Showing posts with label Mackenzie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mackenzie. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Gets in on Ryan Edwards Drug Drama, Slams Mackenzie Standifer!

Kailyn Lowry is on Teen Mom 2, obviously, but just like so many of us, she can"t seem to escape all that"s going on with the OG crew.

Which makes sense — there"s a whole, whole lot going on with those crazy kids.

For example, this week Ryan Edwards has provided us with enough drama to last a whole entire year, at least, with the news that he impregnated Mackenzie Standifer.

Which, of course, was followed swiftly with the news that he was arrested for violating his probation.

Like we said, there"s a lot going on, and with Kailyn throwing herself in the middle of it, there"s so much to discuss.

So let"s get right into it!

1. Unfortunate

Ryan edwards mug shot

So things aren’t going so great for Ryan Edwards right now, as you can probably tell by that new mug shot of his.

2. Tsk Tsk

Ryan edwards of teen mom

Earlier this week, Ryan was arrested at his home for violating his probation, because apparently at some point in time he was arrested for possession of heroin. He was just in jail for a few hours before being released on bail, and from over here, it looks pretty bad.

3. Hmmm …

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

But as Mackenzie explained in a statement, “everything is fine,” because the original arrest, the one for possession of heroin, happened last April, and as for what just happened, it was all planned because “part of his case was he had to be booked.”

4. Sure, Mackenzie

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer sons

Obviously that makes absolutely no sense at all — he was arrested for violating his probation, so why would that be part of the original plan? And if it WAS planned, why wouldn’t he surrender himself to police, why would they have to come to his house to arrest him? In what way is any of this fine?

5. Oh Girl …

Mackenzie standifer picture

It’s also odd because at the last Teen Mom OG reunion, Mackenzie claimed that she had no idea that Ryan was doing drugs until that fateful scene when he was nodding off on the drive to their wedding, which happened in May. So what, did she just miss his arrest the month before that? If you’re going to lie, Mack, at least try to come up with a decent story.

6. What is the Truth?!

Ryan edwards on teen mom o g

Also, a news station from Ryan’s hometown of Chattanooga reported that the original arrest for heroin happened on March 12th, so perhaps he’s not as sober as Mackenzie would like us to think.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Briana DeJesus: Mackenzie Lies & Kailyn Can STILL Suck My D-ck!

Briana DeJesus is been the newest member of the Teen Mom family, but she proved right off the bat that she was able to bring the drama as well as any of the vets.

In fact, it seems producers were so impressed with Bri"s ability to win over fans that they were inspired to do some retooling elsewhere in the franchise.

Rumor has it, Mackenzie McKee will be replacing Farrah Abraham on Teen Mom OG.

The news comes a year after Bri beat out Mackenzie for the fifth spot on Teen Mom 2.

So even though the ladies will be starring on different shows, there"s still a bit of bad blood there.

And that"s not the only TM feud that DeJesus is involved with these days…

1. Briana Wins

Briana dejesus on teen mom 2

Briana edged out the competition in the battle for a spot on the Teen Mom 2 cast. Her closest rival was fellow Teen Mom 3 star Mackenzie McKee who was openly upset about being passed over.

2. Mackenzie Lets Loose

Mackenzie mckee is strong

McKee opened up about her feelings toward Briana in a recent interview and quoted DeJesus as saying, “‘Mackenzie’s salty and says blah blah blah about me having multiple baby daddies’… I did not say any of that,” McKee claims.

3. Oh, No She Didn’t

Mackenzie mckee son

“It was ridiculous,” Mackenzie added. “We haven’t talked since. The last time me and Bri talked she told me that I am a nutcase and that I need to get my tubes untied.”

4. Bri Sets the Record Straight

Briana dejesus photograph

Briana has never been the type to take such comments lying down, and in a recent conversation with The Hollywood Gossip, she informed us that Mackenzie’s comments are flat-out lies.

5. A Firm Denial

Briana dejesus nova and stella

“I didn’t call her a nutcase,” DeJesus added. “She spoke to some tabloids and said MTV made the wrong choice by picking me and I told her not to talk about me and that was pretty much it.

6. No Beef … But Some Salt

Briana dejesus post op photo

“I did call her salty because, let’s face it, she was being salty in how she responded to me being picked to join the Teen Mom 2 cast,” Bri continued. “I have no beef on my end but, honestly, jealousy can bring out the worst in people and this kind of was a case in point.”

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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Ryan Edwards & Mackenzie Standifer: Baby on the Way!

Big news out of the tumultuous world of Teen Mom OG today!

Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer are expecting their first child together!

The news has been verified by several media outlets today, and sources say Ryan and Mackenzie are overjoyed.

Fans have been mostly positive in their reactions to the news, but given Ryan"s troubled past, there were bound to be some thaters.

Here"s everything we know so far about Mackenzie and Ryan"s big news:

1. A Growing Family

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer sons

Ryan and Mackenzie both have kids from their previous relationships, but this will be their first together. Fans learned of the big news in unusual fashion.

2. The Big Fake Out?

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer photo

A preview for next week’s episode of Teen Mom OG shows Mackenzie waving around a positive pregnancy test. The shot was initially dismissed by fans as a “fake out.”

3. The Real Deal

Kenzie standifer

However, sources such as The Ashley’s Reality Roundup have verified that Mackenzie is expecting. She and Ryan are said to be overjoyed by the big news.

4. Reunion Surprise!

Ryan edwards and mackenzie standifer pic

Sources say Ryan and Mackenzie confirmed the news during the recent taping of the annual Teen Mom OG reunion show.

5. The Big Reveal

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer son

“That’s when most of the cast and even some of the crew found out Mackenzie was pregnant,” a source close to the situation tells The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

6. No Secrecy Here

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer

Ryan and Mackenzie haven’t made an official public announcement yet, but sources say they’ve been very open when discussing the pregnancy with their friends, family, and castmates. In fact, there’s already been a considerable amount of discussion about the baby’s gender…

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Monday, March 26, 2018

Mackenzie McKee: My Life Went Downhill After Teen Mom 3

Mackenzie McKee is sharing her thoughts about the mixed blessing of reality TV fame with someone who definitely understands her plight.

McKee sat down with Kailyn Lowry for the latest episode of Kail"s Coffee Convos podcast, and fans were stunned by some of what she had to say.

For starters, it seems the reports of Mackenzie joining the cast of Teen Mom OG were a bit premature.

McKee is reportedly still in the running to replace Farrah Abraham on the wildly popular series, but the casting is far from a done deal.

And that"s not the only bombshell from McKee and Lowry"s in-depth interview.

Just wait until you hear what Mackenzie has to say about her life in the months after Teen Mom 3 got canceled…

1. Return of the Mack?

Mackenzie mckee instagram pic

After Farrah Abraham was fired by MTV and Viacom, it was widely rumored that Mackenzie had been chosen as her replacement. We now know that the deal hasn’t yet been sealed – but that doesn’t mean McKee won’t be returning to TV very soon.

2. Mackenzie in the Spotlight

Mackenzie mckee son

Mackenzie is set to star in a one-off special that will focus entirely on her life and family. She opened up about her mixed feelings toward fame in a new interview with Kailyn Lowry.

3. A Sad Insight

Mackenzie mckee josh mckee photo

“Right when we finished, my life went into a very dark place,” Mackenzie said of the period after Teen Mom 3 was canceled. “It was like the worst it had ever been. I got married, and that was beautiful, but then it went back to being bad.”

4. A Blessing In Disguise

Mackenzie mckee some family

“My relationship with [my husband] Josh got worse, and I just kept thinking to myself, ‘I’m so glad this isn’t on TV right now because this is the hardest time in my life,"” McKee added.

5. Credit to Kail

Kail lowry on instagram

Mackenzie went on to say that she has the utmost respect for Kailyn and the other ladies of the Teen Mom franchise. “It makes me respect [the ‘Teen Mom’ casts] so much more,” she told Kail. “You guys went through the hardest times of your life being on TV for years with no break.”

6. Hard Times

Mackenzie mckee drinks starbucks

So what was so difficult about life after Teen Mom 3? Well, it seems that in addition to being forced out of the spotlight, Mackenzie was faced with tremendous difficulties in her family life.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Abby Lee Miller Shades Mackenzie Ziegler Over Vaping Video

Even though Abby Lee Miller is still locked up despite having been scheduled for early release, she can still throw shade at her former students.

This time, she"s taking aim at 13-year-old Mackenzie Ziegler with a tweet.

Why? Because, as you can see in the video below, Mackenzie Ziegler has allegedly been caught vaping.

Abby lee miller thumbs up

Abby Lee Miller is proving that she doesn"t need occasional prison visit to be able to tell her former dance students exactly what she thinks of them.

Some people may be unaware, but many of those who are incarcerated are allowed to access the internet during carefully limited, established periods of the day.

However, someone else has been posting on Miller"s behalf during her prison stay — innocuous little posts to keep her accounts active, as if the entire world didn"t know that she"s in prison.

For that reason, it is unclear if the former Dance Moms villain — sorry, former Dance Moms instructor — is the one who personally tweeted this.

And yes, it matters.

Abby lee miller vape tweet

In what seemed to be an attempt to tweet at Justice, the clothing store that markets heavily to tweens, Abby Lee Miller appears to be throwing shade at one of her former students.

(She actually tweeted at a fan account for Justice … because even clothing stores have those)

Her tweet asks a simple question:

"Do you sell vapes now?"

There"s a joke in there somewhere about the prison stereotype of people in prison trading cigarettes for currency but … whatever.

It was immediately clear to everyone who"s been keeping up with Dance Moms gossip that Miller"s interest in vapes was not personal.

Mackenzie ziegler

See, Mackenzie Ziegler has recently been "caught" vaping.

Not on Instagram — her public Instagram account is all smiles and staged photographs that look less like a 13-year-old"s actual life and thoughts and more like what her family might hire a publicist to post.

(Which is totally fine; Mackenzie is just a kid and does not need her every real thought and deed to be exposed to the world)

However, though Mackenzie is only 13, she has been "caught" on video.

Many fans believe that she has been vaping.

Vaping, though not as harmful as cigarettes (and infinitely better-smelling … usually), still delivers a dose of nicotine and can be addictive.

Abby lee miller in prison

Mackenzie has responded to those claims by saying that she is using a Monq.

That would be water vapor mixed with essential oils, and considered harmless.

(Please note that essential oils are not necessarily harmless; both lavender and tee tree oil have been found to disrupt certain hormones and may be an environmental hazard around children)

Some fans don"t believe her, however, and say that the vapor looks too thick to simply be from water and oil.

We certainly hope that she is making the best choices for herself. Mackenzie may be worth a couple million now, but that doesn"t mean that her life couldn"t spiral downwards if she makes the wrong choices in her teens.

Abby lee miller with a knife

So it seems that Abby Lee Miller was throwing shade at Mackenzie, poking fun at her age and at the vaping rumors.

Mackenzie isn"t only young, but she"s collaborated with Justice on dance-inspired activewear clothing lines.

Honestly, the mis-tagged Twitter account aside (really, she should have phrased the tweet differently for maximum effect and visibility), it was a pretty good tweet. 

This living terror has a pretty good sense of humor.

Take a look at the video below and decide for yourself if you believe Mackenzie"s claims that she isn"t using traditional vape fluid.

Abby lee miller shades mackenzie ziegler over vaping video

Saturday, March 17, 2018

UFC"s Mackenzie Dern: My Hype Train"s Gonna Steamroll Amanda Cooper, "Choo Choo!"

Mackenzie Dern is clappin’ back at her next opponent for saying she’s gonna “derail her hype train” … saying Amanda Cooper doesn’t stand a chance when they scrap at UFC 224. “That’s good, I hope she tries to do that!” Mackenzie told TMZ Sports.…


Friday, March 9, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Ryan Edwards Isn"t on Drugs! Stop the Lies!

If some random person told you that Ryan Edwards of Teen Mom OG fame had failed a drug test and was back in rehab, you’d probably believe it, right?

After all, it’s not that hard to believe.

For the past few years, tons of Teen Mom viewers suspected that he had a drug problem, what with the way his eyes often appeared to be on the verge of popping out of his head in several scenes.

If that wasn’t the issue, it was his habit of nodding off — like he notably did in the scene when he drove himself and Mackenzie Standifer to their first wedding.

That footage was filmed in May of last year, and it was alarming, to say the least.

At one point, Mackenzie even had to grab the wheel for him, and we heard her asking him if he’d been taking Xanax “again” as she turned off the cameras in the car.

Shortly after that, Ryan was sent off to rehab, and in the current season of Teen Mom OG, it was revealed that he’d been addicted to heroin.

So for the timeline, he was doing heroin for a while, went to rehab, checked out early, got absolutely wasted at his November wedding, and now here we are.

And that’s why if we heard that he’d relapsed it wouldn’t exactly be the most shocking news in the world.

Earlier this week, a story began making the rounds — a story that claimed he had, in fact, had a bit of a setback with his sobriety.

The story was originally posted in a Teen Mom group on Facebook, where a person with “inside information” alleged that Ryan had failed a court-ordered drug test last Friday.

According to this supposed insider, he had meth and “various types of pills” in his system, and because of this, he lost visitation rights with Bentley.

A hilarious detail: the rumor also claims that he tried to bring in some secret urine to pass the test, but his little plan was ruined when he dropped the container and spilled it all.

The day after that, this person says that he checked himself into rehab, and that Mackenzie is telling everyone that he’s out of town “attending a truck driving school.”

Oh, and speaking of Mackenzie, because of this mess, she allegedly lost custody of her son, and now she’s only allowed to see him once a week at Ryan’s parents’ house (???).

Finally, the post claimed that Ryan “had a $ 1500 a day habit that included not only heroin, but cocaine, meth, xanax, and klonopin.”

That’s a whole, whole lot of information, right?

And Mackenzie is not here for it.

Pretty much immediately after this story began to get some attention, she made a statement to Radar Online — and she denied everything.

“It’s not true at all,” she insisted. “He’s right here next to me.”

She also added that “it’s disgusting to say something that has absolutely no merit,” and that “if Ryan failed a court-ordered drug test he would be in jail.”

Normally we’d have a hard time believing her, because goodness knows she’s struggled with being believable in the past — remember when she tried to say that she didn’t know anything about Ryan’s drug use until their wedding day?

But this time around, we definitely think she’s telling the truth.

If Ryan had failed a court-ordered drug test and if Mackenzie had subsequently lost custody of her child, there’s no way someone in a Facebook group would be the one to break that news.

As popular as Teen Mom gossip has become, there are several sites that keep an eye out for court documents concerning any of these people. Just think of how many court-related stories we’ve heard about Adam Lind.

Besides, the reunion was filmed last weekend in New York, the same day Ryan was supposed to have checked into rehab, and several people in attendance have confirmed that he was there.

Obviously Ryan isn’t doing super well with everything — the scenes from his second wedding proved that.

But making up elaborate stories about fake urine and failed drug tests and all kinds of child custody woes?

Not cool, guys. Not cool at all.


Monday, March 5, 2018

Debra Danielsen: Viewers Won"t Accept Mackenzie McKee!

Teen Mom OG fans know that Mackenzie McKee is joining the show and replacing Farrah Abraham, after Farrah got “hate crimed” (fired).

Mackenzie’s no stranger to the Teen Mom franchise, but does she have what it takes to fill the void left when Farrah was cast out?

Farrah’s own mother weighs in.

Remember Teen Mom 3? The world wasn’t ready for Teen Mom 3. Or, at least, that’s what audiences apparently decided.

But Mackenzie Douthit McKee made enough of a splash that, after Farrah Abraham was fired for being a nightmare of a human being (though she was also unfortunately shamed for her sex work), people kept bringing up Mackenzie as a possible replacement.

We know that those are some big, obnoxious shoes to fill.

(Mackenzie is also reportedly being considered for Teen Mom 2 after Jenelle Eason’s future on the show was cast in doubt — either way, Mackenzie would replace a widely hated star)

Now it’s been reported that Mackenzie is joining the Teen Mom OG cast, specifically.

There’s no way to know for sure how fans will react to seeing a different person on the show or the new “vibe” that each episode will bring.

But people have already formed some strong opinions.

In an interview with RadarOnline, Farrah Abraham’s mom Debra Danielsen says that she has misgivings about the idea of Mackenzie filling the void that Farrah left behind.

For starters, she’s just not sure about Mackenzie’s appeal.

“I don’t know how relatable a female bodybuilder is.”

Maybe, though other reality shows have featured female bodybuilders who turned out to be very popular with viewers (just look at 90 Day Fiance‘s Paola Mayfield).

Mackenzie is also married to the father of her children and has an enthusiastic fanbase.

“It’s a bizarre choice knowing our demographic.”

It sounds like maybe Debra herself doesn’t know what to think of a female bodybuilder and might be projecting that onto others.

“I feel like it’s a little disjointed.”

Aside from her doubts as to whether Middle America or key age demographics or whatever will run screaming for the hills at the sight of Mackenzie McKee’s Herculean physique, Debra seems to wish Mackenzie well.

And she feels that Mackenzie’s one big selling point is … her own mother.

“She has a relatable story with her mom being ill.”

Mackenzie’s mother’s cancer battle is serious. She has been diagnosed with Stage IV brain cancer.

(Mackenzie’s mom has apparently been struggling to pay her hospital bills, so a lot of fans welcome the idea of Mackenzie raking in a Teen Mom sized paycheck)

“If Mackenzie took over there would be a new dimension. I hope she does well.”

Debra can’t really pretend to be neutral in all of this — she’s talking about her own daughter’s replacement.

Plus, Debra has some sentimental attachments to Teen Mom of her own.

“I love the cast and crew because we’ve been together for 10 years.”

She spoke of how she misses being part of the show.

“It’s personally very hard for me not to be there. It’s very difficult.”

That’s show business, folks.

Debra Danielsen may be right about people having trouble reconciling a devoted mother with a female bodybuilder. Some folks live in an isolated bubble.

But some question whether that will be any harder for fans to deal with than a sex worker.

In any case, she’s definitely right that the show will be different with Mackenzie than it was with Farrah.

And by “different,” we mean “better.”

The Teen Mom franchise has been criticized for portraying the moms in a negative light. Mackenzie, who largely has her act together, could really change that and provide a nice contrast.

We’ll all find out together.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

UFC"s Mackenzie Dern: I"m Not the Next Ronda Rousey, I Wanna Be Better!

UFC newcomer Mackenzie Dern is flattered by all the Ronda Rousey comparisons, but says she’s her own woman … and wants to accomplish EVEN MORE than Ronda in MMA!! We talked to the jiu-jitsu phenom before her debut at UFC 222 … and she laid out…


Mackenzie McKee: Past Secrets and Scandals, EXPOSED!

It"s now official: Farrah Abraham is out of Teen Mom OG.

And Mackenzie McKee, formerly of Teen Mom 3, is in.

Rumors that McKee will be taking over for Abraham as a series regular began circulating not long after Abraham got fired by MTV.

While the reasons for her dismissal are subject to debate, what we can say for certain is that her replacement has quite a history too.

The new OG cast member isn"t all that new … nor has the Oklahoma native"s life been without its share of twists, turns and tumult.

Scroll down to get to know the real Mackenzie McKee.

1. Where Was She Born?

Mackenzie mckee son

McKee is a native of Miami… but not that Miami! She was born in Miami, Oklahoma.

2. When Was She Born?

Mackenzie mckee image

On October 17, 1994. This makes her a Libra, in case you were wondering.

3. What Are Her Interests?

Mackenzie mckee drinks starbucks

After graduating from high school, McKee attended cosmetology school and later worked in a salon … while also working on a fitness career.

4. Is She Still Into Fitness?

Mackenzie mckee workout pic

Oh yes. Scroll through her Instagram feed and you’ll see plenty of photos such as the one above.

5. Where Have You Seen Her Before?

Mackenzie mckee throwback pic

McKee was a cast member on 16 & Pregnant and on Teen Mom 3. She first appeared on MTV on the Season 4 premiere of the former series and was prominently featured on the latter’s only season.

6. Is She Married?

Mackenzie mckee husband

Yes. And it’s been a fairly stable relationship, save for a cheating scandal back when she and Josh McKee were engaged. She and her now-husband started dating in February of 2010 and got married in 2013. “Josh was whispering in my ear how much he loved me,” Mackenzie told Us Weekly of the ceremony.

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Farrah Abraham Reacts to Being Replaced By Mackenzie McKee!

Well, it’s official.

Mackenzie McKee is joining the cast of Teen Mom OG as the replacement for Farrah Abraham.

And not surprisingly, Farrah has thoughts on the subject.

“I wish them all the best with the show. I’m out on a high note. This is the longest season in history and I’m their biggest star,” Farrah told Us Weekly in an interview published Tuesday.

“I can do my own show, but I don’t want to focus on reality TV. I’m focusing on scripted opportunities but will always enjoy a good reality TV project.”

Yes, it seems Farrah has caught the acting bug.

Although it’s possible the “scripted opportunities” she’s referring to will involve her taking her clothes off.

As you may recall Farrah was fired by the show’s producers in connection with her refusal to stop performing live sex shows online.

“I don’t know what the show is doing,” she added when asked about the future of TMOG. 

“You could take all the girls on all the series, but none can bring or do as much as I do for the series.”

Obviously, it’s not terribly surprising that Farrah seems unconcerned about her future.

Anyone who’s seen her heap verbal abuse on the show’s crew knows this is not a woman who’s worried about life after reality TV.

As for income, Farrah has a few prospects on the horizon.

For one thing, it seems she plans to continue doing online sex work for the Cam Soda company.

On top of that, she’s suing the makers of Teen Mom OG, alleging that she was unlawfully terminated from the show.

Farrah says she was “sex shamed” by the producers who decided to cut ties with her due to her continued work in the porn industry.

Attorneys for MTV and Viacom issued a statement on the matter earlier this week:

“We respect Farrah’s decision to pursue other endeavors and we wish her the best. Regarding her suit, the claims are without merit,” they wrote.

Watch Teen Mom OG online to relive Farrah’s many, many ridiculous moments.

She will be missed.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Mackenzie McKee: Joining Teen Mom OG! Officially Replacing Farrah Abraham!

What was long rumored is now official:

Farrah Abraham has been fired from Teen Mom: OG … and the void created by her absence is being filled by a familiar franchise face:

Mackenzie Douthit McKee!

Rumors of Mackenzie replacing Farrah have been swirling in the last few weeks, and for once, it looks like the rumors were true.

As you know, Farrah Abraham was fired by the network, making staggering accusations against MTV on her way out the door.

According to Farrah, producers shamed her for adult industry dealings, discriminated and committed hate crimes against her.

Abraham, who is suing Viacom over her dismissal, recently called for the cancellation of both Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2.

Not happening, obviously.

Not long after the special moment when producers fired Farrah (above), they pitched Mackenzie the idea of joining OG in her place.

McKee thought about it long and hard and after talking it over with her family, she reluctantly agreed on a number of conditions.

Ha! Just kidding.

She was all over that s–t like Farrah on a CamSoda live stream, as McKee, 23, had long sought to return to the spotlight.

Once a breakout star of the ill-fated, one-season flop Teen Mom 3, Mackenzie faded into obscurity after the show was axed.

McKee fought long and hard to remain relevant, building her Instagram fitness “brand” and growing her social media presence.

When times were tough, she got into insane public feuds with her husband Josh, possibly to gain celebrity news site coverage.

A year ago, she openly lobbied to join Teen Mom 2, only to have the network go with fellow Teen Mom 3 castoff Briana DeJesus.

The spurned Mackenzie feuded with Briana and let it be known publicly that she was the rightful choice to return to the network.

Finally, her work is paying off.

Not to be deterred, she was in the right place at the right time when Farrah ran afoul of her handlers for the final time last fall.

According to a TMZ report, McKee has officially joined the OG cast, and she’s already shooting scenes for upcoming episodes.

They were already shooting a two-hour special with her about her mom’s cancer battle, which she revealed earlier this year.

Mackenzie’s mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 brain cancer, and that heartbreak will be depicted on a special MTV event.

But that’s just the beginning.

Insiders confirm that Mackenzie agreed to step in for Farrah and has been filming for more than a week at home in Oklahoma.

Ryan Edwards’ wife, Mackenzie Standifer, was also considered as MTV’s replacement, and appeared to have the upper hand.

Standifer, being married to Maci Bookout’s ex, was already on the show in a sense and did not need to be introduced to fans.

Ultimately, that worked against her, as she will likely continue to be on the show as long as Ryan is … and he is a lot lately.

Enter Mrs. McKee.

The seemingly innocent Starbucks selfie above signaled that she was back in the fold, as the staff often gets their coffee before filming.

In any case, Mackenzie’s mom is reportedly struggling to pay her medical bills, so you can feel good about her getting paid for this.

Moreover, Teen Mom is often criticized for its negative portrayal of single moms, and McKee may offer a breath of fresh air.

Explosive Facebook fights aside, she is married to the father of her three kids, and retains an enthusiastic fan base online.

Replacing someone as unpopular as Farrah with the beloved Mackenzie may be just the message producers want to send.
