Showing posts with label North. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North. Show all posts

Friday, March 25, 2016

North West Curses & Acts Totally Ratchet in New Video by Khloe Kardashian

We can"t decide if this is funny as hell or terribly disturbing.

We knew we liked North West when she was caught giving her mom Kim Kardashian some major side-eye as the selfie queen sang in the car.

But now her aunt Khloe Kardashian has taken an innocent photo of little Nori and turned her into a trash-talking ratchet biatch.

In a new blog post entitled "Watch North Unleash Her Inner Diva," Khloe utilizes the app "My Talking Pet" to manipulate North"s mouth to appear as if she"s going on a crazy, expletive-filled rant.

“OMG, I’m obsessed with making these videos of my nieces and nephews saying the most INSANE sh*t!!!" writes Khloe. "I send them to Kim and Kourt in our family’s group texts and we can’t get enough, LOL. Damn, Nori, you savage!”

Savage, indeed.

In the vid, the two-year-old wears shades and spouts off on, I dunno, the people.

This is a transcript of North"s little made-up toddler tirade:

“Do you know who my mama is? Do you know who my daddy is? That’s right, don’t make me check you. And do not make me take my shades off, because I will punk your f*cking ass.

"I don’t think you know who I is. My name is North West, and I’m about to run this sh*t for the rest of my life. 

“I am the head bitch in charge. You can take a seat. Actually, you can take a few seats, okay?!

"Don’t even get me to start tripping out. And listen, do me a favor: Remember, don’t you ever come for me, unless I send for you.

"Okay? Okay, okay, okay?"

Um, okay.

I suppose such a video might be hilarious if it was of, say, Jessa Duggar"s baby Spurgeon, because it would stand in stark contrast to the family"s super pious Christian beliefs and would never actually happen (heaven forbid). 

But coming out of Nori"s mouth leaves us feeling disconcerted because, frankly, this is precisely the type of tripe we hear from her father Kanye West a regular basis.

Catching a glimpse of this apple possibly having fallen so close to that tree makes us brace for the future – and not in a good way.

We"ve already seen North scowling like her dad in this side-by-side pic, and it was kinda cute, but we hope and pray she doesn"t emulate his attitude.

However, Khloe thinks the vid is totally boss, and plans to make more starring her other nieces and nephews. 

“I’m definitely going to be sharing more of these with you guys — they’re too good to keep to myself. Get ready for some KoKo-fied Mason, Penelope, Reign and Saint vids!!!”

We can"t wait to see Penelope slurring her words like an alcoholic and Saint complaining about his baby weight while posing for a belfie.

What do you think of Khloe"s new video? 

North west curses and acts totally ratchet in new video by khloe

North West Curses & Acts Totally Ratchet in New Video by Khloe Kardashian

We can"t decide if this is funny as hell or terribly disturbing.

We knew we liked North West when she was caught giving her mom Kim Kardashian some major side-eye as the selfie queen sang in the car.

But now her aunt Khloe Kardashian has taken an innocent photo of little Nori and turned her into a trash-talking ratchet biatch.

In a new blog post entitled "Watch North Unleash Her Inner Diva," Khloe utilizes the app "My Talking Pet" to manipulate North"s mouth to appear as if she"s going on a crazy, expletive-filled rant.

“OMG, I’m obsessed with making these videos of my nieces and nephews saying the most INSANE sh*t!!!" writes Khloe. "I send them to Kim and Kourt in our family’s group texts and we can’t get enough, LOL. Damn, Nori, you savage!”

Savage, indeed.

In the vid, the two-year-old wears shades and spouts off on, I dunno, the people.

This is a transcript of North"s little made-up toddler tirade:

“Do you know who my mama is? Do you know who my daddy is? That’s right, don’t make me check you. And do not make me take my shades off, because I will punk your f*cking ass.

"I don’t think you know who I is. My name is North West, and I’m about to run this sh*t for the rest of my life. 

“I am the head bitch in charge. You can take a seat. Actually, you can take a few seats, okay?!

"Don’t even get me to start tripping out. And listen, do me a favor: Remember, don’t you ever come for me, unless I send for you.

"Okay? Okay, okay, okay?"

Um, okay.

I suppose such a video might be hilarious if it was of, say, Jessa Duggar"s baby Spurgeon, because it would stand in stark contrast to the family"s super pious Christian beliefs and would never actually happen (heaven forbid). 

But coming out of Nori"s mouth leaves us feeling disconcerted because, frankly, this is precisely the type of tripe we hear from her father Kanye West a regular basis.

Catching a glimpse of this apple possibly having fallen so close to that tree makes us brace for the future – and not in a good way.

We"ve already seen North scowling like her dad in this side-by-side pic, and it was kinda cute, but we hope and pray she doesn"t emulate his attitude.

However, Khloe thinks the vid is totally boss, and plans to make more starring her other nieces and nephews. 

“I’m definitely going to be sharing more of these with you guys — they’re too good to keep to myself. Get ready for some KoKo-fied Mason, Penelope, Reign and Saint vids!!!”

We can"t wait to see Penelope slurring her words like an alcoholic and Saint complaining about his baby weight while posing for a belfie.

What do you think of Khloe"s new video? 

North west curses and acts totally ratchet in new video by khloe

Sunday, March 13, 2016

North West Gives MAJOR Side-Eye as Kim Kardashian Sings in the Car

Moms. They’re just SO embarrassing, amiright?

North West appears to be totally onboard with this sentiment, totally oblivious to the fact that her mom Kim Kardashian is the most-followed celebrity on Instagram with the most famous ass in the world.

(And we’re not referring to Kim’s husband, Kanye West.)

If you haven’t heard, Kim Kardashian just joined Snapchat, and she’s been snapping up a storm.

Her latest snaps show herself singing in the car while Kanye drives, and it’s plain to see that North isn’t amused.

Sorry to say, The Voice is not in Kim’s future. Luckily, the Kardashians are solid proof you don’t need talent to be famous.

“I see you there!” Kim laughed, catching North giving her the side-eye.

While you can’t see it here, Kim wrote “death stare” with an arrow pointing to North as an overlay to the vid. She knows when her kid’s throwing shade.

Luckily, North’s attitude toward Snapchat has downgraded from crippling fear to mere annoyance. Last week, Kim snapped a pic of North with a look of sheer panic on her precious face.

“Not a snap fan,” wrote Kim. 

Kim’s infant son Saint has not yet made his Snapchat debut, but mom recently posted his first and second public photos to Instagram.

But the way Kim’s been snapping, we’re sure to see Sainty’s sweet face in no time.

North West Gives MAJOR Side-Eye as Kim Kardashian Sings in the Car

Moms. They’re just SO embarrassing, amiright?

North West appears to be totally onboard with this sentiment, totally oblivious to the fact that her mom Kim Kardashian is the most-followed celebrity on Instagram with the most famous ass in the world.

(And we’re not referring to Kim’s husband, Kanye West.)

If you haven’t heard, Kim Kardashian just joined Snapchat, and she’s been snapping up a storm.

Her latest snaps show herself singing in the car while Kanye drives, and it’s plain to see that North isn’t amused.

Sorry to say, The Voice is not in Kim’s future. Luckily, the Kardashians are solid proof you don’t need talent to be famous.

“I see you there!” Kim laughed, catching North giving her the side-eye.

While you can’t see it here, Kim wrote “death stare” with an arrow pointing to North as an overlay to the vid. She knows when her kid’s throwing shade.

Luckily, North’s attitude toward Snapchat has downgraded from crippling fear to mere annoyance. Last week, Kim snapped a pic of North with a look of sheer panic on her precious face.

“Not a snap fan,” wrote Kim. 

Kim’s infant son Saint has not yet made his Snapchat debut, but mom recently posted his first and second public photos to Instagram.

But the way Kim’s been snapping, we’re sure to see Sainty’s sweet face in no time.

Friday, March 11, 2016

North West Hates Snapchat, Becomes a National Hero

I like this toddler.  She gets me.  

Kim Kardashian recently joined Snapchat, but that doesn’t mean her daughter, North West has to be on board with all of mom’s decisions.

Kardashian attempted to take a snap with West, who was not amused.

“Not a snapchat fan,” Kardashian wrote on the picture, which featured a toddler not into whatever mom was doing.

“Scary filters.”

West isn’t super-into having her photo taken, as shown in a previous Instagram video from February 16th.”

“No pictures!” West declared as she slid off a couch in her Uggs, much to the delight of Kendall Jenner (who was wearing an odd sweatshirt maxi dress)

I can imagine a conversation ten to fifteen years down the road involving social media and how it physically destroyed humanity:

Kim:  “The doctor can’t treat my hunchback because the hospital imploded.  He said it had something to do with ‘radiation’ from my 4 phones.”

North: “Mom, you need to try to correct your posture yourself, and maybe don’t hover over your phone.  Your [social media] crown is sliding off the back of your head.”

Kim: “Fix it for me, doll?  It’s made from the iPhone 2000S and they ceased production when the radiation started melting heads.”

North whacks the crown off her mother’s head 

Our future rests in the hands of North West.

North West Hates Snapchat, Becomes a National Hero

I like this toddler.  She gets me.  

Kim Kardashian recently joined Snapchat, but that doesn’t mean her daughter, North West has to be on board with all of mom’s decisions.

Kardashian attempted to take a snap with West, who was not amused.

“Not a snapchat fan,” Kardashian wrote on the picture, which featured a toddler not into whatever mom was doing.

“Scary filters.”

West isn’t super-into having her photo taken, as shown in a previous Instagram video from February 16th.”

“No pictures!” West declared as she slid off a couch in her Uggs, much to the delight of Kendall Jenner (who was wearing an odd sweatshirt maxi dress)

I can imagine a conversation ten to fifteen years down the road involving social media and how it physically destroyed humanity:

Kim:  “The doctor can’t treat my hunchback because the hospital imploded.  He said it had something to do with ‘radiation’ from my 4 phones.”

North: “Mom, you need to try to correct your posture yourself, and maybe don’t hover over your phone.  Your [social media] crown is sliding off the back of your head.”

Kim: “Fix it for me, doll?  It’s made from the iPhone 2000S and they ceased production when the radiation started melting heads.”

North whacks the crown off her mother’s head 

Our future rests in the hands of North West.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

North West Contours Her Face, Just Like Mommy!

Well, this is adorable! 

Or kind of alarming, depending on how you look at it.

Little North West wants to look just like her mama, and everyone knows Kim Kardashian’s signature beauty trick is face contouring.

The reality star’s makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic shared the pic above of the two-year-old with contour makeup smeared all over her face.

“When #North steals your contour palette… omg,” he wrote in the caption.

I remember when I was little and got into my mom’s makeup. Pretty sure I was a lot older than two, but I think it’s something most daughters do eventually.

North likely sees her mom with this kind of war paint all over her mug on a daily basis, so figures it’s totes normal and something she should do, too.

Gotta make those cheekbones pop, amiright?

However, if you see your mom sitting in a makeup chair for a couple hours a day having a gazillion products applied to her face then emerging completely transformed in order to look presentable to the public… well, what message is that sending?

Of course, it’s possible North just thinks her mother is a professional clown.

(And she wouldn’t be too far off – Kim makes us laugh a helluva lot, too.)

The subject of kids wearing makeup has been a hot topic of late.

Earlier this month, Teen Mom OG star Farrah Abraham (aka The Worst Person in the World) came under fire for parading her daughter around in eye shadow, blush and lipstick.

Maybe playing around in your mom’s professional makeup artist’s cosmetics bag is relatively harmless.

But if North start taping up her breasts next year, well, then we’ll really be worried.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Kim Kardashian Shares Precious Video of North West

Kim Kardashian has made it impossible for us to make fun of her.

At least for the next couple minutes.

That"s because the reality star has shared her most revealing video to date of daughter North West, posting the following footage on Facebook for her millions (and millions!) of followers to enjoy.

It features North – who VERY cute, even the harshest Kardashian critic must admit – relaxing on a sofa and telling her mom not to snap a photo.

"No pictures," she hilarious yells at Kim.

This is not the first time North has gone viral for telling someone not to take her photo.

West is totally in charge in this video… until she starts sliding off her "bed" and gently tumbles to the ground, much to the delight of aunt Kendall Jenner, who is standing nearby.

This is actually the most real few moments we"ve seen from the Kardashian family in a very long time.

It"s almost makes them look human. Crazy, right?

Check out the precious footage now and give Kim and Kanye West props for having made a very cute child.

Don"t worry. They"ll give us plenty of opportunities to make fun of them in the near future.

Kim kardashian shares precious video of north west

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Kanye West and North West: Totally Twinning!

Sometimes, Kanye West goes on an insane rant.

Other times, Kanye West must deny accusations that he likes women to place their fingers up his butt.

So it’s easy to forget that Kanye actually seems like a loving, caring, all-in father who has a great relationship with his children.

And perhaps that explains why Kim Kardashian just shared the above photo on her official website/app.

“I love seeing these side-by-side pics of North and Kanye,” Kim wrote on her site.

“I did a post of North and me a few months back. Everyone always says how much Kanye and North look alike, they make so many of the same faces, LOL!”

Think what you want about the rapper, but this really is a pretty darn adorable snapshot.

It arrives in the middle of a harsh feud between Kanye and Wiz Khalifa, which turned into a feud between Kanye and ex-girlfriend Amber Rose.

After believing Khalifa took a swipe at his wife, West responded by dragging Amber and Wiz’s kid into the discussion, which did not endear him to… well.. anyone.

Can you imagine how Kanye would react if anyone referenced North West or Saint West in some trash talk?

Hopefully Kanye has learned an important lesson and now we can go back to just admiring how precious his first born child really is…

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kim Kardashian to Hire Therapist for North West?!?

As previously reported, North West is allegedly unhappy about having a baby brother around.

But now the depths of Nori’s dissatisfaction are becoming more well known. And far more troubling.

According to Radar Online, “poor North doesn’t like that she’s been replaced on mom’s lap by Saint.”

This is a typical reaction for any first child once a second comes along.

But a family insider supposedly claims that it’s been especially challenging for North, considering how much attention she’s been used to receiving from Kim and Kanye West.

“She’s having a hard time adjusting,” the source says. “North is starting to rebel against this massive push from everyone to ‘be a good sister’ to Saint.”

It’s must be really difficult. We can only imagine.

Yes, Saint is likely adorable (we’re still waiting on that first photo, Kimye! No, this one doesn’t count!). But he’s also just six weeks old.

He can’t really do much except cry and sleep and poop.

So once that initial reaction wears off for North, she’s left feeling ostracized and ignored without even being able to appreciate her younger brother just yet.

It’s not like she can play with him or anything right now.

“It’s all very natural for North to feel like this, but she’s been super moody and keeps waking in the night,” continued the insider, who acknowledges that Kim understands this is merely a “stage.”

Still, she’s worried about her infant daughter.

And she may take an extreme step in order to boost North’s spirits.

“It’s causing a lot of disruptions, so Kim’s talking about hiring a behavioral therapist to help her adapt,” Radar writes.

Poor North.

At least she has better swag than Saint. For the moment, that is.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

North West Wears "Swag" That Costs HOW MUCH?!?

North West sucks.

We mean this literally, not pejoratively, as Kim Kardashian has shared a new Instagram photo of her only daugther standing outside and sucking on a lollipop.

But that’s not what stands out to most who have seen this picture.

Because Kim captioned the image with the word “swag,” critics have honed in on the ensemble donned here by the precious two-year old.

According to The New York Post’s Page Six, North was photographed while hanging out with aunt Kourtney Kardashian and cousins Penelope and Mason Disick.

She is wearing Converse sneakers… jeans… a pink sweatshirt… a matching pink hat… and a fur coat that Page Six editors estimate costs about $ 3,500 if it’s real.

Yes, that’s three-thousands, five-hundred American dollars for an outfit donned by a toddler.

Last week, Kardashian shared a couple far less controversial pictures of her cute child.

In one of them, both North and her mom are rocking matching braids.

In another, North is smiling broadly while meeting Santa Claus.

Both snapshots are very cute and while we judge Kim Kardashian for many things, we try to avoid any sort of parenting critique.

But $ 3,500?!? For a child’s fur coat?!? Come on, Kim.

Just…. come on now.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

North West Meets Santa Claus, Makes Kanye Smile

North West has achieved the impossible, folks.

On two fronts.

First, the adorable two-year old has managed to make her grumpy father smile, as not even Kanye West could withhold a grin upon holding his daughter when she met Santa Claus last week.

Just look at the rapper’s face in the adorable photo above.

It was recently shared by Kim Kardashian on her official app/website.

Secondly, North has given editors at The Hollywood Gossip nothing at all to mock about this famous family.

We aren’t exactly fans of Kim Kardashian and kompany, but what is there to negatively say about a toddler’s satisfied face upon being presented with Saint Nick himself?

The image comes to us from Kris Jenner’s Christmas Eve party, which also included our first look at Kardashian following the birth of her second child, Saint West.

We’re still waiting on photos of Saint himself, with various reports claiming Kim and Kanye have been offered A LOT OF MONEY to make the baby public.

They are yet to accept, however.

When it came to North, Kanye actually revealed her very first photo when he appeared on Kris Jenner’s talk show as a guest.

That (ridiculous) talk show no longer exists, so it remains a mystery when we’ll catch our initial glimpse at Saint West.

In the meantime, North remains adorable. This statement cannot be debated.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Kim Kardashian and North West: Totally Twinning!

Via a new picture on Instagram, Kim Kardashian has given fans yet another look at her post-baby self.

Sort of.

As you can see above, the 35-year old new mother of two is featured in a new photo (posted by Kris Jenner on Christmas Day), one that features her squatting down alongside daughter North West.

You can only really see the back of mother’s head and daughter’s head, but it’s enough to tell that Kim has undergone a significant change.

“Braided beauties!!! #myheart #family #love,” Jenner wrote as a caption on Instagram.

In a livestream last week on her official app last week, Kardashian verified she planned to wear her hair in braids for a couple of months until her hair grew out.

Kim and North spent Christmas Eve at Kris’ annual holiday party.

The event also attended by Kim’s siblings and close friends, with North was at one point seen enjoying some quality time with aunt Khloe Kardashian, during which she gave the reality star a “makeover.”

“I’m North’s first makeup client,” Khloe included as a cute message to this even cuter picture.

The world, of course, is still waiting on the first picture of little Saint West.

Come on, Kim and Kanye. We’ve been really good this year. We deserve it!

Monday, December 14, 2015

North West Sends First Tweet!!!!!

It was only a matter of time, wasn’t it?

North West is officially on Twitter, folks. Sort of. Kind of. Allow us to explain…

According to her mother, the two-year-old daughter of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West got a hold of the former’s cellphone on Sunday afternoon and used it to send a very important message to her mom’s 37.8 million Twitter followers.

It reads as follows:


We’re not entirely sure what North was trying to say here.

But it sounds like her mother was equally confused… and amused.

“Just realized North tweeted,” Kardashian wrote as a follow-up, adding a crying-face emoji.

tweets from nori

Kim, of course, can be forgiven if she’s a bit distracted these days.

The 35-year old welcomed her second child into the world a couple weeks ago, a healthy eight-pound boy named Saint West.

Last month, prior to the arrival of Saint, the apparetly tech-savvy toddler also managed to share a picture of her mom looking ultra sexy in a sparkly bikini via her Instagram account.

“No one believed me, but I swear North posted this,” Kardashian wrote at the time.

“She’s always following and unfollowing people on Twitter! I deleted it and then put it back up because why not, haha!!!”

Perhaps these kinds of hijinks help explain why Kim and Kanye West will reportedly NOT try for a third child.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

North West: NOT Happy About Baby Brother Saint!

Earlier today, we told you about the sibling rivalry between Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian.

Of course, there’s a new feud within the Kardashian-Jenner clan every day, and it seems the next generation is learning from the example set by their elders and beefing before they start teething.

According to Radar Online, 2-year-old North West is not happy about becoming a big sister.

It hasn’t even been a week since little Saint West entered the world, but sources tell the website that Nori is already making her feelings known in a big way:

“North already seems incredibly jealous of him because she is so used to being her mother’s only one,”

That’s natural. Heck, we imagine Kanye felt the same way when North was born.

What’s a little weird is that

  1. This is being treated as “a thing” by several media outlets, and

  2. In classic Kardashian fashion, the family is attempting to make North feel better by assuring her that both she and Saint are so cute they probably won’t even need to have any work done when they’re older:

“Everyone says that, like North, Saint has Kim’s attractive features,” the insider tells Radar. “Even Kim and Kanye were hoping for that.”

So we guess it’s safe to assume that they both got Kim’s features, and North inherited Kanye’s penchant for tantrums.

Of course, it’s a little more understandable in her case.

After all, she’s 2, not 38. Plus, how would you feel if your little brother was named after an exalted religious figure, and you were named after a freakin’ direction?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Penelope Disick and North West: Khloe Kardashian"s Biggest Fans!

I can’t with these two.

Penelope Disick and her cousin, North West posed with a copy of.‘s new book, Strong Looks Better Naked.  When Kardashian got the picture, she posted it to Instagram.

“I can’t stop smiling when I look at this photo!” Kardashian wrote.  

“I love my little ladies!! They were so excited and kept screaming “KoKo!” “KoKo!” North calls me “KoKo Loco.”

Yesterday, Kardashian fell ill and apologized to fans for having to cancel her book tour.

“Stress can run our bodies down so please everyone take care of yourselves,” Kardashian tweeted.

According to TMZ, Kardashian’s condition might be more serious than anyone thought.

The web site reports that Kardashian got a staph infection from spending so much time in hospital with Lamar Odom.  A source says the reality star has a painful lesion on her legs, swollen glands and a high fever. 

“It’s so scary,” the source said.  “She’s so sick.”

While Kardashian is laying low, her interview with Today‘s Natalie Morales aired this morning.  

During the sit-down, Khloe revealed that when she got the call that Odom had been rushed to a Nevada hospital, life-changing decisions had to be made quickly.

“Just having to make these executive decisions is really hard, I think, on anybody,” Kardashian admitted.  “So it was definitely probably one of the most emotionally stressful times ever my life.”

Friday, October 30, 2015

Billboard Just Made a Blow Job Joke About North West

Look, we’re very familiar with the Kim Kardashian sex tape.

We’re well aware that it’s easy to make fun of its star at all times and Kim Kardashian is absolutely fair game for any X-rated joke you’d wish to make.

Here’s one, for example:

You know how Kim Kardashian has gotten behind waist training as a supposedly legitimate way to lose weight? That’s sort of like how Ray J got behind her in their sex tape!

See? Easy and hilarious.

But that doesn’t mean it’s fair game, or anything that resembles fair game, to sexualize Kim’s daughter, just because her mom often poses naked.

We bring all this up as a segue because Billboard Tweeted a link yesterday to a story about how North West was attending ballet class this week when she told paparazzi members to stop taking pictures of her.

As you can see above, Billboard ran this story along with a photo of North eating a lollipop, writing as a caption to the image:

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

The Tweet has since been taking down, but not before Twitter users slammed Billboard for being “reprehensible” and “disgusting,” among other insults.

Can you blame this criticism?

The magazine did just imply that a toddler likes to give oral sex in the same way her mother does, didn’t it?

If there’s another way to interpret the Tweet posted above, by all means… let’s hear it!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

North West to Paparazzi: I Said No Pictures!

The following video is both hilarious and depressing.

It"s hilarious because it features a two-year old girl, wearing a tutu and walking across the parking lot to enter the building for ballet class.

She"s surrounded by a group of photographers, snapping away wildly as if this is anything remotely worthwhile, only to snap right back at them with the following quote:

I said no pictures.

Yes, you tell "em, North West. Amazing.

But it"s depressing for all the same reasons we just listed above.

It would be one (still pretty lame) thing if these so-called journalists were trying to get shots of Kim Kardashian because, sadly, the public does have an appetite for Kim Kardashian.

But she wasn"t there. North was being led into class by a nanny. 

So this poor toddler can"t live any kind of normal life, not at any time, not when simply attending the kind of class all little kids attend, without cameras being shoved in her face.

Is this just the price of fame? Should we not pity a child whose parents are rich and famous and who will grow up without ever wanting anything?

Sure, plenty of kids around the world have it a lot worse off than North West. We can"t trying to claim otherwise.

But go ahead and view this footage. Look at that adorable, poor child, waddling around in her tutu and having to deal with a bunch of adults who have nothing better to do with their time than stand around in a parking lot… take pictures of a child… and sell those pictures to the highest bidder.

North is cute and hysterical here. But the situation still gets us down.

North west to paparazzi i said no pictures