Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: PISSED About Lauren Comeau Pregnancy?!

Yesterday, the world learned that Javi Marroquin’s girlfriend, Lauren Comeau, is pregnant.

And as with everything Javi does, the announcement was beset by controversy.

The main concern among fans was the timing of the news.

After all, it was just four months ago that Javi broke up with Briana DeJesus.

The man has never been a fan favorite, but if it turns out he impregnated Lauren while still dating Briana, he may find himself with fewer supporters than ever.

Then there was the question of Kailyn Lowry.

Just days before word got out that Javi and Lauren had gotten back together, Marroquin and Lowry appeared to be on the verge of reconciliation.

Which means there was almost certainly a time when Kail thought she was repairing her relationship with Javi, little knowing that Lauren was already carrying his baby.

It’s not hard to see how the news might have been very poorly received by Javi’s ex-wife.

But remarkably, it seems Kail was pretty cool about the whole thing.

Or at least that’s what Javi would have us believe.

“Linc [Javi’s son with Kailyn] knew, so I didn’t want him spilling the beans before I did, but she took it well and I think we’re both at a point in our lives where we are happy for each other,” Marroquin recently told Us Weekly.

He went on to detail the moment that he and Lauren received their life-changing news:

“When we realized there was a possibility of having a baby, we decided to take the pregnancy test while together. I was excited at first, then got a little bit of cold feet,” Marroquin revealed.

“Like, I can’t believe this is happening. Lincoln is almost 5, so so many emotions going through my head.”

As for what’s next for him and Lauren, Javi’s not talking wedding plans yet, but he says he and Comeau are at least planning to spend more time in the same state:

“We are gonna find out the gender and have a gender reveal planned with Linc,” he continued.

“We have a solid plan of when she is coming to Delaware! [Lauren currently lives in South Carolina]. As of now, we’re enjoying this first one before we even think of any more kids.”

When you’re starting a family with someone, it’s always good to spend as much time as possible in the same state.

We’re sure that would be an expression, if there were more situations like Javi’s.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the bonkers love life of Mr. Marroquin.


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Kenya Moore Deletes Baby Bump Photo as Fans Question Her Pregnancy

As much as Kenya Moore has slammed divorce speculation, some fans still think that Kenya is faking her marriage and her pregnancy.

These ridiculous rumors are clearly getting under Kenya’s skin.

In fact, the RHOA star was apparently so upset that she deleted a sweet photo of her and her husband … possibly because he wasn’t wearing his ring.

The photo that we have for you below looks totally innocuous.

But Kendra has deleted it from her Instagram page without warning or explanation.

In it, she and husband Marc Daly are enjoying a relaxing evening of golf.

Some fans noted that Kenya appears to be showing a bit of a baby bump. Others noted that she appears to be concealing it.

There was some whining in the comments about Marc’s wedding ring being off of his finger — he removed it to play golf, folks.

There is nothing in this image that should lead to it being deleted from social media, and yet … it is gone.

On Friday, Kenya addressed the conspiracy theorists who seemed to believe that she was fabricating her pregnancy or even her marriage.

“@bet @celebrity_insider_org @theinquisitr shame on you for constantly regurgitating the slanderous fake news from #radaronline.”

She then lists some of the stories that have gotten under her skin.

“Fake Husband, Fake Pregnancy, Fake Boyfriends, Fake Storyline, FIred, Fake Divorce.”

She hates false stories and she hates seeing them recycled.

“At least be effing original with your hateful lies.”

She says that she understands being a subject of speculation, but that she wants her family left out of it.

“I’m used to you all making up stories to get clicks off my name but LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE.”

She signed off, writing:

“#thatamrsdaly2you #blacklove”

Forget the conspiracy theories. Kenya is pregnant, folks.

Some fans weren’t sure if she was really pregnant when she made the announcement at the reunion.

“We will definitely be welcoming a boy or girl in late this year.”

When Andy asked about her due date, Kenya grew a little shy.

“Well, I don’t want to talk about the details because I’m just still — I’m just still very nervous about everything.”

This will be her first child. Notably, Kenya is 47 years old.

“And I just want to get past a safe place.”

Very understandable.

Fans have been on the lookout for Kenya’s baby bump for a while, without much luck — she’s been, well, a little shy.

This has led to all sorts of speculation, including the idea that perhaps she is using a surrogate.

Kenya saw that and responded on Twitter.

“No surrogate but maybe my next one.”

Surrogates — or probably a gestational carrier, in this case — are a smart, though expensive, choice for people whose pregnancies may be particularly risky.

When fans asked why she is being so shy, Kenya wrote on Instagram:

“I was not planning on speaking about my pregnancy this early as due to my age I’m high risk.”

She hastily deleted the comment.

Does Kenya deleting the golfing photo mean that there’s trouble in her marriage or with her pregnancy?

We can’t rule it out, but … there may be a simpler explanation.

Maybe she got tired of seeing all of the hateful comments and the spiteful speculation about her husband and her pregnancy — two major sources of happiness in her life.

She may be a public figure and a reality star, but that doesn’t mean that she has to listen to people’s chatter about her on her own Instagram page.

Right now, Kenya has to do what’s best for her health and for her baby. She can delete whatever she wants.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Bradley Beal"s GF Kamiah Adams Goes Nude For Pregnancy Photoshoot

Bradley Beal’s a VERY lucky man … and the proof is in gorgeous baby mama Kamiah Adams’ totally nude pregnancy photoshoot. The Washington Wizards baller and former ‘Love & Hip Hop’ star have been dating for over a year now … and announced…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Kenya Moore Accused of Faking Pregnancy AND Marriage! What?!

Kenya Moore went on a date night and she shared a photo of herself with her husband, Marc Daly. And then all hell broke loose in the comments.

Some followers wanted to know why Marc isn’t wearing his ring. Those comments were enough to get Kenya to actually respond.

And others questioned why pregnant Kenya Moore doesn’t seem to be showing a baby bump.

Kenya shared this cuddly photo of the two of them.

She provided a little context in her caption:

“#DateNight with bae [red heart emoji]”

She also added:

“(Bae’s ring is on the table thank you for asking)”

When a celebrity has updated their captions to answer a recurring question from fans, you know that the comments are going to be interesting.

Kenya’s followers did not disappoint.

“I thought you were pregnant? Oh I get it #TryingToStayRelevant”

If you’ll recall, Kenya said that she and Marc are expecting a child — even though she’s 47.

“Where’s the baby bump? Maybe surrogate???”

That’s always possible, though it’s not the case for Kenya, as we’ll explain later.

“Where’s your baby bump?”

She’s clearly hugging her husband. That’s not going to put her bump on display.

Then there’s this ominous af comment:

“What we say and do, will be returned to us.”

That unexplained comment is going to keep us awake at night.

“I thought she was pregnant she don’t look pretty on this picture.”


“A surrogate mother is a blessing congrats!!! Your lil one will be precious.”

She’s … not doing a surrogacy, and it’s weird that people assume that she is.

“Where is the pregnant belly?”

Right there, just not being emphasized by her pose, folks.

“I thought she was pregnant. What happened?”



We did not in any way exaggerate the number of question marks in that person’s all-caps comment.

“Her ass looks pregnant.”


Kenya was also bombarded with questions about the location of her husband’s ring, which she answered in her own comment.

“Jeez on the table. He can’t swing the club with it.”

Rings can get in the way, folks.

Kenya also had her defenders in the comments, of course.

“So happy for you both! Who cares about a ring!! Love has no boundaries held within a ring. Be free and who cares what other people think!!”

When she offered that explanation, she was told that it was not owed.

“You do not have to explain anything.”

Others shot down the absurd rumor that she was somehow faking a pregnancy.

“I see the bump…y’all blind!”

Fans wished her the best.

“So happy for you don’t let Social media mess up your relationship.”

One of Kenya’s defenders left a comment so entertaining that we absolutely had to share it with you.

Here, she smacks down one of Kenya’s critics:

“Wow no child left behind law helped you move right along didn’t it? Anyone who still menstrates can have a baby. Medicine can also assist in having a baby. For example, IVF treatments is one. Please educate yourself before making yourself look like a PURE FOOL.”


Kenya, by the way, took to Instagram stories to make one thing perfectly clear:

“No I don’t have a surrogate.”

Let celebrities share photos of themselves, please, without harassing them in the comments.


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Tori Roloff Finally Addresses Those Pesky Pregnancy Rumors

Tori Roloff has already celebrated three birthdays this month:

Her own. Her husband’s. And her son’s.

However, Little People, Big World fans around the Internet have been wondering for weeks now whether a different sort of birthday is about to arrive in the near future.

A literal day of birth, we mean.

As in: They want to know if Tori is pregnant again!

For reasons that sometimes seemed understandable and other times seemed like a major stretch, social media users have interpreted various Roloff photos of late to mean she’s expecting.

In late April, for example, Tori lay on a blanket alongside son Jackson Kyle and placed her hands on her belly and… that was it.

Pregnancy speculation ran wild as a result of this photo.

Prior to that picture-uploading, Tori asked fellow mothers about the pain she experienced while breastfeeding.

And because this can be a sign that one has a child in one’s womb, folks once again jumped to that hopeful conclusion.

And then there was the most outlandish basis of all for thinking Tori was pregnant for a second time, one we documented in the photo gallery below:

Still, it is true that Tori has made clear she wants to have more kids.

She cannot stop gushing over little Jackson; or over the amazing way in which husband Zach is a father.

Yes, Jackson only just turned a year old, meaning she would have gotten pregnant VERY soon after giving birth if she were already knocked up.

But crazier things have happened, right? Perhaps she wants her kids to be very close in age?

Perhaps she does… but not this close in age, Tori has finally made clear.

She just jumped on Instagram and acknowledged the chatter circulating about her belly.

Based on this photo alone, some people think Tori Roloff is pregnant.

In an Instagram Story clip of her son crawling across her lap, Tori takes note of her stomach, realizes some followers may think it’s large for a very specific reason and says the following:

No I am not pregnant. That is just my burrito from yesterday. Kthanksbye.

Ah, well… okay then! That settles that debate!

As mentioned above, we’d be very surprised if Zach and Tori do not expand their family at some point.

But they are 27 years old and have an infant at home. What’s the rush?

Until she does have a second pregnancy announcement to make, Roloff is as content as possible to fawn over her son.

And we can’t blame her: Jackson is SO very adorable!

“I love you so much bud,” Tori wrote as part of a tribute to her son on his first birthday, adding:

“This year has gone by way too fast. You bring me such happiness and you have spoiled me as your mom.”

Check out precious photos of Jackson below, but be warned:

We sort of adore this child and may have gotten carried away! There are LOTS of photos!


Friday, May 11, 2018

Amber Portwood: I Had BRUTAL Morning Sickness the Whole Pregnancy!

In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, Amber Portwood welcomed her baby boy.

Amber is happy that her son is born and that she’s given Leah a baby brother. But … she is also relieved.

Apparently, Amber’s pregnancy was harder on her than she ever let on. This sounds brutal.

A source tells People that Amber Portwood’s pregnancy complications were intensely rough on her.

“Amber spent almost her whole pregnant feeling sick.”

A little morning sickness — which involves, ugh, vomiting — is not uncommon early on during pregnancies. For some women, it’s the first indicator that they are pregnant.

“Not just the first trimester, and not just in the mornings.”

That sounds like a truly miserable existence.

“She was sick day and night.”

That is heartbreaking to hear.

“It was brutal.”

The good news, of course, is that Amber Portwood welcomed her son with Andrew Glennon.

“Baby James is here and Amber is over the moon”

He was born weighing 7 pounds and 11 ounces, which is above average but doesn’t make him a goliath by any measure.

We knew that he was born early on Tuesday, but the insider confirms that he was born at 1:39 in the morning. That’s very, very early.

All of that suffering must have felt worth it when she looked at his tiny little face, right?

Apparently, the extreme sickness did not come as a surprise — because she had gone through the same thing with Leah.

“It was the same problem she had in her first pregnancy, she was just sick all the time.”

Nine years is a long time, but not long enough to forget what it’s like to spend nine months being betrayed by your own body.

But, apparently, she felt that it would be worth it.

“In spite of all that she was just so happy to be starting over with a guy like Andrew.”

That’s nice to hear, since fans have heard how messy Amber and Andrew’s relationship is.

“And now that the baby is here, they are over the moon.”

Okay, that insider needs to find some new idioms. (But we’re all guilty of that from time to time)

This wasn’t actually a huge surprise to Amber’s fans.

While she didn’t tell fans exactly how bad it was, she certainly let people know that her pregnancy was not all smooth sailing.

When Amber went into early labor, she was unable to sleep, and she shared with her fans that she was having a hard time.

But that was last weekend, just two days before she gave birth.

it is absolutely horrifying to imagine that she was sick at all hours of the day.

Even if that insider is exaggerating … many people are amazed that she decided to have another baby at all, given what she was in for.

The first photos of sweet baby James that we’ve seen are so cute.

And Amber seems so at peace, too.

We also love seeing 9-year-old Leah cradling her baby brother.

That’s a hell of an age difference. In a lot of households, this would lead to Leah being yet another primary caregiver for her little sibling.

But we’re sure that Leah and baby James will have plenty of time to bond with each other and forge a beautiful sibling relationship.

We are so sorry to hear that Amber had such a hard time bringing him into this world, however. But at least that ordeal is in the past.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Jill Duggar: Pregnancy CONFIRMED By Eldest Son?!

We don’t need to tell you there are many strange things about life in the Duggar family.

Most of these eccentricities are the result of the family’s strict fundamentalist belief system.

But some of the customs and traditions that may cause the outside world to look askance at the Duggars seem to have nothing to do with the family’s religious views.

Take, for example, the family’s love of pickles.

If you’re a longtime fan, then you’re no doubt aware that the Duggars really, really love their brined cucumbers.

Like, to the extent that a child trying his first pickle is considered a milestone event to be documented and shared on social media.

Earlier this week, Jill Duggar’s eldest son, Israel, bit into his first Vlasic, but the momentous occasion was overshadowed by a comment he made in the video shot by his mother.

“We’re gonna have another baby,” Izzy tells Jill in the clip.

Jill responds with apparent confusion, saying, “Another baby? What?” but after that, both parties drop the subject.

Many fans think it was Jill’s way of coyly hinting that she’s indeed pregnant with her third child.

As is the case with all married females in the Duggar clan, rumors that Jill is pregnant circulate pretty much non-stop, but rarely they supported by such seemingly solid evidence.

Israel very much seems as though he’s repeating something he’s been told, and despite her best efforts, Jill’s incredulity routine isn’t terribly convincing.

And of course, the news would come as no surprise, as both Jill and her controversial husband, Derick Dillard, have gone on record as saying they’d like to have as many children as possible.

“Both of us want as many kids as God will give us and we’ve talked about adoption,” Jill said in an interview not long after her wedding.

“My parents have kept popping them out — so we’ll see how [our] fertility is!”

Thus far, it seems fertility is not an issue for Jill.

Finances, on the other hand, might be a very different story.

In November of 2017, Derick was fired from Counting On after launching a transphobic tirade at fellow TLC star Jazz Jennings.

Shortly thereafter, Jill quit the show in a gesture of solidarity, thus leaving the family with no source of income.

In the months since, Jill has resumed working as a midwife, but the fact that she lacks the qualifications and accreditations will likely prevent her from turning much of a profit with her latest business venture.

For his part, Derick does not appear to have sought new employment at all.

So in all likelihood, Jill and Derick have another child on the way – but we hope they realize that means one of them will need to bite the bullet and get a full-time job.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, May 7, 2018

Chelsea Houska Previews "Scary" Teen Mom 2 Season, Third Pregnancy

Teen Mom 2?

For Chelsea Houska, it’s more like:

Long-time Teen Mom cast member, about to take THREE.

Indeed, Houska announced in mid-March that she’s pregnant with her third child, taking Instagram followers by surprise by writing the following about two months ago:

“A sweet baby girl will be joining the DeBoer clan in a few short months! We could not be more excited!”

Yup, we even know the gender of the newborn that will be joining daughter Aubree and son Watson in this family.

And we also know that Houska and DeBoer – who got married in October of 2016 welcomed little Waston just several weeks later in January – are expecting to become parents again in early September.

How is everyone feeling about the impending addition?

“Aubree is super excited,” Chelsea tells E! News, adding:

“She wanted a girl this time so she is excited and she is so much help. But Watson, he has no idea.”

In anticipation of Monday night’s Teen Mom 2 season premiere, Chelsea teased in this interview that viewers will go behind the scenes of her pregnancy journey.

They may even get to witness when Cole finds out the major news.

What great luck, huh?

That MTV cameras just happened to be around for this big reveal…

“We do a blood test, so I found out when he was working, so I got to tell him what the baby was on camera so that was exciting,” Chelsea explains.

She then gushes in very adorable fashion over the love of her life:

“I know people always say their husbands are great or whatever but I think mine is the best. He’s patient. He works all day and still comes home and helps me with what I need.

“He makes sure to get time in with the kids before bed. He’s just a good guy all around.”

That makes us very happy to hear.

As any loyal Teen Mom 2 fan knows very well, not every one of these cast members has had the best luck when it comes to men.

This is true for Chelsea herself, who is engaged in a custody battle with awful Adam Lind.

Overall, however, Chelsea is rarely a source of Teen Mom drama.

Her life is pretty stable and, to be honest, pretty darn awesome these days.

“You want to be open and honest because people are going through the same things that we’re going through and it does kind of feel nice when other people can relate to it,” she told E! of the whole filming experience.

“You want to be open but it’s also scary. Even after nine years, it’s definitely still scary.”

She credits Kailyn Lowry and Leah Messer for their support and affection and says she understands her kids may actually see her exploits on television someday.

Or read about her on some celebrity gossip site.

But she’s made peace with this inevitability.

“I think Watson is going to be fine because he’s seeing fun, family times. I think Aubree is going to be a little more difficult because she’s going to see the relationship with her dad and she’s going to have a lot of questions about our relationship and her relationship with him.

“We’ve always been open with each other.

“She is open with me and can talk to me so I just want to keep it that way so for when they do watch it, she feels comfortable and won’t have any surprises.”

Teen Mom 2 returns tonight and airs Monday nights at 9/8c on MTV.


Blac Chyna and YBN Almighty Jay: Breakup Caused by Pregnancy Rumors?

Early last week, rumors were circulating that Blac Chyna was pregnant with YBN Almighty Jay’s baby.

Now, however, some cryptic but not-too-subtle posts on social media by YBN Almighty Jay have fans asking if the two of them have broken up.

Did the pregnancy rumors lead these two to part ways?

Even fans were shocked by the recent pregnancy rumors.

At 18, YBN Almighty Jay is just too young to be a father. And Blac Chyna is still fighting her last baby daddy in court.

But the new rumor is just that these two have broken up. And this rumor doesn’t come out of nowhere.

The Shade Room writes:

“Oop! #YBNAlmightyJay was in #ZoeyDollaz IG live comments saying he’s a “free man” and he “cut her off.””

Take a look at this image that they shared.

YBN Almighty Jay hints at breakup

Sure enough, that appears to show YBN Almighty Jay writing:

“I cut her off bro.”

Then people see him write this:

“I’m a free man.”

Now, he doesn’t say Blac Chyna’s name, but most people, upon seeing those words, very naturally jumped to the conclusion that the two have split.

Did breakup rumors end their relationship?

It’s possible.

But it is also looking like YBN Almighty Jay may have been talking about someone else entirely.

Just a couple of hours after The Shade Room posted that screencap, YBN Almighty Jay responded to what must have been an outpouring of questions from fans and friends.

His response was indirect, and was just a photo of him and Chyna snuggling on a couch. (That photo up top, folks)

His caption was simple: three emojis.

The first of a red heart. The second of a lock. The third of a key.

It seems self-evident that he is saying that Chyna still has his heart on lock.

Some may suggest that he started to break up with her but that he’s staying with her for the baby.

But a source tells HollywoodLife that Blac Chyna isn’t pregnant. Not with YBN Almighty Jay’s baby or anyone else’s.

“Blac is not pregnant but she loves letting people think she is.”

Classic Chyna.

“She lives for this kind of attention.”

That … certainly matches her brand.

“She knows it’s driving Ro​b crazy, so she’s going to keep this rumor going for as long as she can.”

It is reported that Rob Kardashian is furious over the pregnancy rumors. And so is Tyga, apparently.

Then the source continues and begins to share some TMI about the couple.

“Plus, the rumors are a huge turn on for her and her boyfriend.”

Honestly? That’s not something that we ever needed to know.

“He loves fantasizing about getting her pregnant, so any chance she gets to play into it she’ll take.”

That’s an odd fetish at any age, but mind-boggling at 18.

But that’s their business.

So is everything about their sex life, for that matter.


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Cardi B Says Pregnancy Triggers "Vivid Dreams"

Cardi B seems a little bit haunted by a phenomenon she’s experiencing during her third trimester of pregnancy — vivid dreams. We got Cardi in Bev Hills Saturday night leaving Mastro’s, and asked her about the baby inside her and what she’s doing…


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Rob Kardashian and Tyga: PISSED at Blac Chyna Over New Pregnancy!

Sources are insisting that Blac Chyna is pregnant again, this time by her 18-year-old boyfriend YBN Almighty Jay. But without confirmation, fans remain bewildered.

You know who else isn’t sure what to believe? Chyna’s confirmed baby daddies, Rob Kardashian and Tyga.

But while Rob and Tyga don’t know if Chyna’s really expecting, they’re both reportedly very concerned about their own children.

HollywoodLife reports that Rob and Tyga are concerned over Chyna’s pregnancy rumors. If true, this story could impact them, too.

“Rob and Tyga are both freaking out over Blac Chyna’s latest pregnancy rumors.”

Rob and Chyna, of course, have one-year-old Dream Kardashian. Tyga and Chyna have five-year-old King Cairo Stevenson.

Apparently, their bond over being Chyna’s current baby daddies is leading to them leaning on each other during these uncertain times.

“Rob has reached out to Tyga asking him what he knows about Blac’s new boyfriend.”

Obviously, any parent wants to make sure that any adult around their child is good and trustworthy. (And yes, YBN Almighty Jay does count as an adult)

“And if he thinks she really could be pregnant with his child.”

Even celebrities sometimes don’t know what to make of rumors, at times.

It sounds like Rob is angry at even the idea of Chyna being pregnant again so soon.

“Rob is furious and doesn’t want to believe it could be possible.”

And he’s looking for answers from anyone.

“So he has been texting on Tyga about what he might know about the awkward situation.”

But it doesn’t sound like Tyga knows, either.

“Neither of the guys have much trust in Blac.”

At this point, even a direct answer might not be enough to satisfy them.

“So no matter what she tells them, they are not sure what to think.”

According to this insider, Tyga has a theory.

“Tyga thinks Chyna may have setup her new guy and planned to get pregnant with his baby since they first started dating.”

Tyga has been dealing with Chyna for longer, and is apparently unwilling to put this past her.

“Even though he is angry about it too, Tyga is not surprised at all about the rumors and believes it could be true.”

Both have understandable parental concerns for Dream and King.

“Neither Rob nor Tyga like the idea of a much younger rapper, that Blac barely knows, having a child with Blac and in the same house with King and Dream.”

Obviously, Rob and Tyga have every right to be concerned about anything that might impact their children … they’re not the only ones who might be feeling concerned.

Blac Chyna is a hot model, but the potential benefits for YBN Almighty Jay dating her are obvious.

His visibility is on the rise thanks to this relationship — and especially thanks to this relationship rumor.

If it’s fake, this is great for his career. But if it’s real … this might be the worst news that he’s ever gotten.

Unlike Rob, he’s not loaded. His net worth is currently unknown, but was just in the six figures not too long ago.

That’s a lot of money for an 18-year-old to have, but not a lot of money at Chyna’s level, you know?

Speaking of his age, though, we’re talking about someone who’s barely old enough to be in college. That is not a good age to become a parent.

Unless YBN Almighty Jay knows that this rumor is false … he has to be worried, right?

For the sake of everyone involved, one hopes that Chyna is not pregnant. She already has two young children with two different baby daddies.

If Chyna’s pregnant again with a teenager’s baby, people will stop seeing her as a clever, calculating seductress who “trapped” Rob …

… And they’ll start seeing her as a walking disaster. Like one of the Teen Mom stars who never got her life together even after a decade of fame.

If you have to be seen as something negative, be viewed as an evil mastermind and not as a walking, talking trainwreck.

That said … there’s a line between concern for someone’s kids and mom-shaming someone for having a hot boyfriend.

Let’s all be sure to not cross it.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Shawniece Jackson Reveals Pregnancy, Married at Sight Relationship Fate

Shawniece Jackson is having herself a week.

On Tuesday afternoon, the Married at First Sight cast member revealed to People Magazine that she’s pregnant with her first child, confirming this exciting news just hours before the Season 6 finale of the series on which she starred.

And Jackson admitted that she and husband Jephte Pierre weren’t exactly planning on the child.

But that doesn’t mean she isn’t psyched about the impending kid’s arrival.

“When I found out I was pregnant, I was absolutely shocked,” Jackson told People, adding:

“I was in the emergency room because I felt awful and had no idea what was wrong. They came back and told me all my symptoms were from pregnancy and that I was pregnant.

“I was totally shocked.”

Again, though, shocked and pumped.

Continued Jackson, making us laugh:

“I’ve always felt like that’s my purpose in life – to recreate some little Shawnieces in life. I think it’s the greatest gift a woman can have. Life is a beautiful thing!”

So that’s the latest on what’s happening inside of Jackson’s womb.

But what about inside of her relationship?

On the Married at First Sight finale, she and Pierre had to decide whether they wanted to remain hitched or not.

Suspense was very much in the air, especially after Jackson said she was more nervous on this decision day than she was on her wedding day.

Jephte started the important conversation off.

“I think you’re a great person and have a big heart and I think we were meant for each other so I’d like to stay married,” he told his wife.

This made Jackson break down in tears. 

In a good way, however.

“I want to stay married because I believe in us,” she replied, explaining her feeling even further as follows:

“We both challenge each other. We both make each other stronger and together, we’ll be unstoppable.”

Even the experts cried at these kinds words were exchanged.

They were then followed by Pierre’s prescient message, uttered before learning that his wife is expecting:

“I think this is the best decision I’ve ever made. If I would have children with you right now, I know I’d be able to trust you in building that future.”

And built it they both will!

Congratulations to the happy couple on their blessed news!


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Pregnancy Details FINALLY Revealed!

Last month, the world learned that Mackenzie Standifer is pregnant with her first child.

Shortly after the news went public, however, Ryan Edwards" wife watched her world fall apart before her eyes.

For starters, Edwards was arrested just days after the announcement.

Less than 24 hours after that shocking development, several media outlets reported that Ryan had been caught cheating on Mackenzie using the dating app Tinder.

Through it all, however, Mackenzie has stood by her man, and sources say she"s thrilled to share her latest pregnancy update with fans:

1. Before the Fall

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer photo

In the weeks leading up to Mackenzie’s pregnancy announcement, she and Ryan seemed to be doing quite well. Now, it appears that was all a charade.

2. A Rapid Decline

Ryan edwards with mackenzie

Ryan and Mackenzie overcame a great deal to get to that good place, and sadly, it all came tumbling down within days of her big announcement. And the downfall started with some shocking news…

3. Ryan’s Deception

Ryan edwards mug shot

In March, Ryan was arrested for a probation violation that stemmed from an earlier arrest for heroin possession. Somehow, Edwards had managed to keep that first brush with the law a secret.

4. Standifer Stands By Her Man

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

Mackenzie went to bat for Ryan after his arrest, telling at least one media outlet that he had not committed any new crimes and merely needed to be booked for his earlier charges.

5. Tinder Surprise

Ryan edwards a photo

But even the ever-loyal Mackenzie must have found herself experiencing some doubts about her marriage when it was revealed that Ryan had contacted at least three different women using the dating app Tinder. He used his actual photo for his profile, but made up a fake bio.

6. Pressing On…

Ryan and mackenzie edwards photo

But despite rumors to the contrary, it seems Mackenzie has no intention of divorcing Ryan. And today, the troubled couple revealed to their loved ones not only the baby’s gender, but also the unusual name they’ve picked out.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Counting On Preview: Joy-Anna Duggar"s Pregnancy Fears Revealed

It"s been less than one month since the latest Counting On season finale left fans clamoring for more of the TV"s favorite fundamentalists.

Fortunately, the Duggar faithful won"t have to wait very long for another round of pregnancies, courtships, and bizarrely specific dress codes

So what"s in store for Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and the rest of the J-squad this time around?

Well, while most reality shows begin to show signs of age when they"ve been on as long as the Duggars have, there"s certainly no shortage of drama in Tontitown.

The exact release date has yet to be announced, but TLC has confirmed that Counting On will be back sometime this summer.

And a new preview for the upcoming slate of episodes reminds us that as more of Jim Bob and Michelle"s children enter adulthood, change is now the only constant in the Duggar family. 

The upcoming season will address such matters as the pregnancy of Joseph Duggar"s wife and the courtship between Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson.

But it"s the scenes focusing on Joy-Anna Duggar that have really captured the interest of fans.

As you"ve likely heard, Joy-Anna welcomed her first child back in February, but because of production lag times, the final months of her pregnancy will be featured on the upcoming season.

And it looks as though there were some frightening complications that are just now being revealed to the public.

Check out the preview below to see what"s in store and watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for the summer premiere


Counting on preview joy anna duggars pregnancy fears revealed

Monday, April 16, 2018

Jenelle Evans Sparks Pregnancy Rumor: Is This a Baby Bump?!?

It"s time to once again stop and wonder:

Is Jenelle Evans pregnant with baby number-four?

Yes, we know this question has been posed many times in the past. (See below.)

But the cocky Teen Mom cast member is actually the one who is now forcing us to ask it once again, following a photo and caption she shared to Instagram in April of 2018.

Ready to see what we mean… and to speculate away?!?

Let"s do this:

1. Let’s Start Here:

Jenelle evans in pool

Jenelle Evans has three kids: a son named Kaiser, a son named Jace and a daughter named Ensley. She’s 26 years old. She really does not need to have a fourth child right now.

2. Nevertheless…

Jenelle on instagram

… the Internet is often abuzz with chatter that Evans is expecting yet another child. It’s something Jenelle herself has even embraced, as evidenced by the article above. (Click on the headline for more.)

3. And Now She’s Doing It Again

Jenelle evans pregnant pic

“They will say she’s pregnant,” Jenelle wrote as a caption to this picture of herself, looking a bit overweight and staring down at her own belly.

4. And She Was Right!

Jenelle evans butt pic

Among the comments left in response to this first photo? “She looks like she has a little Prego pooch!” And: “Deff pregnant her hand is blocking the rest of her stomach… It’s her life she’s has the $ $ to have another child, a beautiful home, etc. Congrats!”

5. Playing the Hashtag Game:

Jenelle evans playful selfie

Evans added the following hashtags to her caption: #Thick #Summer #GoodVibes #Bikini #Rumors. One would think this is her way of shooting down said rumors… but one can never be too sure when it comes to these Teen Moms.

6. I’m Just Thick!

Jenelle evans is thick

This has been a theme of Jenelle’s for awhile now, too. She wrote as a caption to the old picture above that she isn’t expecting, she’s just “thick.”

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