram page this week.

“I’ve never known another little boy who’s more in love with mowers, tractors and skid steers,” Jessa captioned this pic of her unfortunately-named 2-year-old, Spurgeon.

“It makes his day if he gets to sit in the seat and ‘drive’ it.”

Not surprisingly, dozens feigned concern so that they could tear Jessa apart for allowing her eldest to play on farm equipment.

Obviously, the machine isn’t turned on, and the boy was being supervised, but that’s the sort of Duggar criticism that doesn’t even surprise us anymore.

What does surprise us is the fact that fans took issue with this photo of baby Henry enjoying a snooze:

“When this kid is deep in with his chubsy toddler hands behind his head,” Jessa captioned the pic.

“It’s literally just about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Surely, Jessa can’t be criticized for a photo of a sleeping toddler, right?


Jessa got positively roasted for this pic, and shockingly, it wasn’t for her use of the word “chubsy.”

No, her followers had beef due to the fact that little Henry appears to be wearing a diaper.

When one follower remarked that the 1-year-old “should be out of diapers by now,” Jessa violated the Duggar rules by actually replying to an online critic.

Even more surprising is the fact that she was totally polite and good-natured in her response:

“My philosophy is that if they aren’t able to do the whole thing from pulling their pants down and getting themselves on the toilet, to pulling their pants back up, and washing their hands, then they aren’t ready,” Jessa replied.

“Otherwise it feels like it’s actually the parent who’s potty training and doing all the work. Lol!

“I’ve been around kids, and I’m aware of the signs of readiness. My two-year-old is getting close, but not quite there, so we’re not rushing it.”

Yes, Jessa says not only is Henry not potty-trained, his big brother isn’t either.

And she doesn’t care what you think about it!

And of course, legions of Jessa’s fans rushed in to help her slay the troll, even the original commenter probably got the point after the first few hundred clapbacks or so:

“My 3 1/2 yr old is just now starting. Each child is different,” wrote one fan.

“You are the mom and you will know when he’ready. Hope you and Ben are doing well. You have beautiful happy boys!”

Obviously, Jessa gets slammed pretty much every time she posts a pic of her kids, so she’s probably used to it by now, but seriously folks — it’s getting out of hand.

There are so many valid reasons to criticize the Duggars that we really shouldn’t get bogged down nit-picking their parenting choices.


Farrah Abraham: My Kid"s Dog Died for Real, Watch Her Cry Over It!

Farrah Abraham has never been known to be compassionate or thoughtful, nor has she been known to make solid parenting choices.

But still, this new thing is despicable, even for her.

Just days after she handed herself a brand new scandal by trying to convince her daughter to "prank" some friends by telling them her dog died, her dog actually died.


Yep, karma acted swiftly here, and unfortunately, a sweet little dog named Blue paid the price.


But the way Farrah is handling the situation is sincerely unbelievable …

1. The Dynamic Duo

The dynamic duo

Look, Farrah makes a whole, whole lot of bad choices as a mother. She just does. We’ve discussed this many, many times.

2. SUCH Bad Choices

Farrah and sophia at the mtv movie awards

Farrah thought it was a good idea to pull Sophia out of school so that she could homeschool her. In reality, it was not a good idea at all, because if Farrah has such trouble stringing a sentence together, how is she going to be responsible for a child’s entire education?

3. Tsk Tsk

Farrah abraham wears clothes

There’s also that whole thing where she seems incapable of understanding that some things should be off limits for children, like discussions about her sex tape and eyebrow waxings.

4. Oh No …

Sophia abraham drinking juice

But earlier this week, Farrah went and topped herself by trying to convince Sophia and her friends to prank someone by telling them that her dog died.

5. Um

Farrah abraham red hair

It was weird because how is that a prank? Farrah’s master plan was for Sophia to ring someone doorbell, run away, and then go back and tell that person that her dog had died. Is that … is that supposed to be funny? What is even the point? Also, how twisted is that idea?!

6. Dang, Karma

Sad face farrah

That happened just a few days ago, and you won’t believe what’s happened for the Abrahams now.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Tom Brady Plays Shirtless Beach Games with Kids While Gisele Works

While the Gisele’s away, the Bradys will play … beach soccer, and superdad Tom Brady clearly doesn’t care what you say about his dad bod. Tom and fam are still down in Costa Rica for their annual offseason vacay, but Gisele’s actually getting some…


Tom Brady Plays Shirtless Beach Games with Kids While Gisele Works

While the Gisele’s away, the Bradys will play … beach soccer, and superdad Tom Brady clearly doesn’t care what you say about his dad bod. Tom and fam are still down in Costa Rica for their annual offseason vacay, but Gisele’s actually getting some…


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Duggar Kids: Getting Married to Escape Jim Bob?

With few exceptions, Duggar children usually marry young and start having children almost immediately after getting hitched.

The main reason for this is that Jim Bob and Michelle’s offspring are taught from a young age that they were put on this planet to do two things, and the things only — worship and make babies.

But lately, fans have noticed something strange about the two main Duggar pastimes.

It seems the more the adult Duggar children have been devoting more of their attention to the latter, and less to the former.

Obviously, we have no idea how much time on these people are spending on their knees in the bedroom.

(We’re talking about praying! Get your mind out of the gutter!)

But thanks to the Duggars’ tendency to over-share on social media, we have a pretty good idea of how much time they spend in church.

And as hard as it is to envision a Duggar skipping Sunday services, it seems that’s exactly what they’ve been doing lately.

First, it was reported that John David Duggar has been skipping church ever since he began courting Abbie Burnett.

Now, it seems other coupled-up Duggars are following in John David’s footsteps.

“They’re always missing from church when they’ve started dating,” a source close to the family tells Radar Online.

Now, it’s possible that the Duggars who are in relationships have simply decided to attend services at their partners’ church.

But even if that’s the case, Jim Bob would likely view the decision as a betrayal.

He’s previously stated that he believes worshipping is the most important thing a family can do together.

And the Duggars are famous for their elaborate Sunday ritual.

They usually arrive at church early so that they be there to greet the other parishioners.

Afterward, the whole community gathers at the Duggar compound for a “pot-faith” luncheon.

“Because Jim Bob doesn’t believe in luck,” says the source.

Yeesh. That alone would be reason enough for his kids to skip out on the whole thing.

But as lame as they probably find their father’s extreme piety, the Duggar kids would likely be hesitant to stop attending services with Jim Bob — unless they hoped to send him a message.

Reports of Duggar kids rebelling against Jim Bob’s overbearing ways have been everywhere lately, and it seems they may have decided as a group to take action in hopes of making it clear just how strongly they feel.

It’s a risky gambit.

And it could lead to the unraveling of the Duggar clan as we know it.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


T.I. Says Tiny"s Best Gifts To Him Are Their Kids

T.I. says the $ 225k whip he got his wife, Tiny, for her 43rd birthday is just one item on a long list of things he’s gifted her over the years, but she’s given him the best gift back.  T.I. was in the Big Apple Monday and we asked about…


T.I. Says Tiny"s Best Gifts To Him Are Their Kids

T.I. says the $ 225k whip he got his wife, Tiny, for her 43rd birthday is just one item on a long list of things he’s gifted her over the years, but she’s given him the best gift back.  T.I. was in the Big Apple Monday and we asked about…


Saturday, July 14, 2018

Tekashi69"s Out of Jail and Handing Out Cash to Kids

Tekashi69’s feeling so good about being out of the slammer, he says he’s starting up a soccer league for the community … and it looks like he’s paying the players! STARTED A SOCCER LEAGUE STRAIGHT OUT OF JAIL 😤 69 FOR THE COMMUNITY…


Tekashi69"s Out of Jail and Handing Out Cash to Kids

Tekashi69’s feeling so good about being out of the slammer, he says he’s starting up a soccer league for the community … and it looks like he’s paying the players! STARTED A SOCCER LEAGUE STRAIGHT OUT OF JAIL 😤 69 FOR THE COMMUNITY…


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Sued by Ex-Husband and Kids Over Trust

Countess Luann de Lesseps, one of the stars of “The Real Housewives of New York City,” has another legal mess on her hands with a lawsuit from none other than her ex and their kids. Luann’s ex, Alexandre de Lesseps, and their 2 adult children –…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Drew Brees" Kids Get SonBurned Trying To Cover Golden Tate

SonBurned: When a man or woman is forced to watch their offspring (in this case, sons) get ruthlessly burned on the football field by an elite NFL WR who’s taking no prisoners. Drew Brees’ kids should now know this definition well, having been…


Monday, July 9, 2018

Jenelle Evans: My Mom Is Teaching My Kids to Hate Me!

On last week"s episode of Teen Mom 2, fans were stunned to see Jenelle Evans eldest son, Jace, refer to his mother and stepfather as "pieces of sh-t."

It wasn"t the 8-year-old"s use of profanity that surprised viewers, but rather the fact that he was assessing his mother using the same language the public has been using for several years.

Not surprisingly, Jenelle took to Twitter to defend herself — and to blame everyone else for her troubled relationship with her son.

As is so often the case, Jenelle"s mother, Barbara Evans, found herself in the crosshairs.

And this time, Jenelle unloaded on Babs like never before:


1. Two Of a Kind

Jenelle evans with barbara evans

Jenelle and Barbara’s fights are the stuff or reality TV legend. And Jenelle’s eldest son, Jace, is often at the center of their conflicts.

2. The Real Victim

Jenelle with jace

Now 8, Jace has been in Barbara’s custody since before his first birthday. And these days, it seems he’s fully aware of the fact that he dodged a bullet by not being raised by Jenelle.

3. A New Arrangement

Jenelle and jace evans

Under the terms of an agreement reached last year, Barabara has retained custody of Jace in exchange for allowing Jenelle more visitation time, including weekend visits.

4. The Diss Heard ‘Round the World

Jenelle evans and jace pic

When Jace returned from one such weekend with Jenelle and her controversial husband, David Eason, he let the couple have it in a way that earned him praise from millions of TM2 viewers.

5. Telling It Like It Is

Jace evans birtday photo

“Mommy and David are pieces of sh-t,” Jace told Babs bluntly before spitting on the ground for emphasis.

6. The Reaction

Jenelle evans instagram pic

Obviously, Jenelle took the opportunity to engage in some serious introspection and ask herself why her son might feel that way. Just kidding, she went on a totally bonkers Twitter rant …

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Friday, July 6, 2018

Nathan Griffith: I Have PROOF That Jenelle Evans Beats Her Kids!

Fans of Teen Mom 2 have known for years that Jenelle Evans’ parenting is shoddy at best, abusive and criminally negligent at worst.

But this past week has provided more evidence than ever before that Jenelle is unfit to raise children.

It all started when Evans’ 4-year-old son Kaiser was dropped off to spend the weekend with his father, Nathan Griffith.

Griffith’s mother, Doris Davidson, claims she immediately discovered several bruises on the boy.

And when she asked how he got so banged up, Kaiser reportedly blamed his controversial stepfather.

“I received my child and he has marks all over him,” Griffith told the dispatcher.

“We asked him about it and he said David hit him with a stick.”

At the end of the weekend, Nathan and Doris refused to return Kaiser to his mother, but were eventually forced to do so when an emergency CPS investigation turned up no conclusive evidence of abuse.

Despite considerable protest Kaiser is now back with Jenelle and David in what his father fears is an abusive situation.

But that doesn’t mean Nathan and Doris are giving up the fight.

“Columbus County CPS has an open investigation on them still,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

And Nathan says he has evidence that will convince investigators that Jenelle should be stripped of all custody and visitation rights.

Insiders say Nathan took photos of five different bruises on Kaiser’s body before he returned the boy to Jenelle.

It’s unclear why this evidence didn’t persuade the original investigator that the 4-year-old is being abused, but Nathan is reportedly confident that the photographs will be enough to have Jenelle stripped of all custody and visitation rights.

Of course, as longtime followers of this conflict know, Nathan has been trying to have his son removed from Jenelle’s home for almost a year, thus far to no avail.

The custody battle began back in September of 2017.

At the time, Nathan accused both Jenelle and David of using corporal punishment that left “bruises and markings on the child that are unusual and more than normal scrapes that a toddler may have.”

Nathan also accused Jenelle of smoking pot while pregnant, something that she later admitted to.

Shortly after Nathan’s original documents were filed, he accused Eason of punching Kaiser on more than one occasion.

Eason has denied the allegation.

David recently took to Instagram to attempt to explain Kaiser’s bruising to the public:

“You couldn’t ask for a better kid,” Eason wrote.

“Kaiser is more active than the rest and tends to be a little clumsy but he is a bruiser and nothing stops him when he is having a good time!” 

Needless to say, the comment aroused more suspicions than it allayed.

It remains to be seen if Nathan is actually in possession of sufficient evidence to prove to the court that Jenelle is an unfit mother.

Of course, some would say MTV already has thousands of hours of proof.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how terrible a mom Jenelle really is.


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend Take Kids for Outing in Malibu

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend took a stroll with their brood, and they’re lookin’ like the model fam. Chrissy and John meandered through Malibu Tuesday, shopping at the Malibu Country Mart and then chowing down at Nobu. Baby Miles seemed content…


Thursday, June 28, 2018

John Legend says Worry About Reuniting Kids Before Sarah Sanders" Dinners

John Legend laid the smack down on anyone worrying about Sarah Huckabee Sanders before worrying about reuniting more than 2,000 immigrant children who were ripped from their parents. We got John and his wife, Chrissy Teigen,…


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Barbara Bush"s Will Puts George H.W. Bush and 2 of 5 Kids in Control

Everything Barbara Bush left behind is, not shockingly, in the hands of her 94-year-old husband, George H.W. … for now. According to the doc — obtained by TMZ — H.W. is the executor of Barbara’s estate, but the doc also…


Barbara Bush"s Will Puts George H.W. Bush and 2 of 5 Kids in Control

Everything Barbara Bush left behind is, not shockingly, in the hands of her 94-year-old husband, George H.W. … for now. According to the doc — obtained by TMZ — H.W. is the executor of Barbara’s estate, but the doc also…


Monday, June 25, 2018

George Lopez Selling "Keep the Kids, Deport the Racist" Jacket for Charity

George Lopez is taking Melania Trump’s disgustingly poor fashion choice, and turning it into cold hard cash, baby — and he’s planning to use it to show he really DOES care. George and D.L. Hughley stepped out this weekend in a couple of…


George Lopez Selling "Keep the Kids, Deport the Racist" Jacket for Charity

George Lopez is taking Melania Trump’s disgustingly poor fashion choice, and turning it into cold hard cash, baby — and he’s planning to use it to show he really DOES care. George and D.L. Hughley stepped out this weekend in a couple of…


Natalie Portman Having a Blast with Her Kids at Disneyland

Natalie Portman knows how to make an entrance at Disneyland — Cute kiddo in tow? Check. Stormtrooper as your muscle? No doubt! Natalie and her family hit up The Happiest Place on Earth on Sunday where they got the royal treatment. The entire…
