Showing posts with label Named. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Named. Show all posts

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Conor McGregor Has a Baby Boy Named Conor Jack

Conor McGregor and his girlfriend Dee Devlin have just had their first child — a son named Conor Jack. The Irish Mirror reports … the baby boy was born Friday night at the Coombe Maternity Hospital. McGregor’s dad, Tony, told them the baby and…


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Kristen Wiig Crashes Dodgeball Game, Pumps Up Team Named After Her (PHOTOS)

Kristen Wiig’s a real team player … especially when the team is named after her. The hilarious actress surprised a West Hollywood dodgeball team Wednesday called Team Wiigs — they dress up as famous Kristen characters for games — by stopping by…


Friday, March 17, 2017

19 Celebrities Named Patrick: It"s Their Day!

In honor of St. Patrick"s Day, we celebrate the only way we know how:

By running down a list of famous people named Patrick! ENJOY!

1. Patrick Dempsey

Patrick dempsey photo

He’s the McDreamiest! Who else could lead this Patrick-inspired photo gallery?

2. Patrick Schwarzenegger

Patrick schwarzenegger shirtless photo

Patrick Schwarzenegger wins the award for Patrick with the Best Abs.

3. Patrick Stewart

Patrick stewart pizza eating

Patrick Stewart can captain our St. Patrick’s Day ship any time!

4. Patrick Swayze

Dirty dancing photo

Rest in peace, Patrick Swayze. No one puts you in a corner.

5. Neil Patrick Harris

Neil patrick harris with a margarita

Neil Patrick Harris is clearly ready to celebrat St. Patrick’s Day.

6. Patrick Wilson

Patrick wilson picture

Patrick Wilson is one smooth, handsome fella. You did catch him in that Girls episode, right?

View Slideshow

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Justin Bieber Named Suspect In Assault Investigation

Justin Bieber’s been named in a police report for allegedly assaulting a man … and the alleged victim might look familiar. Law enforcement sources in Cleveland tell us Bieber is now the suspect in an incident back in June … an incident captured…


Justin Bieber Named Suspect In Assault Investigation

Justin Bieber’s been named in a police report for allegedly assaulting a man … and the alleged victim might look familiar. Law enforcement sources in Cleveland tell us Bieber is now the suspect in an incident back in June … an incident captured…


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Steve Sarkisian -- Bolts Alabama, Named Atlanta Falcons Offensive Coordinator (VIDEO)

Steve Sarkisian’s latest run as a college coach is over after just 1 game … ‘cause the now ex-Alabama offensive coordinator is bolting Tuscaloosa for the Atlanta Falcons. The Falcons just announced that Sarkisian — who ‘Bama hired to replace…


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Reggie Bush"s Alleged Baby Mama In Nasty Divorce ... NFL Star Named In Docs

More drama in the Reggie Bush alleged baby scandal … the woman claiming to be his mistress is MARRIED and now her husband wants out.  As we previously reported, a Miami nightclub waitress named Monique claims Bush (who is also married)…


Reggie Bush"s Alleged Baby Mama In Nasty Divorce ... NFL Star Named In Docs

More drama in the Reggie Bush alleged baby scandal … the woman claiming to be his mistress is MARRIED and now her husband wants out.  As we previously reported, a Miami nightclub waitress named Monique claims Bush (who is also married)…


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Tristan Thompson Not Named On Son"s Birth Certificate (DOCUMENT)

Tristan Thompson may have hit a speedbump on his way to fatherhood … he isn’t named on his new son’s birth certificate.  Tristan’s ex, Jordan Craig, gave birth to their son on Dec. 12th in L.A. — and while she (obviously) lists herself…


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Donald Trump Named Time Person of the Year, Continues to Hate on SNL

Donald Trump has earned another comparison to Adolf Hitler.

Yes, that Adolf Hitler.

This time, however, it’s not because critics of the President-Elect fear that he’s acting like a dictator, surrounding himself with modern day Neo Nazis and trying to silence the free press.

It’s because he’s been named Time Person of the Year for 2016.

Clearly an honor – especially because he earned the distinction by actually being elected President of the United States – the magazine does not necessarily equate Time Person of the Year with one’s positive achievements.

The most notorious case in point?

Hitler garnered the title back in 1938.

Instead, the Time Person of the Year is meant to represent, as it plainly states, the person who stood out the most (for whatever reason) in a given year.

Based on that breakdown, who else but Trump could have been featured on the cover above?

(Sorry, Kanye, but it’s true.)

“For those who believe this is all for the better, Trump’s victory represents a long-overdue rebuke to an entrenched and arrogant governing class,” wrote Time, explaining its decision and adding:

“For those who see it as for the worse, the destruction extends to cherished norms of civility and discourse, a politics poisoned by vile streams of racism, sexism, nativism.”

Before naming Trump, Time announced that finalists included Simone Biles, Mark Zuckeberg and Beyonce.

Hillary Clinton once again finished second to Trump, coming in as runner-up, according to editors.

“To his believers, he delivers change – broad, deep, historic change, not modest measures doled out in Dixie cups; to his detractors, he inspires fear both for what he may do and what may be done in his name,” the publication added.

In an interview with Matt Lauer on Today this morning, Trump referred to this confirmation as an “honor.”

Then, he took aim at Saturday Night Live once again.

“Well, I hosted SNL when it was a good show, but it’s not a good show anymore,” Trump told Lauer, expounding as follows:

“Nothing to do with me – there’s nothing funny about it. The skits are terrible. I mean, I like [Alec Baldwin], but his imitation of me is really mean-spirited and not very good. I don’t think it’s good.

“I do like him, and I like him as an actor, but I don’t think his imitation of me gets me at all. And it’s meant to be very mean-spirited, which is very biased. I don’t like it.”

Trump has called out SNL and Baldwin on many occasions over the past several weeks.

In response to Trump’s latest criticism (in which the PEOTUS referred to the show as “unwatchable”), Baldwin said he would stop impersonating Trump…

once Trump releases his tax returns.

On Wednesday morning, Lauer asked Trump why he doesn’t just stop watching the program.

“Frankly, the way the show is going now – and you look at the kind of work they’re doing – who knows how long that show is going to be on? It’s a terrible show,” the President-Elect said.

For the record, Saturday Night Live ratings have increased since Trump starting railing against it.

After winning the election on November 8, Trump said he would be “very restrained” on Twitter going forward.

That hasn’t exactly happened. And it doesn’t sound like it will happen any time soon.

“Frankly, it’s a modern day form of communication,” he told Lauer.

“Between Facebook and Twitter, I have, I guess, more than 40 million people. That’s a modern day form of communication. I get it out much faster than a press release.

“I get it out much more honestly than dealing with dishonest reporters because so many reporters are dishonest.”


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

U.S. Soccer -- Bruce Is Back ... Arena Named Klinsmann"s Replacement

Well … it’s officially official. After weeks of speculation, Bruce Arena has been named the head coach of the U.S. Men’s National Soccer team … the squad announced Tuesday morning. Arena replaces recently sacked Jurgen Klinsmann … who lasted 5…


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Robber Used Human Brain To Get High, Named Brain "Freddy"

Well, this is…digusting.

He’s currently serving time in a Pennsylvania jail for burglary, but what’s one more pending charge?

26-year-old Joshua Long is now facing accusations that he used a human brain to get high, according to the Huffington Post.  He was charged on July 15th with “abuse of a corpse.”  

Long’s aunt found evidence (the evidence being the brain) under the porch of a trailer that once belonged to her sister, Angela Micklo and Robby Zoller, who are currently on the lam from police for robbery.  She was cleaning the place when she came across it, and called police immediately.

The brain was in a display container inside a Walmart bag.  Apparently the formaldehyde used to preserve the organ can also get someone super high.  The term authorities use is “wet” marijuana, where you soak the drug in the formaldehyde before inhaling.

This causes an “intense, hallucinating, and dangerous high.”

Long and Zoller used to smoke this wet marijuana together, and had left the evidence behind.  Under a porch.  In a trailer park. 

Poor brain.

According to police records, Long and Micklo nicknamed their temporary toy “Freddy” during their prison conversations, an apparent code name.

The brain was brought to Cumberland County Coroner Charley Hall, where it’s believed that it was used for teaching purposes.

“At this point now we’re just trying to figure out where it came from,” Trooper Robert Hicks told the press.

“We’re hoping that if anyone is missing a human specimen brain to bring it to our attention and maybe we can return it to its rightful owner.” 

Pat Beck, a neighbor in the trailer park, was shocked when she saw police arrive.

“It just scares me to death,” she told Fox 43.

“I didn’t think they were that kind of people, but nowadays, you never know.”

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Scarlett Johansson Named Highest Grossing Actress in History, But Still Disappointed

Scarlett Johansson just scored a major milestone in her career, but the achievement is bittersweet.

The actress was recently named the highest grossing actress in history by Box Office Mojo.

However, the Avengers star was the only woman to come in the top 10, and she finds the lack of her female peers on the list “disappointing.”

“It’s exciting to be the only woman in the category,” Johansson told Extra.

“It is kind of disappointing, actually, to be the only woman in this category. That was a little bit of a surprise to me,” she explained.

Even more surprising is that only one other woman, Cameron Diaz, made the top 20 on the list. 

Earlier this month, Johansson spoke to Cosmopolitan about the gender pay gap in Hollywood.

“There’s something icky about me having that conversation unless it applies to a greater whole,” she said.

“I am very fortunate, I make a really good living, and I’m proud to be an actress who’s making as much as many of my male peers at this stage…

“I think every woman has [been underpaid], but unless I’m addressing it as a larger problem, for me to talk about my own personal experience with it feels a little obnoxious.

“It’s part of a larger conversation about feminism in general.”

Johansson joins a number of celebrities, including Patricia Arquette, Meryl Streep and Jennifer Lawrence who have expressed chagrin at the Hollywood double standard when it comes to salary.

Coming in at number one on the Box Office Mojo list is Harrison Ford, followed by Samuel L. Jackson and Morgan Freeman.

Liam Hemsworth Named Sexiest Vegan Celebrity!

Miley Cyrus has a new reason to be proud of her boyfriend (fiance?).

Liam Hemsworth was just named the Sexiest Vegan Celebrity by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)!

The Hunger Games star follows in his girlfriend’s (fiance’s?) footsteps, as Miley was crowned PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity last year.

Both share a love for all animals, which has inspired their dietary choices.

“After all the information I gathered about the mistreatment of animals, I couldn’t continue to eat meat,” he told Men’s Fitness last October.

“The more I was aware of, the harder and harder it was to do.”

However, Liam also switched to veganism for health reasons after realizing that the more meat he ate, the worse he felt.

He explained that a nutritionist recommended he consume more red meat after conducting a blood type analysis, and he complied with instructions.

But after he started feeling even worse, he sought the help of friends, namely, Hunger Games co-star Woody Harrelson. 

“Woody Harrelson was actually one of the original reasons I became vegan, because he’s been vegan for, I don’t know, 30 years or something,” he explained.

Now that Liam’s been vegan for about a year, he says there are no downsides to the lifestyle.

“There are no negatives to eating like this,” he said.

“I feel nothing but positive, mentally and physically. I love it.”

Liam has been inadvertently making headlines of late due to speculation of an upcoming wedding with the “Wrecking Ball” singer.

After the pair re-coupled around the start of the year, marriage talk has been non-stop, and the prevailing rumor suggests the two will be exchanging vows during a summer ceremony in Liam’s native Australia.

But that’s presumably only if their families can stop feuding.

The latest report we received reveals that Miley and Liam will be eloping to escape all the family drama that’s been cursing their wedding plans. 

Liam Hemsworth Named Sexiest Vegan Celebrity!

Miley Cyrus has a new reason to be proud of her boyfriend (fiance?).

Liam Hemsworth was just named the Sexiest Vegan Celebrity by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)!

The Hunger Games star follows in his girlfriend’s (fiance’s?) footsteps, as Miley was crowned PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity last year.

Both share a love for all animals, which has inspired their dietary choices.

“After all the information I gathered about the mistreatment of animals, I couldn’t continue to eat meat,” he told Men’s Fitness last October.

“The more I was aware of, the harder and harder it was to do.”

However, Liam also switched to veganism for health reasons after realizing that the more meat he ate, the worse he felt.

He explained that a nutritionist recommended he consume more red meat after conducting a blood type analysis, and he complied with instructions.

But after he started feeling even worse, he sought the help of friends, namely, Hunger Games co-star Woody Harrelson. 

“Woody Harrelson was actually one of the original reasons I became vegan, because he’s been vegan for, I don’t know, 30 years or something,” he explained.

Now that Liam’s been vegan for about a year, he says there are no downsides to the lifestyle.

“There are no negatives to eating like this,” he said.

“I feel nothing but positive, mentally and physically. I love it.”

Liam has been inadvertently making headlines of late due to speculation of an upcoming wedding with the “Wrecking Ball” singer.

After the pair re-coupled around the start of the year, marriage talk has been non-stop, and the prevailing rumor suggests the two will be exchanging vows during a summer ceremony in Liam’s native Australia.

But that’s presumably only if their families can stop feuding.

The latest report we received reveals that Miley and Liam will be eloping to escape all the family drama that’s been cursing their wedding plans. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Woman Named Max Cocks Gets Arrested for Public Sex

Maxine Cocks is a woman who lives up to her name.

And then some!

A 42-year old resident of England, Cocks is a mother of five who has been arrested 10 times.

Her story has now gone viral after she was caught in a parked car, passed out near a roundabout with a punctured tire in Herne Bay, Kent.

Construction workers in the area grew concerned about a safety hazard created by this parked car, so they approached it and found Cocks inside…

… with a man she had just slept with and passed out!

Police were alerted to the situation and responded by taking Cocks and her lover to a local pub to decompress.

(Note to readers: if you get in trouble with the law, try to do it in England. Officers apparently respond by taking you to get wasted!)

While Cocks and her unnamed boy toy were at this restaurant, an employee had her purse stolen, and Cocks was later discovered with the victim’s driver’s license in her possession.

From there, Cocks and her man hopped on a train to Ramsgate, Kent where they went to a park.

And had sexual intercourse in public. With a young child nearby.

Cocks was arrested for the lewd incident, with Prosecutor Simon Taylor explaining in Canterbury Crown Court on Monday what allegedly went down:

Cocks was seen taking off her top by a member of public, exposing her breasts.

The member of the public also saw her fall over a couple of times and then have sex with her partner in full view of the public, including a three year old child.

Passers-by were also heard shouting that the couple were sick.

Let’s all just take a minute and let that sink in, shall we?

Way back in 2010, Cocks was arrested for making homophobic and racist remarks aboard an airplane. She avoided jail at the time because her lawyer blamed the meltdown on her “drug addiction.”

But many ridiculous law-breaking situations later, Cocks is now in prison … which may not be the worst thing given her track record.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio is Banging a Blonde Model Named Ela Kawalec

Well, he did it.

Leonardo DiCaprio has banged so many blonde models that we’re officially out of jokes about how unsurprising it is that Leonardo DiCaprio is banging a blonde model.

Last we checked in on Leo, he was “dating” Chelsey Weimar, a 19-year-old postal worker. Just kidding, she’s a model.

Prior to that, he was banging Roxy Horner, who was destined to briefly date DiCaprio from the moment her parents christened her Roxy Horner.

We hate to shock you to your very core without warning like this, but Roxy earns her living as a model.

We’re beginning to think that Leo allowed that bear in The Revenant to get a little frisky just for a change of pace.

You might think that having sex with blonde models is something Leo would eventually get sick of…Actually, no. You would probably never think that at all.

Anyway, here’s his latest flavor of the month – a Polish model named Ela Kawalec.

Page Six is reporting that Leo and Ela were spotted acting “couply” (whatever that means) at NYC hotspot Bodega Negra Wednesday night.

“They were dancing,” says one witness. “Leo was dancing with her in his arms and canoodling. They were doing their thing, bumping and grinding.”

Bumping and grinding? Who is this source, 1993 R. Kelly?

Anyway, Ela is an up-and-comer with only about 1,000 Instagram followers, so we’re pretty sure what Leo’s doing for her career actually qualifies as charity work.

Can someone get the Nobel committee on the phone?

Screw the Oscar; this man needs to get shortlisted for the Peace Prize ASAP!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Kylie Jenner Just Named a Lip Kit Color After WHOM?


Kylie Jenner has come out with a new shade of lip kit color!!!!!!!!!

Following the success of the teenage’s original trio of Kylie Lip Kit colors – Dolce K, Candy K and True Brown K – Kylie began naming additional shades after people near and dear to her heart.

So… who is the latest family member to receive the honor? Kourtney Kardashian.

Kourt K is one of the most vibrant, saturated pigments in the lip line thus far due to its bright purple hue.

Kylie unveiled the latest including in her kit via the above Instagram picture, which included the caption “my little babies.

Her and its namesake have appeared in plenty Instagram photos together as well, of course. To wit:

Shortly after Jenner went public with this new shade, the Kylie Cosmetics page shared the same image with the captions “Welcome to the family Kourt K!” and “we are so excited for this shade!”

Previously, the Keeping Up With the Kardashians actress named a color after her grandmother, MJ.

Mary Jo K debuted as part of her second batch of kits, along with “Posie K” around Valentine’s Day.

The full Kylie Jenner lip line, which launched in November 2015, now consists of eight different colors and retails for $ 29.

We have no idea why anyone would ever purchase it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio is Dating a Model Named Roxy Horner Because Of Course He Is

In case you’ve been spent the past few days wandering the Great Plains in search of the bearded ne’er-do-well who left you for dead following a bear attack, let us be the first to inform you that Leonardo DiCaprio won his his first Academy Award on Sunday for playing a puddle of testosterone come to life in The Revenant

After dating Kelly Rohrbach throughout most of his Oscar campaign, Leo decided to drop his model of the moment in the weeks leading up to the big night, perhaps so he could do his usual self-consciously endearing thing and bring his mom as his red carpet date.

But now that he’s hoisted his Oscar, Leo can get back to putting his hands on other shiny gold hard-bodies.

Yes, in news that’s certain to shock you to your core and make you question everything you thought you knew about the man, Leonardo DiCaprio is dating a model in her early 20s.

Specifically, he’s dating the 24-year-old pictured above, who sports the hilariously pole-ready name of Roxy Horner.

Based on the information provided on her Instagram page, Roxy enjoys modeling, and doing other modelly stuff, which makes her a perfect fit for Leo.

Unfortunately, at 24, she’s basically the DiCaprio girlfriend equivalent of a week-old banana.

We’re guessing homie’s already planning his next trip to the produce department, but hey, enjoy it while it lasts, Roxy!

Play your cards right and you might get to meet Lukas Haas!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Kate Middleton: Pregnant With Twin Girls! One Will Be Named Diana!

We can’t possibly let a week go by without declaring her with child(ren).  Again.

OK Magazine! has it on good authority (where is the sh– emoji when you need it?) that the Duchess of Cambridge is carrying twins.  In fact, they’re so certain of this news that they slapped another gold “Palace Confirms” sticker on it.

You know what they say about gold stickers and the truth.

“I’m having two girls!” the cover screams.

“William wants to name one Diana.”

 Catherine made William aware of the news with a sonogram.  Via text.

“You’re joking aren’t you? We’re not really having a baby right now,” William allegedly wrote back.

“It’s the early days, but the buzz in the royals’ inner circle is that Kate’s pregnant again,” some royal insider claims. “And this time she’s got not one but two buns in the oven!” 

The Duke and his bride are picking up and moving out of Kensington Palace (their official residence) and firing the help.

“They’ve always sworn they didn’t want their children being raised by nannies,” the source said.

“And although they know that having twins will make it harder for them to handle the night feedings and diaper changes, they’ve vowed to do their best.”

This time around, Catherine hasn’t experienced the crippling morning sickness she did with Prince George and Princess Charlotte, which is another way of saying that this story is crap.

“It’s a completely new experience for her,” the source said. “She’s been able to carry on with her royal duties seamlessly, as well as looking after George and Charlotte, something she wouldn’t have been able to do if she was doubled up [with nausea].”

What’s more, the godparents have been selected and our jaws will drop when the A-list names are announced (in the hard copy of the magazine, so as not to give away the entire story).

She’s not pregnant.  No one moving out of Kensington Palace, nor is the staff going anywhere.  The end.