Showing posts with label Portwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portwood. Show all posts

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Amber Portwood Reveals Baby Name on Twitter!

Back in November, we learned that Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child.

Amber revealed that she’s expecting a boy, but other than that, she’s been mostly tight-lipped about the pregnancy.

Given some of the negative reactions to Amber’s recent social media posts, we suppose we can’t blame her.

After all, it was just earlier this week that Amber was slammed for posting an “inappropriate” photo of her daughter.

There was nothing provocative about the pic, but the girl was apparently positioned too close to Amber’s boyfriend for some fans’ liking.

It’s a jungle out there, and Portwood’s plight isn’t made any easier by the fact that her new dude, Andrew Glennon, has a seriously sketchy past.

The point is, we can see why Amber isn’t big on sharing the details of her personal life these days.

Unfortunately for her, the life of a reality star doesn’t allow for much in the way of privacy.

Amber’s every social media interaction is scrutinized by millions of fans, and it looks as though Teen Mom: OG obsessives have unearthed some information that Amber may have preferred to keep private.

The intel comes courtesy of a Twitter conversation between Amber and her brother Shawn.

Shawn posted an obscured photo of Amber’s homemade Christmas present without revealing what it was.

Along with the image, he posted this message:

“I finally completed your gift. However, I’m not going to show it to you so you’ll see it tomorrow. I will send you this though.”

“Awe Bubby I can’t wait!! I’m sure little James will love it!” Portwood replied.

Yes, it seems Amber and Andrew will be naming their baby James.

The moniker was reportedly selected due to the fact that it’s also Glennon’s middle name.

Amber has yet to delete the tweet, but we can’t imagine she intended to make the reveal in such a low-key fashion.

Whatever the case, the name is out there now, and fans have been vocal in their praise for Amber’s classic selection.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive the many, many times that Ms. Portwood did not make the right decision.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Amber Portwood: Slammed For "Inappropriate" Pic of Daughter!

Amber Portwood has had quite the tumultuous year, and she was probably more than happy to bid 2017 adieu.

But if you expected her to close out a trip around the sun without pissing fans off one more time then you don’t know Amber!

That’s a photo of Amber’s new boyfriend, Andrew Glennon, hanging out with her 8-year-old daughter, Leah Shirley.

Perhaps it’s Glennon’s sketchy past, or the fact that he and Amber really haven’t been together very long, but for whatever reason, fans were not happy to see the Marriage Boot Camp producer looking so cozy with Leah.

“I like Amber and I said she’s come a long way. But she brings men into her daughter’s life seemingly quickly and to see this girl next to a man she knows less than 8 months I’m going to say. Even under a year,” wrote one commenter.

“It’s not like they’ve been a family for a long time. I just felt uneasy that she’d put and or let her daughter be in the position/situation,” She continued.

Other followers remarked on the fact that Amber hasn’t been spending much time with Leah due to a struggle with depression, noting that her emotional issues didn’t seem to prevent her from dating.

“She is too depressed to spend time with Leah but not to go get a new Matt I mean man,” one fan remarked.

“Then she pretty much forces them on Leah. And she was saying what a great guy Matt was last year.”

“Bringing in the New Years right with healthy food lol, ” Amber captioned the photo, which appears to have been taken in her bed. “Happy New Years everyone! Sending all our love from my little growing family to yours!”

As you may know, Amber isn’t one to shy away from conflict, so naturally, she gave fans a piece of her mind in a lengthy, obscenity-laced tirade:

“Anybody saying this is weird needs to look at themselves,” Portwood began.

“You are f**king disgusting if your head goes straight to filth. We are a happy and loving family. We don’t need ignorant people commenting on our pictures which is why I don’t post pictures! Leah thought this picture was cute and funny and I would hate for her to see these comments!!”

Portwood was far from finished, though as connoiseurs of online tirades, we must note that she gets a bit repetitive from here on out:

“Anyone with rude and obscene comments can f–k off!! I share my life and family with you all however that doesn’t mean I need everyone’s ignorant opinions!” she wrote.

“It’s sad when my 9 year old thinks a picture is funny and cute and I can’t even post it without f**ked up comments from ignorant people. I have an amazing daughter and a loving and brilliant man. Andrew is a kind hearted loving man and takes good care of his new growing family! Send love not hate!!”

Normally we’d drop a sarcastic “tell us what ya really think!” here, but we don’t want to risk pissing Amber off,

Watch Teen Mom: OG online for more from the show’s most pissed off mama bear.


Teen Mom OG Recap: The Crazy Life of Amber Portwood

Amber’s plan to oust Matt from her life came to a head on Teen Mom OG Season 5 Episode 6, thanks in large part due to a new man.

That’s right, Andrew Glennon made his first appearance.

Meanwhile, Farrah returned home to Omaha and Taylor gave Maci a huge surprise … but where either of those developments positive?

If you watch Teen Mom OG online, you know that Amber is often all over the place, and Season 5 Episode 6 was certainly true to form.

A few weeks ago, she lamented the idea of life without Matt Baier. This week, she was singing a different tune, ditching him for good.

Helping her get over Matt? Andrew Glennon, an exciting new love interest whom she met while filming Marriage Boot Camp … with Matt.

In real time, of course, Amber and Andrew are expecting their first child together, so clearly things escalated quickly between the pair.

On yesterday evening’s show, she held back on introducing Andrew to her daughter Leah until they were more established as a couple.

We’re guessing that didn’t take long, either.

She wasn’t just keeping Leah distant from Andrew, though; Gary Shirley, Leah’s dad, wasn’t too happy about Amber going MIAin general.

While she was hanging around with her new boyfriend, she left her daughter with Gary, who was none too pleased about her priorities.

He let her hear about it, while she responded by telling Gary and his wife Kristina Anderson just how bizarre her situation with Matt was.

Texting, calling and begging her to take him back, Matt even sent her a photo 20 pills, saying he was going to kill himself if she didn’t reply.

Wow. That’s lower than low.

This really makes you question his mental state, and even more incredibly, Matt Baier married Jennifer Conlon just a few months later.

While this was going on, Catelynn and Tyler reunited at last with their birth daughter, Carly, after having been apart for nearly two years.

Joyful as this was, it was bittersweet at the same time, as it left Catelynn feeling depressed once she had to say goodbye to her first-born.

Tyler, on the other hand?

He was feeling the urge to have more kids, even asking Cate if they can start “popping out more,” preferably sooner rather than later.

She laughed, though clearly there were signs of her depression and anxiety evident here, and we all know what happened soon after.

Catelynn checked into rehab after experiencing suicidal thoughts, and while she’s reportedly at home now, she’s not out of the woods.

Maci Bookout went skydiving for her birthday, while her ex, Ryan Edwards, and his wife, Mackenzie Standifer, posed for some photos.

To celebrate their engagement, that is.

Edwards seemed a little bit off, to put it mildly, fueling concerns from those worried about the troubled star’s ongoing battles with addiction.

It’s a scary situation. Maci making Ryan take drug tests before seeing Bentley may not be the worst idea, much as we hate to say it.

Finally, Farrah Abraham and Sophia attended her grandmother’s birthday party before going out for dinner with Farrah’s mother Debra.

There, Sophia said that she never wants to see Debra again if she ends up marrying her then-fiance David. Yes, Sophia told her this.

Farrah may want to think twice about unloading her feelings on Sophia … just an idea. The little girl even said at a different point:

“I hope David isn’t at the party.”

Whatever issues Abraham has with her mom, and however she chooses to handle those, she should at least try to shield Soph.

You know, just a little bit.


Friday, December 22, 2017

Amber Portwood: Mom-Shamed After "Ditching" Daughter!

Like pretty much every other year of her adult life, 2017 was a tumultuous one for Amber Portwood.

In the past 12 months, Amber broke up with Matt Baier, finally calling it quits after their relationship publicly self-destructed for like the 400th time.

These days, Amber is pregnant with Andrew Glennon"s baby, and the couple is reportedly considering marriage.

Portwood has so many storylines these days that Teen Mom: OG fans might forget that she already has a kid.

Some viewers even think Amber has forgotten that she"s a mom.

Needless to say, Ms. Portwood isn"t thrilled by these accusations…

1. Amber and Leah

Amber and leah shirley

Amber says the health and happiness of her daughter Leah are her top priorities in life. Some Teen Mom: OG fans say that claim is bogus.

2. Drama Mama

Amber portwood a photo

Many viewers feel that Portwood is overly focused on her business ventures and her relationship drama. She’s been accused of dumping off the majority of her parenting responsibilities on her ex, Gary Shirley.

3. Un-Baier-able

Matt baier and amber portwood throwback

Earlier this year, Amber cut Matt Baier loose, and many applauded what was seen at the time as an attempt to simplify her life. But it wasn’t long before Amber was involved in a new problematic relationship.

4. Amber & Andrew

Amber portwood and andrew glennon

Portwood and Baier parted ways on the set of Marriage Boot Camp, and Amber immediately entered a relationship with Andrew Glennon, a producer on the show. These days, she’s pregnant with Glennon’s baby.

5. Amber on the Upswing

Amber portwood and her dog

Things seem to have stabilized a bit for Amber in recent months, but a recent episode of Teen Mom: OG reminded fans that until very recently, her life was in a state of disarray.

6. A Daily Struggle

Amber portwood at 2017 vmas

The episode documented Amber’s struggle with depression, and while many viewers were sympathetic, others felt that she was failing to fulfill her duties as a mother. Needless to say, some of the comments on social media were downright brutal…

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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Amber Portwood Shares Pic in Bed With Andrew Glennon!

Not only is Amber Portwood pregnant with her second child, but she and her new baby-daddy are still living their whirlwind romance.

Part of that romance includes a couples’ trip to Malibu.

And Amber Portwood decided to share a photo of herself and Andrew Glennon … in bed together.

Look, there are a few sketchy things about Andrew Glennon. We’re the first to admit that.

He’s apparently badmouthed some exes in the past, so it doesn’t sound like he handles breakups well.

And some wonder if he abused his position as a producer to seduce Amber Portwood (though, of course, he’s at least not a Teen Mom producer).

But look at it this way — we at least don’t think that Andrew Glennon is after Amber Portwood for that sweet, sweet Teen Mom money.

That has to count for something. In fact, by reality TV relationship standards, he’s basically a prince.

Whatever you may think of Andrew Glennon, he and Amber Portwood are expecting a baby boy and that’s exciting news.

So, yesterday, Amber Portwood shared this photo on Instagram.

We haven’t seen so many photos of Amber and Andrew side-by-side, so it’s nice to see that. Also sweet that they’re traveling together.

Amber included this caption:

“On our way to Malibu yesterday with my baby hard at work next to me.”

To be clear, “my baby” means Andrew Glennon, in this context. She’s going to need to remember to be more clear once the actual, literal baby is born.

But that’s not the photo that got people talking.

No, that would be the one of the two of them in bed together:

No, this isn’t risque or likely to bother anyone but the newly married Matt Baier … and perhaps Farrah Abraham (because Farrah seems to hate that Amber Portwood even exists in the first place).

But it’s not subtle, either.

No one’s surprised that they’re having sex. They’re adults (not all adult relationships have sex, of course, but most do) and, more to the point, Amber Portwood did not conceive via immaculate conception.

But a lot of folks are awfully shy about sharing photos, even pics that are mostly just of their feet. And it’s out of more than just concern over foot fetishists enjoying the pics a little too much.

Also, taking a photo from bed in front of a reflective surface can be a risk.

As you can see, though, Amber’s photo of the beautiful beach view in Malibu doesn’t seem to expose anything but comfort and comfortable intimacy.

Some Teen Mom OG fans still aren’t sure what to make of Andrew Glennon, and we don’t quite blame them.

But it’s clear that Amber Portwood thinks a lot of him and plans for him to be part of her life for a very long time.

After the pregnancy news broke, Amber thanks fans on Twitter:

“Thank you everyone for all the kind words.”

Which is nice and all, but then she laid out her vision for the future.

“I’m very excited for my future with Andrew and our little family we are starting together! Love.”

For the record, it sounds like Leah is excited to become a big sister. Amber isn’t forgetting about her.


Friday, December 8, 2017

Amber Portwood Reveals Gender of Baby #2!

Last month, the world learned that Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child.

For the most part, Amber has kept a low-profile since her breakup with Matt Baier, but she was clearly excited to share the baby news with fans.

Today, she offered an exciting new update, revealing the gender of her second child on Instagram!

Here"s the latest on all the most recent baby news involving Amber and her new boyfriend, Andrew Glennon…

1. Amber and Andrew

Amber portwood and andrew glennon

Amber began dating Andrew Glennon, a reality TV producer, after the two of them met on the set of Marriage Boot Camp.

2. On to the Next One

Matt baier and amber portwood throwback

Amber appeared on the show alongside her then-fiance, Matt Baier. When Baier fled for Vegas after the televised therapy didn’t go as planned, Amber began her relationship with Glennon.

3. Moving Quickly

Matt baier with amber portwood photo

Obviously, the breakup was not pretty, but Matt and Amber got over each other with surprising speed. These days, he’s married, and she’s expecting her second child.

4. Full Support

Amber portwood a photo

Amber has received well-wishes from both Matt and her baby daddy Gary Shirley. Most importantly, her daughter Leah is excited about the new arrival.

5. Excited Big Sister

Amber and leah shirley

“Leah knows about the baby and is excited,” a source told E! News. “She can’t wait to be a big sister.”

6. The Big News

Amber portwood at 2017 vmas

And today, Amber finally revealed if she and Andrew and Leah will be welcoming a boy or a girl…

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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Farrah Abraham Congratulates Matt Baier, Slams Amber Portwood! Of course

We’re still amazed at how quickly Teen Mom villain Matt Baier got married to a seemingly random woman after his (final) breakup with Amber Portwood.

But do you know who’s loving it? Farrah Abraham.

And she says so directly.

Matt Baier’s relationship with Amber Portwood was bizarre.

It’s rare for a superfan of a series to date the star and have it work out well. Usually, the stars have enough sense to avoid stalkery “fans” who are desperate for fame.

But Amber Portwood ignored a veritable fleet of red flags and spent years with Matt Baier.

Years later, and after more than one cancelled wedding, Amber had finally, finally had enough. The couple split.

Baier jumped ship and very quickly hit things off with with … a Las Vegas waitress.

He’s now married this waitress, for better or for worse. And Farrah Abraham — whom Matt has definitely tried to hit up in the past — has something to say about it.

Speaking at Gossip Long Island’s 20th anniversary celebration, where numerous dancers were modeling Farrah’s new lingerie line, Farrah spoke out to InTouch Weekly about about Matt Baier getting married:

“Congratulations to Matt!”

She just issued a simple, polite statement of congratulations to someone and didn’t use the opportunity to verbally twist the night against Amber Portwood?

We’re kidding; of course she went off. She’s Farrah.

“I mean, to honestly say … all my congratulations to Matt for getting married, because the whole time he was dating Amber was bulls–t.”

It wouldn’t be a Farrah Abraham quote if it weren’t also a serious jab at Amber Portwood, apparently.

“He never really liked Amber,” she asserts.

Oh, Farrah.

In another display of on-brand behavior, Farrah Abraham used the opportunity to plug her lingerie line.

“Thank them for having me two nights in a row!”

She’s been advertising her wares at the venue.

“We brought some class, we brought some sass, and some of my lingerie line — a lot of the women tonight are wearing it, so I’m happy to be here and happy they chose me.”

We’re almost angry that she said “class” and “sass” but didn’t rhyme either of them with “ass.”

Remember, some of Farrah’s lingerie has holes cut out in the panties in “convenient” locations. So we don’t think that saying “ass” would have hurt her branding or whatever.

This is far from the first time that Farrah has had less-than-kind things to say about Amber Portwood and chosen to (poorly) disguise those comments as well-wishes.

Remember when Farrah’s mom, Debra Danielsen, got married? Farrah was the only Teen Mom personality in attendance.

Amber Portwood gets along well with Deb, but had been struggling with morning sickness and couldn’t make it.

Do you remember what Farrah had to say to her, then?

“[Amber] wasn’t going to be here anyway, so I wish her all the best with her unplanned pregnancy and all her bulls–t.”


So, if Farrah Abraham is ever about to “compliment” you, you might want to run the other way.

Especially if you’re Amber Portwood.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Amber Portwood: Matt Baier is a Thief and a Liar!

OK, so Matt Baier is just a really terrible person with no redeemable qualities whatsoever, right?

You know it, we know it, everybody knows it.

We still don’t know exactly how many children he has, but we do know that he has at least a handful that he doesn’t help support. He’s very manipulative, and we’re not convinced he feels feelings like the average human.

Also, on a more superficial note, he’s like really greasy? For no reason?

On the last season of Teen Mom OG, Matt really began showing his true, awful colors by doing things like trying to guilt Amber into marrying him in Las Vegas when she really wasn’t into it, then trashing her behind her back to MTV cameras.

Later, he offered a Xanax to Catelynn Lowell, which was not a great move since, you know, that’s illegal, and also because Amber’s dealt with addiction in the past, so having a boyfriend peddling pills isn’t ideal.

In last season’s finale, she had suspicions that he was cheating on her, so he took a lie detector test. He was shown to have lied on a question about making sexual advances towards a woman, and she lost it.

In real life, that last bit happened back in May. It took another month or so (and a season of Marriage Boot Camp!) for Amber to kick him to the curb for good.

We’re seeing that slow, agonizing breakup on the current season … and it’s been rough.

On the season premiere, things were very tense between them, and at the end of the episode, Amber seemed to call off not only their wedding, which was scheduled for October, but their engagement, too.

We don’t blame her one bit — on top of the possible cheating and the manipulation and the grease, he’s been stealing from her, too.

In last night’s episode, Amber spoke to her family about her issues with Matt, telling them that “He told me that we could separate our bank accounts if it makes me feel good.”

They should have been separate from the beginning, considering the fact that she makes a huge salary and also the fact that he obviously cannot be trusted.

But sure, that’s a nice gesture or whatever.

Then Amber said that “Within the last three years we’ve been together, tallying everything up, it’s been $ 120,000 that I have no clue where it’s went.”

“We’re not engaged and I feel like he’s a pathological liar.”

She did clarify that she does know where some money went — to one or more of Matt’s countless kids.

“I just realized he’s sending his daughter money that’s not even his money!” she exclaimed.

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard that Matt stole money from her — who could forget last season’s reunion show, when Matt explained that he had thousands of her dollars in a backpack in Las Vegas?

“I’ve given Matt more chances than I’ve given any man,” Amber told a producer later on the show. “Back in the day, I would’ve broken up with your ass.”

So why hadn’t she broken up with his ass at that point, after everything he put her through?

“I think it’s because I’ve invested so much time into it,” she said. “I just feel like I got caught up in a relationship where I lost all my sense of independence.”

“I stopped believing that I knew what I was talking about because I kept being told I was wrong, but I knew I was right! That’s my fault, for letting my guard down.”

Nah, girl, it’s his fault for being trash, actually.

Thankfully, she did say that she was “almost done” with Matt in that moment because “I have too much ahead of me for this sh-t.”

She was right, too — she’s with a brand new guy now, Andrew Glennon, and they’re expecting their first child together!

Of course, there’s a high chance that this new relationship may turn out to be an even bigger train wreck than her relationship with Matt was.

We haven’t heard her accuse him of anything (yet), but we do know that a couple of ex-girlfriends of his have filed restraining orders against him for stalking and other concerning behaviors.

Guess we’ll just have to keep watching Teen Mom OG to see how this one turns out!


Friday, December 1, 2017

Matt Baier and Jennifer Conlon to Amber Portwood: Congrats on the Baby!

Although Matt Baier has moved on from Amber Portwood, how does he feel about the fact that she’s expecting another man’s child?

Better than you might think, given their personal history.

The controversial Teen Mom OG superfan-turned-cast member and his new wife Jennifer Conlon told Radar that they’re quite happy.

“We are very happy for Amber and her baby,” Conlon said.

“We’re in love ourselves so we don’t have ill will,” she adds. “Their split was a blessing in disguise for everyone involved.”

This crew is acting far too mature about all of this.

Portwood called off her wedding to Baier a second time this year after he failed a lie detector test regarding him making sexual advances.

Toward other people, that is, while dating Amber.

Although the two tried to save their relationship on Marriage Boot Camp, they split for good … and she began dating Andrew Glennon.

Glennon, who was a crew member on that show, promptly got Amber Portwood pregnant with her second child as Baier moved to Vegas.

There, Matt Baier married Jennifer Conlon, pronto.

Yesterday, Conlon spoke out for the first time about their wedding and their relationship, as the couple looks to put any rumors to rest.

Says Matt: “All I ever want is for her to be safe and happy. Amber is very intelligent. If she’s happy then I’m happy. She deserves to be happy.” 

“There are a lot of people who want me to bash Amber because of the situation. I have nothing but good thoughts and hopes for Amber.”

Baier admitted that while he wasn’t “hurt” by her pregnancy, he was blindsided, and wishes he found out from her instead of the media.

“She’s not under obligation to let me know,” he admits. “But I would’ve made the courtesy call because our relationship wasn’t over for long.”

Asked if he hoped he would reconcile with Portwood before the two moved on, Matt said, “We were very co-dependent on each other.”

“When we split there was a sense of ‘this breakup can’t last‘ because we were too dependent on each other,” the 47-year-old added.

“When I got in my relationship and she got in hers that was the sign that it’s really done. My hope is we can we remain friends.”

His new wife is equally hopeful and optimistic.

“When you meet somebody and you have a connection, you know it in your heart,” Conlon said in their candid interview.

“It’s not something you question. It felt right to us. Getting married is something we wanted. We decided it was time, so he asked me to marry him.”

As for those allegations/uncomfortable facts that Baier is a lying, cheating drug addict with 7-9 kids and a sketchy history of supporting them?

“Matt is a wonderful man,” she told Radar.

“What people think of him and how he’s portrayed, that’s not the man he truly is. He is everything and more. He’s generous and loving.”

“It’s unfortunate that people think differently.”

“Matt is a good man, yet he gets attacked in a way I don’t understand. That’s not the person in front of me. His actions don’t show that.”

Conlon says she doesn’t understand the public’s fixation with Matt’s past, adding that it “has nothing to do with the relationship.”

“The life we have now is what we have now.”

“Matt is a wonderful partner, friend and someone who listens. I take a person for who they are today and what they do now.”

Sounds very promising. Of course, they’ve only known each other a few months, and he’s only been apart from Amber a few months.

She’s also not one of the people he owes child support too, so clearly the couple will have to beat some pretty strong odds.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Amber Portwood Reacts to Matt Baier Marriage News: NO 1 CURRR!!

Amber Portwood’s response to Matt Baier’s surprise wedding bombshell isn’t what a lot of people expected, given the couple’s history.

The Teen Mom OG star’s longtime boyfriend and sometime fiance got married this week in Las Vegas … but she has no f–ks to give.

Despite their intense relationship – they were engaged for over a year, and together as recently as this summer – Amber is just over it.

The Teen Mom OG star “doesn’t care” about her ex-fiance’s surprise marriage, a source reveals, and that’s pretty much all there is to it.

“Amber is happy in her new life,” the insider says.

“She doesn’t care that Matt is married.”

As previously reported, Matt Baier married Jennifer Conlin earlier this week; Matt and Jennifer have been together for just a few months.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, which broke the story late Tuesday, Conlon is 35-year-old waitress at a Las Vegas restaurant.

She’s also a single mother of two daughters of her own; Baier has between seven and nine kids (reports vary) from previous relationships.

Little is known about his romance with Conlon, including how or when exactly they got together, and Matt says he’s keeping it that way.

Baier told E! News, is “not a public figure … we kept our relationship private,” he says, adding that he never proposed to Jennifer either.

“It was one of those situations where it just kind of felt like the right thing. We really get each other. We both have overcome a lot of stuff.”

“It felt like the right thing to do,” Matt added.

“It just kind of happened that way.”

Portwood did not have any advance notice about it, from what we’re told, as The Ashley reports “Amber [was] not aware that he got married.

She and Baier officially ended their turbulent relationship this past August, not long after calling off their wedding for the second time.

The final straw was when Baier, a recovering drug addict, offered her co-star member Catelynn Lowell a Xanax at a press day in NYC.

This was upsetting for several reasons, not the least of which that it’s illegal, but perhaps more significantly, that he claimed to be sober.

His authenticity called into question, Baier later took a lie detector test and failed when pressed about sexual advances toward others.

Amber later opened up about the breakup:

“It was rough, but it was a necessary thing to do. I needed to see where I was in my head and it’s a beautiful thing because I just feel better.”

A major reason she’s feeling better is Andrew Glennon, a crew member she met on Marriage Boot Camp (which she filmed with Baier).

While she went on that show ostensibly to reconcile – or at least reach some level of closure – with Baier, things took a different turn.

She ended up dating Glennon, and though she insists there was no cheating or overlap with Matt, that relationship progressed quickly.

Five months later, Portwood, the mother of 9-year-old Leah with ex Gary Shirley, as Teen Mom fans know, is having a baby with Andrew.

“When I first found out I was a little scared. I don’t know what to expect. Having a new baby is new likes, new wants, new needs,” she said.

“So it’s very nerve-racking,” Portwood added, insisting that despite that, ”We’re both very happy. I feel like it’s a new chapter of my life.” 

It sure is. 


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Amber Portwood: Matt Baier is Driving Me NUTS!!!

The new season of Teen Mom OG is almost here! And that means another glimpse into the everyday life of "production puppet" Amber Portwood.

We know how things go for Amber — she ends up pregnant with her second child, and not by Matt Baier. Their engagement is over.

But it won"t be until we actually watch Season 7 that we see exactly how she got to where she is. But here"s a sneak peek into Amber and Matt"s crumbling relationship.

Amber portwood a photo

Whether you need to set your DVRs or you just watch Teen Mom OG online, folks, the new season is nearly upon us.

That means a lot.

Big highlights are going to include seeing Farrah Abraham get up to her usual nonsense … in what might be her final season.

Remember, Farrah Abraham announced that MTV had fired her over her sex work.

Other reports suggested that perhaps the real problem was that no one likes Farrah.

Farrah walked it back later, saying that she had learned that she was not fired, but … we don"t know what to make of all of that.

Farrah isn"t exactly considered to be a reliable source.

Regardless, we don"t know if we"ll see her on MTV again or not, so we"ll have to "treasure" these last moments with Farrah.

(Or maybe just plan a party for her final episode)

But let"s not allow that to distract us from Amber Portwood.

Remember, she goes from an engagement to Matt Baier to seeing a new man — Andrew Glennon.

Who is also her baby daddy.

So we"re eager to see every step that she took in going from point A to point B.

Amber portwood at 2017 vmas

In the clip below, Amber Portwood is struggling in her relationship with Matt Baier.

And she"s clearly stressing about things.

Between a need to pamper herself a little and the realities of being a celebrity — that she"s filmed and photographed and wants to look her best — Amber goes in to get her eyelashes done by an esthetician named Beth.

But there"s no rest for the famous, so she gets asked how things are going.

And the short answer is that they"re … not great.

"I feel like with Matt a bunch of different stuff," Amber says.

"I don’t know what is real, what’s not real."

That can happen a lot in rocky relationships, especially when celebrity status is involved. You hear so much — but what do you believe?

Amber lists the things that she"s fed up with:

"With all the women bulls–t, the kid s–t, him, just the way he was sometimes."

She"s already saying "was." Foreshadowing their eventual split?

Amber on teen mom

Of course, Amber"s mother, Tonya, has her own opinion about Matt Baier.

And she"s not being subtle about it.

"He’s just being a horrible person."

Amber doesn"t quite see it that way, countering:

"He"s not a horrible person," she says calmly while Beth works on her eyelashes.

But Tonya"s sticking to her point of view, describing Matt Baier as "a con."

And this is what prompts Amber to back down from badmouthing Baier because she says that she does love him and they have great times together.

Clearly, in the long run, those "great times" weren"t enough.

Amber portwood and andrew glennon

Amber and her mother also mention what they have planned to try to fix things.

Their appearance on Marriage Boot Camp, of course!

(Has there ever been a series that treats its title as just a suggestion to this degree?)

As we all know, this doesn"t quite work out the way that they"d imagined, since Amber Portwood"s baby daddy is a Marriage Boot Camp producer.

And yes, the two of them met while Amber and Matt were filming that series.

Life comes at you fast, as they say.

Watch the clip below to get into Amber"s headspace before she and Matt tried to patch things up:

Amber portwood matt baier is driving me nuts

Monday, November 13, 2017

Gary Shirley on Amber Portwood Pregnancy: This is Too Fast!

Gary Shirley does not mince words.

When it comes to the personal life and decisions of Amber Portwood, his former fiancee, Gare-Bear is never going to bite his tongue.

They have a kid together, after all.

As the father of Amber"s daughter Leah, and the one who had primary custody for much of her life, Gary certainly has reason to talk.

After the news that she"s expecting a baby with Andrew Glennon, one could only imagine the thoughts running through Gary"s head.

Well, imagine no longer.

Gary spoke to In Touch about her relationship, as well as her previous romance with Matt Baier, and tried to reserve judgment. Mostly …

1. The Parents-to-Be

Amber portwood and andrew glennon

Portwood’s baby news took a lot of people by surprise, as the two had just started dating. “I’m very excited for my future with Andrew and our little family we are starting together!” Amber said in announcing her surprise pregnancy this fall.

2. They Sure Are

Were preggers

Amber’s impending child will leave Farrah Abraham as the only one of the four OGs with only the original child from their 16 & Pregnant days … how does Portwood’s ex, and her daughter’s father, feel about it?

3. Thumbs Up From Gary

Gary shirley at 2017 vmas

“I think she is less controlled now,” he told In Touch, comparing her relationship with Andrew Glennon to her previous onewith Matt Baier.

4. Still, Pretty Fast Though

Gary shirley 2016 vmas

“With Matt, I think she needed to take time to heal,” he adds, noting just how strenuous her romance with Baier was, though he is careful to add that “it’s her life, not mine.”

5. Hedging His Praise

Hedging his praise

Gary has no problem with the guy, but … “I don’t know him [well] enough,” Shirley said of Glennon, adding, “I’m not saying she should’ve waited on him. I think she should’ve dated.” But … getting pregnant?

6. The Truth Comes Out

Gary shirley of teen mom

Gary said earlier this year, “I think the last time they talked … I don’t know what they’re doing … but I think he was trying to relocate or something. I think she should’ve stayed single longer.”

View Slideshow

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Amber Portwood Reveals Bizarre, Troubling Details of Her Pregnancy

Amber Portwood is really, truly pregnant with her second child

It looks like we’re really doing this thing.

The whole thing is just so confusing, because Amber’s always made it clear that she didn’t plan on having more children.

She’s said that the medication she takes for her mental illnesses would make it impossible for her to have a healthy pregnancy, because of the side effects the fetus would suffer.

And also because it simply wouldn’t be a good idea for her to be off those meds for nine months.

On top of that, she said all the way back on her 16 and Pregnant episode that she never planned on being a mother at all, so there’s that.

But at this point, it doesn’t really matter what she said or what she planned on, because she’s pregnant with this dude she’s only known for a few months and that’s just the way it is.

Like we said, we’re really doing this thing.

In a new interview with Us Weekly, Amber gives all sorts of details about her pregnancy: how far along she is, what she’s been craving, how father-to-be Andrew Glennon is dealing with it all.

She even addresses the issue of her medication — turns out she just stopped taking it a few months ago.

To be more specific, she stopped taking it a few months ago when she broke up with Matt Baier, to see if her issues stemmed from mental illness or being so closely involved with a great big douchebag.

“I wanted to see if I was just unhappy because of the things that were going on in my life,” she explains. “I needed to see where I was in my head and it’s a beautiful thing because I just feel better.”

“I feel happier and not so depressed.”

It’s worth mentioning that Amber’s said she suffers from borderline personality disorder and that she’s also bipolar — it’s not exactly a situation in which she may have felt depressed because of a bad relationship.

It’s also notable that with this timeline, she stopped taking her meds right around the same time that she started posting those truly bizarre Instagram videos in the middle of the night.

But sure, this is fine. This is all fine.

Amber admits that “When I first found out I was a little scared,” which is obviously totally natural.

“I don’t know what to expect,” she adds. “Having a new baby is new likes, new wants, new needs, so it’s very nerve-racking.”

About telling her family, she says “I was nervous. Obviously it’s non-traditional. Usually parents want you to be married first and things like that.”

“But you know me, if I didn’t do things the way I did, I wouldn’t be me.”

Too true.

As for Andrew, he of the multiple restraining orders, Amber says that he’s “very excited” and that he’s “already thinking about the future.”

“He’s already talking about reading baby books,” she says.

He’s not reading them yet, but he is talking about reading them. So.

“I’m very blessed,” she says, “and just happy that we’re starting this journey together, and can’t wait to see where we’ll be in a year, so I’m very excited.”

She’s two months along right now, so in a year she and Andrew will have about a five-month-old baby. How weird is that?

Speaking of weird things, Amber is already having some pretty wacky cravings: for example, she’s been eating sandwiches containing peanut butter, cheese, crackers, and pickles.

“Some people are probably going to be like, ‘ewww,"” she acknowledges. “But when I first found out I was pregnant, I really had a craving for that.”

“My brother made it up when we were young. It’s probably the weirdest craving I’ve had. That and chocolate milk.”

But don’t think she’s out there in Indiana, shoveling peanut butter, cheese, and pickle sandwiches in her mouth — she says that “Andrew is very adamant on making sure that I’m eating nothing but fruits, veggies, meats and organic foods.”

Sure, eating healthy foods is a great thing to do, especially during pregnancy, but when you combine that controlling little tidbit with the rest of Andrew’s history, it sounds a little like a red flag, right?

Not that it matters. Amber’s in way too deep now to run.

On a sweeter note, she says that while she’ll be “happy with whatever,” she’s hoping for a boy this time around — and so is her daughter, Leah.

“But I swear, to me, it’s a joy having a baby at all,” she adds.

We really, really hope that’s the case, and that Amber turns out to be a wonderful mother this time around, happy and healthy and just 100% good.

We’re not going to hold our breath though.
