Showing posts with label Larry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Larry. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2018

Larry King Calls BS on Morgan Freeman Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Morgan Freeman’s got one staunch supporter in the midst of sexual misconduct allegations … Larry King says Morgan didn’t do anything. We got Larry and his wife, Shawn, leaving Craig’s in WeHo on Thursday night where they shared their…


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Streetball Legend Larry "Bone Collector" Williams Going for NBA Deal at 37 Years Old

Can Bone Collector really ball at the NBA level at 37 years old? He thinks he can … and tells TMZ Sports he’s seriously making a push to get a shot with a pro team.  Bone Collector — real name Larry Williams — famously killed EVERYONE on…


Sunday, May 13, 2018

Larry King Talks Torture, McCain in the Middle of a Freak Show

Larry King wanted to talk about some serious stuff, but the convo got jacked by a woman dressed as the Statue of Liberty and a dude calling himself Sexy Vegan who’s running for Prez in 2020. We got the talk show king Saturday night in WeHo outside…


Monday, April 30, 2018

Theresa Caputo: Okay, This Is What It"s REALLY Like Without Larry

Now that Long Island Medium star Theresa Caputo has split from her husband of 28 years, she"s learning to live without Larry.

And while she insists that she"s doing well, she very quickly reveals that things aren"t so good beneath the surface.

See Theresa explain what life is really like now in the video below.

Long Island Medium caught Theresa"s shocking split on camera, and now the reality series is showing Theresa"s life without Larry.

Any breakup is hard, but a split after nearly three decades of marriage … that"s a huge life adjustment.

Her father asks her: "So Theresa, how you gettin" along?"

"I"m good."

If you sense a but coming, you might just be psychic.

"There"s a lot of things that I didn"t realize that now I have to do, that I, you know, I  guess took for granted that Larry might"ve done."

Of course. They"ve been married for so long that one might compare living without each other to learning to live with only one hand.

She gives an example.

"Like simple things, taking out the garbage."

She explains that Larry Caputo, who has broken his silence on their difficult split, is currently on the opposite side of the country.

"With him still in California, you know, it"s hard."

We can imagine so.

"I mean look, I know we really don"t talk about it a lot because, you know, it"s hard."

Her father is so sweet, and assures her that he"s happy to help her with things like taking out the trash.

He tells her: "It keeps me busy, you know?"

Theresa says that her father and the rest of her family want to do whatever they can to help her.

But she says that, while helping with the trash and the dogs is great, there"s nothing that they can do to mend her marriage.

Theresa puts on a brave face and says that, all things considered, things are okay.

"But Larry and I are in a good place with each other."

They are, at least, communicating.

"I talk to Larry every once and a while to check in and make sure that everything"s good."

It sounds like they mostly talk about other things, rather than about their relationship — or what is left of it.

"We talk about what"s going on. The kids. His parents."

She says that Larry always asks about Theresa"s parents, whom he is come to love over the past three decades.

And she knows that her parents love Larry, too.

Theresa knows that she"s not the only one impacted by this split.

"It"s hard for everyone."

Naturally, their families have been connected for a long time.

"Even though it"s just something between Larry and I, it"s affecting our whole family."

Of course.

"Like everyone else in the family, my parents — they"re sad about what"s going on between Larry and I."

But she says that they"re not trying to meddle or pressure anyone.

"As sad and as hard as it is for them, they are there, just loving and supporting us."

Theresa summarizes how things are right now.

"It"s hard, but I"m okay."

She also reveals to the camera that this kind of chat with her father is rare.

"It might be surprising to people that I don"t talk about the separation with my dad or my family. But it"s not an easy thing to talk about."

Her father shows that he understands, saying:

"Whatever it"s gonna be, whatever it"s gonna be, and that"s it."

Theresa thanks him "just for being there," and emphasizes that she loves her father very much. It"s so sweet.

We just wish that th etouching scene were under happier circumstances, you know?

Theresa caputo okay this is what its really like without larry

Friday, April 13, 2018

Larry King Says Chill On "Cotton-Picking, "Take It As Compliment"

Larry King says the whole “cotton-picking” controversy surrounding an OKC Thunder announcer is being overblown — in fact, Larry says he’d take the expression as a compliment.  “That statement’s been around forever,” King told us on his way…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Theresa Caputo and Larry Caputo: Long Island Medium Trailer Shows Their Split

In late 2017, Long Island Medium stars Theresa Caputo and Larry Caputo called it quits after 28 years of marriage.

It"s a huge change for the couple.

And, as you"ll see below in the trailer for the new season, it"s going to change things on the show. Will viewers like the new dynamic?

Theresa caputo speaks

In the trailer for the new season, one particularly tense scene shows the relationship breakdown between Theresa and Larry.

Larry, speaking through tears, says:

"It"s not good for either one of us. We can"t go on like this."

Theresa then says:

"And I feel like I am at this breaking point."

Larry responds that it might not be a bad thing that she feels that way.

"Sometimes it has to get to that point"

Because it"s a trailer, it"s hard to say how many words were exchanged after that, but we see Theresa get up and walk off, looking upset.

Larry caputo looks sad

That"s going to be a lot to take in.

In a less dire scene, Theresa explains to a friend exactly what things are like with her and Larry.

"Right now, we"re separated."

After 28 years.

And she explains where he has gone.

"He went to LA."

And she says that she knows that this whole situation — the conflict and the separation itself — isn"t just impacting her and Larry.

"Naturally, I speak with my children and I know this is hard for them."

Theresa caputo on hollywood medium

But Theresa does get into how her separation from Larry gets to her.

It even impacts her as she films Long Island Medium.

"The hardest thing that I have to do is to move forward and do it without Larry."

That has to be so difficult.

"That"s my struggle."

There"s more to just mourning the loss of your relationship and the emotional pain from that.

Sometimes, it"s the little things. Habits that you were both in for nearly three decades. You"re not accustomed to doing certain things alone.

Larry caputo image

Last December, Larry Caputo broke his silence on the split.

He will also be featured this season, as you can clearly see in the trailer and as we"ve already mentioned.

So any viewers and fans who have concerns that people are only going to get Theresa"s "side" of the separation can lay those fears to rest.

That said, the show is called Long Island Medium, not Long Island Husband.

It is, first and foremost, about Theresa"s work as a medium.

Theresa caputo

The trailer does spend a lot of time focusing on Theresa"s work, whether she"s speaking to a crowd or doing a one-on-one session.

She even has a number of celebrity guests, including Tituss Burguss from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Robert Patrick, an actor who is perhaps best known for playing bad guys or unfriendly good guys on shows such as The X-Files and Stargate: Atlantis.

Patrick also portrayed the primary antagonist of Terminator 2.

There are a lot of tears and there"s a lot of powerful emotion and relief in this trailer.

For a number of reasons, it looks like this season of Long Island Medium is going to be intense. Take a look!

Theresa caputo and larry caputo long island medium trailer shows

Monday, April 2, 2018

Larry Ellison Buys Joel Silver"s $38 Million Malibu Carbon Beach Home

Larry Ellison is continuing his domination of  Malibu  beachfront real estate … scooping up his 12th property in the area for an astounding $ 38 million. Ellison — the billionaire co-founder of Oracle — just bought the 7-bedroom, 8-bath…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Larry King Says the Second Amendment Was Created to Fight Off Slave Uprisings

Larry King has an interesting tidbit for why the Second Amendment should be repealed — and it’s got to do with what he says is the real reason it was created … to fight off slaves. We got the ex-talk show host Wednesday at E. Baldi in Bev Hills,…


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Larry Nassar"s Michigan State Boss Arrested & Jailed, Faces Felony Charge

Larry Nassar’s longtime boss at Michigan State was arrested and thrown in jail Monday night in Michigan … and he’s facing a felony charge for criminal sexual conduct. William Strampel, 70, was the dean of the College of Osteopathic Medicine…


Monday, March 12, 2018

Larry David"s Face Immortalized With $150,000 Chain

Larry David’s legacy is now cemented in gold — literally — thanks to a $ 150,000 chain of the comedian’s mug. Larry’s been immortalized in a piece purchased by Executive Producer and manager David Weintraub. David’s a huge fan of the “Seinfeld”…


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Larry King Says "The NRA is a Menace to America"

Larry King makes no bones about it … the NRA is subverting the United States. We got the talk show titan Saturday night in WeHo leaving Madeo, and he’s fed up like many others that the NRA has essentially purchased Congress with campaign…


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Jared Fogle Thinks He Got Screwed and Larry Nassar Got Leniency

Jared Fogle might have his most ridiculous legal argument yet for a judge to undo his plea deal — and Larry Nassar is his exhibit A.  Fogle filed docs seeking to withdraw his guilty plea, and focuses on one of his many charges ……


Larry Nassar Got Private Jet Flight to Tucson Prison

File Under: Snake On a Plane Scumbag ex-Team USA doctor Larry Nassar got the private jet treatment Friday to fly from Michigan to Tucson to begin his federal prison stint … and TMZ Sports has the photos.  Nassar boarded the plane at Detroit…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Dad Who Attacked Larry Nassar Donating GoFundMe Money to Charity

The man who tried rushing Larry Nassar in court last week says he’s giving away the $ 31,000 people have raised for his defense to charity. Randall Margraves — the father of 3 of Nassar’s victims — released a statement Thursday, saying he’d be…


Monday, February 5, 2018

Larry Nassar Sentenced Again, Gets Up to 125 Years for Sexual Abuse

Larry Nassar was just sentenced to an additional 40-125 YEARS in prison … less than 2 weeks after a judge signed his “death warrant” with a 40-175 year term in a separate case. This time, the disgraced ex-Team USA doctor was being charged for…


Larry Nassar Sentenced Again, Gets Up to 125 Years for Sexual Abuse

Larry Nassar was just sentenced to an additional 40-125 YEARS in prison … less than 2 weeks after a judge signed his “death warrant” with a 40-175 year term in a separate case. This time, the disgraced ex-Team USA doctor was being charged for…


Friday, February 2, 2018

Hero Dad Attempts to Kick Larry Nassar"s Ass In Court

It"s hard to imagine a scandal more revolting than the one surrounding disgraced former physician Larry Nassar.

As a doctor for USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University, Nassar sexually abused hundreds of young women who were entrusted to his care as patients.

There"s no measuring the pain and trauma that Nassar inflicted upon his victims and their families, and it"s a case in which no punishment will seem sufficient for the young women who endured his attacks.

Even so, the judge in this case did the best she could, sentencing Nassar to 175 years behind bars and forcing him to listen as a seemingly endless parade of victims shared their horrific stories with the world. 

Not surprisingly, many still feel that justice has not been served, including one self-proclaimed "distraught dad" who decided to take matters into his own hands this morning.

Randall Margraves is the father of three girls who were victimized by Nassar.

After two of his daughters spoke at Nassar"s sentencing hearing today, Margraves requested a favor from the judge:

"I would ask you, as part of the sentencing, to grant me five minutes in a locked room with this demon," he asked.

"Would you give me one minute?"

When the judge informed him that "that"s not how our legal system works," Margraves sprinted toward Nassar, but was detained before he was able to get his hands on the world"s most nauseating cretin.

"I want that son of a bitch!" Margraves yelled, as bailiffs attempted to subdue him.

When he was chastised for his behavior by an assistant attorney general, Margraves responded, "You haven"t lived through it, lady."

Check out video of the incident below:

Hero dad attempts to kick larry nassars ass in court

Larry Nassar Attacked By Victim"s Dad, "Gimme 1 Minute with that Bastard"

The father of one of Larry Nassar’s victims went nuclear in a Michigan court moments ago — violently trying to attack the ex-Team USA doctor in front of the judge in his sentencing case. Moments before the attack, Randall Margraves — father of…


Friday, January 26, 2018

Dominique Moceanu Says One Gymnast Confided in Her About Larry Nassar

Dominique Moceanu is celebrating the bravery of her fellow Team USA gymnasts who helped bring Larry Nassar to justice … years after she started sounding the alarm about abuse in the sport. The 1996 gold medalist told us she first heard about…


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Simone Biles to Larry Nassar Judge: "You Are My Hero"

Simone Biles is giving the judge who signed Larry Nassar’s “death warrant” a big, public thank you … telling her, “YOU ARE MY HERO” for sentencing the ex-Team USA doc to 175 years in prison. Simone — who earlier this month revealed she was…
