Showing posts with label Melania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melania. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Emily Ratajkowski: Melania Trump is NOT a Hooker!

Emily Ratajkowski is standing up for Melania Trump.

We know, we know: that’s not a sentence you expected to read today.

It’s not a sentence we expected to write, either.

But the model and actress wrote on Twitter last night that she was seated alongside an unnamed New York Times reporter at a New York Fashion Week on Monday when he said the following:

“Melania is a hooker.” 

And Ratajkowski, who supported Bernie Sanders in last year’s Presidential election, was not about to let this comment go unanswered.

“Whatever your politics, it’s crucial to call this out for what it is,” Ratajkowski wrote, adding:

“Slut shaming. I don’t care about her nudes or sexual history and no one should.”

Last July, The New York Post published old photos of Melania Trump nude, with other sources confirming that the First Lady posed for some very revealing shoots back in the day.

In 1995, Trump posed naked for a steamy girl-on-girl shoot for Max Magazine, a now-defunct French men’s monthly.

Five years later, she appeared topless in an especially seductive spread in British GQ.

But Ratajkowski is right, of course.

Appearing in those types of photos is very different than accepting money in exchange for sex.

Moreover, why the heck is some journalist slamming Melania Trump? Her only real sin in all of this national drama is having bad taste in men.

Ratajkowski concluded her tweets by referred to these kind of “gender specific attacks” as “disgusting” examples of “sexist bullshit.”

erat tweets

The First Lady, meanwhile, jumped on Twitter in response to Ratajkowski’s defense ad showed her appreciation to the model.

“Applause to all women around the world who speak up, stand up and support other women!” Trump wrote to her 6.81 million followers on Monday evening, adding Ratajkowski’s handle and the following hashtags:

“#PowerOfEveryWoman #PowerOfTheFirstLady”

A rep for The New York Times released a statement on Monday in response to Ratajkowski’s Tweet.

“At a party last night, a Times reporter who does not cover Washington or politics referred to an unfounded rumor regarding Melania Trump,” the statement read.

“The comment was not intended to be public, but it was nonetheless completely inappropriate and should not have occurred. Editors have talked to the reporter in question about the lapse.”

Ratajkowski also re-Tweeted a lengthy message shared by a Teen Vogue writer named Brittney McNamara.

It defended Melania Trump against these kinds of sexist attacks and even went into depth on how sex workers in general should not be marginalized in this kind of manner.

Emily Ratajkowski retweet

Read the message shared by McNamara above and then sound off below:

Do you admire Ratajkowski for sticking up for Melania Trump?

Or do you think the First Lady deserves all this scorn and derision because she is married to Donald Trump?


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Melania Trump: NEVER Moving Into the White House?!

To say that Donald Trump is an unorthodox president would be like saying Josef Stalin thought outside the box when it came to resolving conflicts with his enemies.

By now, of course, Trump’s policy decisions probably have you stocking your basement with cans of Dinty Moore beef stew, but his administration is also bonkers in ways that have nothing to do with gross violations of the Constitution.

As you may know, the Donald’s family situation is less than traditional, what with his three wives, one of whom currently lives in a different freakin’ state, and apparently has no intention of moving closer to her husband any time soon.

We were originally told that Vanity Fair Mexico cover girl Melania Trump would remain at Trumo Tiower (costing tax payers hundreds of millions of dollars in the process) until the end of the 2017 school year, for the benefit of her 10-year-old son, Barron.

Now, sources are telling Us Weekly that 

“They will reevaluate toward the end of the school year if they will keep this arrangement or if Melania and Barron will move to Washington,” says the source.

“They could go either way right now. They will ultimately do what’s best for Barron.” 

Translation: We’ll see Melania and Barron move to D.C. around the same time we see Donald’s tax returns.

You may be asking yourself, What’s the big deal? Since when do we care about president’s personal lives?

To which we reply, Really, hypothetical reader?

We’ve cared about about president’s personal lives since around the time some nosy reporter spotted Washington pulling a carpenter ant from between his pine canines.

In this case, we doubly care, because the estimated cost of providing Melania and Barron with Secret Service protection in the heart of Midtown Manhattan is estimated to be about $ 1 million a day!

To put that in perspective, the annual budget of the NEA (which Trump has proposed abolishing for cost-cutting purposes) is about $ 146 million.

So yeah, less than half of what we’re all gonna shell out to keep Melania in her gilded monument to greed for the next 12 months.

Someone should really tell the Trumps that D.C. has both really good schools AND a number of high-end boutiques.

It’s a bigly shame that thus far in his presidency Trump has been such a slave to Bannon and Barron.

When does Donnie get time … for Donnie?

*solitary tear carves a path through the Snooki-brand spray tan on his cheek*


Friday, January 27, 2017

Melania Trump on Vanity Fair Mexico Cover: Too Ironic to Bear

Hey, did you want to roll your eyes so hard they pop out of your head, rendering you incapable of ever seeing Donald Trump and his croonies and their awful, scary faces every again?

If so, then our brand new first lady has you covered.

Melania Trump has been a bit of a wild card lately: is she just as terrible as her terrible husband? Or do we need to free Melania, as the Twitter hashtag insists?

It’s hard to say. But you know what’s not hard to say?

Melania’s latest move is just plain absurd.

Somehow, someway, this woman found herself on the cover of the February issue of Vanity Fair. But not just any Vanity Fair — Vanity Fair Mexico.

This is her cover, and just in case you were confused, yes, she is eating a bowl of diamonds with a fork and spoon.

It doesn’t make sense at all, but what makes even less sense is why she’s on the cover in the first place.

Did the magazine somehow miss Trump’s feelings about Mexico? Because he’s made them pretty clear.

Coincidentally, this cover has been released just a couple of days after Trump signed an executive order pertaining to the construction of that infernal wall all along the Mexican border.

And if all that wasn’t ridiculous enough, if you take a peek at that cover, they’re actually calling her “the new Jackie Kennedy.”

As if.

It should come as a surprise to absolutely one that a lot of people are upset about this cover which, as many people are pointing out on social media, came out at an awkward time.

As one Twitter user phrased it, “The wife of a man that calls Mexicans ‘rapists’ is on the cover of Vanity Fair Mexico.”

Another wrote “We demand Vanity Fair Mexico not to distribute their magazine with Melania Trump on the cover; it’s a mockery and humiliation for Mexico.”

Others suggested that Melania appearing in this magazine — seriously, it’s entirely too bizarre — might be a “cry for help.”

Whatever the reason may be behind this decision, it was clearly a terrible one for all involved.

Unfortunately, we’re probably going to see nothing but terrible decisions for the foreseeable future. This is, after all, Trump’s America.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Kelly Rowland Takes Hostage Shot at Melania Trump (VIDEO)

Kelly Rowland’s not sure critics of President Trump should be throwing Melania Trump under the bus too — or at least that’s how it seemed, until she went HAM on her too. We talked to Kelly at LAX … about the Women’s Marches and the shots some…


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Chelsea Handler Shames, Bullies Melania Trump Over English

Chelsea Handler insulted Melania Trump … and it’s backfiring. Chelsea says she wouldn’t interview the First Lady because “she can barely speak English.” Handler failed to mention Melania speaks 5 languages … French, Italian, German,…


Monday, January 23, 2017

Melania Trump Won"t Create Gridlock to Get Barron to School

Melania Trump is going to endear herself to New Yorkers right off the bat by NOT creating traffic jams across the city … TMZ has learned. The First Lady returned to Trump Tower Sunday night because, as we reported … she religiously escorts…


Melania Trump, Oops, I Thought Barron Had School Today!

Melania Trump may be First Lady now, but she’s also just an ordinary parent who sometimes forgets her son is off from school. TMZ broke the story, Melania planned to stay in the White House Friday and Saturday night after the inauguration but…


Melania Trump, Oops, I Thought Barron Had School Today!

Melania Trump may be First Lady now, but she’s also just an ordinary parent who sometimes forgets her son is off from school. TMZ broke the story, Melania planned to stay in the White House Friday and Saturday night after the inauguration but…


Friday, January 20, 2017

President Donald Trump & Melania Take Over POTUS & FLOTUS Twitter (PHOTOS)

Twitter’s official POTUS and FLOTUS handles have changed profile images to President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump.  Twitter made the switch almost immediately after Trump was sworn in as the 45th Prez. Meanwhile, the…


Melania Trump"s Hometown in Slovenia Going All Out to Celebrate Next First Lady (PHOTO)

Melania Trump will become the second First Lady since 1825 to have been born outside the U.S. … and her hometown in Slovenia’s ready to party it up in her honor. We’re told the mayor in Melania’s hometown of Sevnica — a small town of about…


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Melania Trump"s DC/NYC Commute Might Be Shorter Than Yours

Melania Trump will get from the White House to Trump Tower faster than your average big city commuter takes to get home — and she’s doing it by plane, chopper and automobile. TMZ broke the story … Melania will stay at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Friday…


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Melania Trump to Leave D.C. for New York After Inauguration

Melania Trump will enjoy the White House for a grand total of 2 days before returning to New York City, because she has mom work to do. Sources connected with the soon-to-be First Lady tell us, Melania wants life for her son to be as normal as…


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Calvin Klein Says He"d Definitely Dress Melania Trump

Calvin Klein is not partisan when it comes to dressing first ladies … he’s down with doing up Melania. The 74-year-old was leaving Catch Friday night when he scoffed at our photog for even asking the question.  It seemed fair enough ……


Friday, December 2, 2016

Rosie O"Donnell -- Mum On Melania and Barron ... But What"s Up in Your Life? (VIDEO)

Rosie O’Donnell clearly did not want to talk about her comments about Barron Trump or her apology to the 10-year-old and his mom, Melania … but boy did she have questions for the photog. Rosie arrived at LAX Thursday and shut down when the…


Rosie O"Donnell -- Mum On Melania and Barron ... But What"s Up in Your Life? (VIDEO)

Rosie O’Donnell clearly did not want to talk about her comments about Barron Trump or her apology to the 10-year-old and his mom, Melania … but boy did she have questions for the photog. Rosie arrived at LAX Thursday and shut down when the…


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Melania & Barron Trump -- YouTuber Cashes in With Apology

The YouTuber who falsely insinuated Melania Trump’s son was autistic is redefining chutzpah … he’s making money on his apology. The guy has ads running on his apology vid, meaning he hasn’t turned off the monetization setting — just a…


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Melania and Barron Trump -- Victory! YouTuber will Remove Bogus "Autism" Video

Melania Trump just got what she was after … the man who posted the YouTube video suggesting Barron had autism is taking the video down. The guy who posted the video says, “TMZ just contacted me to tell me Melania Trump is threatening a lawsuit…


Melania Trump Threatens Lawsuit Over Barron Trump Autism Video

Melania Trump is threatening to sue the man who has caused America to wonder whether or not her son is autistic.

In a seven-minute video shared on YouTube last week, James Hunter compiled a number of clips of Barron Trump throughout his father’s campaign to be President.

Footage of the 10-year old from the Republican National Convention and also from his father’s victory speech on the night of November 8 are especially prominent, with Hunter a making connection between young Barron’s behavior and specific signs of autism.

At one point, for example, the video depicts the child clapping… yet not actually having both hands connect.

There’s also footage of Barron Trump moving around in a chair and blinking often a bit during his dad’s Election Day acceptance speech.

There are many instances of the child yawning and grimacing.

The video grew in popularity after Rosie O’Donnell linked to it and asked on Twitter:

“Barron Trump Autistic? if so – what an amazing opportunity to bring attention to the AUTISM epidemic.”

The comedian, who is a blood rival of Donald Trump, has since explained that she harbors no ill will toward anyone in Donald’s family. 

According to a legal letter from attorney Charles Harder, which was obtained by TMZ and excerpted across the Internet, “a video was posted at YouTube recently speculating that Barron might be autistic. He is not.

The lawyer goes on to state:

“The video includes the hashtag ‘StopTheBullying’ but yet the video itself is bullying by making false statements and speculation about a 10-year old boy for the purpose of harassing him and his parents…

“The online bullying of children, including Barron Trump, should end now.”

On that point, Democrats and Republicans can both agree.

Melania Trump and her legal team are asking Hunter to remove the video from YouTube as soon as possible.

Hunter, meanwhile, tells Gossip Cop that “never meant to hurt” the Trump family and that he “just wanted to bring light to the autism epidemic.”

He adds via statement:

“I’m honestly kinda scared right now. The only reason I made the video is because I saw how much social media was bullying Barron Trump, and I wanted it to stop.

“I’d be really sad if I’ve made the situation worse, but I never could’ve imagined that the video would get so much press.”

Do you believe him?

Or do you think Hunter knew what he was doing all along?

It’s fair to say that even the harshest critic of Donald Trump would say that his 10-year old son is off limits when it comes to criticism and harassment.

Hunter concludes by saying he is “on the spectrum” of autism and just wanted to bring “light” to the “epidemic.”

Writes Hunter:

“I have a lot of respect for Melania Trump. I believe she’s a very smart and I’ll think she’ll be a great First Lady.

“I never ever meant to hurt her family or her son. If this is actually true, and if I actually see a real statement of her asking me to remove it, I will.

“I NEVER meant to hurt their family. I just with them the best.”


Monday, November 28, 2016

Melania Trump -- Threatens Suit Over False Barron "Autism" Video ... And Says Rosie O"Donnell Made it Worse

Melania Trump has hired a famous lawyer who is now threatening a lawsuit over a video suggesting her 10-year-old son, Barron, is autistic, and the letter calls out Rosie O’Donnell as a bully. According to the letter, obtained by TMZ, the…


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Melania Trump -- Slovenian Prez Reaches Out ... She"s a Homeland Hero

Soon-to-be First Lady Melania Trump is the biggest thing to come out of Slovenia since craft beer … and we’ve learned the leaders of that country has already tried establishing a relationship with her and her hubby. An official from the…
